
Clark, Donald (1864 - 1932)

17 February 1864
Ashby, Victoria, Australia
7 April 1932
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Metallurgist and Science educator


Donald Clark, an engineering graduate of the University of Melbourne, became foundation Director of the Bairnsdale District School of Mines in 1889-1906, then Director of the Bendigo School of Mines to 1909. He lectured at the University of Melbourne in 1910 in metallurgy and from 1911 to 1930 was Chief Inspector of Technical Schools.


Donald Clark contributed largely to the solution of the treatment of complex ores in the Cassilis district in Gippsland, as well as to the evolution of the flotation process and the methods of refining cyanide precipitate and sludge from electrolytic copper refineries.

He significantly contributed to the Australian literature on the treatment of ores, and wrote "Australian Mining and Metallurgy" (1904), "Gold Refining" (1909), and three important booklets on technical education between 1923 and 1929.

He was largely responsible for the junior technical schools as an integral part of the Victorian post-primary education structure.


1883 - 1885
Career position - Surveyor's Assistant
Education - Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE), University of Melbourne
1889 - 1906
Career position - Foundation Director, Bairnsdale District School of Mines and Industry
Career event - Member (MAusIME), Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers
Patent - An improved process for the separation of gold from silver and other metals obtained by precipitation on zinc or other metals or substances [1615/1904]
Patent - Process for the treatment of gold slimes by the nitre cake method.
1906 - 1909
Career position - Director, Bendigo School of Mines
Education - Master of Mining Engineering (MME), University of Melbourne
Career position - Lecturer in metallurgy, University of Melbourne
Patent - An improved process for the treatment of mixed zinc and lead sulphide ores [744/1911]
1911 - 1930
Career position - First Chief inspector of Technical Schools, Education Department, Victoria

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions

  • Collins, David, Chemistry in 19th Australia - Select Bibliography, An exhibition of the Encyclopedia circa 2005 with assistance from Ailie Smith and Gavan McCarthy., eScholarship Research Centre (original publisher), Melbourne, 2009, Details

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • Clark, Donald, 'Minerals of Eastern Gippsland', Report of the fourth meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 4 (1893), 285-289, Details
  • Clark, Donald, 'Remarks on the Fineness and Distribution of Gold in North Gippsland', Report of the fifth meeting of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, 5 (1894), 332-337, Details
  • Clark, Donald, 'The Roasting and Treatment by Chlorine of Gippsland Auriferous Ores', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, New Series (1898), 1-13. Details
  • Clark, Donald, 'Notes on the Solubility of Gold-Silver Alloys in Cyanide of Potassium Solutions', Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, New Series (1898), 147-151. Details
  • Clark, Donald, 'The training of an engineer (Paper & Discussion)', Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers vol. XVI (1917), 20-49, 54-67, 84-90, 114-122. Details


See also

McCarthy, G.J.

EOAS ID: biogs/P001043b.htm

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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