
Glauert, Ludwig (1879 - 1963)

5 May 1879
Ecclesall, Yorkshire, England
1 February 1963
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Museum director and Palaeontologist


Ludwig Glauert was a geologist and palaeontologist who became Director of the Western Australian Museum 1954 - 1956 after many years as Curator of Biological Collections. For much of his time at the Museum, Glauert worked with minimal staff and funds. On arrival in Western Australia in 1908 he joined the Mines Department but in 1910 was seconded to the Museum to work on the Pleistocene fossils in the Mammoth Cave in the State's southwest. This enormous deposit included 34 species of Australia's extinct megafauna including the giant echidna and marsupial lion. Other research carried out by Glauert was on shakes and fishes, and he was recognised as an authority on scorpions. Glauert was an active member of local scientific societies and served as President of the Royal Society of Western Australia and the Western Australian Naturalists Club.



Career position - Fellow, Geological Society of London
Life event - Migrated to Australia
1908 - 1909
Career position - Secretary, Natural History and Science Society of Western Australia
1908 - 1910
Career position - Geologist, Western Australian Mines Department
1909 - 1912
Career position - Member of Council, Natural History and Science Society of Western Australia
1910 - 1914
Career position - Scientific Assistant to the Director, Western Australian Museum
1914 - 1920
Career position - Keeper of Geology and Ethnology, Western Australian Museum
1920 - 1954
Career position - Keeper (later Curator) of Biological Collections, Western Australian Museum
1924 - 1946
Career position - Founding Member, Western Australian Naturalists Club
1929 - 1930
Career position - President, Western Australian Naturalists Club
1933 - 1934
Career position - President, Royal Society of Western Australia
Award - Kelvin Medal, Royal Society of Western Australia
1946 - 1963
Award - Fellow, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
1946 - 1963
Award - Life Member Western Australian Naturalists Club
1947 - 1949
Career position - President, Royal Society of Western Australia
Award - Australian Natural History Medallion, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
1951 - 1963
Career position - Patron, Western Australian Naturalists Club
1953 - 1963
Award - Honorary Life Member, Royal Society of Western Australia
1954 - 1957
Career position - Director, Western Australian Museum
Life event - Retired
Award - Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE)

Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

Western Australian Museum

  • Ludwig Glauert - Records, 1910 - 1957; Western Australian Museum. Details

Published resources


  • Glauert, L.: with illustrations by Olive Seymour, A handbook of the snakes of Western Australia (Perth: Western Australian Naturalists Club, 1950), 48 pp. Details

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • Glauert, L., 'The Ornithological Collecting of Dr. L. Preiss in 1839', Western Australian Naturalist, 1 (1948), 147-148. Details
  • Serventy, D. L., 'Ludwig Glauert - Museum Director and Naturalist', Western Australian Naturalist, 5 (1957), 148-165. Details
  • Serventy, D. L., 'Obituary: L. Glauert, MBE', Western Australian Naturalist, 8 (8) (1963), 189-193. Details
  • Serventy, Donimic Louis, 'L. Glauert. [obituary of Ludwig Glauert, Director Emeritus of the Western Australian Museum]', Emu, 63 (1) (1963), 74-75. Details


See also

  • Johnstone, R. E., 'A history of ornithology at the Western Australian Museum' in Contributions to the History of Australasian Ornithology, Davis, William E.; Recher, Harry E.; Boles, Walter E.; and Jackson, Jerome A., eds (Cambridge, Mass.: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 2008), pp. 165-98. Details

Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Helen Cohn

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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