Corporate Body

CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics (1940 - 1996)

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Epping, New South Wales, Australia
20 September 1996
Industrial or scientific research and Telecommunications
Reference No
CA 4374
Legal Status
Agency of the Commonwealth of Australia
Epping, New South Wales


The CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics was first established in 1940, replacing the Radiophysics Laboratory. The Division continued to operate up until 1996, when it was merged with the Division of Applied Physics to become the Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics.


From "CSIRO research for Australia" (1962) pdf page 30:
"In the late nineteen-thirties, when the threat of war in Europe loomed large, scientists in Great Britain were intensifying research into radar. On 24th February, 1939, the British Government secretly requested the Australian Government to send a scientist to England, in order that Australia might be brought up to date on the progress in radar research. Dr. D.F. Martyn, F.R.S. (now Officer-in-Charge of the Upper Atmosphere Section), went to London, and returned later in 1939 to set up a sub-centre for radar research in Australia.

With the outbreak of war, plans proceeded quickly. A new wing to house the radar team (styled, for the sake of anonymity, the Division of Radiophysics) was added to the National Standards Laboratory, then under construction, and work began in 1940. A year later Dr. Martyn became leader of an army operations research group, and was succeeded as Chief by Dr. F. W. G. White, the present Chairman of C.S.I.R.O., who had been loaned to Australia from Canterbury University College in New Zealand. When Dr. White joined the Executive in 1945 he was succeeded by Mr. J. N. Briton, an experienced engineer who had been seconded to C.S.I.R.O. from the radio industry. The wartime work of the Division was of great value to the Australian and American armed forces in the Pacific. The Laboratory developed coast defence radar equipment and fire control devices for anti-aircraft guns, but the most important achievement was, probably, the development of light, compact, transportable radar equipment which could be moved by air. Units of this kind gave sterling service in the island campaigns of the Pacific theatre.

Shortly after the end of the war, Dr. E.G. Bowen, who had been a member of the original team under Sir Robert Watson-Watt responsible for the development of radar in Great Britain, became Chief of the Division and, with Dr. J.L. Pawsey; F.R.S., as Assistant Chief, laid the foundation of the Laboratory's peacetime programme. An obvious application of the new techniques mastered in wartime was the use of radar as an aid to aircraft navigation, and the Division produced a device for aircraft known as "distance measuring equipment" or "D.M.E", which allows a pilot to read his distance in miles from a reference beacon on the ground. There are now about 180 ground beacons installed along the air routes, and Australian domestic airlines have used D.M.E. ever since."


 1939 - 1940 Radiophysics Laboratory - CSIR
       1940 - 1996 CSIR/O Division of Radiophysics
             1972 - 1983 CSIRO Division of Cloud Physics
             1996 - CSIRO Division of Telecommunications and Industrial Physics

Related People

Published resources


Book Sections

  • Orchiston, W.; and Slee, B., 'The early development of Australian radio astronomy: the role of the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics field stations' in The emergence of astrophysics in Asia: opening a new window on the Universe, Nakamura, T.; and Orchiston, W., eds (Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2017), pp. 497-578. Details
  • Orchiston, Wayne and Slee, Bruce, 'The Radiophysics Field Stations and the Early Development of Radio Astronomy' in The New Astronomy: Opening the Electromagnetic Window and Expanding our View of Planet Earth, Wayne Orchiston, ed., ed. (Dordrecht: Springer, 2005), pp. 119-168. Details
  • Ryan, Brian, 'Cloud physics research 1949-1984 and beyond' in Windows on Meteorology: Australian Perspective, Webb, Eric K., ed. (Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing, 1997), pp. 142-161. Details
  • Wendt, H.; Orchiston, W.; and Slee, B., 'The contribution of the Division of Radiophysics Potts Hill field station to international radio astronomy' in Highlighting the history of astronomy in the Asia-Pacific Region: proceedings of the ICOA-6 conference. Astrophysics and space science proceedings, Orchiston, W., Nakamura, Tsuko and Strom, Richard G., eds (New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 379-431. Details
  • Wendt, H.; Orchiston, W.; and Slee, B., 'The contribution of the Division of Radiophysics Potts Hill field station to international solar radio astronomy' in Highlighting the history of astronomy in the Asia-Pacific Region: proceedings of the ICOA-6 conference. Astrophysics and space science proceedings, Orchiston, W., ed. (New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 379-431. Details
  • Wendt, Harry, Orchiston, Wayne and Slee, Bruce, 'The Contribution of the Division of Radiophysics Murraybank Field Station to international radio astronomy' in Highlighting the history of astronomy in the Asia-Pacific Region: proceedings of the ICOA-6 conference. Astrophysics and space science proceedings, Orchiston, Wayne, Nakamura, Tsuko and Strom, Richard G, eds (New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 433-79. Details

Journal Articles

  • Davies, R.D., 'A History of the Potts Hill Radio Astronomy Field Station', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 8 (2) (2005), 87-96. Details
  • Frater, R. H.; and Ekers, R. D., 'John Paul Wild AC CBE FAA FTSE. 17 May 1923 - 10 May 2008', Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 58 (2012), 327-46, Details
  • Frater, R. H.; and Ekers, R. D., 'John Paul Wild 1923-2008', Historical Records of Australian Science, 23 (2) (2012), 212-27, Details
  • George, Martin, Orchiston, Wayne, Slee, Bruce and Wielebinski, Richard, 'The history of early low frequency radio astronomy in Australia, 2: Tasmania', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 18 (1) (2015), 14-22. Details
  • Orchiston, Wayne and Matthewson, Don, 'Chris Christiansen and the Criss Cross', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 12 (1) (2009), 11-32. Details
  • Orchiston, Wayne, George, Martin, Slee, Bruce and Wielebinski, Richard, 'The history of early low frequency radio astronomy in Australia, 1: the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 18 (1) (2015), 3-13. Details
  • Orchiston, Wayne, Slee, Bruce and Burman, Ron, 'The Genesis of Solar Radio Astronomy in Australia', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 9 (1) (2006), 35-56. Details
  • Orchiston, Wayne; and Robertson, Peter, 'The origins and development of extragalactic radio astronomy: the role of the CSIRO's Division of Radiophysics Dover Heights Field Station in Sydney', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 20 (3) (2017), 289-312. Details
  • Orchiston, Wayne; and Wendt, Harry, 'The contribution of the Georges Heights experimental radar antenna to Australian radio astronomy', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 20 (3) (2017), 313-40. Details
  • Stewart, Ronald, Wendt, Harry, Orchiston, Wayne and Slee, Bruce, 'The Radiophysics Field Station at Penrith, New South Wales, and the World's first Solar Radiospectrograph', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 13 (1) (2010), 2-15. Details
  • Sullivan, Woodruff T., 'The Beginnings of Australian Radio Astronomy', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 8 (1) (2005), 11-32. Details
  • Wendt, Harry and Orchiston, Wayne, 'The short-lived CSIRO Division of Radiophysics field station at Bankstown Aerodrome in Sydney', Journal of astronomical history and heritage, 22 (2) (2019), 366-72. Details
  • Wendt, Harry, Orchiston, Wayne and Slee, Bruce, 'The Australian Solar Eclipse Expeditions of 1947 and 1949', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 11 (1) (2008), 71-8. Details
  • Wendt, Harry, Orchiston, Wayne and Slee, Bruce, 'W. N. Christiansen and the Development of the Solar Grating Array', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 11 (3) (2008), 173-84. Details
  • Wendt, Harry, Orchiston, Wayne and Slee, Bruce, 'W. N. Christiansen and the Initial Australian Investigation of the 21cm Hydrogen Line', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 11 (3) (2008), 185-93. Details
  • Wendt, Harry; and Orchiston, Wayne, 'The contribution of the AN/TPS-3 radar antenna to Australian radio astronomy', Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 21 (1) (2018), 65-80. Details
  • Whiteoak, J. B.; and Sim, H. L., 'Brian John Robinson, 1930-2004', Historical Records of Australian Science, 17 (2) (2006), 263-281, Details
  • Willis, J. B.; and Deane, J. F., 'Trevor Pearcey and the First Australian Computer: a Lost Opportunity?', Historical Records of Australian Science, 17 (2) (2006), 209-225, Details


Resource Sections


  • Wendt, Harry, 'The contribution of the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics Potts Hill and Murraybank Field Stations to international radio astronomy', PhD thesis, Centre for Astronomy, James Cook University, 2008, 373 pp. Details

See also

  • 'Astronomy, space science, information and communication technology divisions', in CSIROpedia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, 2019, Details
  • Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Technology in Australia 1788-1988, Online edn, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Melbourne, 3 May 2000, Details
  • Federation and Meteorology, 2001, Details
  • Crawshaw, Tony, 'CSIRO ATNF says Farewell to Pat Sykes', ATNF News, 67 (2009), 22-24. Details
  • Frater, R. H.; and Goss, W. M., 'Wilbur Norman Christiansen 1913-2007', Historical Records of Australian Science, 22 (2) (2011), 215-28, Details
  • Frater, R. H.; Goss, W. M.; and Wendt, H. W., 'Bernard Yarnton Mills AC FAA. 8 August 1920 - 25 April 2011', Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 59 (2013), 215-39, Details
  • Frater, R. H.; Goss, W. M.; and Wendt, H. W., 'Bernard Yarnton Mills 1920-2011', Historical Records of Australian Science, 24 (2) (2013), 294-315, Details
  • Hooker, Claire and Goss, W. M., 'Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912-1981), physicist, radio astronomer and school teacher' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 18: 1981 - 1990 L-Z, Melanie Nolan, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2012), p. 268. Details
  • Sim, Helen, 'Obituary - John Masterson', ATNF News (2009), 8-11 . Details
  • Stewart, Ronald, Orchiston, Wayne and Slee, Bruce, 'The Sun Has Set on a Brilliant Mind: John Paul Wild (1923-2008), Solar Radio Astronomer Extraordinaire' in Highlighting the History of Astronomy in the Asia-Pacific Region: Proceedings of the ICOA-6, Orchiston, Wayne, Nakamura, Tsuko and Strom, Richard G., eds (New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 527-42. Details

Ailie Smith

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