Committee to Review Australian Studies in Tertiary Education
Financial support for work on the Guide to the Archives of Science in Australia came from three sources. The project was initially funded by a grant from the Committee to Review Australian Studies in Tertiary Education (CRASTE) in late 1987. CRASTE was established by the Commonwealth Department of Employment, Education and Training in connection with the Australian Bicentenary celebrations of 1988. Though it was realised from the outset that this grant would not be sufficient to see the task completed, it did allow the collection of a significant amount of data and the establishment of a database system to handle the information. A grant from the Helen M. Schutt Trust in late 1988 allowed for the further collation of data and its entry into the database. Then in late 1989 the National Centre for Research and Development in Australian Studies (now the National Centre for Australian Studies) at Monash University provided sufficient funds to see the remaining data processed and the output prepared for publication.
The National Library of Australia also provided funds to allow work to continue on the database, specifically the collation and assemblage of data in a format suitable for use on the OZLINE network.
The guide databases were further developed by Tim Sherratt in 1995 to produce a web edition, Bright Sparcs. There has been progressive development and enhancement of both the data and the content management system since that time by Joanne Evans and the Austehc team.
Foundation Supporter of
- à Beckett, Ada Mary (1872 - 1948)
- Abbie, Andrew Arthur (1905 - 1976)
- Abbott, Francis (1799 - 1883)
- Abbott, Francis (Jnr) (1834 - 1903)
- Abbott, Gertrude (1846 - 1934)
- Abbott, Robert (c. 1861 - 1936)
- Aberdeen, Joseph (1889 - 1951)
- Acton, Arthur Peter (1913 - )
- Ada, Gordon Leslie (1922 - 2012)
- Adair, John Frederick (1852 - 1913)
- Adam, George Rothwell Wilson (Rothwell) (1853 - 1924)
- Adams, Philip Francis (1828 - 1901)
- Adderley, Ernest Edward (1914 - 1993)
- Aickin, Robert Geoffrey (1914 - 1983)
- Aitchison, Gordon James (1918 - 2007?)
- Aitken, Alexander
- Albert, Adrien (1907 - 1989)
- Alcock, Alfred Upton (1865 - 1962)
- Alder, Keith Frederick (1921 - 2014)
- Alexander, Albert Ernest (1914 - 1970)
- Alexander, Frederick Matthias (1869 - 1955)
- Allan, Frances Elizabeth (Betty) (1905 - 1952)
- Allan, Robert Marshall (1886 - 1946)
- Allbrook, David Benjamin (1923 - 2016)
- Allen, Clabon Walter (1904 - 1987)
- Allen, Harry Brookes (1854 - 1926)
- Allen, James Bernard (1870 - 1912)
- Allen, Natalie Constance Bowen (1894 - 1972)
- Allen, Thomas ( - 1868)
- Allen, William Douglas (1914 - 2008)
- Allman, Stuart Leo (1903 - )
- Allport, Morton (1830 - 1878)
- Ambrose, Theodore (1880 - 1947)
- Amies, Arthur Barton Pilgrim (1902 - 1976)
- Ampt, Gustav Adolph (1886 - 1953)
- Anderson, Brian David Outram (1941 - )
- Anderson, Charles (1876 - 1944)
- Anderson, James Robert Valentine (1881 - 1969)
- Anderson, John Stuart (1908 - 1990)
- Anderson, Margaret Cordue (1937 - )
- Anderson, Phyllis Margery (1901 - 1957)
- Anderson, Samuel (1803 - 1863)
- Anderson, Victor A.
- Andrew, Henry Martyn (1845 - 1888)
- Andrew, Richard Roderick (1911 - 1994)
- Andrewartha, Herbert George (1907 - 1992)
- Andrews, Ernest Clayton (1870 - 1948)
- Andrews, Roland Stuart (1897 - 1961)
- Angas, George French (1822 - 1886)
- Angell, Herbert Raleigh (1893 - 1992)
- Angus, William (1871 - 1965)
- Angyal, Stephen John (1914 - 2012)
- Anthonioz, Pierre
- Aplin, Christopher D'Oyly Hale (1819 - 1875)
- Archer, Charles (1813 - 1862)
- Archer, David (1816 - 1900)
- Archer, Keith McRae (1905 - 1999)
- Archer, Michael (1945 - )
- Archer, William (1820 - 1874)
- Archer, William Henry (1825 - 1909)
- Argyle, Stanley Seymour (1867 - 1940)
- Armit, Henry William (1870 - 1930)
- Armit, William Edington (1848 - 1901)
- Armstrong, William George (1859 - 1941)
- Arneman, William Gerhard (1904 - 1971)
- Arnold, Joseph (1782 - 1818)
- Arnot, Frederick Latham (1904 - 1940)
- Arthur, John (1804 - 1849)
- Arthur, Richard (1865 - 1932)
- Ashby, Alison Marjorie (1901 - 1987)
- Ashby, Arthur Keith (1896 - 1971)
- Ashby, Eric (1904 - 1992)
- Ashton, Julian Howard (1877 - 1964)
- Ashworth, Edward (1814 - 1896)
- Aspinall, Jessie Strahorn (1880 - 1953)
- Aston, Ronald Leslie (1901 - 1969)
- Atkinson, Caroline Louisa Waring (1834 - 1872)
- Atkinson, Henry Brune (1874 - 1960)
- Auld, Patrick (1811 - 1886)
- Auld, William Patrick (1840 - 1912)
- Aurousseau, Marcel (1891 - 1983)
- Austin, Herbert (1866 - 1941)
- Avery, David (1871 - 1956)
- Baas Becking, Laurens Gerhard Marinus (1895 - 1963)
- Babbage, Benjamin Herschel (1815 - 1878)
- Backhouse, James (1794 - 1869)
- Badenach, Roy Mervyn (1898 - 1957)
- Badger, Geoffrey Malcolm (1916 - 2002)
- Baeuerlen, William (1840 - 1917)
- Bage, Anna Frederika (1883 - 1970)
- Bailey, Arthur Rudolph (1863 - 1938)
- Bailey, E.G. (1901 - c. 1975)
- Bailey, Frederick Manson (1827 - 1915)
- Bailey, John (1) (1800 - 1864)
- Bailey, John (2) (1871 - 1947)
- Bailey, John Eric (1913 - )
- Bailey, John Frederick (1866 - 1938)
- Bailey, Victor Albert (1895 - 1964)
- Bailly, Joseph Charles
- Baines, (John) Thomas (1820 - 1875)
- Baker, George (1908 - 1975)
- Baker, Henry Herbert (1867 - 1940)
- Baker, Richard Thomas (1854 - 1941)
- Baker, Stanley Charles (1910 - 1992)
- Baker, Thomas (1854 - 1928)
- Baker, Walter Ross (1907 - 1978)
- Baker, William George (1902 - 1978)
- Ball, Lionel Clive (1877 - 1955)
- Balsillie, John Graeme (1885 - 1924)
- Bancroft, Joseph (1836 - 1894)
- Bancroft, Thomas Lane (1860 - 1933)
- Bandt, Lewis Thornett (1910 - 1987)
- Banfield, Edmund James (1852 - 1923)
- Banks, Joseph (1743 - 1820)
- Bannon, Joseph (1900 - 1959)
- Barber, Horace Newton (1914 - 1971)
- Barclay, Henry Vere (1845 - 1917)
- Barnard, Francis George Allman (1857 - 1932)
- Barnard, George (1830 - 1894)
- Barnard, Marjorie Faith (1897 - 1987)
- Barnard, Mildred Macfarlan (1908 - 2000)
- Barnard, Wilfred Bourne (1870 - 1940)
- Barnes, Eric Stephen (1924 - 2000)
- Barnet, James Johnstone (1827 - 1904)
- Barnett, William Fred
- Barraclough, Samuel Henry Egerton (Henry) (1871 - 1958)
- Barrallier, Francis Louis (1773 - 1853)
- Barraud, Charles Decimus (1822 - 1897)
- Barrett, Edith Helen (1872 - 1939)
- Barrett, James William (1862 - 1945)
- Barron, Ellen (1875 - 1951)
- Barron, W.M.
- Barton, John Colin (1918 - )
- Basedow, Herbert (1881 - 1933)
- Bass, George (1771 - 1803)
- Bastow, Richard Austin (1839 - 1920)
- Bastow, Stewart Henry (1908 - 1964)
- Batchelor, George Keith (1920 - 2000)
- Bate, Ernest (1883 - 1974)
- Bates, Daisy May (1863 - 1951)
- Bates, Gilbert (1900 - )
- Baudin, Nicolas Thomas (1754 - 1803)
- Bauer, Ferdinand Lukas (1760 - 1826)
- Baxter, John Philip (1905 - 1989)
- Baxter, Rodney James (1940 - )
- Bayliss, Noel Stanley (1906 - 1996)
- Beale, John George Morris
- Beattie, Joseph Aloysius (1848 - 1920)
- Beauglehole, Alexander Clifford (1920 - 2002)
- Beaver, P.W.
- Beavis, Francis Clifford (1924 - 2006)
- Becker, Jack Ellerton (1904 - 1979)
- Becker, Ludwig (1808 - 1861)
- Beckwith, Athelstan Laurence Johnson (1930 - 2010)
- Bedford, Robert (1874 - 1951)
- Bednall, William Thompson (1915? - )
- Beechey, Frederick William (1796 - 1856)
- Behrend, Felix Adalbert (1911 - 1962)
- Beilin, Lawrence Joseph (1936 - )
- Belfield, Algernon Henry (1838 - 1922)
- Belisario, John Colquhoun (1900 - 1976)
- Bell, Jane (1873 - 1959)
- Bell, Raoul Sunday (1882 - 1966)
- Bell, Thomas
- Bellingshausen, Faddei Faddeevich (Fabian) (1778 - 1852)
- Belschner, Herman Godfrey (1895 - 1976)
- Belz, Maurice Henry (1897 - 1975)
- Benjamin, Louis Reginald Samuel (1892 - 1970)
- Bennett, Agnes Elizabeth Lloyd (1872 - 1960)
- Bennett, George (1804 - 1893)
- Bennett, John Henry (1926 - )
- Bennett, William Christopher (1824 - 1889)
- Benson, John Ernest (1911 - )
- Benson, William Noel (1885 - 1957)
- Bentham, George (1800 - 1884)
- Bernacchi, Louis Charles (1876 - 1942)
- Bernays, Sydney
- Berry, David (1795? - 1889)
- Bertram, Bert (1895 - 1928)
- Best, Dudley Robert William (1844 - 1928)
- Best, Henry (1832 - 1913)
- Best, Rupert Jethro (1903 - 1991)
- Betche, Ernst (1851 - 1913)
- Beuzeville, James (1809 - 1887)
- Beveridge, Peter (1829 - 1885)
- Bewsher, William Gordon (Bill) (1924 - 2012)
- Bickel, Lennard
- Bidwill, John Carne (1815 - 1853)
- Biggs, Alfred Barrett (1825 - 1900)
- Bilger, Robert William (1935 - 2015)
- Bingham, E.
- Bingham, Rowland Trevor Welland (1902 - 1970)
- Birch, Arthur John (1915 - 1995)
- Birch, Louis Charles (Charles) (1918 - 2009)
- Birch, Peter Vaughan (1949 - )
- Bird, Frederic Dougan (1858 - 1929)
- Bird, Samuel Dougan (1832 - 1904)
- Bishop, Peter Orlebar (1917 - 2012)
- Bishop, Wilfrid Barnard Shackson (1898 - 1973)
- Black, David St Clair (1938 - )
- Black, John McConnell (1855 - 1951)
- Black, Robert Hughes (1917 - 1988)
- Blackall, William Edward (1876 - 1941)
- Blackburn, Charles Bickerton (1874 - 1972)
- Blackburn, Thomas (1844 - 1912)
- Blackett, Cuthbert Robert (1831 - 1902)
- Blackman, James (1792? - 1868)
- Blackwood, Margaret (1909 - 1986)
- Blake, George Gascoigne (1885 - 1961)
- Blake, Leslie Russell (1890 - 1918)
- Blake, Stanley Thatcher (1911 - 1973)
- Blakey, Othman Frank (Frank) (1897 - 1952)
- Blamey, Jack W. (1914 - 1986)
- Blandowski, Johann Wilhelm Theodor Ludwig von (William) (1822 - 1878)
- Blatt, John Markus (1921 - 1990)
- Blazey, Eric Lloyd (1905 - 2000)
- Bliss, Charles Kasiel (1897 - 1985)
- Blood, Douglas Charles (1920 - 2013)
- Blosseville, Jules Poret De (1802 - c. 1833)
- Bloxam, A.
- Boardman, Norman Keith (Keith) (1926 - )
- Boas, Isaac Herbert (1878 - 1955)
- Boas, Walter Moritz (1904 - 1982)
- Boelke, Grace Fairley (1870 - 1948)
- Bok, Bart Jan (1906 - 1983)
- Bolton, Herbert Cairns (1921 - 2000)
- Bolton, John Gatenby (1922 - 1993)
- Bonwick, James (1817 - 1906)
- Boore, Fred A.
- Booth, Edgar Harold (1893 - 1963)
- Booth, Mary (1869 - 1956)
- Borchgrevink, Carsten Egeberg (1864 - 1934)
- Born, Max (1882 - 1970)
- Borrell, William (1916 - )
- Borthwick, Thomas (1860 - 1924)
- Bosisto, Joseph (1824 - 1898)
- Bostock, John (1892 - 1987)
- Boswell, Robert William McGregor (1911 - 1976)
- Bosworth, Richard Charles Leslie (1907 - 1964)
- Bottomley, Robert Alwyn (1912 - 2004)
- Bougainville, Hyacinthe de (1781 - 1846)
- Bougainville, Louis Antoine (1729 - 1811)
- Boura, Alan L. A. (1927 - 2015)
- Bourne, Eleanor Elizabeth (1878 - 1957)
- Bouton, Wilbur Knibloe ( - 1936)
- Bowden, Frank Philip (1903 - 1968)
- Bowen, Edward George (1911 - 1991)
- Bower, John Crawford (1911 - 1957)
- Bowie, John Hamilton (1938 - )
- Bowyer-Bower, Thomas Henry (1862 - 1886)
- Boyd, John Archibald (1846 - 1926)
- Boyd, William Alexander Jenyns (1842 - 1928)
- Boys, Charles Vernon (1855 - 1944)
- Bracewell, Ronald Newbold (1921 - )
- Bradfield, John Job Crew (1867 - 1943)
- Bradford, Leslie (1878 - 1943)
- Brady, Joseph (1828 - 1908)
- Bragg, William Henry (1862 - 1942)
- Bragg, William Lawrence (1890 - 1971)
- Braine, Arthur Belgrave (1854 - 1945)
- Branagan, David Francis (1930 - 2022)
- Branagan, John King
- Brass, Leonard J. (1900 - 1971)
- Bray, James Samuel (1840 - 1918)
- Brazier, John William (1842 - 1930)
- Brearley, Joseph Henry Draper (1873 - 1941)
- Breinl, Anton (1880 - 1944)
- Brennan, Edward Thomas (1887 - 1953)
- Brennan, Louis (1852 - 1932)
- Brett, Peter Robin (1935 - )
- Brewer, Ilma Mary (1915 - 2006)
- Brierly, Oswald Walters (1817 - 1894)
- Briggs, Edward Alfred (1890 - 1969)
- Briggs, George Henry (1893 - 1987)
- Briggs, John Joseph
- Brisbane, Thomas Makdougall (1773 - 1860)
- Brittlebank, Charles Clifton (1862 - 1945)
- Broadbent, Kendall (1837 - 1911)
- Brock, Daniel George
- Brodie-Hall, Laurence Charles (1910 - 2006)
- Broinowski, Gracius Joseph (1837 - 1913)
- Brookes, E. Stanley
- Brooks, Joseph (1847 - 1918)
- Brose, Henry Herman Leopold Adolph (1890 - 1965)
- Broughton Edge, Arthur (1895 - 1953)
- Brown, Adrian George (1914 - 2007)
- Brown, Edward Byam (1880 - 1966)
- Brown, Frank
- Brown, Frederick
- Brown, George (1835 - 1917)
- Brown, Henry Yorke Lyell (1844 - 1928)
- Brown, Horace (1883 - )
- Brown, Ian (1917 - 1987)
- Brown, James Boyer (1919 - 2009)
- Brown, James J.
- Brown, John Ednie (1848 - 1899)
- Brown, Richard Julian Challis (1936 - )
- Brown, Robert (1773 - 1858)
- Brown, Robert Hanbury (1916 - 2002)
- Brown, Roger Frederick Challis (1931 - )
- Brown, Steve
- Brown, Vera Scantlebury (1889 - 1946)
- Brown, W.G.
- Browne, Grace Cuthbert (1900 - 1988)
- Browne, John Harris (1817 - 1904)
- Browne, William Rowan (1884 - 1975)
- Browning, Thomas Oakley (1920 - 1998)
- Brownless, Anthony Colling (1817 - 1897)
- Bruce, John Leck (1850 - 1921)
- Bruce, Michael Ian (1938 - )
- Bruckshaw, John McGarva (1906 - 1969)
- Brünnich, Johannes Christian (1861 - 1933)
- Brunning, George (1830 - 1893)
- Bruny d'Entrecasteaux, Joseph-Antoine Raymond (1739 - 1793)
- Bryan, Walter Heywood (1891 - 1966)
- Bryan, Wilfred Walter (1907 - 1974)
- Bryce, Lucy Meredith (1897 - 1968)
- Buchanan, Gwynneth Vaughan (1886 - 1945)
- Buchdahl, Hans Adolph (1919 - 2010)
- Buchwald, Viliam Teodor (1929 - )
- Builder, Geoffrey (1906 - 1960)
- Bull, Lionel Batley (1889 - 1978)
- Bullen, Keith Edward (1906 - 1976)
- Bunce, Daniel (1813 - 1872)
- Buncle, John (1822 - 1889)
- Burchell, Frederick Newman
- Burdon, Roy Stanley (1893 - 1966)
- Burfitt, Walter Charles Fitzmaurice (1874 - 1956)
- Burhop, Eric Henry Stoneley (1911 - 1980)
- Burke, Robert O'Hara (1821 - 1861)
- Burkitt, Arthur Neville St George Handcock (1891 - 1959)
- Burn, Alan (1889 - 1959)
- Burnet, Frank Macfarlane (1899 - 1985)
- Burnett, James Charles (1815 - 1854)
- Burns, Alexander Noble (1899 - 1994)
- Burnstock, Geoffrey (1929 - 2020)
- Burrage, T.A. (? - 1907)
- Burrell, Henry James (1873 - 1945)
- Burton, David (? - 1792)
- Busby, George (1798 - 1870)
- Busby, James (1801 - 1871)
- Busby, John (1765 - 1857)
- Bushby, Thomas Robert William (1900 - )
- Butement, William Alan Stewart (1904 - 1990)
- Butler, Arthur Graham (1872 - 1949)
- Butler, Cecil Arthur (1902 - 1980)
- Butler, Stuart Thomas (1926 - 1982)
- Butler, William Henry (Harry) (1930 - 2015)
- Butters, John Henry (1885 - 1969)
- Buzacott, James Hardie (1902 - 1984)
- Cadell, Francis (1822 - 1879)
- Caire, Nicholas John (1837 - 1918)
- Cairn, Edward James
- Cairns, Hugh William Bell (1896 - 1952)
- Cairns, John Edwin Ingliston (1901 - )
- Caley, George (1770 - 1829)
- Callaghan, Allan Robert (1903 - 1993)
- Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949)
- Callow, Joseph Royal (1910 - 1947)
- Calvert, James Snowden (1825 - 1884)
- Calvert, Joseph (1906 - 1988)
- Cambage, Richard Hind (1859 - 1928)
- Cameron, Samuel Sherwen (1866 - 1933)
- Camfield, Julius Henry (1852 - 1916)
- Campbell, Alfred Walter (Snowy) (1868 - 1937)
- Campbell, Allan John (1911 - 1979)
- Campbell, Frank (? - 1987)
- Campbell, John Fauna (1853 - 1938)
- Campbell, Thomas Draper (1893 - 1967)
- Campbell, Thomas Graham (1904 - )
- Candy, Michael Philip (1928 - 1994)
- Cane, William Lancashire (1911 - 1987)
- Carey, Gladys
- Carey, Harvey McKay (1917 - 1989)
- Carey, Henry Charles (1793 - 1879)
- Carey, Samuel Warren (Warren) (1911 - 2002)
- Carleylle, A.C.L.
- Carmichael, Archibald Drummond
- Carne, Alan McArthur (1887 - 1975?)
- Carne, Joseph Edmund (1855 - 1922)
- Carne, Walter Mervyn (1885 - 1952)
- Carnegie, David Wynford (1871 - 1900)
- Carr, Denis John (1915 - 2008)
- Carroll, Alan (c. 1823 - 1911)
- Carron, William (1821 - 1876)
- Carslaw, Horatio Scott (1870 - 1954)
- Carter, Charles Ernest (1885 - 1976)
- Carter, E.
- Carter, Herbert James (1858 - 1940)
- Carver, John Henry (1926 - 2004)
- Casey, Cornelius Gavin (1810 - 1896)
- Casey, Richard Gavin Gardiner (1890 - 1976)
- Catani, Carlo Giorgio Domenico Enrico (1852 - 1918)
- Catcheside, David Guthrie (1907 - 1994)
- Cavill, George William Kenneth (Ken) (1922 - 2017)
- Cawthorne, William Anderson (1825 - 1897)
- Chadim, V.A.
- Challinor, Richard Westman (1874 - 1951)
- Chalmers, Robert Oliver (1911 - 2006)
- Chamberlain, Noel Gordon (1916 - )
- Chambers, Thomas Carrick (1930 - )
- Champion de Crespigny, Constantine Trent (1882 - 1952)
- Chapman, A.
- Chapman, Henry George (1879 - 1934)
- Chapman, Robert William (1866 - 1942)
- Chapple, Phoebe (1879 - 1967)
- Chatfield, Florence (1867 - 1949)
- Chauncy, Philip Lamothe Snell (1816 - 1880)
- Checchi, Ettore (1853 - 1946)
- Cheel, Edwin (1872 - 1951)
- Cherry, Francis
- Cherry, Richard Ormond (1903 - 1996)
- Cherry, Thomas (1861 - 1945)
- Cherry, Thomas Macfarland (1898 - 1966)
- Cherry-Garrard, Apsley G.B. (1886 - 1959)
- Chewings, Charles (1859 - 1937)
- Childe, Vere Gordon (1892 - 1957)
- Chisholm, Edwin Claude (c. 1880 - 1944)
- Christian, Clifford Stuart (Chris) (1907 - 1996)
- Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Chris) (1913 - 2007)
- Cilento, Raphael West (1893 - 1985)
- Clark, Arthur Temple
- Clark, Donald (1864 - 1932)
- Clark, Edward Vincent (1876 - 1952)
- Clark, Gordon Colvin Lindesay (Lindesay) (1896 - 1986)
- Clark, Graeme Milbourne (1935 - )
- Clark, Henry William (1865 - 1930?)
- Clark, Hubert Lyman (1870 - 1947)
- Clark, John Howard (1830 - 1878)
- Clark, Marie Coutts (1908 - 1991)
- Clark, Matthew Symonds
- Clarke, Adrienne Elizabeth (1938 - )
- Clarke, William Branwhite (1798 - 1878)
- Clarke, William John (1831 - 1897)
- Clark-Lewis, John William (1920 - 2001)
- Clemens, Mary Strong (1873 - 1968)
- Clement, Dixie Paumier (1879 - 1935)
- Clements, Frederick Moore (1859 - 1920)
- Clendinnen, Frederick John (1860 - 1913)
- Clendinnen, Leslie John (Jack) (1887 - 1954)
- Clerk, Henry
- Close, John Campbell (1881 - 1953)
- Clothier, William Keith (1914 - )
- Clubbe, Charles Percy Barlee (1854 - 1932)
- Clunies Ross, William Ian (1899 - 1959)
- Clunies Ross, William John (1850 - 1914)
- Coad, Alan Rawle (1919 - ?)
- Coane, John Montgomery (1848 - 1923)
- Cobb, Nathan Augustus (1859 - 1932)
- Cobbett, William (1763 - 1835)
- Cobley, John
- Cochrane, Harold Clyde
- Cockle, James (1819 - 1895)
- Coghlan, Timothy Augustine (1855 - 1926)
- Cohen, Alan
- Cohen, Douglas Harry (1920 - 2011)
- Cohen, Fanny (1887 - 1975)
- Cole, Frank Hobill (1863 - 1934)
- Cole, William Frederick (1917 - )
- Colenso, William (1811 - 1899)
- Collie, Alexander (1793 - 1835)
- Colquhoun, Thomas Talbot (1904 - 1981)
- Colson, Edmund Albert (Ted) (1881 - 1950)
- Compere, George
- Compston, William (1931 - )
- Connolly, Donald Hamilton (1909 - )
- Connor, Andrew Kenneth (Ken) (1906 - 1990)
- Conrick, Horatio Victor Patrick (1882 - 1960)
- Considen, Denis (c. 1760 - 1815)
- Conyers, Evelyn Augusta (1870 - 1944)
- Cook, James (1728 - 1779)
- Cooke, William Ernest (1863 - 1947)
- Cooke, William Ternent (1877 - 1957)
- Cookson, Isabel Clifton (1893 - 1973)
- Cooling, Lance E. (1893 - 1924)
- Cooper, Lilian Violet (1861 - 1947)
- Coppleson, Victor Marcus (1893 - 1965)
- Corbould, William Thomas Henry (1866 - 1949)
- Corin, William (1867 - 1929)
- Corkill, Arthur Basil (1898 - 1958)
- Corlette, James Montagu Christian (1880 - 1969)
- Cornforth, John Warcup (1917 - 2013)
- Cornish, Edmund Alfred (Alf) (1909 - 1973)
- Cornthwaite, George
- Cotton, Frank Stanley (1890 - 1955)
- Cotton, Leo Arthur (1883 - 1963)
- Cottrell-Dormer, W. (1901 - )
- Counsel, Edward Albert (1849 - 1939)
- Courtice, Frederick Colin (Colin) (1911 - 1992)
- Courtney-Pratt, Jeofry Stuart (1920 - 1995)
- Covington, Syms (1813 - 1861)
- Cowan, Henry Jacob (Jack) (1919 - 2007)
- Cowley, John Maxwell (1923 - 2004)
- Cowlishaw, Leslie (1877 - 1943)
- Cox, James Charles (1834 - 1912)
- Coxen, Charles (1809 - 1876)
- Cracknell, Edward Charles (1831 - 1893)
- Craig, David Parker (1919 - 2015)
- Craig, Robert Gordon (1870 - 1931)
- Crawford, Alexander (1857 - 1935)
- Crawford, Frazer Smith (c. 1829 - 1890)
- Creaghe, Emily Caroline
- Crespin, Irene (1896 - 1980)
- Crocker, Robert Langdon (1914 - 1963)
- Crommelin, Minard Fannie (1881 - 1972)
- Crouch, J.W.C.
- Crowther, Edward Lodewyk (1843 - 1931)
- Crowther, William Edward Lodewyk H. (1887 - 1981)
- Crowther, William Lodewyk (1817 - 1885)
- Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira (1796 - c. 1848)
- Cruickshank, Fletcher Donaldson (1908 - 1990)
- Cullen, Edward Alexander Ernest (1861 - 1950)
- Cumming, Ronald William (1920 - 1986)
- Cummins, John Edward (Jack) (1902 - 1989)
- Cumpston, John Howard Lidgett (1880 - 1954)
- Cunningham, Allan (1791 - 1839)
- Cunningham, Kenneth Stewart (1890 - 1976)
- Cunningham, Richard (1793 - 1835)
- Curlewis, Harold Burnham (1874 - 1968)
- Curnow, David Henry (1921 - 2004)
- Curran, John Milne (1859 - 1928)
- Curran, Lionel Kenneth (1918 - 1996)
- Currie, George Alexander (1896 - 1984)
- Currie, John Lang (1818 - 1898)
- Currie, Mark John
- Curtis, David Roderick (1927 - 2017)
- Curtis, Robin R.
- Custance, John Daniel (1842 - 1923)
- Daily, Brian
- Daintree, Richard (1832 - 1878)
- Dakin, William John (John) (1883 - 1950)
- D'Albertis, Luigi Maria (1841 - 1901)
- Dale, Henry Hallett (1875 - 1968)
- Dale, John (1885 - 1952)
- Dallachy, John (c. 1803 - 1871)
- Dalrymple, Alexander (1737 - 1808)
- Daly, Anne (1860 - 1924)
- Dalyell, Elsie Jean (1881 - 1948)
- Dana, James Dwight (1813 - 1895)
- Daneš, Jirí Václav (1880 - 1928)
- Dannevig, Harald Kristian (1871 - 1914)
- D'Arcy, Constance Elizabeth (1879 - 1950)
- Darnell-Smith, George Percy (1868 - 1942)
- Darragh, Thomas Alwynne (Tom) (1940 - )
- Darwin, Charles Robert (1809 - 1882)
- Davey, Constance Muriel (1882 - 1963)
- David, Charles St John (1855? - 1924)
- David, Tannatt William Edgeworth (1858 - 1934)
- Davidson, Daniel Sutherland (1900 - 1952)
- Davidson, James (1885 - 1945)
- Davidson, William (1844 - 1920)
- Davies, David Elwyn (1925 - )
- Davies, Harold Whitridge (1894 - 1946)
- Davies, Haydn Lloyd (1927 - )
- Davies, William (1895 - 1966)
- Davis, Edward Hughesdon (1920 - 1981)
- Davis, Ross Raleigh (1907 - 1986)
- Dawes, William (1762 - 1836)
- Dawson, William Siegfried (1891 - 1975)
- Day, Maxwell Frank Cooper (1915 - 2017)
- Day, Theodore Ernest (1866 - 1943)
- de Bavay, Auguste Joseph François (1856 - 1944)
- de Beuzeville, Wilfred Alexander Watt (1884 - 1954)
- De Garis, Mary Clementina (1881 - 1963)
- de Kretser, David Morritz (1939 - )
- Dean, Kenneth Geoffrey (1920 - 1993)
- Deane, Henry (1847 - 1924)
- Deeble, Jack (1924 - 2003)
- Dell, John
- Delprat, Guillaume Daniel (1856 - 1937)
- Dempster, J. Keith
- Dendy, Arthur (1865 - 1925)
- Denison, William Thomas (1804 - 1871)
- Denton, Derek Ashworth (1924 - 2022)
- Derham, Alfred Plumley (1891 - 1962)
- Derrick, Edward Holbrook (1898 - 1976)
- Despeissis, Jean Marie Adrian (1860 - 1927)
- Devenport, Victor Sturt
- Devine, Hugh Berchmans (1878 - 1959)
- Dew, Harold Robert (1891 - 1962)
- Dick, Alexander Thomas (1911 - 1982)
- Dickson, Bertram Thomas (1886 - 1982)
- Dietrich, Koncordie Amalie (1821 - 1891)
- Diggles, Silvester (1817 - 1880)
- Dintenfass, Leopold (1921 - 1990)
- Dobbie, Leonard Graham (1909 - 1973)
- Docking, Alan Robert (1915 - 1973)
- Dodd, Alan Parkhurst (1896 - 1981)
- Dodd, Frederick Parkhurst (1861 - 1937)
- Dodds, A.D.
- Dods, Lorimer Fenton (1900 - 1981)
- Dodwell, George Frederick (1879 - 1963)
- Donald, Colin Malcolm (1910 - 1985)
- Doorly, James Gerald Stokely (Gerald) (1880 - 1956)
- Douglas, Athol Mardon (1915 - 2006)
- Douglas, Geoffrey William (1925 - 1985)
- Douglas, Gilbert Eric (Eric) (1902 - 1970)
- Dovers, George Harris Sarjeant (1887 - 1971)
- Dovey, Leonard G.
- Downes, John Godkin (1917 - 1984)
- Downes, Ronald Geoffrey (1916 - 1985)
- Downey, Michael Henry (1877 - 1933)
- Downing, Harold Leslie (1913 - 2004)
- Drake, W. Elliott
- Drake-Brockman, Frederick Slade (1857 - 1917)
- Drummond, James (c. 1786 - 1863)
- Dryden, John Stuart (1921 - )
- du Boulay, Francis Houssemayne (1837 - 1914)
- Duffield, Walter Geoffrey (1879 - 1929)
- Duguid, Charles
- Duhig, James Vincent Joseph (1889 - 1963)
- Dun, William Sutherland (1868 - 1934)
- Dunbabin, Robert Leslie (1869 - 1949)
- Duncanson, William Eric (1907 - 1994)
- Dunhill, Thomas Peel (1876 - 1957)
- Dunkin, Henry Haughton (1909 - 1987)
- Dunlop, James (1793 - 1848)
- Dunphy, Myles Joseph (1891 - 1985)
- Dunstan, Benjamin (1864 - 1933)
- Duperrey, Louis Isidore (1786 - 1865)
- Dupetit-Thouars, Abel Aubert (1758? - 1831?)
- Durack, Joseph J.E. (1877 - 1955)
- Dwyer, Francis Patrick John (1910 - 1962)
- Dyason, Diana Joan (1919 - 1989)
- Dymock, John
- Eardley, Constance Margaret (1910 - 1978)
- Earl, John Campbell (1890 - 1978)
- East, Lewis Ronald (1899 - 1994)
- Eccles, John Carew (1903 - 1997)
- Eddy, Cecil Ernest (1900 - 1956)
- Edman, Pehr Victor (1916 - 1977)
- Edmunds, Percy J.
- Edwards, Austin Burton (1909 - 1960)
- Edwards, Edward
- Edye, Benjamin Thomas (1884 - 1962)
- Eggleston, Frederic Felix Henriques (1914 - 1995)
- Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955)
- Eirich, Frederick Roland (1905 - )
- Elford, Harold Stewart (1902 - 1956)
- Elkin, Adolphus Peter (1891 - 1979)
- Elkington, John Simeon Colebrook (1871 - 1955)
- Ellery, Reginald Spencer (1897 - 1955)
- Elliott, A.C.
- Elliott, James Frederick (1858 - 1928)
- Elliott, Sizar (1814 - 1901)
- Elliott, William Herdman (1925 - 2012)
- Ellis, Constance (1872 - 1942)
- Ellis, Graeme Reade Anthony (1921 - 2011)
- Ellis, Henry Havelock (1859 - 1939)
- Ellyett, Clifton Darfield
- Elsey, Joseph Ravenscroft (1834 - 1857)
- Elston, Albert H. (1890 - 1936?)
- Elyard, William
- Embley, Edward Henry (1861 - 1924)
- Emmens, Clifford Walter (1913 - 1999)
- Ennor, Arnold Hughes (Hugh) (1912 - 1977)
- Enright, Walter John (1874 - 1949)
- Entwhistle, Keith William
- Etheridge, Robert (Junior) (1847 - 1920)
- Evans, George William (1780 - 1852)
- Evans, John William (1906 - 1990)
- Evans, Lloyd Thomas (1927 - 2015)
- Everill, Henry Charles (? - 1900)
- Everist, Selwyn Lawrence (1913 - 1981)
- Everson, Donald William (1898 - )
- Ewing, Samuel Arthur (1864 - 1941)
- Ewing, Thomas (1879 - 1945)
- Eyre, Edward John (1815 - 1901)
- Eyres, Frederick G.
- Fackender, Melville Norman (Mel)
- Fagan, Charles E.
- Fairbridge, Rhodes Whitmore (1914 - 2006)
- Fairley, Neil Hamilton (1891 - 1966)
- Falconer, Ian Robert
- Falk, John Edwin Rogers (1917 - 1970)
- Fallon, Robert (1903 - )
- Farr, Clinton Coleridge (1866 - 1943)
- Farrant, John Lascelles (1918 - 2003)
- Farrer, Keith Thomas Henry (1916 - 2012)
- Farrer, William James (1845 - 1906)
- Faulding, Francis Hardey (1816 - 1868)
- Fawsitt, Charles Edward (1878 - 1960)
- Felton, Alfred (1831 - 1904)
- Fenner, Charles Albert Edward (1884 - 1955)
- Fenner, Frank John (1914 - 2010)
- Ferguson, Arthur Eric (1917 - 1994)
- Ferguson, Eustace William (1884 - 1927)
- Ferguson, James Crighton (1903 - 1965)
- Fetherston, Richard Herbert Joseph (1864 - 1943)
- Fidge, Edward Leonard (1897 - 1933)
- Fink, Peter Thomas (Tom) (1922 - 1994)
- Finsch, Otto (1839 - 1917)
- Firth, Raymond William (1901 - 2002)
- Fishbourne, John William Yorke (1843 - 1911)
- Fisher, Ronald Aylmer (1890 - 1962)
- Fisk, Ernest Thomas (1886 - 1965)
- Fison, Lorimer (1832 - 1907)
- Fitts, Clive (1900 - 1984)
- FitzGerald, Robert David (1830 - 1892)
- Fitzgerald, William Vincent (1867? - 1929)
- Fitzroy, Robert
- Fiveash, Rosa Catherine (1854 - 1938)
- Flannery, Timothy Fridjof
- Flentje, Noel Thomas (1921 - 1974)
- Fletcher, Harold Oswald (1903 - 1996)
- Fletcher, Joseph James (1850 - 1926)
- Fletcher, Neville Horner (1930 - 2017)
- Fleuri, Gaston
- Flinders, Matthew (1774 - 1814)
- Flood, James
- Flynn, Theodore Thomson (1883 - 1968)
- Forbes, Henry Ogg (1851 - 1932)
- Ford, Edward (Ted) (1902 - 1986)
- Ford, Joan Munro (1918 - 1992?)
- Ford, Julian Ralph (1932 - 1987)
- Forrest, Alexander (1849 - 1901)
- Forrest, James Alexander (1905 - 1990)
- Forrest, John (1847 - 1918)
- Forster, Howard Carlyle (1903 - 1981)
- Forster, Johann Georg Adam (1754 - 1794)
- Forster, Johann Reinhold (1729 - 1798)
- Forsyth, John Walter
- Fothergill, John (1712 - 1780)
- Fowler, Hugh Lionel (1891 - 1946)
- Fowler, Thomas Walker (1859 - 1928)
- Fox, John
- Francis, George William (1800 - 1865)
- Francis, William Douglas (1889 - 1959)
- Franklin, John (1786 - 1847)
- Fraser, Colin (1875 - 1944)
- Fraser, Harold Douglas (1921 - )
- Frazer, Charles (1788? - 1831)
- French, Charles (1842 - 1933)
- French, Charles Hamilton (1868 - 1950)
- Freycinet, Louis Henri Desaulses de (1777 - 1840)
- Freycinet, Louis-Claude Desaulses de (1779 - 1842)
- Fridrichsons, Janis (1906 - 1987)
- Froggatt, John Lewis (1891 - )
- Froggatt, Walter Wilson (1858 - 1937)
- Frost, Herbert John (1910 - 1980)
- Fry, Henry Kenneth (1886 - 1959)
- Fullarton, Peter Gordon (Gordon) (1912 - 1991)
- Fuller, Claude W. (1872 - 1928)
- Fuller, George Rayner (1898 - 1979)
- Furber, Thomas Frederick (1855 - 1924)
- Gabriel, Charles John (1879 - 1963)
- Galbraith, Jean (1906 - 1999)
- Gale, Walter Frederick (1865 - 1945)
- Gallard, Luke (1864 - 1938)
- Gandevia, Bryan Harle (1925 - 2006)
- Gardiner, Martin
- Gardner, Charles Austin (1896 - 1970)
- Garling, Frederick (1806 - 1873)
- Garnet, John Roslyn (Ros) (1906 - 1998)
- Gascoigne, Sidney Charles Bartholemew (1915 - 2010)
- Gasking, Elizabeth
- Gatliff, John Henry (1848 - 1935)
- Gatty, Harold Charles (1903 - 1957)
- George, Eric Paul (1914 - 1995)
- George, Ray W.
- George, T.E.
- Gepp, Herbert William (1877 - 1954)
- Gibbons, Charles (1841 - 1927)
- Gibson, Alexander James (1876 - 1960)
- Gibson, Angus Alexander (1882 - 1970)
- Gibson, Ernest Stephen Harvey (1905 - 1949)
- Gibson, Frank William Ernest (1923 - 2008)
- Gibson, John Allan
- Gibson, John Lockhart (1860 - 1944)
- Gibson, William Hope Harnett (1892 - 1967)
- Gilbert, John (1812 - 1845)
- Gilchrist, James Desmond (1913 - )
- Giles, William Ernest Powell (Ernest) (1835 - 1897)
- Gilet, Pierre Gerard Mathieu (1913 - 1958)
- Gill, Thomas Perrott (1916 - 2006)
- Gillen, Francis James (1855 - 1912)
- Gillett, Cecil Septimus
- Gilruth, John Anderson (1871 - 1937)
- Giovanelli, Ronald Gordon (1915 - 1984)
- Gipps, George (1791 - 1847)
- Girault, Alexandrè Arsène (1884 - 1941)
- Glaessner, Martin Fritz (1906 - 1989)
- Glasson, Joseph Leslie (1889 - 1923)
- Glauert, Ludwig (1879 - 1963)
- Goddard, Ernest James (1883 - 1948)
- Godfrey, Gordon Hay (1892 - 1979)
- Goldfinch, Gilbert Macarthur (1887 - 1943)
- Goldie, Andrew (1840 - 1891)
- Goodall, R.W.
- Goode, Dewar Wilson (1907 - 2002)
- Goodman, William George Toop (1872 - 1961)
- Gordon, Douglas (1911 - 1993)
- Gordon, George (1829 - 1907)
- Gordon, William Glen (1911 - 1937)
- Gosse, William Christie (1842 - 1881)
- Gottschalk, Alfred (1894 - 1973)
- Gould, Charles (1834 - 1893)
- Gould, Elizabeth (1804 - 1841)
- Gould, Ellen Julia (1860 - 1941)
- Gould, John (1804 - 1881)
- Gould, John Henry
- Goulston, Daphne Lydia (1905 - 1985)
- Gow, Robert Biggart
- Graham, Beryl Ada
- Grant, Colin Kerr (1912 - 2011)
- Grant, Kerr (1878 - 1967)
- Grant, Robert Edmund
- Grasby, William Catton (1859 - 1930)
- Gray, Alexander
- Gray, Chester
- Gray, Edward
- Gray, George Robert (1808 - 1872)
- Gray, John Edward (1800 - 1875)
- Gray, Joseph Alexander (1884 - 1966)
- Gray, Percival (1889 - 1944)
- Grayson, Henry Joseph (1856 - 1918)
- Green, Alfred Leonard (1905 - 1951)
- Green, Herbert Sydney (1920 - 1999)
- Green, John Wilbur (1873 - 1971)
- Green, Lorna
- Green, William Heber (c. 1880 - 1932)
- Greener, Herbert Leslie (1900 - 1974)
- Greenwood, John Neill (Neill) (1894 - 1981)
- Gregory, Augustus Charles (1819 - 1905)
- Gregory, Francis Thomas (Frank) (1821 - 1888)
- Gregory, Henry Churchman (1823 - 1869)
- Gregory, Jack Norman (1920 - 1980)
- Gregory, John Walter (1864 - 1932)
- Gregory, Malcolm Spencer
- Greig, Jane Stocks (1872 - 1939)
- Greig, Janet Lindsay (1874 - 1950)
- Gresswell, Dan Astley (1853 - 1904)
- Griffith, Samuel Walker (1845 - 1920)
- Griffiths, John Alfred (1848 - 1933)
- Grimes, Charles (1772 - 1858)
- Grounds, Roy (1905 - 1981)
- Grouse, Phillip John (1933 - )
- Groves, William Charles (1898 - 1967)
- Guerard, Johann Joseph Eugen von (1812 - 1901)
- Guest, Edward
- Guiler, Eric Rowland
- Guilfoyle, William Robert (1840 - 1912)
- Gullett, Lucy Edith (1876 - 1949)
- Gunn, John Alexander (1860 - 1910)
- Gunn, Reginald Montagu Cairns (1893 - 1974)
- Gunn, Ronald Campbell (1808 - 1881)
- Gunning, Brian Edgar Scourse (1934 - )
- Gurney, William Butler (1882 - 1939)
- Guthrie, Frederick Bickell (1861 - 1927)
- Haacke, Johann Wilhelm (1855 - 1912)
- Hacker, Henry (1876 - 1973)
- Hailes, William Allan (1891 - 1949)
- Hale, Herbert Mathew (1895 - 1963)
- Halford, George Britton (1824 - 1910)
- Hall, Edward Swarbreck (1805 - 1881)
- Hall, Graham George (1910 - 1971)
- Halley, Ida Gertrude Margaret (1867 - 1939)
- Halligan, Gerald Harnett (1856 - 1942)
- Halpern, Berthold (1923 - 1980)
- Hamann, Sefton Davidson (1921 - 2009)
- Hamilton, Alexander Greenlaw (1852 - 1941)
- Hamlin, John Calhoun (1896 - )
- Hamlyn-Harris, Ronald (1874 - 1953)
- Hancock, William John (1864 - 1931)
- Hannam, Walter Henry (1865 - 1965)
- Hannan, Edward James (1921 - 1994)
- Hannan, Leslie Victor
- Hansen, Norman Reginald (1917 - 1980)
- Hardie, David (1856 - 1945)
- Hardman, Edward Townley (1845 - 1887)
- Hardy, George Hudleston Hurlstone (1882 - 1966)
- Hargrave, Lawrence (1850 - 1915)
- Hargreaves, Maxwell Edgar (1923 - 1976)
- Hargreaves, William Arthur (1866 - 1959)
- Harker, George Percy (1878 - 1957)
- Harper, Arthur Frederick Alan (1913 - 1991)
- Harper, Charles (1842 - 1912)
- Harper, George (1802? - 1841)
- Harper, Herbert Reah (1871 - 1956)
- Harper, Margaret Hilda (1879 - 1964)
- Harricks, Dudley Francis John (1880 - 1960)
- Harris, Bertrand John (1925 - 1974)
- Harris, Charles Hope (1846 - 1915)
- Harris, George Prideaux Robert (1775 - 1810)
- Harris, Lawrence Herschel Levi (Herschel) (1871 - 1920)
- Harris, Leonard Michael (1908 - 2003)
- Harris, Samuel Henry (1881 - 1936)
- Harris, Thistle Yolette (1902 - 1990)
- Harris, William John (1886 - 1957)
- Harrison, Charles Turnball (1866 - 1914)
- Harrison, James (1816? - 1893)
- Harrison, Launcelot (1880 - 1928)
- Harrison, Walter
- Hart, Alfred (1870 - 1950)
- Hart, Thomas Stephen (1871 - 1960)
- Hartley, William
- Hartnett, Laurence John (1898 - 1986)
- Hartung, Ernst Johannes (1893 - 1979)
- Harvey, William Cotter Burnell (1897 - 1981)
- Harvey, William Henry (1811 - 1866)
- Haswell, William Aitcheson (1854 - 1925)
- Hatch, Marshall Davidson (1932 - )
- Hatt, Harold H.
- Haweis, Thomas
- Hawken, Roger William Hercules (1878 - 1947)
- Hawker, Harry George (1889 - 1921)
- Hawkins, Laric Villier
- Hayes, William (1913 - 1994)
- Hayter, Henry Heylyn (1821 - 1895)
- Hayter, Lorna (1897 - 1989)
- Head, Alan Kenneth (1925 - 2010)
- Healey, Reginald Henry (1912 - 1961)
- Healy, Clarence Patrick (1898 - 1979)
- Healy, Thomas William (1937 - )
- Hector, James (1834 - 1907)
- Hedley, Charles (1862 - 1926)
- Hellyer, Henry (1790 - 1832)
- Helms, Richard (1842 - 1914)
- Helms, Sabine
- Helois, Robert
- Henderson, Edwin Thomas
- Henderson, G.C.
- Henderson, John Brownlie (1869 - 1950)
- Henderson, Margaret Helen
- Henty, Edward (1810 - 1878)
- Herbert, Desmond Andrew (1898 - 1976)
- Hercus, Eric Oswald (1891 - 1962)
- Herlihy, John Edward (1908 - 1963)
- Herman, Hyman (1875 - 1962)
- Herz, Max Markus (1876 - 1948)
- Hewlett, Herbert Maunsell (1872 - 1957)
- Heyde, Christopher Charles (1939 - 2008)
- Heymann, Erich (1901 - 1949)
- Heyne, Ernst Bernhard (1825 - 1881)
- Hickman, Vernon Victor (1894 - 1984)
- Hicks, Cedric Stanton (1892 - 1976)
- Hicks, Gordon James (1910 - )
- Hides, Jack Gordon (1906 - 1938)
- Higgins, George (1856 - 1943)
- Higgins, John Michael (1862 - 1937)
- Higgs, Arthur John (1904 - )
- Hill, Dorothy (1907 - 1997)
- Hill, Gerald Freer (1880 - 1954)
- Hill, James Peter (1873 - 1954)
- Hill, Kate (1859 - 1933)
- Hill, Robert Dickson (1913 - 2009)
- Hill, Walter (1820 - 1904)
- Hillhouse, Robert Albury
- Hindmarsh, William Lloyd (1889 - 1980)
- Hinkler, Herbert John Louis (1892 - 1933)
- Hirschfeld, Eugen (1866 - 1946)
- Hirst, George Walter Cansdell (1886 - 1971)
- Hirst, Henry (1907 - 1984)
- Hoare, Michael Edward (1941 - 1996)
- Hoare, William Webster
- Hobson, Edmund Charles (1814 - 1848)
- Hoddle, Robert (1794 - 1881)
- Hodgkinson, Clement (1818 - 1893)
- Hodgson, Christopher Pemberton (1821 - 1865)
- Hodgson, Richard (1855 - 1905)
- Hodgson, Thomas Vere (1864 - 1926)
- Hogan, Thomas Kevin (1914 - 1983)
- Hogbin, Herbert Ian Priestley (1904 - 1989)
- Hogg, Arthur Robert (1903 - 1966)
- Hogg, Evelyn Granville ( - 1951)
- Holdaway, Frederick George (1902 - 1965)
- Holden, Frances Gillam (1843 - 1924)
- Holloway, Bruce William (1928 - )
- Holloway, Frederick Sydney (1914 - 2011)
- Hollway, David Lipscombe (1915 - )
- Holmes à Court, Alan Worsley (1896 - 1957)
- Holmes, James Macdonald (1896 - 1966)
- Holmes, Walter Morell (1883 - 1955)
- Holroyd, Arthur Todd (1806 - 1887)
- Holtze, Maurice William (1840 - 1923)
- Hone, Frank Sandland (1871 - 1951)
- Honeycombe, Robert William Kerr (1921 - )
- Honnor, Wilfred Weston (1904 - )
- Hood, Alexander Jarvie (1860 - 1934)
- Hooke, Lionel George Alfred (1895 - 1974)
- Hooker, Joseph Dalton (1817 - 1911)
- Hooker, William Jackson (1785 - 1865)
- Hopley, David (1940 - )
- Hopper, Victor David (1913 - 2005)
- Hopson, John (1867 - 1928)
- Horridge, George Adrian (Adrian) (1927 - 2024)
- Horvath, Joseph (1900 - 1976)
- Horwood, Edward James
- Hosking, Richard (1877 - 1971)
- Hovell, William Hilton (1786 - 1875)
- How, R.
- Howchin, Walter (1845 - 1937)
- Howden, Maxwell
- Howitt, Alfred William (1830 - 1908)
- Howitt, Godfrey (1800 - 1873)
- Huckstep, Ronald Lawrie (Ron) (1926 - 2015)
- Hudson, William (1896 - 1978)
- Huey, Richard Meredyth (1913 - )
- Hughes, John Frankland? (? - 1975?)
- Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von (1769 - 1859)
- Hume, Hamilton (1797 - 1873)
- Hume, Walter Reginald (1873 - 1943)
- Hunt, Kenneth Henderson (1920 - 2002)
- Hunt, Trevor E. ( - 1970?)
- Hunter, John (1737 - 1821)
- Hunter, John George (1888 - 1964)
- Hunter, John Irvine (1898 - 1924)
- Hurd, Reginald S.
- Hurley, Andrew Crowther (1926 - 1988)
- Hurley, James Francis (Frank) (1885 - 1962)
- Hutchinson, Raymond Charles
- Hutchison, David Eric
- Hutchison, Nancy Laura (1902 - 1984)
- Huxley, Leonard George Holden (1902 - 1988)
- Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825 - 1895)
- Iliffe, John (1846 - 1914)
- Iliffe, Michael Isaac Glover (1910 - 1994)
- Illidge, Rowland (1850 - 1929)
- Illidge, Thomas
- Immelman, Klaus
- Inglis, Alexander (1845 - 1921)
- Inglis, Sydney David (1913 - 1983)
- Ingram, K.W.
- Ingram, William Wilson (1888 - 1982)
- Iredale, Thomas William (1897 - 1971)
- Irving, James (1852 - 1910)
- Irving, James Washington (1871 - 1948)
- Irving, Martin Howy (1831 - 1912)
- Irwin-Smith, Vera Adelaide
- Isbister, James (1915 - 1996)
- Isbister, Jean Sinclair (1915 - 2008)
- Jack, Robert Lockhart ( - 1964)
- Jack, Robert Logan (1845 - 1921)
- Jackson, Ernest Sandford (1860 - 1938)
- Jackson, William Roy (1935 - 2019)
- Jacobs, Maxwell Ralph (1905 - 1979)
- Jaeger, Ernst
- Jaeger, John Conrad (1907 - 1979)
- James, William Edwin (1931 - 1995)
- Jamieson, William (1853 - 1926)
- Jarvis, Edmund (1869 - 1935)
- Jarvis, Hubert (1882 - 1964)
- Jasprizza, Nicholas (Nicole) (c. 1834 - 1901)
- Jauncey, George Eric Macdonnell (1888 - 1947)
- Jeffery, Cecil Nixon (1912 - )
- Jeffries, Lewis Wibmer (1884 - 1971)
- Jensen, Eugene Dubois (1915 - 2003)
- Jensen, Harald Ingemann (1879 - 1966)
- Johns, G.F.
- Johnson, Alexander (1910 - )
- Johnson, Cynthia Mary (1921 - )
- Johnson, Edward Angas (1873 - 1951)
- Johnson, J.E.
- Johnson, Joseph Murray (1889 - 1986)
- Johnson, Raynor Carey (1901 - 1987)
- Johnson, Richard (1753? - 1827)
- Johnson, Robert William (Bob) (1930 - 2012)
- Johnson, William Alexander
- Johnston, Henry Freeborn (1888 - 1965)
- Johnston, Robert Mackenzie (1843 - 1918)
- Johnston, Thomas Harvey (1881 - 1951)
- Johnstone, Ronald Eric (1949 - )
- Jolly, Norman William (1882 - 1954)
- Jones, Frederic Wood (1879 - 1954)
- Jones, Samuel Owen (1905 - 1985)
- Jones, William Ernest (1867 - 1957)
- Jordan, Denis Oswald (1914 - 1982)
- Jordan, Maxwell John (1925 - )
- Joscelyne, Henry Maurice
- Jose, Arthur Wilberforce (1863 - 1956)
- Joseph, Robert Ellis (c. 1845 - 1902)
- Josephs, E.
- Joshua, J.M.
- Joy, Charles Wallace (1890 - )
- Jukes, Joseph Beete (1811 - 1869)
- Julius, George Alfred (1873 - 1946)
- Jull, Roberta Henrietta Margaritta (1872 - 1961)
- Jungwirth, William John (1897 - 1981)
- Jutson, John Thomas (1874 - 1959)
- Kajewski, S.F.
- Kaldor, Imre (1920 - 1982)
- Kannuluik, Walter George (1894 - 1956)
- Kauper, Henry Alexis (1888 - 1942)
- Kay, Joseph Henry (1815 - 1875)
- Keartland, George Arthur (1848 - 1926)
- Keene, William (1798 - 1872)
- Keep, John Malcolm
- Kellaway, Charles Halliley (1889 - 1952)
- Kellett, Adelaide Maud (1873 - 1945)
- Kelly, John Charles (Jak) (1928 - 2012)
- Kelsall, Denis Fletcher (1918 - 1982)
- Kendall, Ernest Arthur (1876 - 1938)
- Kendall, William Tyson (1851 - 1936)
- Kendrick, George W. (1929 - 2014)
- Kennedy, Edmund Besley Court (1818 - 1848)
- Kenner, James (1885 - 1974)
- Kenny, Augustus Leo (1863 - 1946)
- Kenny, Elizabeth (1880 - 1952)
- Kenny, Nehemiah James Henry
- Kenyon, Alfred Stephen (1867 - 1943)
- Keogh, Esmond Venner (1895 - 1970)
- Kerguelen de Trémarec, Yves Joseph de
- Kerley, Lucy Frances (1908 - 1996)
- Kernot, Wilfred Noyce (1868 - 1945)
- Kerr, Frank John (1918 - 2000)
- Kessell, Stephen Lackey (1897 - 1979)
- Kesteven, Hereward Leighton (1881 - 1964)
- Kilvington, Basil (1877 - 1947)
- King, Edgar Samuel John (1900 - 1966)
- King, Georgina (1845 - 1932)
- King, Haddon Forrester (1905 - 1990)
- King, James (1800 - 1857)
- King, Margaret
- King, Philip Gidley (1758 - 1808)
- King, Philip Gidley (the younger) (1817 - 1904)
- King, Phillip Parker (1791 - 1856)
- King, Robert Lethbridge (1823 - 1897)
- Kinghorn, James Roy (1891 - 1983)
- Kingsford-Smith, Charles Edward (1897 - 1935)
- Kingsmill, Henry Charles (1843 - 1909)
- Kirkcaldie, Rosa Angela (1887 - 1972)
- Kirkland, John Booth (1860 - 1900)
- Kirkpatrick, Colin Bruce (1919 - )
- Kitson, Albert Ernest (1868 - 1937)
- Kleeman, Richard Daniel (1875 - 1932)
- Klein, Anthony George (Tony) (1935 - 2021)
- Knapp, August (1873 - 1943)
- Knibbs, George Handley (1858 - 1929)
- Knuckey, John Randall
- Koch, David Francis Anthonisz (1926 - 1996)
- Kolm, Jan Eric (1918 - 2009)
- Kopsch, Charles Frederick Gustave
- Kopsch, Gustavus Adolphus
- Korner, Paul Ivan (1925 - 2012)
- Kraehenbuehl, Darrell Nairn (1934 - )
- Krausé, Ferdinand Moritz (1841 - 1918)
- Krefft, Johann Ludwig Gerard (Gerard) (1830 - 1881)
- Kubary, John Stanislaw (1846 - 1896)
- Kuchel, Philip William (1946 - )
- Kurth, Ernest Carl Edgar (1895 - 1966)
- La Billardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1755 - 1834)
- La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup (1741 - 1788)
- La Trobe, Charles Joseph (1801 - 1875)
- Ladds, Philip William (1939 - 2018)
- Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine (1744 - 1829)
- Lamb, Horace (1849 - 1934)
- Lambie, Charles George (1891 - 1961)
- Lancaster, Henry Oliver (1913 - 2001)
- Landsborough, William (1825 - 1886)
- Lane, William Reade (1914 - 1974)
- Lane-Poole, Charles Edward (1885 - 1970)
- Lang, Keith Campbell (1908 - 1996)
- Langford-Smith, Fritz (1904 - 1966)
- Laplace
- Laporte, François Louis (1810 - 1880)
- Laseron, Charles Francis (1887 - 1959)
- Latham, John (1740 - 1837)
- Latham, Oliver (1877 - 1974)
- Lavaud
- Lawrence, Gordon Ord (1896 - 1960)
- Lawrence, Peter (1921 - 1987)
- Lawrence, Robert (1807 - 1833)
- Lawson, Abercrombie Anstruther (1870 - 1927)
- Le Couteur, Kenneth James (1920 - 2011)
- Le Fèvre, Raymond James Wood (1905 - 1986)
- Le Souef, Albert Alexander Cochrane (1828 - 1902)
- Lea, Arthur Mills (1868 - 1932)
- Leahy, Michael James (Mick) (1901 - 1979)
- Leaver, Charles Augustus
- Lederer, Josef (1921 - )
- Lee, Ida Louisa (1865 - 1943)
- Lee, John
- Leech, Thomas David James (1902 - 1973)
- Lefroy, Henry Maxwell (1817? - 1890)
- Lefroy, John Henry (1817 - 1890)
- Lehany, Frederick John (1915 - 1994)
- Leibius, Charles Adolph (Carl) (1833 - 1893)
- Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (1813 - 1848?)
- Leighton, Arthur Edgar (1873 - 1961)
- Leith, T. Augustus Forbes
- Lemberg, Max Rudolf (Rudi) (1896 - 1975)
- Lempriere, Thomas James (1796 - 1852)
- Lendon, Alfred Austin (1857? - 1935)
- Lenehan, Henry Alfred (1843 - 1908)
- Leonard, Walter McEllister (1915 - 1985)
- Lesseps, Jean Baptiste Barthelemy de
- Lesueur, Charles Alexander (1778 - 1846)
- Lewin, John William (1770 - 1819)
- Lewis, Arndell Neil (1897 - 1943)
- Lewis, Claude Ernest
- Lewis, Fred (1882 - 1956)
- Lewis, Neil Bannatyne (1902 - 1984)
- Leyden, Francis Michael (1914 - )
- Lhotsky, John (1795? - 1866?)
- Ligar, Charles Whybrow (1811 - 1881)
- Light, William (1786 - 1839)
- Lightfoot, Gerald (1877 - 1966)
- Lilley, Charles Mitford (1890 - 1955)
- Lindsay, David (1856 - 1922)
- Lindsay, Donald Gordon (1909 - 1964)
- Lindt, John William (1845 - 1926)
- Ling, John Kynaston (1931 - )
- Linnane, Anthony William (Tony) (1930 - 2017)
- Linnett, Douglas N.
- Lipfert, O.H.
- Littlejohn, Robert (1756 - 1818)
- Littler, Frank Mervyn (1880 - 1922)
- Liversidge, Archibald (1846 - 1927)
- Livingstone, Stanley Edward (1920 - )
- Llewellyn-Jones, John Derek (1923 - 1997)
- Lockett, Mary Fauriel (Fauriel) (1911 - 1982)
- Loir, Adrien (1862 - 1941)
- Longman, Heber Albert (1880 - 1954)
- Lott, Stanley Arnold (1919 - )
- Love, Ernest Frederick John (1861 - 1929)
- Love, John Stuart
- Love, William Henry (1903 - 1966)
- Love, Wilton Wood Russell (1861 - 1933)
- Lovell, Henry Tasman (1878 - 1958)
- Lowe, Ronald Francis Hinde (1913 - 1998)
- Lowe, Thomas Edward (1908 - 1990)
- Lower, Oswald Bertram (1863 - 1925)
- Lowke, John James (1934 - )
- Lowne, Benjamin Thompson
- Lowrie, William (1857 - 1933)
- Lozier, Bouvet de
- Lucas, Thomas Pennington (1843 - 1917)
- Ludlow, John
- Luehmann, Johann Georg (1843 - 1904)
- Luffman, Charles Bouge (1862 - 1920)
- Luke, Robert Henry (Harry) (1909 - 2000)
- Lumholtz, Carl Sophus (1851 - 1922)
- Lusby, Sydney Gordon (1885 - 1973)
- Lyell, George (1866 - 1951)
- Lyle, Thomas Ranken (1860 - 1944)
- Lynch, Annie (1870 - 1938)
- Lynch, Arthur Alfred (1861 - 1934)
- Ma, Shih Taun
- Macadam, John (1827 - 1865)
- Macarthur, D.
- Macarthur, James (1798 - 1867)
- Macarthur, William (1800 - 1882)
- Macbeth, Alexander Killen (1889 - 1957)
- MacCallum, Peter (1885 - 1974)
- MacCarthy, Charles William (1848 - 1919)
- MacCormick, Alexander (1856 - 1947)
- MacDonald, Alexander Cameron (1828 - 1917)
- MacDonnell, William John ( - 1910)
- Macfarlane, Walter Victor (1913 - 1982)
- MacGillivray, John (1821 - 1867)
- MacGillivray, Paul Howard (1834 - 1895)
- MacKay, Charles Vincent (1880 - 1953)
- Mackay, Donald George (1870 - 1958)
- Mackay, Iven Giffard (1882 - 1966)
- Mackay, Reginald William John (1901 - 1971)
- Mackeddie, John Fullarton (1868 - 1944)
- Mackellar, Charles Kinnaird (1844 - 1926)
- MacKenzie, A.E.
- Mackenzie, James Kenneth (1920 - 2018)
- MacKenzie, William Colin (1877 - 1938)
- Mackerras, Ian Murray (1898 - 1980)
- Mackerras, Mabel Josephine (Josephine) (1896 - 1971)
- Mackie, Frederick (1812 - 1893)
- MacKinnon, Ewen
- Mackney, Alan W. (1913 - 2003)
- MacLaurin, Henry Normand (1835 - 1914)
- Maclean, Archibald Lang ( - 1922)
- Macleay, George (1809 - 1891)
- Macleay, William John (1820 - 1891)
- Macleay, William Sharp (1792 - 1865)
- Macnamara, Annie Jean (1899 - 1968)
- Maconochie, Alexander (1787 - 1860)
- Maddrell, R.J.C.
- Madigan, Cecil Thomas (1889 - 1947)
- Madigan, Russel Tullie (1920 - 1999)
- Madsen, Hans Frandsen (1843 - 1937)
- Madsen, John Percival Vissing (1879 - 1969)
- Magarey, Alexander Thomas (1849 - 1906)
- Mahler, Kurt (1903 - 1988)
- Mahony, John Joseph (1929 - 1992)
- Maiden, Joseph Henry (1859 - 1925)
- Maitland, Andrew Gibb (1864 - 1951)
- Maitland, Herbert Lethington (1868 - 1923)
- Makinson, Kathleen Rachel (1917 - 2014)
- Makinson, Richard Elliss Bodenham (1913 - 1979)
- Malinowski, Bronislaw Kaspel (1884 - 1942)
- Mangles, James (1786 - 1867)
- Mankin, Winifred Roby (1902 - 1972)
- Mann, Edward Alexander (1874 - 1951)
- Mann, John Frederick (1819 - 1907)
- Mann, John Spencer (1904 - )
- Marchand
- Marin la Meslée, Edmond Marie (1852 - 1893)
- Marks, Alexander Hammett (1880 - 1954)
- Marr, Charles William Clanan (1880 - 1960)
- Marr, J. W. S.
- Marsden, Samuel (1765 - 1838)
- Marsh, Helene Denise (1945 - )
- Marsh, Loisette Matilda (1929 - 2021)
- Marston, Hedley Ralph (1900 - 1965)
- Martin, Albert Frederick (1902 - 1969)
- Martin, Arthur Warrington (1915 - )
- Martin, Charles James (1866 - 1955)
- Martin, Florence (1867 - 1957)
- Martin, Leslie Harold (1900 - 1983)
- Martin, Lyster Waverley Ormsby
- Martin, Stanley Leonard (1903 - 1982)
- Martyn, David Forbes (1906 - 1970)
- Martyn, William Frederick
- Mason, Peter (1922 - 1987)
- Mason, William Henry (1884 - )
- Massey, Harrie Stewart Wilson (1908 - 1983)
- Masson, David Orme (1858 - 1937)
- Masson, James Irvine Orme (1887 - 1962)
- Masters, George (1837 - 1912)
- Mather, Keith Benson (1922 - 2003)
- Mathew, John (1849 - 1929)
- Mathews, Hamilton Bartlett (1873 - 1959)
- Mathews, John
- Mathews, Robert Hamilton (1841 - 1918)
- Mathieson, Alexander McLeod (1920 - 2011)
- Mathieson, Ian Hamilton (1911 - )
- Mathison, Gordon Clunes McKay (1883 - 1915)
- Matthaei, Ernst Artur Franz Joseph (1904 - 1966)
- Maudsley, Henry Carr (1859 - 1944)
- Maund, John (1823 - 1858)
- Maunder, Cyril Herbert
- Mawson, Douglas (1882 - 1958)
- Maxwell, Leslie Algernon (Ivan) (1890 - 1964)
- Maxwell, Walter (1854 - 1931)
- May, Frederick (1840 - 1897)
- May, Reginald Frank (1898 - 1980)
- May, William Lewis (1861 - 1925)
- Maynard, Frank Stewart (1911 - )
- Mayo, Helen Mary (1878 - 1967)
- McAlpine, Daniel (1849 - 1932)
- McArthur, Alan Grant (1923 - 1978)
- McAulay, Alexander (1863 - 1931)
- McAulay, Alexander Leicester (1895 - 1969)
- McBride, William Griffith (1927 - )
- McCall, John (1860 - 1919)
- McCarthy, Emma Maud (1859 - 1949)
- McCarthy, Timothy (1890 - 1952)
- McClelland, David John (1873 - 1962)
- McCombie, Thomas (1819 - 1869)
- McConnel, Ursula Hope (1888 - 1957)
- McCulloch, Allan Riverstone (1885 - 1925)
- McCusker, Charles Brian Anthony (1919 - )
- McDonald, Arthur Stephen (1891 - 1955)
- McDonald, Donald (1908 - )
- McDonald, Gavin Grant (1920 - )
- McDonald, Sydney Fancourt (1885 - 1947)
- McDougall, Frank Lidgett (1884 - 1958)
- McDougall, Robert (1813 - 1887)
- McDougall, William Alexander (1905 - )
- McDowall, Archibald (1841 - 1918)
- McDowall, Valentine (1881 - 1957)
- McEachran, John Fraser
- McGee, James Dwyer (1903 - 1987)
- McGowan, Samuel Walker (1829 - 1887)
- McIlroy, J.
- McInerny, John
- McIntyre, Archibald Keverall (1913 - 2002)
- McIntyre, George A. (1909 - 1974)
- McKay, Roley
- McKell, William John (1891 - 1985)
- McKelvey, John Lawrance (1881 - 1939)
- McKenzie, Alexander John (1905 - )
- McKenzie, Hugh Albert (1923 - 2008)
- McKeown, Keith Collingwood (1892 - 1952)
- McKinlay, John (1819 - 1872)
- McLaren, Charles Inglis (1882 - 1957)
- McLaren, Samuel Bruce (1876 - 1916)
- McLean, George D.
- McLeay, Alexander (1767 - 1848)
- McLennan, Ethel Irene (1891 - 1983)
- McLennan, Ian Munro (1909 - 1998)
- McLeod, James Graham (1932 - 2022)
- McLuckie, John (1890 - 1956)
- McMahon, Thomas Aquinas (1937 - )
- McMillan, Angus (1810 - 1865)
- McNally, John (1918 - 1990)
- McNeill, John James (1916 - 1980)
- Mead, Gertrude Ella (1867 - 1919)
- Meehan, James (1774 - 1826)
- Megaw, John Vincent Stanley (Vincent) (1934 - )
- Mehaffey, Maurice William (1884 - 1970)
- Mellor, David Paver (1903 - 1980)
- Melville, James (Jim) (1908 - 1984)
- Menge, Johann (1788 - 1852)
- Menzies, Archibald (1754 - 1842)
- Menzies, Robert Gordon (1894 - 1978)
- Mepham, William Gordon (1896 - )
- Mercer, Edgar Howard (1913 - )
- Meredith, Louisa Ann (1812 - 1895)
- Merfield, Zeus Amphion (1899 - 1965)
- Merrilees, Duncan
- Messel, Harry (1922 - 2015)
- Meston, Archibald (1851 - 1924)
- Meston, Archibald Lawrence (1890 - 1951)
- Metcalf, Donald (1929 - 2014)
- Meyer, Felix Henry (1858 - 1937)
- Meyrick, Edward (1854 - 1938)
- Michaelis, Anthony R. (1916 - 2007)
- Michell, Anthony George Maldon (George) (1870 - 1959)
- Michell, John Henry (1863 - 1940)
- Mikluho-Maklai, Nicholai Nicholaievich (1846 - 1936)
- Milerum (1869? - 1941)
- Milius, Pierre Bernard
- Miller, David (1857 - 1934)
- Miller, Edmund Morris (1881 - 1964)
- Miller, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre (1931 - )
- Miller, William Walter (1901 - 1977)
- Millett, Mervyn Richard Oke (1910 - 1988)
- Milligan, Joseph (1807 - 1884)
- Millis, Nancy Fannie (1922 - 2012)
- Mills, Arthur Edward (1865 - 1940)
- Mills, Arthur Godfrey (Goff) (1907 - 2000)
- Mills, Bernard Yarnton (1920 - 2011)
- Mills, James Edward (1905 - 1943)
- Milner, Christopher John (Kit) (1912 - 1998)
- Minchin, Alfred Corker (1857 - 1934)
- Minchin, Richard Ernest (1831 - 1893)
- Minchin, Ronald Richard Luther (1904 - 1940)
- Miskin, William Henry (1842 - 1913)
- Mitchell, John (1848 - 1928)
- Mitchell, Thomas Livingstone (1792 - 1855)
- Mitton, Ronald Gladstone (1905 - )
- Mjöberg, Eric Georg (1882 - 1938)
- Mohr, Courtney Balthazar Oppenheim (1906 - 1986)
- Moir, Reginald John (1918 - 2004)
- Molesworth, Edmund Harold
- Moline, Arthur Howard Prichard (1877 - 1965)
- Molineux, Albert (1832 - 1909)
- Mollison, Crawford Henry (1863 - 1949)
- Molloy, Georgiana (1805 - 1843)
- Monash, John (1865 - 1931)
- Moncrieff, Alexander Bain (1845 - 1928)
- Montgomery, Sydney Hamilton Rowan (1869 - 1916)
- Moore, Alan James William (1920 - )
- Moore, Charles (1820 - 1905)
- Moore, John Roy (1912 - 1987)
- Moore, Thomas Bather (1850 - 1919)
- Moore, Walter John (1918 - 2001)
- Moore, William (1859 - 1927)
- Moorhouse, Charles Edmund (1911 - 2002)
- Moppett, Wenceslaus Warnford (Warnford) (1898 - 1982)
- Moran, Herbert Michael (1885 - 1945)
- Moran, Patrick Alfred Pierce (1917 - 1988)
- Moresby, John (1830 - 1922)
- Morgan, William Longworth (1904 - 1968)
- Moriarty, Oliver M.
- Morris, Albert (1886 - 1939)
- Morris, Bede (1927 - 1988)
- Morris, John Malcolm
- Morrison, Frank Richard (1895 - 1967)
- Morrison, William Allder
- Morse, Roger Neill (1914 - 2003)
- Mortensen, Kevin Newman (1917 - )
- Morton, Alexander (1854 - 1907)
- Morton, Cecil Charles (1891 - 1955)
- Morton, Merial Carr (1921 - )
- Morton, Robert Kerford (1920 - 1963)
- Morton, William Lockhart (1820 - 1898)
- Mountford, Charles Pearcy (1890 - 1976)
- Moyal, Jose Enrique (1910 - 1998)
- Moye, Daniel George
- Moyer, Andrew J. (1899 - 1959)
- Moyes, Morton Henry (1887 - 1981)
- Muir, Hugh (1923 - 1984)
- Mulcahy, Maurice Francis Robinson (1920 - 2020)
- Mulhall, Harold (1915 - )
- Mulholland, C.A.
- Mungomery, Reginald William (1901 - 1968)
- Munro, Andrew Watson (1858 - 1944)
- Munro, George Hector (1901 - 1994)
- Murphy, Brian Thomas
- Murphy, John
- Murphy, Robert Kenneth (1887 - 1972)
- Murray, Jack Keith (1889 - 1979)
- Murray, Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald (1900 - 1967)
- Murray, Reginald Augustus Frederick (1846 - 1925)
- Murray, Russell Mervyn (1877 - 1945)
- Murrell, Timothy George Calvert (1933 - )
- Musgrave, Anthony (1895 - 1959)
- Mutton, Arthur Henry (1908 - 1986)
- Myer, Kenneth Baillieu (1921 - 1992)
- Myers, David Milton (1911 - 1999)
- Nade, Sydney Michael Lewis
- Nanson, Edward John (1850 - 1936)
- Nathan, Charles Braham (1816 - 1872)
- Neild, James Edward (1824 - 1906)
- Nelson, Edith Alice (1890 - 1976)
- Neumann, Bernhard Hermann (1909 - 2002)
- Neumann, Hanna (1914 - 1971)
- Newbery, James Cosmo (1843 - 1895)
- Newbigin, William Johnstone (1874 - 1927)
- Newland, Henry Simpson (1873 - 1969)
- Newman, Francis William (1796? - 1859)
- Newman, Leslie John William (1878 - 1938)
- Newnham, Ivan Edgar (1919 - 1986)
- Newton, Hibbert Alan Stephen (1887 - 1949)
- Nicholls, Frank Gordon (1916 - 2013)
- Nicholls, Henry Minchin
- Nicholls, William Henry (1885 - 1951)
- Nicholson, Alexander John (John) (1895 - 1969)
- Nicholson, Charles (1808 - 1903)
- Nickson, Arthur Francis Bennie (1915 - 1968)
- Nicol, Phyllis Mary (1903 - 1964)
- Nicolay, Charles Grenfell (1815 - 1897)
- Nicolle, Eugène Dominique (1823 - 1909)
- Nightingale, Florence (1820 - 1910)
- Nikoloff, Ivan (1921 - 2015)
- Nimmo, Robert Rutherford (1902 - 1982)
- Nobelius, Carl Axel (1851 - 1921)
- Noble, Norman Scott (1906 - 1983)
- Noble, Robert Jackson (1894 - 1981)
- Nordenskiold, Nils Otto Gustaf
- Norman, Edwin Philip (1887 - 1971)
- North, David Shepherd
- Nossal, Gustav Joseph Victor (1931 - )
- Nossiter, Henry (1836 - 1912)
- Nyholm, Ronald Sydney (1917 - 1971)
- O'Connell, Daniel Joseph Kelly (1896 - 1982)
- Oddie, Thomas Harold (1911 - 1990)
- Odernheimer, Frederic
- Oertel, Alfred Charles (1910 - )
- O'Farrell, Antony Frederick Louis (1917 - )
- Ogg, Ernest Samuel ( - 1969)
- Ogilby, James Douglas (1853 - 1925)
- Ogilvie, Florinda Katherine
- Ogston, Alexander George (1911 - 1996)
- Oke, Charles
- Oldfield, Augustus Frederick (1820 - 1887)
- Oliphant, Marcus Laurence Elwin (1901 - 2000)
- Oliver, Douglas L.
- Oliver, Ivan Thomas (1929 - )
- Oliver, Robin Langford
- Olle, Archibald Durrant (1868 - 1942)
- Olliff, Arthur Sidney (1865 - 1895)
- Onslow, Arthur Alexander Walton (1833 - 1882)
- Opat, Geoffrey Ivan (1935 - 2002)
- Öpik, Armin Aleksander (1898 - 1983)
- Ord, I.G.
- Osborn, Cyril John
- Osborn, Theodore George Bentley (1887 - 1973)
- Osborne, John Walter (1828 - 1902)
- Osmond, Charles Barry (Barry) (1939 - )
- Ostenfeld, Christian William
- Overbeck, H.
- Owen, Richard (1804 - 1892)
- Oxley, John Joseph William Molesworth (1784 - 1828)
- Palmer, Edward Gillett Worcester ( - 1914)
- Palmer, James Albert
- Pamplin, William
- Paradice, William Edward John (1897 - 1927)
- Parker, Alan James (Jim) (1933 - 1982)
- Parkhouse, Thomas Anstey
- Parkinson, James
- Parkinson, Sydney (1745? - 1771)
- Parkinson, Wilfred Charles (1884 - 1964)
- Parnell, Thomas (1881 - 1948)
- Parry, William Edward (1790 - 1855)
- Pascal, Blaise
- Pasteur, Louis (1822 - 1895)
- Paterson, John Waugh (1869 - 1958)
- Paterson, Mervyn Silas (1925 - 2020)
- Paterson, William (1755 - 1810)
- Patterson, James Harold
- Pawsey, Joseph Lade (1908 - 1962)
- Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981)
- Peacock, William James (1937 - )
- Pearcey, Trevor (1919 - 1998)
- Pearn, John Hemsley (1940 - )
- Pedley, Leslie (Les) (1930 - 2018)
- Peirce, Sidney Ernest (1890 - 1915)
- Pell, Morris Birkbeck (1827 - 1879)
- Pelzer, August Wilhelm (c. 1862 - 1934)
- Penfold, Arthur de Ramon (1890 - 1980)
- Penfold, William James (1875 - 1941)
- Pennant, Thomas (1726 - 1798)
- Perkins, Arthur James (1871 - 1944)
- Péron, François (1775 - 1810)
- Perrin, George Samuel
- Perrin, W.P.
- Perry, Grace (1927 - 1987)
- Perry, John William ( - 1965)
- Perry, Nancye Enid Kent (1918 - 2011)
- Perry, Stanley Llewellyn (1890 - 1979)
- Pescott, Edward Edgar (1872 - 1954)
- Petit, Nicholas Martin
- Petrie, Douglas Percival Ramsay (1910 - 1963)
- Petterd, William Frederick (1849 - 1910)
- Philip, John Robert (1927 - 1999)
- Piddington, John Hobart (1910 - 1997)
- Pierson, Ambroise
- Pigot, Edward Francis (1858 - 1929)
- Pike, William
- Pink, Olive Muriel (1884 - 1975)
- Pirani, Frederick Joy (1850 - 1881)
- Pitcher, Frederick (1856 - 1935)
- Pitman, Edwin James George (1897 - 1993)
- Pitman, Michael George (1933 - 2000)
- Pittard, Alfred James (1932 - )
- Pittman, Edward Fisher (1849 - 1932)
- Plante, Enid Campbell (1918 - 2007)
- Plomley, Norman James Brian (1912 - 1994)
- Poeppel, Augustus (1839 - 1891)
- Politzer, Ludwig Louis
- Pollak, John Kurt
- Pollock, James Arthur (1865 - 1922)
- Ponting, Herbert George
- Porter, Robert (1932 - )
- Porteus, Stanley David (1883 - 1972)
- Posner, Alan Meyer ( - 1980)
- Potter, Charles Vincent (1859 - 1908)
- Pottie, John (1832? - 1908)
- Potts, Henry William (1855 - 1931)
- Potts, Renfrey Burnard (1925 - 2005)
- Pound, James Robert (1888 - 1967)
- Power, Frederick Danvers (1861 - 1955)
- Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth (1948 - )
- Preiss, Johann August Ludwig (1811 - 1883)
- Prentice, Sydney Arthur (1908 - 2002)
- Prescott, James Arthur (1890 - 1987)
- Prescott, John Russell (1924 - 2011)
- Price, Archibald Grenfell (1892 - 1977)
- Price, James Robert (Jerry) (1912 - 1999)
- Price, William Lindsay (1896 - )
- Prideaux, Brian Angus
- Priestley, Henry (1884 - 1961)
- Priestley, Henry James (1883 - 1932)
- Priestley, Raymond Edward (1886 - 1974)
- Prior, Herbert James
- Prior, Lancelot Sidney (1913 - 1984)
- Pulley, Oliver Owen (1906 - 1966?)
- Pye, Hugh (1860 - 1942)
- Pye, James (1801 - 1884)
- Quinn, George
- Quirk, James Patrick (1924 - 2022)
- Quodling, Florrie Mabel (1901 - 1985)
- Radcliff, Frank John (1927 - )
- Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald (1881 - 1955)
- Raggatt, Harold George (1900 - 1968)
- Rainbow, William Joseph (1856 - 1919)
- Ranclaud, Archibald Boscawen Boyd (1884 - 1967)
- Rank, Benjamin Keith (1911 - 2002)
- Ranken, Thomas
- Raper, George (1769 - 1797)
- Raphael, Beverley (1934 - 2018)
- Ratcliffe, Douglas Henry
- Ratcliffe, Francis Noble (1904 - 1970)
- Rathgeber, Henri Daniel (1908 - 1995)
- Ray, Francois
- Rayment, Percy Tarlton (1882 - 1964)
- Rayner, Jack Maxwell (1906 - 1982)
- Read, Richard (1765? - 1829?)
- Redfern, William (1774? - 1833)
- Reed, Jack Wilson (1917 - )
- Reed, Joseph Griffith (1897 - )
- Rees, Albert Lloyd George (1916 - 1989)
- Reeve, Edward (1822 - 1889)
- Reeves, Hubert Trethowan (1894 - 1963)
- Reid, Alan Forrest (1931 - 2013)
- Reid, Robert Lovell (Bob) (1921 - 1996)
- Reimann, Arnold Luehrs (1898 - 1991)
- Rendel, James Meadows (1915 - 2001)
- Rennie, Edward Henry (1852 - 1927)
- Reuter, Fritz Henry (1905 - 2001)
- Rhodes, F.
- Richards, Henry
- Richards, Henry Caselli (1884 - 1947)
- Richards, R.N.
- Richardson, Alan McDonald (1913 - 1985)
- Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor (1883 - 1949)
- Richardson, Joseph Falding (1916 - 1989)
- Rickard, Pamela Athalie Deidre (1928 - 2002)
- Riddle, Arthur Raymond (1888 - 1967)
- Ride, William David Lindsay (1926 - 2011)
- Ringwood, Alfred Edward (Ted) (1930 - 1993)
- Ritchie, Ernest (1917 - 1976)
- Rivett, Albert Cherbury David (David) (1885 - 1961)
- Roberts, Alfred (1823 - 1898)
- Roberts, Frederick Hugh Sherston (1901 - 1972)
- Roberts, John Keith (1897 - 1944)
- Roberts, Norman Frederick (1915 - )
- Robertson, David Stirling (1920 - 1999)
- Robertson, Gilbert (1794 - 1851)
- Robertson, Macpherson (1859 - 1945)
- Robertson, Rutherford Ness (1913 - 2001)
- Robertson, Thorburn Brailsford (1884 - 1930)
- Robinson, William Sydney (1876 - 1963)
- Roderick, Jack William (1913 - 1990)
- Rodway, Leonard (1853 - 1936)
- Roe, John Septimus (1797 - 1878)
- Rogers, Arthur Lionel (c. 1860 - 1939)
- Rogers, James Stanley (1893 - 1977)
- Rogers, Richard Sanders (c. 1861 - 1942)
- Romilly, Hugh Hastings (1856 - 1892)
- Room, Thomas Gerald (Gerald) (1902 - 1986)
- Roper, John (1822? - 1895)
- Rose, Walter John (1885 - 1952)
- Rosenhain, Walter (1875 - 1934)
- Ross, Alexander David (1883 - 1966)
- Ross, Andrew Hendry (1829 - 1910)
- Ross, Hugh Alexander Mercer (1911 - )
- Ross, James Clark (1800 - 1862)
- Ross, John (1817 - 1903)
- Roth, Walter Edmund (1861 - 1933)
- Roughley, Theodore Cleveland (1888 - 1961)
- Rouse, John Joseph (1861? - 1938)
- Rowe, Alan
- Rubbo, Sydney Dattilo (1911 - 1969)
- Rudall, James Thomas (1828? - 1907)
- Rudd, James Brydon (1910 - 1975)
- Rümker, Christian Carl Ludwig (1788 - 1862)
- Rummel, Ludwig (1837 - 1904)
- Rundle, Francis Felix (1910 - 1993)
- Rupp, Herman Montague Rucker (1872 - 1956)
- Rusden, Henry Keylock (1826 - 1910)
- Russell, Henry Chamberlain (1836 - 1907)
- Russell, Robert (1808 - 1900)
- Rutherford, Ernest (1871 - 1937)
- Rymill, John Riddoch (1905 - 1968)
- Sachse, Arthur Otto (1860 - 1920)
- Sammarco, Paul William (1948 - )
- Sandel, Bill (1917 - )
- Sanders, Harold William (1893 - 1983)
- Sanders, John Veysey (1924 - 1987)
- Sandes, Francis Percival (1876 - 1945)
- Savage, Robert (1818 - 1888)
- Saville-Kent, William (1845 - 1908)
- Sawyer, Arthur John
- Saxby, Colin Ambrose (1909 - 1990)
- Sayce, Edna Dorothy (1895 - 1983)
- Sayce, Eric Loxton (1899 - 1984)
- Sayce, Octavius Albert (1862 - 1911)
- Schafroth, M.R.
- Schayer
- Schlapp, Herman Henry (1854 - 1938)
- Schleinitz, Georg Gustav Freiherr Von (1834 - 1910)
- Schlink, Herbert Henry (1883 - 1962)
- Scholes, W. Arthur
- Schomburgk, Moritz Richard (1811 - 1891)
- Scott, Alexander Walker (1800 - 1883)
- Scott, Harriet (1830 - 1907)
- Scott, Helena (1832 - 1910)
- Scott, Herbert Hedley (1866 - 1938)
- Scott, James Reid (1839 - 1877)
- Scott, Robert Falcon
- Scott, William (1825 - 1917)
- Scrivener, Charles Robert (1855 - 1923)
- Scrope, George Julius Poulett
- Seaton, Stuart Luman (1906 - 2006)
- Seddon, Herbert Robert (1887 - 1964)
- Selfe, Norman (1839 - 1911)
- Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil (1824 - 1902)
- Setzler, Frank Maryl
- Sewell, Sidney Valentine (1880 - 1949)
- Sexton, Hannah Mary Helen (1862 - 1950)
- Shannon, James Stanley (Jim) (1926 - 2015)
- Sharman, Geoffrey Bruce (1925 - 2015)
- Sharp, George
- Shaw, Alfred Eland (1861 - 1931)
- Shaw, Archibald John (1872 - 1916)
- Shaw, Ebenezer (1865 - 1943)
- Shaw, Edna Mary Anna Jane (1891 - 1974)
- Shaw, George (1751 - 1813)
- Shaw, Sydney Herbert (1903 - )
- Shaw, Thomas (1800? - 1860s)
- Shaw, W. Hudson
- Sheard, Keith (1903 - 1965)
- Shearer, David (1850 - 1936)
- Shearer, John (1897 - )
- Shearman, Rodney Phillip
- Shellshear, Walter (1856 - 1939)
- Shenton, George (1811 - 1867)
- Sherrard, Kathleen Margaret Maria (1898 - 1975)
- Shipton, Warren Arthur (1940 - )
- Shirley, John Francis (1849 - 1922)
- Shoobridge, Louis Manton (1851 - 1939)
- Shoobridge, Robert Wilkins Giblin (1847 - 1936)
- Shoobridge, William Ebenezer (1846 - 1940)
- Shoppee, Charles William (1904 - 1994)
- Short, Lawrence Neville (1921 - )
- Shortridge, Guy Chester
- Simmonds, John Howard (1901 - 1992)
- Simmonds, Wilfred John (1918 - 1990)
- Simmons, Lewis Michael
- Simpkinson de Wesselow, Francis Guillemard (1819 - 1906)
- Simpson, Edward Sydney (1875 - 1939)
- Simson, Augustus (1836 - 1918)
- Sinclair, Eric (1860 - 1925)
- Singleton, John (1808 - 1891)
- Skertchly, Sydney Barber Josiah (1850 - 1926)
- Skirving, Robert Scot (1859 - 1956)
- Skottowe, Thomas
- Skuse, Frederick Arthur Askew (c. 1866 - 1896)
- Slattery, Joseph Patrick (1866 - 1931)
- Slatyer, Ralph Owen (1929 - 2012)
- Sloane, Thomas Gibson (1858 - 1932)
- Smalley, George Robarts (1822 - 1870)
- Smart, Thomas Christie (1816 - 1896)
- Smeal, Glenny (1890 - 1974)
- Smith, A.
- Smith, Alexander Kennedy (1824 - 1881)
- Smith, Alfred Mica (Micaiah) (1844 - 1926)
- Smith, Grafton Elliot (1871 - 1937)
- Smith, Henry George (1852 - 1924)
- Smith, Ivy Blanche Irene (1884 - 1975)
- Smith, John (1821 - 1885)
- Smith, John McGarvie (1844 - 1918)
- Smith, Julian Augustus Romaine (1873 - 1947)
- Smith, Laurence Alec (1944 - )
- Smith, Lindsay S.
- Smith, Louis Lawrence (1830 - 1910)
- Smith, William Beattie (1854 - 1921)
- Smith, William Ramsay (1859 - 1937)
- Smithies, Frederick (1885 - 1979)
- Smith-White, Spencer (1909 - 1998)
- Smith-White, William Broderick (1909 - 1986)
- Smyth, Robert Brough (1830 - 1889)
- Solander, Daniel (1733 - 1782)
- Solomon, David Henry (1929 - )
- Solomon, Robert John
- Somerville, Jack Murielle (1912 - 1964)
- Soul, Caleb (1817 - 1894)
- Southcott, Ronald Vernon (1918 - 1998)
- Spalding, Edward
- Specht, Raymond Louis (1924 - 2021)
- Spence, Kenneth Kinross (1895 - )
- Spigl, Hyman Solomon (1911 - 1962)
- Spooner, Edgar Clynton Ross (1908 - 1976)
- Sprent, John Frederick Adrian (1915 - 2010)
- Spry, Frank Palmer (1858 - 1922)
- St John, Percival Reginald Harry (1872 - 1944)
- Stacy, John Bernard (1903 - )
- Stacy, John Edward (1799 - 1881)
- Staiger, Karl Theodor (1833 - 1888)
- Stanley, George Arthur Vickers (1904 - 1965)
- Stanley, Owen (1811 - 1850)
- Stanton, Richard Limon (1926 - 2020)
- Steel, James Davidson
- Steel, Thomas (1858 - 1925)
- Steele, Bertram Dillon (1870 - 1931)
- Steele, William Huey (1867 - 1950)
- Stephen, George Milner (1812 - 1894)
- Stephens, John Gower (1898 - )
- Stephens, Thomas (1830 - 1913)
- Stephens, William John (1829 - 1890)
- Stewart, James Douglas (1869 - 1955)
- Stewart, John (1832 - 1904)
- Stewart, John (1810 - 1896)
- Still, Jack Leslie (1911 - 2001)
- Stirling, Edward Charles (Ted) (1848 - 1919)
- Stock, Alexander (1912 - 1975)
- Stokes, John Lort (1812 - 1885)
- Stokes, Robert Harold (1918 - 2016)
- Stone, William (1858 - 1949)
- Storr, Glen Milton (1921 - 1990)
- Story, George Fordyce (1800 - 1885)
- Stranks, Donald Richard (1929 - 1986)
- Strauss, Werner (1930 - 1978)
- Street, Robert (1920 - 2013)
- Strehlow, Theodor George Henry (1908 - 1978)
- Streich, Victor Franz Paul (? - 1905)
- Strickland, Tom Percival (1875 - 1955)
- Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de (1797 - 1873)
- Stuart, Charles (1802 - 1877)
- Stuart, John McDouall (1815 - 1866)
- Stuart, Thomas Peter Anderson (1856 - 1920)
- Stump, Claude Witherington (1891 - 1971)
- Sturt, Charles (1795 - 1869)
- Stutchbury, Samuel (1798 - 1859)
- Sullivan, Arthur
- Summerville, William Allan Thompson (1904 - 1980)
- Sunderland, Sydney (1910 - 1993)
- Sutherland, Alexander (1852 - 1902)
- Sutherland, Douglas Macnicol (1911 - 2010)
- Sutherland, George (1855 - 1905)
- Sutherland, Keith Leonard (1916 - 1980)
- Sutherland, Sulina Murray MacDonald (1839 - 1909)
- Sutherland, William (1859 - 1911)
- Sutton, George Lowe (1872 - 1964)
- Sutton, Henry (1856 - 1912)
- Sutton, J.W. (1840 - 1913)
- Sutton, Theodore Carlton
- Swain, Edward Harold Fulcher (1883 - 1970)
- Swainson, William (1789 - 1855)
- Swan, John Melvin (1924 - 2015)
- Sweatman, John (1825 - ?)
- Sweet, Georgina (1875 - 1946)
- Swinbank, William Christopher (1913 - 1973)
- Symonds, Richard Gilbert (1810 - 1896)
- Tabor, David (1913 - 2005)
- Tasman, Abel Janszoon (1603? - 1659)
- Tate, Ralph (1840 - 1901)
- Tayler, Lloyd (1830 - 1900)
- Taylor, Frank Henry (1886 - 1945)
- Taylor, Mervyn Coombe (1908 - 1981)
- Taylor, Norman (1834 - 1894)
- Teale, Edmund Oswald
- Tebbutt, John (1834 - 1916)
- Temminck, C.J. (1778 - 1858)
- Tenison-Woods, Julian Edmund (1832 - 1889)
- Terry, Leonard (1825 - 1884)
- Terry, Michael (1899 - 1981)
- Thomas, Andrew D.
- Thomas, Kenneth Hewitson
- Thomas, L.S.
- Thomas, Morgan (1824 - 1903)
- Thomas, Orfield
- Thompson, Edward Henry (1851 - 1928)
- Thompson, John Low (1847 - 1900)
- Thompson, Roland Dale (1895 - 1950)
- Thomson, Alexander Morrison (1841 - 1871)
- Thomson, Donald Finlay Fergusson (1901 - 1970)
- Thomson, James Miln (1921 - )
- Thomson, James Park (1854 - 1941)
- Thomson, Richard J.
- Thomson, William (1819 - 1883)
- Thorn, Leonard B. (1891 - 1924)
- Thorn, William
- Thorpe, William Walford (1879 - 1932)
- Threlfall, Richard (1861 - 1932)
- Thyer, Robert Francis (1908 - 1992)
- Tiegs, Oscar Werner (1897 - 1956)
- Tietkens, William Henry (1844 - 1933)
- Tillyard, Robin John (1881 - 1937)
- Tindale, Norman Barnett (1900 - 1993)
- Tippett, Leonard Samuel Calvert (1902 - 1974)
- Titterton, Ernest William (1916 - 1990)
- Tonnoir, André Léon (1885 - 1940)
- Topp, Charles Alfred (1847 - 1932)
- Torres, Luis Vaez De (? - 1607?)
- Tovey, James Richard (1873 - 1922)
- Towle, Clifton Cappie
- Townsend, Albert Alan (1917 - 2010)
- Townson, Robert (1762? - 1827)
- Tracy, Richard Thomas (1826 - 1874)
- Traill, Ralph Cuthbert (1905 - 1991)
- Trew, Terence Edward (1918 - )
- Trikojus, Victor Martin (1902 - 1985)
- Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt (1893 - 1974)
- Trumble, Hugh Christian (1903 - 1960)
- Tryon, Henry (1856 - 1943)
- Tudor, Graham Kell (1920 - 1999)
- Tuffley, Beth Joan Mavis (nee Money)
- Tully, William Alcock (1830 - 1905)
- Tunney, John Thomas (1870 - 1929)
- Turner, Alfred Allatson (1826 - 1895)
- Turner, Archibald Hugh (1904 - 1969)
- Turner, Arthur William (1900 - 1989)
- Turner, Fred (1852 - 1939)
- Turner, Helen Alma Newton (1908 - 1995)
- Turner, Ivan Stewart
- Turriff, Haldane Coloquhoun (1834 - 1922)
- Tyers, Charles James (1806 - 1870)
- Ulrich, Georg Heinrich Friedrich (1830 - 1900)
- Underwood, Eric John (1905 - 1980)
- Unwin, Ernest Ewart (1881 - 1944)
- Vallance, Thomas George (1928 - 1993)
- Van der Poorten, Alfred Jacobus (Alf) (1942 - 2010)
- Vancouver, George (1757 - 1798)
- Vasey, Gilbert Howard (1904 - 1986)
- Veale, William Charles Douglas (1895 - 1971)
- Veitch, Robert (1890 - 1972)
- Verbiest, Ferdinand
- Verco, Joseph Cooke (1851 - 1933)
- Verco, Joseph Stanley (Stan) (1889 - 1971)
- Verdon, George Frederic (1834 - 1896)
- Verreaux, Jules Pierre (1807 - 1873)
- Vickery, James Richard (1902 - 1997)
- Vines, Robert Godfrey (1921 - 2017)
- Vogan, Harold James (1894 - 1981)
- Voisey, Alan Heywood (1911 - 1995)
- Vonwiller, Oscar Ulrich (1882 - 1972)
- Wackett, Lawrence James (1896 - 1982)
- Wade, Arthur (1878 - 1951)
- Wadsley, Arthur David (Dave) (? - 1969)
- Wadsley, Rex Wright (1906 - 1993)
- Wait, Edric John Vallack (1901 - 1986)
- Wait, George Ray (1886 - 1953)
- Waite, Edgar Ravenswood (1866 - 1928)
- Walch, A.T.
- Walker, Anna Frances
- Walker, Frederick (1820? - 1866)
- Walkom, Arthur Bache (1889 - 1976)
- Wall, William Sheridan (1815 - 1876)
- Wallace, Ernest Stanley
- Wallace, Wilfred Nigel Willoughby (1908 - )
- Wallis, William Fisher (1874 - 1963)
- Walsh, Alan (1916 - 1998)
- Walsh, Robert John (1917 - 1983)
- Walter, Charles (1831? - 1907)
- Walton, John Godwin (1909 - )
- Warburton, Peter Egerton (1813 - 1889)
- Ward, Edward Wolstenholme (1823 - 1890)
- Ward, Hugh Kingsley (1887 - 1972)
- Ward, John Clive (1924 - 2000)
- Ward, Robert George (c. 1928 - 2013)
- Wardell, William Wilkinson (1823 - 1899)
- Wardrop, Alan Buchanan (1921 - 2003)
- Waring, Horace (Harry) (1910 - 1980)
- Wark, Ian William (1899 - 1985)
- Warneke, Robert M. (Bob)
- Warren, William Henry (1852 - 1926)
- Waterhouse, Douglas Frew (1916 - 2000)
- Waterhouse, Eben Gowrie (Gowrie) (1881 - 1977)
- Waterhouse, Frederick George (1815 - 1898)
- Waterhouse, Gustavus Athol (Athol) (1877 - 1950)
- Waterhouse, John Bruce (1932 - )
- Waterhouse, Walter Lawry (1887 - 1969)
- Waterworth, Eric Newham (1905 - )
- Watson, Archibald (1849 - 1940)
- Watson, Elliot Lovegood Grant (1885 - 1970)
- Watson, Francis John (Frank) (1890 - 1945)
- Watson, Irvine Armstrong (1914 - 1986)
- Watson, Sydney John (1912 - )
- Watson-Munro, Charles Norman (1915 - 1991)
- Watt, Robert Dickie (1881 - 1965)
- Waylen, Alfred Robert (1833 - 1901)
- Weatherburn, Charles Ernest (1884 - 1974)
- Webb, Charles (1821 - 1898)
- Webb, Leonard James (1928 - 2008)
- Webster, Hugh Colin (1905 - 1979)
- Wedge, John Helder (1793 - 1872)
- Wedgwood, Camilla Hildegarde (1901 - 1955)
- Weickhardt, Leonard William (Len) (1908 - 2000)
- Weindorfer, Gustav (1874 - 1932)
- Welch, Edwin James
- Wellisch, Edward Montague (1882 - 1948)
- Wells, Frederick E.
- Welsh, David Arthur (1865 - 1948)
- Westwood, John Obadiah (1805 - 1893)
- Wharton, Ronald Harry (1923 - 1983)
- Wheatley, Frederick William (1871 - 1955)
- Wheelwright, Horace William Horatio (1815 - 1865)
- Whelan, Robert Ford (1922 - 1984)
- Whiffen, Neville Albert (1912 - 2004)
- White, Cyril Tenison (1890 - 1950)
- White, David Ogilvie (1931 - 2004)
- White, Francis Maloney (1819 - 1888)
- White, Geoffrey Lyndon (1909 - )
- White, George Boyle (1802 - 1876)
- White, Samuel (1835 - 1880)
- White-Haney, Jean (1877 - 1953)
- Whitehouse, Frederick William (1900 - 1973)
- Whitelegge, Thomas (1850 - 1927)
- Whitley, Gilbert Percy (1903 - 1975)
- Whittle, Alick William Green
- Whittle, Nancy Robertson
- Wickham, John Clements (1798 - 1864)
- Wilcox, James Fowler (1823 - 1881)
- Wild, John Paul (Paul) (1923 - 2008)
- Wild, John Robert Francis (Frank) (1873 - 1939)
- Wilkie, David Elliot (1815 - 1885)
- Wilkins, Thomas (1887 - 1946)
- Wilkinson, Bruce (1903 - )
- Wilkinson, Charles Smith (1843 - 1891)
- Wilkinson, Henry
- Wilkinson, Herbert John (1891 - 1963)
- Williams, Evan James (1917 - 2010)
- Williams, Sydney Ernest (1910 - 1979)
- Williams, William (1848 - 1913)
- Willis, Jack Lehane (1918 - 2004)
- Willis, James Hamlyn (Jim) (1910 - 1995)
- Wills, William John (1834 - c. 1861)
- Wilson, Charles Algernon (1818 - 1884)
- Wilson, Francis Erasmus (1888 - 1960)
- Wilson, James Spottiswood
- Wilson, James Thomas (1861 - 1945)
- Wilson, John Bracebridge (1828 - 1895)
- Wilson, Samuel (1832 - 1895)
- Wilson, Susan Ruth (1948 - 2020)
- Wilson, William Parkinson (1826 - 1874)
- Wilton, John Raymond (1884 - 1944)
- Wimperis, Harry Egerton
- Windeyer, Richard (1806 - 1847)
- Windiitj, Tommy (1840 - 1876)
- Winnecke, Charles George Alexander (1857 - 1902)
- Winterbottom, D.C.
- Wishart, Edward R.
- Wittrick, William Henry (1922 - 1985)
- Wolseley, Frederick York (1837 - 1899)
- Womersley, Herbert (1889 - 1962)
- Wood, Charles Sturtevant (? - 1864)
- Wood, Francis John Powell (1913 - )
- Wood, Francis Waverley (1905 - 1977)
- Wood, Herbert Boyne (1909 - 2007)
- Wood, Ian Jeffreys (1903 - 1986)
- Wood, Joseph Garnett (1900 - 1959)
- Woodhill, Anthony Reeve (1900 - 1965)
- Woods, Ronald (1934 - 2023)
- Woolley, Richard van der Riet (1906 - 1986)
- Woolls, William (1814 - 1893)
- Woolnough, Walter George (1876 - 1958)
- Worner, Hill Wesley (1917 - 2002)
- Worner, Howard Knox (1913 - 2006)
- Worsley, Frank Arthur
- Wright, Horatio George Anthony (1827 - 1901)
- Wright, Roy Douglas (Pansy) (1907 - 1990)
- Wronski, Josef Maria Hoene
- Wunderly, Harry Wyatt (1892 - 1971)
- Wyndham, George (1801 - 1870)
- Yeates, C.S.S. (1872 - 1961)
- Yeomans, Neville Thomas (1928 - 2000)
- Yoffe, Abraham David (1919 - )
- Yonge, Charles Maurice (Maurice) (1899 - 1986)
- Youl, Richard (1821 - 1897)
- Young, Frederick Mortimer (1860 - 1927)
- Young, Michael
- Zeck, Emil Hermann (1891 - 1963)
- Zeidler, David Ronald (1918 - 1998)