Published Resources Details
- Title
- Technology in Australia 1788-1988
- Edition
- Online
- Imprint
- Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Melbourne, 3 May 2000
- Url
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- Description
A condensed history of Australian technological innovation and adaptation during the first two hundred years. Compiled by Fellows of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering.
Originally published in print by the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering,
Melbourne, 1988.- Source
- Austehc
Related entries
Corporate Bodies
See also
- A. Abrahams & Sons Pty Ltd (1908 - 1971)
- A. C. F. and Shirleys Fertilizers Ltd (1928 - ?)
- A. E. Bishop Holdings Pty Ltd (1945 - )
- A. E. Gibson Pty Ltd (1960s - ?)
- A. Goninan & Co Ltd (1899 - )
- A. M. Bickford & Sons (1863 - 1930)
- A. V. Jennings Group
- Abbott Australasia Pty Ltd (1937 - )
- Acco Transport (1883? - 2002)
- Accum, Friedrich Christian (1796 - 1838)
- Adelaide Chemical Works (1883 - ?)
- Adelaide Electricity Supply Company (1897 - 1946)
- Adolph Basser Computing Laboratory (1956 - ?)
- Advisory Council of Science and Industry, Commonwealth of Australia (1916 - 1920)
- Aerial League of Australia (1909 - ?)
- Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Department of Supply and Development (1949 - 1994)
- African Explosives and Chemical industry (AECI) (1944 - )
- Agricultural Bureau of South Australia (1888 - )
- Agricultural Society of New South Wales (1822 - 1891)
- Aircraft Construction Branch, Department of Supply and Development
- Aircraft Production Commission, Commonwealth of Australia (1940 - 1942)
- Aircraft Research and Development Unit, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) (1947 - )
- Airedale Weaving Mills
- Akhurst, Raymond Joseph (1947 - )
- Albany Felt Pty Ltd (1965 - 1980s)
- Albion Mill
- Albiston, Harold Edward (1897 - 1994)
- Albright and Wilson Pty Ltd (1939 - )
- Alcan Australia Ltd (1970s - )
- Alcoa of Australia Ltd (1961 - )
- Alex McGregor and Company (1860s - ?)
- Allen, Murray William (1927 - )
- Allied Works Council (1942 - 1945)
- Allison and Knight (1841 - ?)
- Alt, Augustus Theodore Henry (1731 - 1815)
- Altona Petrochemical Company Ltd (1960 - c. 1984)
- Altona Petrochemical Complex (c. 1961 - )
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers (1905 - 1921)
- Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd (AWA) (1913 - 1988)
- Amalgamated Zinc (de Bavay's) Ltd (1909 - ?)
- Amcor Limited (1986 - )
- Ammonia Company of Australia (1896 - )
- Anderson, A. J.
- Anderson, C. N.
- Anderson, Valentine George (1885 - 1969)
- Anderson, William
- Angell, Herbert Raleigh (1893 - 1992)
- Anglesea Barracks
- Animal Health Scheme
- Ansell Rubber Company Ltd (1934 - 1977)
- Ansell, Eric
- Ansett Australia (1936 - 2002)
- Ansett Freight Express Ltd
- Ansett Transport Industries Ltd
- Ansett, Reginald Myles (1909 - 1981)
- Apollo Company Works (1873 - 1890s)
- Apollo Stearine Candle Cpy (1890s - c. 1915)
- APV-Bell Bryant (1982 - )
- Aragao, H. de Beaurepaire
- ARC Industries Pty Ltd (1951 - 1980s)
- Archer, John Lee (1791 - 1852)
- Argyle Diamonds (1985 - )
- Ariell, Thomas Harris (1832 - 1875)
- Armaments Chemicals Committee
- Armed Forces Food Science Establishment (AFFSE), Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation (1971 - 1994)
- Army Design Establishment (1959 - 1974)
- Army Invention Board (1932? - 1940?)
- Army Tropical Trials Establishment (1967 - 1977)
- Arnott, William (1827 - 1901)
- Arnott's Biscuits Limited (c. 1865 - )
- Ashton, David Hungerford (1927 - 2005)
- Aspin Pty Ltd
- Associated Glass Manufacturers (1933 - ?)
- Associated Pulp and Paper Mills (APPM) (1936 - 1980s)
- Association for Applied Solar Energy (1954 - 1963)
- Association of Consulting Engineers in Australia (ACEA) (1952 - 2010)
- AstraPak Limited (1977 - )
- Atkinson, James (1795 - 1834)
- Ausonics Proprietary Limited (1975 - 1990?)
- AUSSAT Pty Ltd (1979 - 1992)
- Austal-Pacific Fertilisers Ltd
- Austek Microsystems Pty Ltd (1984 - c. 1994)
- Austin, Brian J.
- Austin, Herbert (1866 - 1941)
- Austin, Thomas (1815 - 1871)
- Austral Bronze Company Pty Ltd (1915 - 1969)
- Austral Nail Company Ltd (? - 1920s)
- Austral Plate Company (1884 - c. 1907)
- Austral Silk and Cotton Mills (1927 - 1939)
- Austral Standard Cables Pty Ltd (1948 - 1988)
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (1893 - )
- Australasian Steam Navigation Company (1851 - 1887)
- Australasian Sugar Company (1842 - 1855)
- Australasian United Paint Company (AUP) (1906 - 1918)
- Australia Post (1975 - )
- Australian - Asian Universities' Cooperation Scheme (1969 - 1981)
- Australian Academy of Science (1954 - )
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (1987 - )
- Australian Agricultural Company (1824 - )
- Australian Aircraft and Engineering Company (AAEC) (1919 - ?)
- Australian Aircraft Consortium (1981 - ?)
- Australian Aluminium Company (1936 - 1970s)
- Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) (1930 - )
- Australian Animal Health Laboratory (AAHL) - CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1985 - )
- Australian Antarctic Territory (1934 - )
- Australian Army (1903 - )
- Australian Associated Oilfields (AAO)
- Australian Association of Scientific Workers (1939 - 1949)
- Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Commonwealth of Australia (1952 - 1981)
- Australian Automobile Association (AAA) (1924 - )
- Australian Ball Bearing Company (1919 - ?)
- Australian Biscuit Company (1950s - ?)
- Australian Broadband Communications Network (1959 - ?)
- Australian Broadband Network
- Australian Broadcasting Commission (1932 - 1983)
- Australian Bureau of Statistics, Commonwealth of Australia (1974 - )
- Australian Capital Territory Electricity Authority (1963 - 1988)
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Commonwealth of Australia (1982 - )
- Australian Chemical Holdings Limited (1953 - 1990s)
- Australian Coal Industries Research Laboratories Ltd
- Australian Coal Preparation Society (1966 - )
- Australian Committee on Computation and Automatic Control (ANCCAC)
- Australian Computer Research Board (ACRB) (1981 - ?)
- Australian Computer Society Inc (ACS) (1966 - )
- Australian Consolidated Industries (ACI) (1939 - 1982)
- Australian Consumer's Association (1959 - )
- Australian Cotton Textile Industries Ltd (ACTIL) (1910s - 1970s)
- Australian Dairy Corporation (1975 - )
- Australian Dairy Produce Board (1935 - 1975)
- Australian Dairy Research Committee, Commonwealth of Australia (1981 - 1986)
- Australian Defence Scientific Service (ADSS), Department of Supply and Development (1949 - 1974)
- Australian Development Aid Bureau (1976 - )
- Australian Explosives and Chemical Company Ltd (1875 - 1897)
- Australian Flying Corps (c. 1912 - 1921)
- Australian Forest Industries (1973 - ?)
- Australian Forestry Council, Commonwealth of Australia (1965 - 1994)
- Australian Frozen Meat Export Company (1880 - 1886)
- Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) (1837 - )
- Australian Geomechanics Society (AGS) (1970 - )
- Australian Geosciences Council Inc (1981 - )
- Australian Glass Company (c. 1878 - ?)
- Australian Industrial Property Organisation (AIPO), Commonwealth of Australia (1992 - 1998)
- Australian Inland Mission, Presbyterian Church of Australia (1912 - c. 1977)
- Australian Inoculant Research and Control Service (AIRCS) (1950s - ?)
- Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (1967 - )
- Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering (AINSE) (1958 - )
- Australian Institute of Physics (1963 - )
- Australian International Development Assistance Bureau (AIDAB), Commonwealth of Australia (1987 - 1995)
- Australian Iron and Steel Pty Ltd (AIS) (1928 - 1985)
- Australian Knitting Mills (1910 - ?)
- Australian Lithofracteur Company (Krebs Patent) Ltd (1870s - ?)
- Australian Manufacturing Council, Commonwealth of Australia (1977 - 1996)
- Australian Meat Board, Commonwealth of Australia (1936 - 1977)
- Australian Meat Company (1865 - ?)
- Australian Meat Research Committee, Commonwealth of Australia (1966 - 1985)
- Australian Merino Society (1967 - )
- Australian Mineral Development Laboratories (AMDEL) (1959 - 1987)
- Australian Mineral Foundation Inc (AMF) (1972 - 2001)
- Australian Mineral Industries Research Association Limited (AMIRA) (1959 - )
- Australian Mines and Metals Association (AMMA) (1918 - )
- Australian Mining Industry Council (1960 - 1995)
- Australian Motoring Association (1903 - 1924)
- Australian Moulding Corporation (1927 - ?)
- Australian National Airways (1928 - 1930s)
- Australian National Airways (ANA) (1930s - ?)
- Australian National Industries Limited (1986 - 1999)
- Australian National Line (ANL) Limited (1989 - ?)
- Australian National Railways Commission, Commonwealth of Australia (1975 - 1997)
- Australian National Research Council (ANRC) (1919 - 1955)
- Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd (ANM) (1938 - 1997)
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Commonwealth of Australia (1987 - )
- Australian Objective Measurement Project (AOMP) - CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1970 - 1971)
- Australian Oxygen Company (c. 1909 - ?)
- Australian Paper Manufacturers Ltd (APM) (1860s - 1986)
- Australian Paper Mills Company Pty Ltd (1896 - ?)
- Australian Petrochemicals Ltd (APL) (1961 - 1970s)
- Australian Post Office (APO) (? - 1975)
- Australian Research Laboratories
- Australian Shipbuilding Industries (1969 - c. 1990)
- Australian Synthetic Rubber Company Ltd (1961 - c. 1990)
- Australian Technology Engineering and Processes Pty Ltd (AUSTEP)
- Australian Telecommunications and Electronics Research Board (1985 - ?)
- Australian Telecommunications Commission (1975 - 1989)
- Australian Towel Weaving Mills (1930 - ?)
- Australian Tree Seed Centre, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1962 - )
- Australian Underground Construction and Tunnelling Association (AUCTA) (1972 - )
- Australian Universities' International Development Program (1981 - 1984)
- Australian Vice-Chancellors' Committee (AVCC) (1920 - )
- Australian Water Resources Council, Commonwealth of Australia (1962 - ?)
- Australian Wine Board (1936 - 1981)
- Australian Wine Research Institute, The University of Adelaide (1955 - )
- Australian Wire Industries Pty Ltd (1921 - 1980s)
- Australian Wire Rope Works Pty Ltd (AWRW) (1923 - 1959)
- Australian Wool Board [I], Commonwealth of Australia (1936 - 1945)
- Australian Wool Corporation [I], Commonwealth of Australia (1973 - 1991)
- Australian Wool Testing Authority [II], Commonwealth of Australia (1963 - 1982)
- Australian Woollen Mills (1909 - 1972)
- Automatic Network and Switching Objectives (ANSO) (1957 - ?)
- AWI Fibresteel
- Axminster/Wilton
- Baas Becking Geobiological Laboratory (c. 1968 - c. 1985)
- Babcock Australia Limited (c. 1980 - c. 1990)
- Bacchus Marsh Concentrated Milk Company (1890 - ?)
- Bach, John Percival Spence (1923 - 2021)
- Badger, Geoffrey Malcolm (1916 - 2002)
- Badocol Pty Ltd
- Baines, James
- Bairnsdale School of Mines (1880s - ?)
- Baker and Rouse Australia Laboratory (1894 - 1908)
- Baker, Thomas (1854 - 1928)
- Baklien, Asbjorn (1929 - 2005)
- Baldwin, Daniel Eric (1894 - 1965)
- Ballarat Meat Preserving Company (1860s - ?)
- Ballarat Pastoral and Agricultural Society (1850s - 1873)
- Ballarat School of Mines (1871 - c. 1976)
- Ballarat Woollen Company
- Bandt, Lewis Thornett (1910 - 1987)
- Banks, Joseph (1743 - 1820)
- Banting, Frederick Grant (1891 - 1941)
- Barker's Textiles
- Barlow, George Edgerton (1924 - 2005)
- Barncastle, A. J.
- Barnes, Charles Stalley (1926 - 2024)
- Barnet Glass and Rubber Company Ltd (1890s - 1941)
- Barney, George (1792 - 1862)
- Barracks Technologies
- Barraclough, Samuel Henry Egerton (Henry) (1871 - 1958)
- Barretts Aerated Waters (1870s - ?)
- Barwon Mill
- BASF Australia Ltd (1964 - )
- Basser, Adolph (1887 - 1964)
- Bates, Gilbert (1900 - )
- Bates, Smart and McCutcheon Pty Ltd (1852 - ?)
- Batman, John (1801 - 1839)
- Baxter, John Philip (1905 - 1989)
- Bayswater Power Station
- Bazeley, Percival Landon
- Beale and Co
- Beard, Maston
- Beasley Industries Pty Ltd (1938 - )
- Beaurepaire Tyre Service (? - 1934)
- Beaurepaire, Francis Joseph Edmund (Frank) (1891 - 1956)
- Bedding, Robin Anthony (1940 - )
- Beetle Elliott Limited (1944 - 1956)
- Bell, Marcus (1881 - 1934)
- Bendigo School of Mines (1873 - )
- Benjamin, Louis Reginald Samuel (1892 - 1970)
- Bennett, John Makepeace (1921 - 2010)
- Berger Paints (1911 - )
- Berlei Ltd
- Best, Charles Herbert (1899 - 1978)
- Bethell, Peter Sedgfield (1922 - 2017)
- Bethlehem International Engineering Corporation (? - 1986)
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation ( - 2001)
- Beveridge, Ian W. (1948 - )
- BF Goodrich - CSRC
- BF Goodrich Chemical Ltd (1960 - c. 1990)
- BGS Medical Corporation (1972 - ?)
- BHP Melbourne Research Laboratories (c. 1960 - ?)
- BHP Shortland Laboratories (1956 - ?)
- BHP Steel International
- Bilger, Robert William (1935 - 2015)
- Biotechnology Australia Pty Ltd
- Birds Eye (Aust) Ltd (1947 - ?)
- Birdseye, Clarence
- Bishop, Arthur Ernest (1917 - 2006)
- Bishop, Wilfrid Barnard Shackson (1898 - 1973)
- Bitumen Oil Refineries (Australia) Limited (1946 - 1963)
- Blainey, Geoffrey Norman (1930 - )
- Blaxland, Gregory (1778 - 1853)
- Bleasdale, John Ignatius (1822 - 1884)
- Bloodsworth, James (1759 - 1804)
- Blunden, William Ross (Ross) (1916 - 2003)
- Boan, Robert Farquharson (1890 - 1952)
- Boas, Isaac Herbert (1878 - 1955)
- Bobardt, Otto
- BOC Gases Australia Limited (1994 - )
- Boden, Alexander (1913 - 1993)
- Boger, David Vernon (1939 - )
- Bonaire Pyrox
- Bond, George Alan (1876 - 1950)
- Bonds Coats Patons Ltd (1970 - 1988?)
- Bonds Industries Limited (1930 - 1970)
- Bonython, W.
- Boral Limited (1963 - )
- Borg-Warner (Australia) Limited (1958 - ?)
- Bornhorst & Ward Pty Ltd (1967 - )
- Bosisto, Joseph (1824 - 1898)
- Boswell, Robert William McGregor (1911 - 1976)
- Boswell, W. N.
- Botany Meat Preserving Company (1875 - ?)
- Botany Petrochemical Complex (1960s - )
- Bottomley, Robert Alwyn (1912 - 2004)
- Bougainville Copper Ltd (1967 - 1970s)
- Bowater Paper Company (1919 - ?)
- Bowater-Scott Ltd (1960? - ?)
- Bowden, Andrew Thomson (1900 - 1968)
- Bowden, Frank Philip (1903 - 1968)
- Bowen, Edward George (1911 - 1991)
- Boyd, J. D.
- BP Australia Pty Ltd (1920 - )
- BP Solar (2000 - )
- Brabham, John Arthur (1926 - )
- Braddoch, T.
- Bradfield, John Job Crew (1867 - 1943)
- Bradfield, Keith Noel Everal (Bill) (1910 - 2006)
- Bradford Cotton Group (1900s - ?)
- Bradford Cotton Mills (1927 - ?)
- Bradford, Leslie (1878 - 1943)
- Brady, Alfred Barton (1856 - 1932)
- Brady, Barry Hugh Garrett (1942 - )
- Brady, Joseph (1828 - 1908)
- Bragg, William Henry (1862 - 1942)
- Brambles Industries Limited (1954 - )
- Brambles Transport Company
- Brambles, Walter
- Branson, Charles
- Bread Research Institute of Australia Limited (1947 - ?)
- Brennan, Louis (1852 - 1932)
- Bridgestone Australia
- Briggs, George Henry (1893 - 1987)
- Brimblecombe, A. R.
- British Australian Lead Manufacturers Pty Ltd (1918 - 1955)
- British Australian Wool Realisation Association (BAWRA) (1921 - 1932)
- British Tube Mills (Aust) Pty Ltd (1938 - )
- Broadfoot, Ross (1949 - )
- Broadhead, Charles Frederick (1882 - 1962)
- Broadsmith, H. E.
- Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty Ltd (BHAS) (1915 - )
- Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (1885 - 2000)
- Broken Hill South Ltd (1885 - 1972)
- Brown, Harvey
- Bruck Mills (Australia) Ltd (1946 - 1970s)
- Brunton, Thomas (1831 - 1908)
- Buhôt, John (1831 - 1881)
- Bull, Lionel Batley (1889 - 1978)
- Bullot, Louis Frederick
- Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Commonwealth of Australia (1946 - 1992)
- Bureau of Sugar Experiment Stations, Colony and State of Queensland (1900 - 2003)
- Bureau of Transport Economics [I], Commonwealth of Australia (1970 - 1977)
- Burgmann, Victor Dudley (1916 - 1991)
- Burke, Robert O'Hara (1821 - 1861)
- Burley, Frederick Richard (1885 - 1954)
- Burstall, Aubrey Frederic (1902 - )
- Burston and Company (1870s - )
- Busby, James (1801 - 1871)
- Busby, John (1765 - 1857)
- Butcher, J. C.
- Butement, William Alan Stewart (1904 - 1990)
- Butler, Richard Edmund (1926 - 2012)
- BWN Vortoil Pty Ltd
- C. D. Haywood Pty Ltd (1875 - 1950)
- Cable and Wireless (C&W)
- Cable Makers Australia Pty Ltd (1940 - ?)
- Cadell, Francis (1822 - 1879)
- Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949)
- Cameron McNamara Pty Ltd
- Cameron, Ian George Dewar (1929 - 2023)
- Campbell, Archie
- Campbell, G. S.
- Campbell, Robert
- Cape Lambert Power Station
- Capricornia Electricity Board
- Capricornia Institute of Advanced Education (1967 - 1990)
- Carba Dry Ice (Australia) (c. 1929 - ?)
- Carbide and Electro Products Limited (c. 1920 - ?)
- Carlton and United Breweries Limited (CUB) (1950 - )
- Carlton Brewery Ltd (1896 - ?)
- Carnarvon Power Station (c. 1968 - )
- Carne, P. B.
- Carrington Slipways Pty Ltd (1958 - ?)
- Carter, R. S.
- Casey, James Joseph (1831 - 1913)
- Casimir, D. J.
- Cavallucci, V. L.
- CBH Grain Terminal
- Celanese Corporation
- Cellulose Australia Limited (1940s - 1969)
- Cement Linings Limited (1936 - ?)
- Central Queensland Meat Export Company ( - 1883?)
- Central Queensland Meat Preserving Company
- Central Research Laboratories, ICI Australia Ltd (1956 - 1990s)
- Central Studies Establishment (CSE), Department of Defence (1969 - ?)
- Central Wool Committee, Commonwealth of Australia (1939 - 1945)
- Centre for Environmental Studies, The University of Tasmania (1975 - )
- Chaffey, George (1848 - 1932)
- Chaffey, William Benjamin (1856 - 1926)
- Chamber of Mines of Western Australia (1901 - 1960s)
- Chamberlain, Albert William
- Chambers, Enoch
- Chandler, B. V.
- Chapman, Wilfrid Dinsey (1891 - 1955)
- Chapple, M. A.
- Charles Atkins Pty Ltd
- Charters, William Wallace Stewart (Bill) (1935 - 2017)
- Cheese Industry Productivity Improvement Project (CIPIP) (1980s - ?)
- Cheetham, R.
- Cherry and Sons (1890s - ?)
- Cherry, Thomas Macfarland (1898 - 1966)
- Child, William Knox (1793 - 1874)
- Chisholm Institute
- Christensen, F. J.
- Christian, Clifford Stuart (Chris) (1907 - 1996)
- Christian, John Hinton Bassett (1925 - 2024)
- Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Chris) (1913 - 2007)
- City of Melbourne Gas Coke Company (1850 - ?)
- Civil and Civic (1951 - )
- Clapp, Francis Boardman (1833 - 1920)
- Clapp, Harold Winthrop (1875 - 1952)
- Clark, Donald (1864 - 1932)
- Clark, Heaton Carr (1889 - 1968)
- Clarkson, William (1859 - 1934)
- Clendinnen, F. W. J.
- Clunies Ross, William Ian (1899 - 1959)
- Clyde - Ryley Dodds Pty Ltd (1970s - ?)
- Clyde Engineering Company Pty Ltd (1944 - 1980s)
- Clyde Industries Ltd (1898 - 1949)
- Coal Industry Tribunal, Commonwealth of Australia (1947 - 1995)
- Coats Patons (Australia) Ltd (? - 1970)
- Cobb, Freeman (1830 - 1878)
- Cochlear Pty Ltd (1983 - 1984)
- Cochrane, John Robert Swan (1891? - 1955)
- Cohen, L. H.
- Cohns
- Coleman, John D.
- Collins Motors
- Collins, H. E.
- Colonial Ammunition Factory (1880s - 1920s)
- Colonial Sugar Refining Company (1855 - 1974)
- Colquhoun, Alan R.
- Colwell, Max
- Comalco Ltd (1970 - )
- Commonwealth Advisory Aeronautical Research Council (CAARC) (1946 - )
- Commonwealth Advisory Committee on Defence Science (CACDS) (c. 1946 - ?)
- Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) (1936 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Arsenal, Commonwealth of Australia (1919 - 1921)
- Commonwealth Cable Management Committee (1960s - ?)
- Commonwealth Defence Science Organisation
- Commonwealth Engineering Company (COMENG) (1950s - 1980s)
- Commonwealth Engineering Standards Association (1922 - 1929)
- Commonwealth Fertilisers (1929 - )
- Commonwealth Fertilisers and Chemicals Ltd (CF&C) (1929 - 2003)
- Commonwealth Industrial Gases Ltd (CIG) (1935 - 1994)
- Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, Commonwealth of Australia (1920 - 1926)
- Commonwealth Litharge and Red Lead Pty Ltd (1927 - ?)
- Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board, Commonwealth of Australia (1942 - 1946)
- Commonwealth Oil Refineries Ltd (1920 - c. 1952)
- Commonwealth Oxygen Ltd (Comox) (1911 - 1935)
- Commonwealth Prickly Pear Board (1919 - 1935)
- Commonwealth Railways
- Commonwealth Rolling Mills (CRM) (1930s - ?)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Commonwealth of Australia (1949 - )
- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL), Commonwealth of Australia (1916 - 1961)
- Commonwealth Solar Observatory, Commonwealth of Australia (1924 - c. 1950)
- Commonwealth Steel Company Ltd (1935 - ?)
- Commonwealth Steel Products Company Ltd (c. 1917 - 1923)
- Complaints Analysis, Recording and Graphing Organisation (CARGO) (c. 1960 - ?)
- Compol Pty Ltd
- Concrete Constructions (NSW) Pty Ltd
- Concrete Institute of Australia (1970 - )
- Connell, John William (1913 - 2016)
- Connick, Wynford (1934 - 2017)
- Consolidated Zinc Pty Ltd (1949 - 1962)
- Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Ltd (1962 - 1997)
- Coode, John (1816 - 1892)
- Cook, G. A
- Cook, James (1728 - 1779)
- Coombes, Lawrence Percival (1899 - 1988)
- Cooper, Daniel
- Coopers Animal Health (c. 1881 - )
- Copper Refineries Pty Ltd (1956 - ?)
- Cordingley, Thomas
- Coreboard Ltd (1957? - ?)
- Cortis-Jones, Beverly (1913 - 1994)
- Cosco Holdings Ltd (1980 - ?)
- Coulson, W. H.
- Courtis, Henry (1829 - 1883)
- Cox, William (1764 - 1837)
- Crankless Engines (Australia) Pty Ltd (1920 - ?)
- Crawford, John Grenfell (1910 - 1984)
- Cromer, Robin N.
- Crompton, James Woodhouse (1924 - 2019)
- Crooks Michell Peacock Stewart Pty Ltd (1971 - 1991)
- Crowe, Robert (1867 - 1955)
- CSIR Division of Aeronautics, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (1940 - 1949)
- CSIR Division of Animal Health and Nutrition, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (1936 - 1944)
- CSIR/O Dairy Research Section, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1939 - 1962)
- CSIR/O Division of Electrotechnology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1945 - 1962)
- CSIR/O Division of Food Preservation and Transport, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1940 - 1960)
- CSIR/O Division of Forest Products (mark I), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1928 - 1971)
- CSIR/O Division of Industrial Chemistry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1940 - 1958)
- CSIR/O Division of Plant Industry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1929 - c. 2014)
- CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1940 - 1996)
- CSIRO Central Experimental Workshops, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1949 - 1955)
- CSIRO Computing Research Section, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (c. 1956 - c. 1967)
- CSIRO Division of Applied Chemistry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1966 - 1974)
- CSIRO Division of Building Research [I], Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1950 - 1971)
- CSIRO Division of Chemical and Wood Technology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1983 - 1988)
- CSIRO Division of Chemical Engineering, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1962 - 1978)
- CSIRO Division of Entomology, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1950 - )
- CSIRO Division of Food Research, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1971 - 1988)
- CSIRO Division of Forest Research, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1975 - 1987)
- CSIRO Division of Fossil Fuels, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1980 - 1987)
- CSIRO Division of Mathematical Statistics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1954 - 1974)
- CSIRO Division of Mechanical Engineering, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1963 - 1981)
- CSIRO Division of Mineral Physics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1972 - 1986)
- CSIRO Division of Protein Chemistry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1958 - 1988)
- CSIRO Division of Textile Industry, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1958 - 1988)
- CSIRO Division of Textile Physics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1958 - 1988)
- CSIRO Pulp and Paper Section, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- CSIRO Section of Mathematical Instruments, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1950 - 1959)
- CSR Chemicals Limited (CSRC) (1939 - 1997)
- CSRC - Dow (c. 1961 - 1968)
- Cuckson Textiles Pty Ltd (? - 1969)
- Cuckson, Eric
- Cullen, R.
- Cullen, R. N.
- Cuming Smith and Company Limited (c. 1872 - 1980)
- Cuming, James (2) (1900 - 1952)
- Cumming, Ronald William (1920 - 1986)
- Cummins, John Edward (Jack) (1902 - 1989)
- Cumpston, John Howard Lidgett (1880 - 1954)
- Cunningham, T. Murray
- Custance, Fred
- Custance, John Daniel (1842 - 1923)
- Czulak, Józef Karol (1915 - 1985)
- D. G. Brims and Sons Pty Ltd (1915 - )
- Dairy Research Centre, State of New South Wales (? - 1970s)
- Dangar, Gedye and Malloch Limited (? - 1961)
- Dangar, Henry (1796 - 1861)
- Daniell, F. H.
- Danne, H. A.
- Dargavel, John (1932 - 2024)
- d'Assumpcao, Henrique Antonio (Henry) (1934 - )
- Davies Coop & Company (1925 - ?)
- Davies Coop Flax Industries Pty Ltd (1940 - ?)
- Davies, Duncan Sheppey (1921 - 1987)
- Davies, George
- Davies, Haydn Lloyd (1927 - )
- Davies, John Griffiths (1904 - 1969)
- Davis Gelatine (Australia) Pty Ltd (1917 - 1990s)
- Davis, Edward Bruce (1920 - )
- de Bavay, Auguste Joseph François (1856 - 1944)
- de Burgh, Ernest Macartney (1863 - 1929)
- De Havilland Australia (1927 - )
- de Morton, M. E.
- Deakin University
- Defence Research Centre Salisbury, Commonwealth of Australia (1978 - 1987)
- Defence Research Laboratories, Commonwealth of Australia (1948 - 1953)
- Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO), Commonwealth of Australia (1974 - )
- Defence Standards Laboratories, Commonwealth of Australia (1953 - 1974)
- Delhi Australian Petroleum Ltd
- Delprat, Guillaume Daniel (1856 - 1937)
- Denniston and Company (1926? - ?)
- Department of Air, Commonwealth of Australia (1939 - 1973)
- Department of Aircraft Production, Commonwealth of Australia (1941 - 1946)
- Department of Aviation, Commonwealth of Australia (1982 - 1987)
- Department of Civil Aviation, Commonwealth of Australia (1938 - 1973)
- Department of Communications, Commonwealth of Australia (1980 - 1987)
- Department of Defence, Commonwealth of Australia (1942 - )
- Department of Defence Scientific Laboratory, Commonwealth of Australia
- Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Sydney
- Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Melbourne (1947 - 1982)
- Department of Electrical Engineering, The University of Adelaide (1940s - ?)
- Department of Foreign Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia (1970 - 1987)
- Department of Health and Aged Care, Commonwealth of Australia (1998 - 2001)
- Department of Housing and Construction (DHC), Commonwealth of Australia (1973 - 1975)
- Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Queensland
- Department of Metallurgy, The University of Melbourne (1880s - 1960s)
- Department of Munitions, Commonwealth of Australia (1940 - 1948)
- Department of Supply and Development, Commonwealth of Australia (1939 - 1942)
- Department of Works and Housing, Commonwealth of Australia (1945 - 1952)
- Derham, Frederick John Walcott (1900 - 1953)
- Dewar, Robert Alfred (1908 - 1981)
- Dick, Margaret Isabella Brownlee (1918 - 2008)
- Dick, S. E.
- Dickie, H. B.
- Dickson, John (1774 - 1843)
- Die Casters Pty Ltd (1926 - ?)
- Diecasting Institute of Australia (DIA) (1972 - 1982)
- Directorate of Armoured Fighting Vehicles, The Australian Army
- Directorate of Machine Tools and Gauges, Department of Munitions (1940 - 1946)
- Diverse Industries
- Division of National Mapping, Commonwealth of Australia (1956 - 1987)
- Division of Pharmaceuticals, ICI Australia Ltd
- Dixon, B. D.
- Dixon, Terence Francis (1952 - )
- Doepel, R. F.
- Domedica Pty Ltd (c. 1970 - 1999)
- Don Gazzard and Partners
- Donaldson, Thomas
- Dookie Agricultural College (1886 - 1983)
- Dorman Long and Company
- Dow Chemicals (Australia) Ltd (1959 - )
- Drug Houses of Australia Ltd (DHA) (1930 - 1974)
- Duerdin and Sainsbury Ltd (? - 1930)
- Duigan, John Robertson (1882 - 1951)
- Dulux Australia Ltd (1971 - )
- Dun, Robert Bruce Macleay (1930 - )
- Dunbar, Duncan
- Duncan, George Smith (1852 - 1930)
- Dunkin, A. C.
- Dunlop Olympic Limited (1980 - 1986)
- Dunlop Perdriau Co Ltd (1929 - 1980)
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Company of Australasia Ltd (1899 - 1906)
- Dunlop Rubber Company of Australia Ltd (1906 - 1929)
- Dunn, Frederic (1855 - 1933)
- Dunn, Frederick
- Dunn, Peter (1928 - 2000)
- Durham Chemicals Australia Pty Ltd (1947 - 1990s)
- Dyasons (1880s - ?)
- Earl, John Campbell (1890 - 1978)
- Eastern Nitrogen Ltd (1966? - )
- Edgell, Robert Gordon (Gordon) (1866 - 1948)
- Edwards Hotwater Systems (1963 - ?)
- Edwards, Austin Burton (1909 - 1960)
- Edwards, B.
- Edwards, B. P.
- Edwards, J.
- Edwards, James Bevan (1834 - 1922)
- Eglo Engineering ( - 1988)
- Elder, Thomas (1818 - 1897)
- Eldridge, Kenneth George
- Electrical Research Board (1944 - ?)
- Electricity Commission of New South Wales (1950 - ?)
- Electricity Supply Association of Australia Limited (ESAA) (1991 - )
- Electricity Trust of South Australia, State of South Australia (1946 - 1995)
- Electrolytic Refining and Smelting Co of Australia (ER&S) Ltd (1907 - 1994)
- Electrolytic Zinc Company of Australasia (1916 - ?)
- Electrolytic Zinc Pty Ltd (EZ) (1916 - )
- Electronics Research Laboratory, Defence Research Centre Salisbury (1978 - 1987)
- Eli Lilly Australia Pty Ltd (1958 - )
- Elliott Brothers Limited (? - 1930)
- Elliott, Sizar (1814 - 1901)
- Elliotts' Chemical Works (1865 - ?)
- Email Limited
- Empire Marketing Board (1926 - ?)
- Energy Authority of New South Wales, State of New South Wales (1976 - 1987)
- Energy Resources of Australia Ltd (ERA) (1980 - )
- Engineering Association of New South Wales (1870 - 1919)
- Engineering Development Establishment (EDE) (1977 - 1994)
- Engineers and Collieries Supplies
- Eraring Power Station (1982 - )
- Eskbank Ironworks Co (1870s - ?)
- Esserman, Norman Abraham (1896 - 1982)
- Esso Australia Limited (1927 - )
- Eucalyptus Mallee Company (1882 - 1885)
- European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) (c. 1960 - c. 1974)
- Evans Deakin and Company Pty Ltd
- Evans Deakin Industries Limited (? - 2001)
- Evans, Henry James (1912 - 1990)
- Evans, John Murray (Murray) (1923 - 2018)
- Evans, W. F.
- Eveready Australia Ltd (c. 1901 - 1957?)
- Evetts, John Fullerton (1891 - 1988)
- Experimental Aircraft Station, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) (1920s - ?)
- Extal Pty Ltd (1982 - ?)
- Exxon Chemical Australia Limited (1967 - )
- F & T Industries Limited
- F. H. Faulding and Co Ltd (1845 - 2001)
- F. J. Walker Ltd (1910 - 1983)
- F. W. Hughes Pty Ltd (1915 - )
- Farrands, John Law (1921 - 1996)
- Farrer, William James (1845 - 1906)
- Farrington, Charles Moulden
- Faulding, Francis Hardey (1816 - 1868)
- Fawkner, John Pascoe (1792 - 1869)
- Felsinger, J.
- Felton Grimwade & Bickford Ltd (1902 - 1930)
- Felton Grimwade & Co (1867 - 1930)
- Felton, Alfred (1831 - 1904)
- Fenner, Frank John (1914 - 2010)
- Fibremakers Pty Ltd (1963 - ?)
- Field Operations Research Section (FORS)
- Field, Thomas (1814? - 1880)
- Fielder, George
- Fielders Ltd (1973 - 1978)
- Fielding, John Mervyn
- Filmer, J. F.
- Filtration and Water Softening Pty Ltd (1928 - ?)
- Fine Chemicals Factory (1940s - ?)
- Fink, Peter Thomas (Tom) (1922 - 1994)
- Finlayson Brothers (1900s - ?)
- Finn, A. E.
- Fitzpatrick, H. M.
- Fitzroy Iron Works (1848 - c. 1886)
- Flakt Australia Ltd (1970s - ?)
- Fleming, Ian Bowman (1913 - 1993)
- Flick, William Albert (1890 - 1980)
- Florey, Howard Walter (1898 - 1968)
- Flynn, John (1880 - 1951)
- Foletta, George Gotardo (1892 - 1983)
- Food Additives Committee (1953 - ?)
- Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations (1945 - )
- Food Standards Committee (FCS)
- Footscray Institute of Technology (1915 - 1991)
- Forbes and Co (1862 - ?)
- Forbes, J. N.
- Ford Motor Company of Australia (1925 - )
- Forest Resources
- Forestry and Timber Bureau, Commonwealth of Australia (1946 - 1978)
- Forestry Commission (of New South Wales), State of New South Wales (1916 - 1993)
- Forestry Commission (of Tasmania), State of Tasmania (1947 - 1994)
- Forests Commission Victoria, State of Victoria (1918 - 1983)
- Fornachon, John Charles Macleod (1905 - 1968)
- Forte, W. G.
- Foster's (1888 - )
- Fowler, Enoch (1807 - 1879)
- Fox, Francis Arthur (1910 - 1999)
- Francis, Arthur James (1914 - 2008)
- Freeman, Albert Henry (Harry)
- Freeman, Ralph (1880 - 1950)
- Freeman, Shirley Estelle (1924 - 2014)
- Freer, Michael
- Freney, Martin R.
- Frost, Herbert John (1910 - 1980)
- Frost, P.J.
- Fuji Horahata Steelworks
- Fuller and Co
- Fulton's Foundry
- Fysh, Wilmot Hudson (Hudson) (1895 - 1974)
- Fyvie and Stewart (1906 - 1932)
- G. & C. Hoskins Ltd (c. 1908 - 1928)
- G. H. Michell and Sons (Aust) Pty Ltd (c. 1870 - 1980s)
- G. K. Williams Laboratory, The University of Melbourne
- G. R. Nicholas & Co (1916 - 1921)
- Gadsden, Jabez (1858 - 1936)
- Garratt, Herbert William (1864 - 1913)
- Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria, State of Victoria (1951 - 1995)
- Gates, Benjamin George (1904 - )
- Gatton Agricultural College, The University of Queensland (1897 - 1990)
- Gee, Alban (1847 - 1917)
- Geelong and Melbourne Railway Company (1852 - 1860)
- Geelong Meat Preserving Company (1871 - 1874)
- General Electric Corporation (GEC) (c. 1882 - )
- General Motors Australia (1926 - 1931)
- General Motors-Holden's Ltd (1931 - 1990s)
- Geological Society of Australia Inc (1952 - )
- Gerard de Preu and Partners (1980 - 2006)
- Gerard Industries Pty Ltd (1931 - )
- Gerard, Alfred Edward (1877 - 1950)
- Gibbs Bright & Co Pty Ltd (1963 - ?)
- Gibbs, A. J.
- Gibson, David
- Gilbert Chandler Institute of Dairy Technology, The University of Melbourne (1967 - )
- Gilbert, John Maxwell (Max) (1913 - 2007)
- Gill, Walter (1851 - 1929)
- Gillies, Alexander
- Gilroy, B.
- Gilruth, John Anderson (1871 - 1937)
- Gipps, George (1791 - 1847)
- Glass, Barnet (1849 - 1918)
- Glaxo Australia Pty Ltd (c. 1972 - c. 1998)
- Glenelg Sewage Treatment Works
- Glenn, Joseph Robert Archibald (Archibald) (1911 - )
- Gold Mines of Australia Ltd (c. 1930 - 1998)
- Goldfields and Agricultural Areas Water Supply Scheme
- Goldsworthy Mining Associates
- Goldsworthy, Ashley William (1935 - )
- Goninan, Alfred (1865 - 1953)
- Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Co (Australia) Ltd (1915? - )
- Gordon Institute of Technology (1887 - ?)
- Gordon, Hugh McLeod (1909 - 2002)
- Gorrie, Alexander Walter (1926 - )
- Gosewinckel, William Graham (1930 - 2013)
- Goulburn Murray Irrigation System
- Goulburn Weir (c. 1887 - )
- Government Aircraft Factories, Commonwealth of Australia (1939 - 1987)
- Grant, J. & G.
- Graydon, John Johnstone
- Green, J. R.
- Green, Richard (1808 - 1878)
- Greenleaf Fertilisers (1965 - c. 1976)
- Greenway, Francis (1777 - 1837)
- Greenwood, John Neill (Neill) (1894 - 1981)
- Grice, William
- Griffiths Bros and Co (c. 1876 - ?)
- Griffiths, Clyde James
- Griffiths, John Alfred (1848 - 1933)
- Grimes, Charles (1772 - 1858)
- Grimwade, Frederick Sheppard (1840 - 1910)
- Grimwade, Wilfrid Russell (1879 - 1955)
- Grose, Ronald Jeffrey (1929? - 2007)
- Grove, Harry Ernest (c. 1880 - 1945)
- Guest, Thomas Bibby (1830 - 1908)
- Guinea Airways (1930s - 1950s)
- Gunmorrow Forrest and Company (1890s - ?)
- Gunn's Plantations Limited (GPL) (1999 - )
- Guthrie, Frederick Bickell (1861 - 1927)
- Gutteridge, Haskins and Davey
- H. C. Sleigh Resources Ltd
- H. J. Heinz Co Australia Ltd (1935 - 1998)
- Habermehl, Maria Andre (Rien) (1943 - )
- Hake, Cecil Napier (1848 - 1924)
- Hall Bros
- Hall, Michael John
- Hall, Robert James
- Hamblin, C. L.
- Hamer, Alan William (1917 - 2012)
- Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd (1964 - )
- Hancock, Dennis
- Hancock, G. Allan (1875 - 1965)
- Hancock, Henry Richard (1836 - 1919)
- Hardboards Australia Ltd (HAL) (1967 - )
- Hardcastle & Richards (1952 - ?)
- Hardie, James (Jim) (1851 - 1920)
- Harding, J. J.
- Hardman Chemicals Pty Ltd (1948 - ?)
- Hardman Laboratory Pty Ltd (? - 1948)
- Hargrave, Lawrence (1850 - 1915)
- Harkness, Don
- Harold Meggitt (1920s - )
- Harris-Daishowa (Australia) Pty Ltd (1970? - )
- Harrison, David Ernest Forester (1939 - )
- Harrison, J. E.
- Harrison, James (1816? - 1893)
- Harrison, Wing Commander H. C.
- Hartnett, John
- Hartnett, Laurence John (1898 - 1986)
- Harwood, J.
- Haskell, John Christopher (1931 - )
- Hastings Deering (Australia) Ltd (1935 - )
- Hastings, R. J.
- Hatrick, A. C.
- Hawker de Havilland Limited (1980s - )
- Hawkesbury Agricultural College (1891 - 1989)
- Hayman, R. H.
- Haywood, Charles Duncan (c. 1843 - 1920)
- Hazelwood Power Station (1970 - )
- Heine, John (1857 - 1928)
- Hella Australia Pty Ltd (1961 - )
- Henderson, V. T
- Henry and Edward Youngman, Youngman, McCann & Co (1850s - )
- Henry Jones & Co
- Henry Lane Ltd
- Henty, Edward (1810 - 1878)
- Henty, Richmond
- Henty, Thomas (1775 - 1839)
- Hercus, Eric Oswald (1891 - 1962)
- Hesketh, John (1868 - 1917)
- Hickinbotham, Alan R. (1898 - 1959)
- Hicks, Cedric Stanton (1892 - 1976)
- Hicksons (Aust) Pty Ltd (1957? - )
- Higgins, Patrick (1825 - 1882)
- Hill, Benjamin
- Hill, G. W.
- Hills, George Watherston (1912 - )
- Hinckfuss, I. C.
- Hinkler, Herbert John Louis (1892 - 1933)
- Hirst, F
- Hoadley, Abel (1844 - 1918)
- Hobart Electric Tramways Company (c. 1884 - )
- Hoddle, Robert (1794 - 1881)
- Hodge, Alan John (1926 - )
- Hoechst Australia Ltd (1964 - c. 1999)
- Hoffman-La Roche
- Hogarth Australian Meat Preserving Company
- Hogg, Frank G.
- Holden, Terence Sydney (1924 - 2004)
- Holden's Motor Body Builders (1918 - 1931)
- Holeproof Hosiery Ltd (1920s - )
- Holland, John Clifton Vaughan (1914 - 2009)
- Holloway, R. A.
- Holmes, Edward
- Holt
- Holyman, Ivan Nello (1896 - 1957)
- Homestead and Community Broadcast Satellite Service (HACBSS) (1980s - )
- Hope, Louis (1817 - 1894)
- Hornibrook, Manuel Richard (1893 - 1970)
- Hoskins, Cecil Harold (1889 - 1971)
- Houdini, Harry
- Housing Commission of Victoria, State of Victoria (1938 - 1984)
- Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine (1971 - )
- Howard Smith Limited (1914 - 2001)
- Howard, Amos William (1848 - 1930)
- Howard, Arthur Clifford (1893 - 1971)
- Howitt, Gordon
- HPM Industries Pty Ltd (1920s - )
- Huckson Diecasting (1929 - ?)
- Huckson, H. J.
- Hudson, H. H.
- Hudson, William (1896 - 1978)
- Hughes, Enoch (1829 - 1893?)
- Hughes, Ernest Selwyn (1860 - 1942)
- Hughes, Helen (1928 - )
- Humble and Son
- Hume Brothers Cement Iron Company Ltd (1910 - 1920)
- Hume Pipe Company (Australia) Ltd (1920 - 1950)
- Hume Steel Ltd (1923 - 1950)
- Hume, Walter Reginald (1873 - 1943)
- Humes Ltd (1950 - c. 1990)
- Hunter District Water Supply and Sewerage Board, State of New South Wales (1892 - 1938)
- Hunter River Steam Navigation Company (1839 - 1851)
- Hurst, Walter Neville (Neville) (1933 - )
- Huskisson, William (1770 - 1830)
- Huston, J. A.
- Hutcherson Bros Pty Ltd ( - 1970s)
- Hutchinson, Raymond Charles
- Hydrocarbon Products Pty Ltd (1977 - )
- Hydro-Electric Commission of Tasmania, State of Tasmania (1930 - 1996)
- IBM Australia Limited
- ICI Australia Ltd (1971 - 1998)
- Imperial Airways (1924 - 1939)
- Industries Assistance Commission, Commonwealth of Australia (1974 - 1990)
- Information Electronics Pty Ltd (1968 - 1980s)
- Ingles, Owen Graeme (1923 - 2017)
- Inglis, Andrea (1962 - )
- Ingram, M. A.
- Institute of Energy and Earth Resources - CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1981 - 1987)
- Institute of Metals and Materials Australasia Ltd (1946 - c. 1999)
- Institute of Quarrying Australia
- Institution of Engineers, Australia (1919 - )
- Institution of Surveyors, Australia (1952 - 2009)
- Insulated Bundled Aerial Cables
- Intercolonial Exhibition of Australasia (1866 - 1867)
- Interim Communications Satellite Committee (ICSC) (1964 - ?)
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (1957 - )
- International Catamarans Pty Ltd (1977 - )
- International Civil Aviation Organisation (1947 - )
- International Combustion Australia Ltd (1929 - 1987)
- International Committee for Telephony and Telegraphy (CCITT)
- International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges Ltd (IDP) (1984 - 1994)
- International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) (1960 - )
- International Harvester Co Aust Pty Ltd (1912 - ?)
- International Maritime Satellite Organisation (INMARSAT) (1974 - )
- International Solar Energy Society (ISES) (1954 - )
- International Standards Organisation (1947 - )
- International Wool Secretariat (? - 1997)
- Interscan Australia Pty Ltd (1970s - ?)
- Isaak, George Richard (1933 - 2005)
- J. Dyson & Co ( - 1980s)
- J. Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd (1883 - 1962)
- J. P. Williams and Associates
- J. W. & T. A. Smith
- Jacobs, Maxwell Ralph (1905 - 1979)
- Jacobsen, L. K.
- Jaeger, John Conrad (1907 - 1979)
- James Bell Machinery Co (1960s - 1965)
- James Cook University of North Queensland
- James Hardie and Co Pty Ltd (1937 - c. 1979)
- James Hardie Industries Ltd (1916 - )
- James Howden and Co Australia Pty Ltd (1962? - ?)
- James N. Kirby Products Pty Ltd (1951 - ?)
- Jansz, Willem (? - 1628)
- Jensen, John Klunder (1884 - 1970)
- Jenvey, W.
- John Connell & Associates (1956 - 1989)
- John Danks and Son Pty Ltd (1859 - )
- John Gibbs and Co
- John Holland Constructions (1950 - c. 1991)
- John Holland Group Pty Ltd (1949 - )
- John Lysaght (Australia) Ltd (1921 - 1980s)
- John Thompson (Australia) Pty Ltd (1924 - ?)
- John Walker & Co Ltd
- Johns & Waygood Ltd (1892 - 1986)
- Johnson, Grove
- Joint Coal Board (1947 - 2002)
- Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, United Nations
- Joint Microelectronics Research Centre (1981? - ?)
- Joint Tropical Research Unit (JTRU) (1962 - 1977)
- Joint Tropical Trials Research Establishment (JTTRE) (1977 - 1988)
- Jolly, Norman William (1882 - 1954)
- Jones Scott & Co (1870s - ?)
- Jones, Henry (1862 - 1926)
- Jones, Leslie John Roberts (1886 - 1970)
- Jones, Llew
- Jones, P. D.
- Joseph Gilling & Partners
- Joseph, Moses (c. 1812 - 1889)
- Joshua Brothers (1874 - ?)
- Joubert, Jules François de Sales (1824 - 1907)
- Joy Manufacturing Company Pty Ltd (1944 - )
- Joyce Brothers
- Joyner, W. B.
- Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), The University of Queensland (1970 - )
- Julius, George Alfred (1873 - 1946)
- Kable and Company
- Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation (c. 1964 - 2003)
- Kalgoorlie School of Mines (1902 - ?)
- Karskens, Grace
- Kaufler, Felix (1878 - 1957)
- Keats, R. W.
- Keeves, Andrew (1927 - 2001)
- Kefford, Jack Frederick
- Keith, Ron J.
- Kelly, Alexander Charles (1811 - 1877)
- Kemble, Francis (1784? - 1844)
- Kempthorne, T. W.
- Kendall, Henry (1839 - 1882)
- Kensington Meat Preserving Company (c. 1915 - c. 1916)
- Kent, Thomas (? - 1832)
- Kenworth Australia (1962 - )
- Kernot, William Charles (1845 - 1909)
- Kerr, R.
- Kessell, Stephen Lackey (1897 - 1979)
- Killer, J.
- Kimberley Research Station - CSIR/O, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1946 - )
- Kimberly-Clark Australia Pty Ltd (KCA) (1956 - )
- Kimpton's Flour Mills
- King Ranch (Australia) Pty Ltd (1960s - ?)
- King, James (1800 - 1857)
- King, Philip Gidley (1758 - 1808)
- Kingsford-Smith, Charles Edward (1897 - 1935)
- Kinsella, J.
- Kirkpatrick, Mervyn Stewart (1923 - 2007)
- Kiwi Boot Polish Company (c. 1913 - c. 1916)
- Kiwi Polish Company (c. 1916 - c. 1971)
- Klockner-Becorit Australia Pty Ltd
- Knight, C. L.
- Knott, John Laurence (1910 - )
- Knox, Edward (1819 - 1901)
- Knox, Edward William (1847 - 1933)
- Kodak (Australasia) Proprietary Limited (2000 - )
- Kolm, Jan Eric (1918 - 2009)
- Koppers Australia Pty Ltd (1967 - )
- Koroit and Tower Hill Butter and Cheese Factory Company Limited (1890s - ?)
- Kottmann, Gustav
- Kraft Foods Limited (1950 - )
- Kraft Walker Cheese Company Proprietary Limited (1926 - 1935)
- Kraft, James L.
- Krebs, Friedrich
- Krummel, Charles
- Kwinana Power Station
- Kyngdon, Francis Broughton (1848 - 1920)
- L. D. Mee Industries Pty Ltd (1978 - 1992)
- L. M. Ericsson
- La Trobe, Charles Joseph (1801 - 1875)
- Labtam Pty Ltd (1972 - )
- Laby, Thomas Howell (1880 - 1946)
- Lal Lal Iron Mining Co (1874 - ?)
- Lamb, B. W.
- Lamber, John B.
- Lamborn, I. R.
- Lamont, F.
- Lancet Analytical Sanitary Commission (1851 - ?)
- Lane Engineering (1919 - ?)
- Langlands, Ian (1906 - 1994)
- Laporte Australia Pty Ltd
- Laser Lab Limited ( - 1997)
- Launceston Municipal Council
- Laurie, John Buxton (1931 - 2022)
- Lavers, Henry
- Lawrenson Diecasting Pty Ltd (1913 - ?)
- Lawrenson, Ralph Harold ( - 1972)
- Lawson, William (1774 - 1850)
- Lay, Maxwell Gordon (1936 - )
- Leak, Jonathon (1779 - 1838?)
- Leech, Jeremy Wilfred (Jerry) (1940 - 2023)
- Leicester, Robert Hocquard (1935 - )
- Leighton, Arthur Edgar (1873 - 1961)
- Lennox, David (1788 - 1873)
- Lennox, Francis Gordon (Gordon) (1912 - 1998)
- Lever Brothers Pty Ltd (1899 - 1962)
- Levy, P. W.
- Lewis, Essington (1881 - 1961)
- Lewis, Norman Benjamin (1916 - )
- Lewis, Robert
- Lewis, William Howard Horatio (1868 - 1939)
- Light, William (1786 - 1839)
- Lightfoot, Gerald (1877 - 1966)
- Linklater, Peter Munro
- Lipson, Menzie (1915 - 2004)
- Lobethal Mills
- Long Products Division, BHP Steel International
- Long Range Weapons Establishment, Department of Defence (1947 - 1955)
- Long Range Weapons Establishment Electronic Digital Automatic Computer (c. 1950 - ?)
- Longerenong Agricultural College (1889 - )
- Lord, Simeon (1771 - 1840)
- Love, Nigel Borland (1892 - 1979)
- Lowrie, William (1857 - 1933)
- Loy Yang A Power Station (1984 - )
- Lucas Industries Australia Ltd (1950s - )
- Lukasiewicz, J.
- Lyle, Thomas Ranken (1860 - 1944)
- Lynch, L. J. (1900 - 1974)
- Lysaght Bros & Co Pty Ltd (1880s - 1959)
- Lysaght, John (1832 - 1895)
- Lysaghts
- Lysaght's Springhill Works
- Lysaght's Westernport Works (1972 - ?)
- Lysaght's Works Pty Ltd (1921 - ?)
- Lyster, Fleury James (1872 - 1948)
- Macadam, John (1827 - 1865)
- MacArthur, D. S.
- Macarthur, John (1767 - 1834)
- Macaulay, Ian J. (1932 - 2003)
- Macbeth, Alexander Killen (1889 - 1957)
- MacDonald Wagner & Priddle Pty Ltd (1934 - 1989)
- Macdonald, Alexander Simpson (1888 - 1955)
- MacDougall, James (1858 - 1942)
- MacDougall, James Kenneth (1884 - 1960)
- Macfarlane, Ian B.
- MacGillivray, Alistair
- Machine Dynamics Pty Ltd (1972 - 1995)
- Mack Trucks Australia Pty Ltd (1963 - )
- Macnamara, Annie Jean (1899 - 1968)
- Macquarie Worsteds Group (1957 - 1983)
- Maddock, Cyril
- Maier, V. M.
- Management Investment Companies (1980s - 1992)
- Manning, James
- Marconi School of Wireless, Amalgamated Wireless (Australasia) Ltd (AWA) (1913 - 1980s)
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co Ltd (1900 - 1913)
- Marks, Geoffrey Charles (1932 - 1990)
- Markstein, J.
- Marsden, Samuel (1765 - 1838)
- Marston, Hedley Ralph (1900 - 1965)
- Martin, Charles James (1866 - 1955)
- Martin, James (1821 - 1899)
- Martin, Leslie Harold (1900 - 1983)
- Martin, Thomas
- Martyn, David Forbes (1906 - 1970)
- Mary Kathleen Uranium (1954 - 1980s)
- Masonite Corporation (Australia) Ltd (1938 - 1955)
- Massey Ferguson (Australia) Limited (1958 - )
- Masson, David Orme (1858 - 1937)
- Materials Research Laboratories, Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) (1974 - 1994)
- Mathias, L. E. S.
- Maunsell and Partners Pty Ltd (1957 - 1980s)
- Mauri Foods
- May, Frederick (1840 - 1897)
- Mayne Nickless Limited (1886 - 2002)
- Mayo, Alfred
- McArthur, Alan Grant (1923 - 1978)
- McAulay, Alexander Leicester (1895 - 1969)
- McCall, John (1860 - 1919)
- McCarthy, Neville John (1929 - 2021)
- McCracken, Robert
- McCulloch, R. N.
- McCutcheon, Walter Osborn (Osborn) (1899 - 1983)
- McEwin, George
- McFie, Edward
- McGinness, Paul Joseph
- McGowan, Samuel Walker (1829 - 1887)
- McGregor, H.
- McIlwraith, Thomas (1835 - 1900)
- McKay, Donald (1810 - 1880)
- McKay, Hugh Victor (1865 - 1926)
- McKellan, Hamilton
- McLennan, Ian Munro (1909 - 1998)
- McMaster Laboratory - CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1963 - 2001)
- McMaster, Fergus (1879 - 1950)
- McNeill, John James (1916 - 1980)
- McPhail, C. P.
- McPherson, Thomas (1822 - 1888)
- McWilliam, Ian Gordon (1933 - 2020)
- Mealmaker, George (1768 - 1808)
- Meat Research Laboratory - CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1969 - c. 1992)
- Medical Equipment Control Committee (MECC), Commonwealth of Australia (1940 - 1947)
- Medtel Pty Ltd (c. 1970 - )
- Melbourne and Hobson's Bay Railway Co (1854 - ?)
- Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works, State of Victoria (1891 - 1990s)
- Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Company (1872 - c. 1915)
- Melbourne Meat Preserving Company (1867 - 1880s)
- Melbourne Metropolitan Hospital Board
- Melbourne Milk Supply Company (1880? - ?)
- Melbourne Woollen Mills (1873 - ?)
- Mellor, David Paver (1903 - 1980)
- Mencel, A. J.
- Mendoza, D.
- Menindee Lakes Scheme
- Merck, Sharp and Dohme (Australia) Pty Ltd (1956 - )
- Meredith, Louisa Ann (1812 - 1895)
- Messel, Harry (1922 - 2015)
- Metal Manufactures Limited (1916 - )
- Metcalfe, K. A.
- Metropolitan Gas Company (? - 1950)
- Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board (MWS&DB), State of New South Wales (1924 - 1987)
- Meulman, P.
- Michell, Anthony George Maldon (George) (1870 - 1959)
- Military Research and Development Centre (MRDC)
- Miller, Joan C.
- Miller, Milton & Ferris (Engineers) Pty Ltd (1970 - )
- Millicer, Henry A.
- MIM Holdings Ltd (1970 - 2003)
- Mineral Control Instrumentation Pty Ltd (1981 - 1996)
- Ministry of Post-War Reconstruction, Commonwealth of Australia (1944 - 1950)
- Mitchell, Giurgola & Thorp (1980 - 1990)
- Mitchell, James
- Mitchell, John
- Mitchell, Josiah (1822 - 1887)
- Mitchell, R. S.
- Mitchell, Thomas Livingstone (1792 - 1855)
- Mittagong Creamery
- Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd
- Monash University (1958 - )
- Monash, John (1865 - 1931)
- Monier Industries Limited (c. 1935 - 1940s)
- Monier Limited
- Monier Research and Development Pty Ltd
- Monier State Pipe and Reinforced Concrete Works (1915 - c. 1935)
- Monsanto Australia Limited
- Monsanto Southern Cross (1928 - 1941)
- Monsanto Vic
- Moore, John
- Moot, G.
- Morgan, Frederick Grantley (1891 - 1969)
- Morley, Frederick Harold William (1918 - 2001)
- Morris, Augustus (1820? - 1895)
- Morrow, James (1843 - 1910)
- Morse, Roger Neill (1914 - 2003)
- Mort, Thomas Sutcliffe (1816 - 1878)
- Morwell Power Station (1958 - )
- Motor Radiators Pty Ltd
- Moulded Products (1931 - 1967)
- Mount Bischoff Tin Mining Company (1873 - )
- Mount Coolon Gold Mines N.L. (1914 - 1939)
- Mount Isa Mines Limited (MIM) (1924 - 1970)
- Mount Isa School of the Air (c. 1964 - )
- Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company Ltd (1893 - 1960s)
- Mount Newman Mining Co Pty Ltd (c. 1987 - 1992)
- Mount Tom Price Mine (1966 - )
- Mount Tom Price Power Station
- Mountain, Adrien Charles (c. 1849 - 1935)
- Moyal, Ann Veronica (1926 - 2019)
- Mueller, Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von (1825 - 1896)
- Mulcahy, Maurice Francis Robinson (1920 - 2020)
- Mules, W.
- Mulhearne, T.
- Muller, Lawrence Louis (1922 - )
- Munitions Supply Board, Commonwealth of Australia (1921 - 1939)
- Munitions Supply Laboratories (MSL), Commonwealth of Australia (1922 - 1948)
- Munro, J.
- Muresk Agricultural College (1926 - 1985)
- Murphy, Arthur William (1891 - 1963)
- Murray Committee (1958)
- Murray, Stuart (1837 - 1919)
- Mussen, Gerald (1872 - 1960)
- Myer, Simcha Baevski (1878 - 1934)
- Myers, David Milton (1911 - 1999)
- N. J. Huckson and Co (? - 1929)
- National Acoustic Laboratories, Commonwealth of Australia (1974 - 1992)
- National Association of Testing Authorities (1947 - )
- National Bag Company of Australia Ltd ( - 1971)
- National Cattle Breeding Centre (1952 - ?)
- National Commonwealth Laboratory (1914)
- National Energy Advisory Committee (NEAC) (1977 - ?)
- National Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Council (NERDDC) (1978 - ?)
- National Gallery of Victoria (1870 - )
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Commonwealth of Australia (1936 - )
- National Museum of Australia (1980 - )
- National Paints Pty Ltd (? - 1977)
- National Safety Council of Australia (c. 1931 - )
- National Sirex Fund (1960s - ?)
- National Standards Commission (1950 - )
- National Standards Laboratory - CSIR/O, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1939 - 1973)
- NEC Australia (1969 - )
- Nelson, P. F.
- Nervi, Pier Luigi
- Nestlé Australia Ltd (1908 - )
- New South Wales Department of Agriculture, State of New South Wales (1974 - 1975)
- New South Wales Department of Railways, State of New South Wales (1932 - ?)
- New South Wales Forest Conservancy Branch, Colony and State of New South Wales (1882 - 1900s)
- New South Wales Government Tramways, State of New South Wales
- New South Wales Public Works Department, State of New South Wales (1941 - 1980s)
- New South Wales State Dockyard, State of New South Wales
- New South Wales State Rail Authority, State of New South Wales (1980 - 2003)
- Newcastle Chemicals (1940 - ?)
- Newcastle Coal and Copper Mining Co (c. 1850 - ?)
- Newell, L. J.
- Newport Power House
- News Limited (1922 - )
- Newton, Hibbert Alan Stephen (1887 - 1949)
- Nicholas International Ltd (1970 - 1981)
- Nicholas Kiwi Limited (1981 - 1984)
- Nicholas Pty Ltd (1921 - c. 1984)
- Nicholas, George Richard Rich (1884 - 1960)
- Nicol, D.
- Nicolle, Eugène Dominique (1823 - 1909)
- Nobel (Australasia) Ltd (1898? - 1926)
- Nobel Industries Ltd
- Nobel's Explosives Company Ltd
- Noe, G. W.
- Noel P. Hunt Ltd (1921 - c. 1980)
- Norcoast Refrigeration Company (1980s - )
- Norgard, John Davey (1914 - 2010)
- Norman, G. G.
- North Broken Hill Ltd (1895 - 1976)
- North Queensland Engineers and Agents Pty Ltd (1948 - c. 1990)
- North Queensland Meat Export Company
- Northern Territory Electricity Commission (1978 - ?)
- Northern Woodchips Pty Ltd (1970s - )
- Novo Industries A/S (1925 - 1989)
- Nuclear Research Foundation, The University of Sydney (1954 - 1967)
- Nucleus Limited (1965 - 1988)
- Nylex Corporation Pty Ltd (1947 - )
- O'Callaghan, Michael Angelo
- O'Connor, Charles Yelverton (1843 - 1902)
- O'Connor, Colin (1928 - )
- O'Dwyer, J.
- O'Grady, Francis Philip ( - 1981)
- Olex Cables Limited (1973 - )
- Olympic Tyre and Rubber Co (1934 - 1980)
- O'Mullane, G. V.
- Onkaparinga Woollen Company Pty Ltd (1928 - 1970)
- Optical Munitions Panel (1940 - 1945)
- Optical Waveguides Australia Pty (1984 - 1999)
- Optics Section, Munitions Supply Laboratories (MSL)
- Optik
- Orbital Engine Company (OEC) (1973 - )
- Ord River Catchment Regeneration Project (1960 - )
- Ordnance Factory, Commonwealth of Australia (1924 - 1989)
- Orica Limited (1998 - )
- Orlebar, John
- Ormond, D. J.
- Osborne, William Alexander (1873 - 1967)
- Otto Madsen Dairy Research Laboratories
- Ovenstone, John Allen (1925 - 1984)
- Overseas Telecommunications Commission (1946 - 1992)
- Owen, Evelyn Ernest (Evo) (1915 - 1949)
- Owen, T. M.
- P. N. Russell and Company (1855 - 1875)
- Pacific Dunlop Limited (1986 - 2002)
- Packham, David Roy (1939 - )
- Palfreyman, Achalen Woolliscroft (1875 - 1967)
- Palfreyman, E. H.
- Pancontinental Mining Limited (1971 - 1997)
- Papermakers Pty Ltd (1926 - ?)
- Paraburdoo Mine
- Paraburdoo Power Station
- Park, R. P.
- Parke Davis Pty Ltd (1970 - )
- Parodi, Peter W.
- Pasteur, Louis (1822 - 1895)
- Patent Office, Commonwealth of Australia (1903 - 1992)
- Patent Preserved Meat Manufactory (1846 - ?)
- Pattison, Henry
- Paulson, Colin Alfred Joseph (1936 - )
- Pausaecker, K. H. (1923 - 1959)
- Pawsey, Joseph Lade (1908 - 1962)
- Peacock, E. E.
- Peacock, Ernest Alfred
- Peacock, George (1824 - 1900)
- Peake, John G.
- Peanut Marketing Board (1924 - 1992)
- Pearcey, Trevor (1919 - 1998)
- Pechiney Australia Pty Ltd (1972 - c. 1998)
- Peck, John Murray (1830 - 1903)
- Peel, Clifford
- Peet, G. B.
- Pegg, Kenneth Gerald
- Peko Wallsend Limited ( - 1988)
- Pellarini, Luigi
- Pemberton, Barry
- Penny, J. P.
- Percival, Edgar Wikner (1897 - 1984)
- Perdriau Rubber Co Ltd (1904 - 1929)
- Perdriau, Henry (1845 - 1935)
- Performance Merino Breeders Association (1983 - ?)
- Perrot, Lyon, Mathieson Pty Ltd (1977 - )
- Perth Water Board
- Petrie, K.
- Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Australia) Ltd (1953 - 1960s)
- Pettersson, Allan D.
- Pharmaceutical Society of Victoria (1857 - 1970s)
- Pharmacy Board of Victoria (1876 - )
- Philips Electrical Industries
- Phillips, F. J. E.
- Phoenix Foundry Co Ltd (1854 - 1900s)
- Pigments Manufacturers of Australia (1970 - )
- Pioneer Chemicals (? - 1960s)
- Pioneer Spring Co Ltd
- Pipeline Authority of South Australia ( - 1995)
- Pipeline Technologists
- Piper, Clarence Sherwood (1903 - 1988)
- Plessey Australia Pty Ltd (c. 1939 - )
- Podger, Francis Denis (1933 - 1999?)
- Poisons Schedule Standing Committee, National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC)
- Pollard, J. W.
- Pont, Edward George
- Potter, Charles Vincent (1859 - 1908)
- Potter, E. C.
- Potts, Frank (1815 - 1890)
- Potts, Henry William (1855 - 1931)
- Poynter, John Riddoch (1929 - )
- Presbyterian Church of Australia
- Prescott, James Arthur (1890 - 1987)
- Pressed Metal Pty Ltd
- Prestige Ltd (1922 - c. 1964)
- Price, Douglas Gordon (1927 - 2014)
- Price, Mrs Eleanor
- Project Hiport
- Project Jindalee (1970s - ?)
- Project Karriwarra
- Project Mallard
- Project Parakeet
- Project Raven
- Project Waler
- Prosser, Evan (c. 1834 - 1896)
- Pryor, Lindsay Dixon (1915 - 1998)
- Purchas, Albert (1825 - 1909)
- Pyneboard Pty Ltd (1960 - ?)
- Qantas Empire Airways Limited, Commonwealth of Australia (1934 - 1967)
- Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS) (1920 - 1947)
- Queensland Butter Board (1946 - 1990)
- Queensland Department of Agriculture, Colony and State of Queensland (1887 - 1904)
- Queensland Department of Forestry, State of Queensland (1957 - 1989)
- Queensland Department of Primary Industries (I), State of Queensland (1963 - 1996)
- Queensland Forest Service, State of Queensland (1989 - )
- Queensland Meat Industry Board (c. 1931 - )
- Queensland Mines Limited (1959 - )
- Queensland Railways (1865 - ?)
- Queensland Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (1929 - 1979)
- Queensland Sugar Board ( - 2004)
- Quirk, V.
- R. L. Windsor & Son Pty Ltd (1947 - )
- Radio Australia (c. 1940 - )
- Radio Research Board (1927 - 1985)
- Raggatt, Harold George (1900 - 1968)
- Rainsford Metal Products Pty Ltd (1954 - 1980s)
- Ralph Symonds Ltd (1941 - 1980s)
- Ramsay, William (1868 - 1914)
- Randell, William Richard (1824 - 1911)
- Ranger Uranium Mines Pty Ltd (1970s - 1980)
- Rasp, Charles (1846 - 1907)
- Ratcliffe, Francis Noble (1904 - 1970)
- Ratkowsky, David A. (1935 - )
- Raupach, Michael (1950 - 2015)
- Raws, William Lennon (Lennon) (1878 - 1958)
- Read, Wal R.
- Reed, Joseph (1823? - 1890)
- Regan, Charles
- Rendel, James Meadows (1915 - 2001)
- Repco Bearing Company (1949 - c. 1978)
- Repco Corporation Limited (1981 - )
- Research Institute for Marine Pharmacology (1974 - 1981)
- Rexona Pty Company (1908 - 1989)
- Reynolds Metals Co
- Reynolds, W. J.
- Rheem Australia Limited (1936 - )
- Richards, R.
- Ridge, M. J.
- Ridley, John (1806 - 1887)
- Rigby, Graham Austin (1940 - )
- Ritchie Brothers
- Ritchie, R.
- Ritchie, Samuel Sextus (1825 - 1879)
- River Murray Commission, Commonwealth of Australia (1917 - 1988)
- Rivett, Albert Cherbury David (David) (1885 - 1961)
- Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd (1954 - )
- Robert Bryce and Company Limited (1913 - 1986)
- Robert Corbett Pty Ltd
- Roberts, R.
- Robertson, Allan Gordon (1916 - 2009)
- Robertson, Walter Whitburn (1886 - 1959)
- Robin Gibson and Partners
- Robinson, David
- Robinson, Ian J. (1910 - 1995)
- Robinson, Terence James (1919 - 2004)
- Robinson, William Sydney (1876 - 1963)
- Robison Bros & Co Pty Ltd (1854 - ?)
- Rocke Thompsitt ( - 1930)
- Rocla Industries Limited (1920 - )
- Rod and Bar Division, BHP Steel International (c. 1915 - c. 1999)
- Roos, L.
- Rose, Gordon Albert (1930 - )
- Rose, John
- Rosemorrin Smelting Works (1847 - ?)
- Rosenhain, Walter (1875 - 1934)
- Roseworthy Agricultural College, The University of Adelaide (1883 - 1991)
- Rosolen, K. R.
- Ross, Joseph (1832 - 1909)
- Ross, N. G.
- Rothamsted Experimental Station (1843 - )
- Rouse, John Joseph (1861? - 1938)
- Rowe, Albert Percival (1898 - 1976)
- Rowell, L. E.
- Rowlands, Evan (1824 - 1894)
- Rowson, R.
- Rowswell, Brian Geoffrey
- Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) (1921 - )
- Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) (1953 - )
- Royal Australian Navy (1911 - )
- Royal Australian Navy Research Laboratory (RANRL), Commonwealth of Australia (1969 - 1984)
- Royal Australian Survey Corps, The Australian Army (1936 - 1996)
- Royal Flying Corps (1912 - 1918)
- Royal Flying Doctor Service (1928 - )
- Royal Gunpowder Factory
- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (1960 - 1992)
- Royal Society of New South Wales (1866 - )
- Rundle, Valentine
- Rural Credits Fund (1960s - ?)
- Rural Industry Research Funds (1960s - ?)
- Russell Bros. (1838 - c. 1855)
- Russell, Peter Nicol (1816 - 1905)
- Russell, Robert ( - 1840)
- Russell, William
- Rutherford, James (1827 - 1911)
- Ryan, Reginald D. (1925 - 2017)
- Rylands Brothers (Australia) Ltd (1921 - ?)
- S. Haunstrup and Co Pty Ltd (1926? - 1972)
- S. W. Hart and Co Ltd (c. 1901 - c. 1987)
- Salter, J. P.
- Sammit, R.
- Samuel, Geoffrey
- Samuels, Leonard Ernest (1922 - 2009)
- Sanderson, J. G.
- Sandford, William (1841 - 1932)
- Sanforizing Services of Australia
- Santos Limited (1954 - )
- Sarich Technologies Trust ( - 1988)
- Sarich, Ralph Tony (1938 - )
- Sasse, Wolfgang Hermann Fritz (1928 - )
- Savage River Mines (1965 - 1996)
- Sawkins, Evan (1910 - )
- Sayce, Eric Loxton (1899 - 1984)
- Sayer, George E. J.
- Scalzo, Joseph
- Scammell, Luther Robert (1858 - 1940)
- Schaefer, Gustav Griffin (1913 - 2004)
- Schaetzel, Stanley Stephen (1924 - 2015)
- Schaffer, Philip ( - 1828?)
- School of Dairy Technology, The University of Melbourne (1939 - c. 1967)
- School of Metallurgy, The University of Wollongong
- School of Metallurgy, The University of Newcastle
- School of Mining and Metallurgy, The University of New South Wales
- School of Mining and Metallurgy, The University of Queensland
- School of Textile Technology, The University of New South Wales (1955 - ?)
- Science Museum of Victoria (1971 - 1983)
- Scientific Liaison Bureau, Commonwealth of Australia (1942 - 1945)
- Scott Clow and Prebble (1856 - ?)
- Scott, F.
- Scott, Robert Steel
- Scott, Thomas Alison (1777? - 1881)
- Scott, William James (1912 - 1993)
- Scovill Australia Pty Ltd
- Sebire, L.
- Seears Bros
- Seidel, G. E.
- Seidler, Harry (1923 - 2006)
- Senate Select Committee on Water Pollution (1968 - 1969)
- Sewell, A. P.
- Sharkey, J. E.
- Sharpe, Alan (1919 - )
- Shaw, Frank Herbert (1910 - 1971)
- Shearer, David (1850 - 1936)
- Sheldon Drug Company Pty Ltd (1904 - )
- Shell Company of Australia Limited (1901 - )
- Shepherd, T.
- Shew, D. I.
- Shmith, Harry Woolf
- Shoobridge, William Ebenezer (1846 - 1940)
- Shortland, John (1769 - 1810)
- Siemens (Australia) Ltd (1872 - )
- Simmons, Roy Thomas (1906 - 1975)
- Simpson Holdings Limited (1853 - 1986)
- Simpson, Alfred (1805 - 1891)
- Sir Roy Grounds and Associates (1968? - 1983?)
- Siva, S. P.
- Slab and Plate Division, BHP Steel International (1985 - ?)
- Small Arms Factory, Commonwealth of Australia (1912 - 1989)
- Smart, R.
- Smith Reichhold Colours Pty Ltd
- Smith, A. E.
- Smith, D. M.
- Smith, Keith Macpherson (1890 - 1955)
- Smith, N. M. H.
- Smith, Richard Bowyer (1837 - 1919)
- Smith, Ross Macpherson (1892 - 1922)
- Smorgon Consolidated Industries (SCI) (1970s - 1990s)
- Snowy Mountains Council (1959 - )
- Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) (1970 - 1989)
- Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority (1949 - )
- Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme (1949 - )
- Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria (SCIV) (1900 - )
- Society of Diecasting Engineers of Australia (SDCEA) (1965 - 1982)
- Softwood Holdings Limited (1952 - 1988)
- Soil Conservation Authority, State of Victoria (1950 - 1987)
- Solahart Industries Pty Ltd (1994 - )
- Solar Energy Research Institute of Western Australia
- Solarex Australia Pty Ltd (1973 - 1999)
- Somerville, George
- South Australian Engineering and Water Supply Department, State of South Australia
- South Australian Railways, Colony and State of South Australia (1856 - 1974)
- South Australian Rubber Mills Pty Ltd (1939 - ?)
- South Australian School of Mines and Industries (1889 - ?)
- South Australian Timber Corporation ( - c. 1993)
- South Australian Woods and Forests Department, Colony and State of South Australia (1883 - 1992)
- South East Queensland Electricity Board
- South-Eastern Purification Plant (SEPP) (1975 - )
- Southern Cross Corporation Ltd
- Spawn, A. F.
- Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) (1980 - )
- Special Duties Performance Flight, Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) (1941 - 1947)
- Sperry Rand Australia Limited (? - 1975)
- Squire, James (1755? - 1822)
- St. Regis/ACI (c. 1961 - c. 1999)
- Stabler, W.
- Stalker, Raymond John (1930 - 2014)
- Stanco (Australia) Pty Ltd
- Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd (1937 - 1970s)
- Standards Association of Australia (1929 - 1988)
- Stanton, R. B. (Robin Barrington?)
- Starkey, William
- State Electricity Commission of Victoria, State of Victoria (1921 - c. 1993)
- State Electricity Commission of Western Australia, State of Western Australia (1945 - 1975)
- State Energy Authority of South Australia, State of South Australia
- State Energy Commission of Western Australia, State of Western Australia (1975 - 1995)
- State Herbage Plant Liaison Committees
- State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (SRWSC), State of Victoria (1905 - 1984)
- Stephenson and Turner ( - 1995)
- Stewart, George Alan (Alan) (1922 - )
- Stewarts and Lloyds (Aust) Pty Ltd (1920s - 1970s)
- Sticht, Robert Carl (1856 - 1922)
- Stillwell, Frank Leslie (1888 - 1963)
- Stirling Henry Limited (1920s - 1970s)
- Stoate, Theodore Norman (1895 - 1979)
- Stone, Francis Ernest Albert (1868 - 1956)
- Storey, John Stanley (1896 - 1955)
- Strath, John Alexander Wiseman (1916 - 2009)
- Sturt, Charles (1795 - 1869)
- Sugar Research Institute (1949 - )
- Sulphide Corporation Pty Ltd (1897 - 1990s)
- Sunderland, W. T.
- Sunshine Harvester Works (1900s - 1980s)
- Sutherland, K. N.
- Sutherland, Keith Leonard (1916 - 1980)
- Sutton, Henry (1856 - 1912)
- Sutton, John
- Swallow, Thomas (1827 - 1890)
- Swanton, James
- Swinburne, George (1861 - 1928)
- Swire, Brian Ernest (1918 - 1964)
- Sydney County Council, State of New South Wales (1935 - 1991)
- Sydney Flour Company
- Sydney Foundry and Engineering Works (c. 1842 - c. 1855)
- Sydney Ice Company (1860 - 1862)
- Sydney Jam Company
- Sydney Meat Preserving Company (1869 - 1930s)
- Sydney Salting Company (1843 - ?)
- Sydney Technical College (1878 - 1949)
- Sykes, Stephen Myles (1918 - 1969)
- Synthetic Coal Oil Products (c. 1926 - )
- Tafel-Shone
- Tallerman, Daniel (c. 1832 - 1903)
- Tamblyn, Norman Edwin Tonkin (1912 - 2000)
- Tapper, Peter Purcell (1932 - )
- Tarax Pty Ltd (c. 1950 - 1972)
- Tasmanian Paper Pty Ltd (1928 - 1930)
- Tasmanian Pulp and Forest Holdings Ltd (c. 1972 - ?)
- Taubman, George Henry (1862 - 1938)
- Taubman, Henry George (1886 - 1959)
- Taubmans Pty Ltd ( - 1989)
- Taylor, A. R.
- Taylor, Frederick Leslie Charles (1919 - 2004)
- Taylor, George Augustine (1872 - 1928)
- Taylor, Headlie Shipard (1883 - 1957)
- Taylor, J. B.
- Taylor, K. L.
- Taylor, Norman (1885 - 1960)
- Taylor, Patrick Gordon (Gordon) (1896 - 1966)
- Taylor, Thomas Griffith (1880 - 1963)
- Taylor, Walter Harold (1905 - )
- Taylor-Elliotts Ltd ( - 1930)
- Technical Committee on Agricultural Chemicals, Commonwealth of Australia
- Technical Co-operation Program (1967 - )
- Telecom Australia International Limited (1970s - )
- Telephone & Electrical Industries (TEI)
- Telephone Manufacturing Company (Australia)
- Tennyson Holdings Limited (1986 - 2000)
- Textile Panel (1940s - 1950s)
- Theiss Bros Pty Ltd (1946 - ?)
- Thomas Baker and Company Laboratory (1887 - 1894)
- Thomas McPherson & Sons (1860 - ?)
- Thomas Nationwide Transport Limited (1946 - 1986)
- Thomas, A. J.
- Thompson Engineering & Pipe Co. Ltd
- Thompson, Percival Faraday (c. 1885 - 1951)
- Thomson, Herbert (1870 - 1947)
- Thonemann, F. F
- Thorn EMI Electronics Australia Pty Ltd ( - 1983)
- Thow, William (1842 - 1926)
- Throsby, Nicholas Herbert (1845 - 1926)
- Tiemann, Harry Donald
- Tilley, J. E.
- Timber Sectional Committee, Standards Association of Australia (1930 - ?)
- Timbrol Ltd (1920s - 1950s)
- Timms, R. E.
- Tindal, Charles Grant (1823 - 1914)
- Tindale, Harold
- Tioxide Australia Pty Ltd ( - 1996)
- Titan Manufacturing Company (1888 - 1927)
- Todd, Charles (1826 - 1910)
- Todd, K.
- Todhunter, Benjamin Edward (1865 - 1952)
- Toft Bros Industries Limited (c. 1966 - 1980)
- Tong, W. S.
- Tooth, Robert (1821 - 1893)
- Traeger, Alfred Hermann (1895 - 1980)
- Trans Australian Railway (1917 - ?)
- Trans-Australia Airlines (TAA) (1946 - 1986)
- Transfield (Qld) Pty Ltd (c. 1960 - 1980s)
- Transfield Industries
- Trehearne, E. J.
- Trevor Boiler and Engineering Company (1909 - c. 1980)
- Trikojus, Victor Martin (1902 - 1985)
- Trollope, David Hugh (Hugh) (1925 - 2011)
- Tugan Aircraft Company (? - 1930s)
- Turnbull, Ron W.
- Turnbull, Stanley Clive Perry (Clive) (1906 - 1975)
- Turner, Harry Greig
- Turner, Helen Alma Newton (1908 - 1995)
- Tynan, John (1829 - 1895)
- Ulm, Charles Thomas Philippe (1898 - 1934)
- Underwood, Eric John (1905 - 1980)
- Underwood, James (1771 - 1844)
- Unilever Australia Limited (1956 - )
- Union Carbide Australia Ltd (1950s - 1985)
- Union Foundry (1863 - )
- Union Mill
- Union Steamship Company
- The United Salvage Pty Ltd (1939 - ?)
- University Computing Centre, The University of New South Wales (1956 - )
- The University of Melbourne (1853 - )
- The University of New South Wales (1958 - )
- The University of Sydney (1850 - )
- The University of Tasmania (1890 - )
- Utzon, Joern (1918 - 2008)
- Vantrick, C.
- Vapocure International Pty Ltd (1975 - 1998)
- Varcoe, Graeme Laurence (1937 - )
- Vercoe, John Edward (1936 - 2005)
- Vernon, James (1910 - 2000)
- Vicars, John (1821 - 1894)
- Vickers Cockatoo Dockyard Pty Ltd (1972 - 1984)
- Vickers Commonwealth Steel Co Ltd (1923 - 1935)
- Vickery, James Richard (1902 - 1997)
- Victa Ltd (1952 - )
- Victoria Agriculture Implement Factory (1850s - ?)
- Victoria Ammonia Company Pty Ltd
- Victoria Bone Mills (1870 - ?)
- Victoria Foundry (1850s - ?)
- Victoria Galvanized Iron and Wire Company (c. 1879 - ?)
- Victoria Institute of Brewing (1907 - ?)
- Victoria Iron Company (1873 - 1874)
- Victoria Meat Preserving Company
- Victorian Board of Agriculture (1859 - ?)
- Victorian Chamber of Mines Inc (1986 - )
- Victorian College of Pharmacy (1881 - )
- Victorian Department of Agriculture, Colony and State of Victoria (1872 - 1985)
- Victorian Department of Water Supply, State of Victoria (c. 1940 - 1975)
- Victorian Industrial Society
- Victorian Pipelines Commission, State of Victoria (1967 - 1971)
- Victorian Pyrites and Smelting Works
- Victorian Railways, Colony and State of Victoria (1883 - 1983)
- Victorian Solar Energy Council ( - 1990)
- Victorian Solar Energy Research Committee
- Victorian Sugar Company (1857 - ?)
- Victorian Telegraph Service
- Victorian Woollen and Cloth Manufacturing Co (1860s - ?)
- Villawool Ltd
- Vincent, James Matthew (1911 - 2000)
- Vines, Robert Godfrey (1921 - 2017)
- Vinidex Pty Ltd (c. 1968 - 2014)
- Visy Board Pty Ltd (1948 - )
- Volkswagen Group Australia
- Vonwiller, Oscar Ulrich (1882 - 1972)
- Vosz, Heinrich Ludwig (1812 - 1886)
- Vulcan Australia Ltd
- W. Duffield and Co
- W. E. Cuckson & Sons Pty Ltd (c. 1950 - ?)
- W. Hoadley
- W. L. Meinhardt & Partners (c. 1971 - ?)
- W. P. Brown and Partners Pty Ltd (1953 - )
- W. Sandford Ltd
- Wackett, Lawrence James (1896 - 1982)
- Wain, Henry Laurence (Laurie) (1920 - )
- Waite Agricultural Research Institute, The University of Adelaide (1924 - 1991)
- Waite, Peter (1834 - 1922)
- Walker, Fred (1884 - 1935)
- Walker, H. N.
- Walker, John (1823 - 1907)
- Walker, Sydney Edward Arnold (1901 - 1985)
- Walker, T. B.
- Walker, W. H.
- Wallace, Christopher Stewart (1933 - 2004)
- Wallace, John Macdonald (1926 - 2005)
- Wallace, R. (1853 - 1939)
- Wallaroo Phosphate Company (1899 - ?)
- Wallis, Alexander Robert (1848 - 1928)
- Walsh, Alan (1916 - 1998)
- The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (1915 - )
- Walters
- Walton, Thomas Utrick (1852 - 1917)
- Wangaratta Woollen Mills (1922 - 1991)
- Wardell, V. A.
- Wargon Chapman & Associates Pty Ltd (1970s - ?)
- Waring, Hugh Douglas (1917 - 2010)
- Wark, Ian William (1899 - 1985)
- Warren, David Ronald (1925 - 2010)
- Warren, William Henry (1852 - 1926)
- Water Mill Company (1880s - ?)
- Waterhouse, Henry (1770 - 1812)
- Waterworth, Eric Newham (1905 - )
- Watson, C. J. J.
- Watson, N.
- Watson, W. J. C.
- Watson, William Robert (1923 - 2015)
- Watson-Munro, Charles Norman (1915 - 1991)
- Wattyl (1929 - )
- Waverley Woollen Mill (1873 - )
- Weapons Research Establishment, Commonwealth of Australia (1955 - 1978)
- Weapons Systems Research Laboratory, Defence Research Centre Salisbury (1978 - 1991)
- Webster, Arthur Farquhar (1906 - 1997)
- Weeks, Lewis George (1893 - 1977)
- Weickhardt, Leonard William (Len) (1908 - 2000)
- Weipa Bauxite Project
- Weiss, Donald Eric (1924 - 2008)
- Welch, K. St Vincent
- Wellcome Foundation
- Wellcome, Henry
- Wentworth, William Charles (1790 - 1872)
- Werribee Sewerage Treatment Farm
- Wessberg & Tulander Pty Ltd
- West Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd (WAPET) (1952 - 2000)
- West Footscray Petrochemicals Complex (1977 - ?)
- West Pilbara Scheme (1960s - )
- Westergaard, H. M.
- Western Australia Forests Department, State of Western Australia (1919 - 1985)
- Western Australian Airways (1921 - 1936)
- Western Australian Chip and Pulp Pty Ltd (1969 - )
- Western Australian Department of Agriculture, Colony and State of Western Australia (1898 - 2006)
- Western Australian Public Works Department, State of Western Australia (1901 - 1985)
- Western District Pastoral and Agricultural Society (1859 - 1873)
- Western Lands Commission (c. 1900 - 1934)
- Western Mining Corporation Ltd (1933 - 1996)
- Westralian Forest Industries (WFI) (1950 - 2006?)
- Westwind Turbines (1984 - )
- White Industries Limited (1971 - 1986)
- White, Geoffrey Bernard (1931 - )
- Whitney, John
- Whitton, John (1820 - 1898)
- Whitton, William Ivo (Bill) (1924 - 2019)
- Whyalla Shipbuilding and Engineering Works
- Wilkins, George Hubert (1888 - 1958)
- Wilkinson, James
- Williams, Francis (1780? - 1831)
- Williams, George Kenneth (1896 - 1974)
- Williams, Howell Charles (1925 - 2004)
- Williams, John (1896 - 1989)
- Williams, William David (1936 - )
- Williamstown Dockyard (1856 - 1922)
- Willing, Rudolf Richard
- Willoughby, E. O.
- Wills, Howard Arthur (1906 - 1989)
- Wills, William John (1834 - c. 1861)
- Wilson, David (1830? - 1899)
- Wimperis, Harry Egerton
- Wireless Valve Company (1932 - )
- Witt, Sidney Herbert (1892 - 1973)
- Wivenhoe Power Station (1984 - )
- Wivenhoe Project
- Wolseley, Frederick York (1837 - 1899)
- Wolsely Sheep Shearing Machine Company Pty Ltd (1889 - ?)
- Wong, David G.
- Wood, Herbert
- Woodcock, James Thorpe (1925 - )
- Woods, Richard V.
- Woodside Offshore Petroleum Pty Ltd (1980 - )
- Woodside Petroleum Ltd (1954 - )
- Woodward, Oliver Holmes (1885 - 1966)
- Woodward, Raymond L.
- Wool Research Trust Fund (1945 - ?)
- Woollen Cloth Company
- Woolley, Richard van der Riet (1906 - 1986)
- World Health Organization (WHO) (1948 - )
- Wragge, Harry Stewart (c. 1929 - 2023)
- Wright, Peter George
- Yallourn Power Station (1919 - )
- Yallourn W. Power Station
- Yarra Falls Limited (1917 - 1972)
- Young, William John (1878 - 1942)
- Yulara Tourist Resort
- Zeidler, David Ronald (1918 - 1998)
- Zentmyer, G. A.
- Ziegler, Johannes August Carl (Jac)
- Zircon Rutile Ltd ( - 1957)
Related Published resources
- Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering eds, Technology in Australia, 1788-1988: a condensed history of Australian technological innovation and adaptation during the first two hundred years (Melbourne: Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 1988), 1017 pp. Details