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- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File
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Corporate Bodies
- Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (1971 - )
- Amalgamated Society of Engineers (1905 - 1921)
- Ansett Australia (1936 - 2002)
- Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Department of Natural Resources and Environment
- Association of Professional Engineers, Scientists and Managers, Australia (1991? - )
- Astronomical Society of Australia (1966 - )
- Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science (1888 - 1930)
- Australasian College of Physical Scientists and Engineers in Medicine (1977 - )
- Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (1893 - )
- Australia Post (1975 - )
- Australia Telescope National Facility - CSIRO, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1988 - )
- Australian Academy of Science (1954 - )
- Australian Acoustical Society (1971 - )
- Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) (1930 - )
- Australian Army (1903 - )
- Australian Automobile Association (AAA) (1924 - )
- Australian Broadcasting Commission (1932 - 1983)
- Australian Bureau of Statistics, Commonwealth of Australia (1974 - )
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Commonwealth of Australia (1982 - )
- Australian Conservation Foundation (1966 - )
- Australian Council for Educational Research (1930 - )
- Australian Dental Association (1928 - )
- Australian Gas Light Company (AGL) (1837 - )
- Australian Geological Survey Organisation (AGSO), Commonwealth of Australia (1992 - 2001)
- Australian Inland Mission, Presbyterian Church of Australia (1912 - c. 1977)
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies (1990 - )
- Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies (1964 - 1990)
- Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (1992 - )
- Australian Institute of Physics (1963 - )
- Australian Marine Sciences Association (1962 - )
- Australian Mathematical Society (1956 - )
- Australian Medical Association (1962 - )
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS) (1987 - )
- Australian Museum (1827 - )
- Australian National University (1946 - )
- Australian Newsprint Mills Ltd (ANM) (1938 - 1997)
- Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO), Commonwealth of Australia (1987 - )
- Australian Psychological Society (1966 - )
- Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (1999 - )
- Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) (1960 - 1995)
- Australian Science, Technology and Engineering Council (1997 - 1998)
- Australian Shipping Board, Commonwealth of Australia (1946 - 1961)
- Australian Society for Medical Research (1961 - )
- Australian Society for Microbiology (1959 - )
- Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (1970 - )
- Australian Veterinary Association (1921 - )
- Australian Wine Research Institute, The University of Adelaide (1955 - )
- Ballarat Base Hospital (1850s - )
- Bethlehem Steel Corporation ( - 2001)
- BHP Billiton Limited (2001 - )
- Bougainville Copper Ltd (1967 - 1970s)
- Central Queensland University (1994 - )
- Charles Darwin University (2004 - )
- Chisholm Institute
- Civil and Civic (1951 - )
- The College of Nursing (2002 - )
- Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) (1936 - 1986)
- Commonwealth Bank of Australia (1911 - )
- Commonwealth Oil Refineries Ltd (1920 - c. 1952)
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Commonwealth of Australia (1949 - )
- Commonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL), Commonwealth of Australia (1916 - 1961)
- CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (1956 - 1981)
- CSL Limited (1990 - )
- CSR Limited (1974 - )
- The Cunningham Dax Collection
- De Havilland Aircraft Company Pty Ltd (1927 - 1960s)
- Deakin University
- Department of Air, Commonwealth of Australia (1939 - 1973)
- Department of Aviation, Commonwealth of Australia (1982 - 1987)
- Department of Environment, Housing and Community Development, Commonwealth of Australia (1975 - 1978)
- Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Commonwealth of Australia (1987 - )
- Department of Health and Aged Care, Commonwealth of Australia (1998 - 2001)
- Department of Home Affairs and Environment, Commonwealth of Australia (1980 - 1984)
- Department of Industry, Science and Resources, Commonwealth of Australia (1998 - )
- Department of Shipping and Transport, Commonwealth of Australia (1951 - 1972)
- Department of Sustainability and Environment, State of Victoria (2003 - 2013)
- Department of Transport and Construction, Commonwealth of Australia (1982 - 1983)
- Department of Transport and Regional Development, Commonwealth of Australia (1996 - 1998)
- Department of Transport and Regional Services, Commonwealth of Australia (1998 - 2007)
- Empire Marketing Board (1926 - ?)
- Endocrine Society of Australia (1958 - )
- European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO) (c. 1960 - c. 1974)
- Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations (1945 - )
- Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations (1945 - )
- Great Southern Railway
- Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine (1971 - )
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) (1957 - )
- International Civil Aviation Organisation (1947 - )
- International Solar Energy Society (ISES) (1954 - )
- International Standards Organisation (1947 - )
- Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives, United Nations
- L. M. Ericsson
- La Trobe University (1964 - )
- Meat and Livestock Australia (1998 - )
- Melbourne Hospital (1848 - 1935)
- Melbourne Hospital (1848 - 1935)
- Minerals Council of Australia (1995 - )
- Monash Institute of Medical Research (MIMR), Monash University (2005 - )
- Monash Medical Centre (1987 - )
- Monash University (1958 - )
- Mount Stromlo Observatory, Australian National University (1957 - c. 1967)
- Murdoch University (1973 - )
- Museum Victoria (1998 - )
- National Gallery of Victoria (1870 - )
- National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Commonwealth of Australia (1936 - )
- National Museum of Australia (1980 - )
- National Safety Council of Australia (c. 1931 - )
- Optometrists Association Australia (c. 1998 - )
- Philosophical Society of New South Wales (1856 - 1866)
- Philosophical Society of New South Wales (1856 - 1866)
- Powerhouse Museum, State of New South Wales (1988 - )
- Presbyterian Church of Australia
- Qantas Airways Limited (1967 - )
- Queensland Museum
- Queensland University of Technology (QUT) (1989 - )
- RMIT University (1992 - )
- Rothamsted Experimental Station (1843 - )
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) (1927 - )
- Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) (1977 - )
- Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) (1953 - )
- Royal Australian Navy (1911 - )
- Royal Australian Survey Corps, The Australian Army (1936 - 1996)
- Royal Children's Hospital (1953 - )
- Royal Melbourne Hospital (1935 - )
- Royal Melbourne Hospital (1935 - )
- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) (1960 - 1992)
- Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens (1977 - )
- Royal Society of New South Wales (1866 - )
- Royal Society of Victoria (1859 - )
- Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (1863 - )
- Royal Women's Hospital (1954 - )
- Santos Limited (1954 - )
- Scott Paper Company (1879 - 1995)
- South Australian Railways, Colony and State of South Australia (1856 - 1974)
- Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) (1980 - )
- Standards Australia (1988 - )
- State Energy Commission of Western Australia, State of Western Australia (1975 - 1995)
- State Herbarium of South Australia (1954 - )
- State of New South Wales (1901 - )
- State of Queensland (1901 - )
- State of South Australia (1901 - )
- State of Tasmania (1901 - )
- State of Victoria (1901 - )
- State of Western Australia (1901 - )
- Swinburne University of Technology (1992 - )
- Sydney Morning Herald (c. 1831 - )
- Sydney Observatory, Colony and State of New South Wales
- Sydney Technical College (1878 - 1949)
- Unilever Australasia (2000 - )
- The University of Adelaide (1874 - )
- The University of Melbourne (1853 - )
- The University of New England (1954 - )
- The University of New South Wales (1958 - )
- The University of Newcastle (1965 - )
- The University of Queensland (1910 - )
- The University of South Australia
- The University of Sydney (1850 - )
- The University of Tasmania (1890 - )
- The University of Wollongong
- Victoria University (1990s - )
- Victorian College of Pharmacy (1881 - )
- Victorian Railways, Colony and State of Victoria (1883 - 1983)
- Yallourn Power Station (1919 - )
- Abbie, Andrew Arthur (1905 - 1976)
- Accum, Friedrich Christian (1796 - 1838)
- Ada, Gordon Leslie (1922 - 2012)
- Adam, Leonhard (1891 - 1960)
- Adams, Jerry McKee (1940 - )
- Agar, Wilfred Eade (1882 - 1951)
- Aitken, Yvonne (1911 - 2004)
- Albert, Adrien (1907 - 1989)
- Albrecht, David Edward (1962 - )
- Alexander, Albert Ernest (1914 - 1970)
- Alexander, Elizabeth (1908 - 1959)
- Alexander, Frederick Matthias (1869 - 1955)
- Alexander, Wilfred Backhouse (1885 - 1965)
- Allan, Catherine Mabel Joyce (1896 - 1966)
- Allan, Robert Marshall (1886 - 1946)
- Allen, Clabon Walter (1904 - 1987)
- Allen, David (1946 - 1994)
- Allen, David (1946 - 1994)
- Allen, Harry Brookes (1854 - 1926)
- Allen, William Douglas (1914 - 2008)
- Allport, Morton (1830 - 1878)
- Alt, Augustus Theodore Henry (1731 - 1815)
- Anderson, Charles (1876 - 1944)
- Anderson, Charlotte Morrison (1915 - 2002)
- Anderson, John Robert (1928 - 2007)
- Anderson, John Stuart (1908 - 1990)
- Andrade, Edmundo Navarro de (1881 - 1941)
- Andrew, Richard Roderick (1911 - 1994)
- Andrewartha, Herbert George (1907 - 1992)
- Andrews, Ernest Clayton (1870 - 1948)
- Andrews, Shirley (1915 - 2001)
- Angas, George French (1822 - 1886)
- Ansett, Reginald Myles (1909 - 1981)
- Archer, John Lee (1791 - 1852)
- Archer, Mary Ellinor Lucy (1893 - 1979)
- Archer, Michael (1945 - )
- Archer, William (1820 - 1874)
- Archer, William Henry (1825 - 1909)
- Argyle, Stanley Seymour (1867 - 1940)
- Armstrong, William George (1859 - 1941)
- Arnold, Joseph (1782 - 1818)
- Arthur, Richard (1865 - 1932)
- Ash, Christopher John (1945 - 1995)
- Ashby, Alison Marjorie (1901 - 1987)
- Ashby, Eric (1904 - 1992)
- Ashworth, Edward (1814 - 1896)
- Aspinall, Jessie Strahorn (1880 - 1953)
- Asplund, Martin (1970 - )
- Atkinson, Caroline Louisa Waring (1834 - 1872)
- Atkinson, Edward Leicester (1881 - 1929)
- Atkinson, James (1795 - 1834)
- Auld, William Patrick (1840 - 1912)
- Aurousseau, Marcel (1891 - 1983)
- Austin, Colin Russell (Bunny) (1914 - 2004)
- Austin, Herbert (1866 - 1941)
- Austin, Robert (1825 - 1905)
- Avery, David (1871 - 1956)
- Babbage, Benjamin Herschel (1815 - 1878)
- Babbage, Charles (1791 - 1871)
- Bacic, Antony
- Backhouse, James (1794 - 1869)
- Badger, Geoffrey Malcolm (1916 - 2002)
- Bage, Edward Frederick Robert (1888 - 1915)
- Bailey, Frederick Manson (1827 - 1915)
- Bailey, Harry Richard (1922 - 1985)
- Baines, (John) Thomas (1820 - 1875)
- Baker, Richard Thomas (1854 - 1941)
- Baker, William George (1902 - 1978)
- Baker-Gabb, David
- Baldwin, Joseph Mason (1878 - 1945)
- Balmford, Rosemary Anne (1933 - )
- Bancroft, Joseph (1836 - 1894)
- Bancroft, Thomas Lane (1860 - 1933)
- Banfield, Edmund James (1852 - 1923)
- Banks, Joseph (1743 - 1820)
- Banting, Frederick Grant (1891 - 1941)
- Baracchi, Pietro Paolo Giovanni Ernesto (1851 - 1926)
- Baragwanath, William (1878 - 1966)
- Barber, Horace Newton (1914 - 1971)
- Barber, Michael Newton (1947 - )
- Barclay, Henry Vere (1845 - 1917)
- Barclay, Lesley
- Barker, George Herbert (1880 - 1965)
- Barker, John Adair (1925 - 1995)
- Barker, Thomas (1799 - 1875)
- Barkly, Henry (1815 - 1898)
- Barnard, Amanda (1971 - )
- Barnard, Marjorie Faith (1897 - 1987)
- Barnard, Mildred Macfarlan (1908 - 2000)
- Barnes, Eric Stephen (1924 - 2000)
- Barnet, James Johnstone (1827 - 1904)
- Barney, George (1792 - 1862)
- Barr, Yvonne M. (1932 - )
- Barraclough, Samuel Henry Egerton (Henry) (1871 - 1958)
- Barrallier, Francis Louis (1773 - 1853)
- Barraud, Charles Decimus (1822 - 1897)
- Barrett, Charles Leslie (1879 - 1959)
- Barrett, James William (1862 - 1945)
- Barry, Keith Lewis (1896 - 1965)
- Barry, Redmond (1813 - 1880)
- Barwick, Diane Elizabeth (1938 - 1986)
- Basedow, Herbert (1881 - 1933)
- Basford, Kaye (1952 - )
- Bashir, Marie Roslyn (1930 - )
- Bass, George (1771 - 1803)
- Bastow, Richard Austin (1839 - 1920)
- Batchelor, George Keith (1920 - 2000)
- Bates, Daisy May (1863 - 1951)
- Batman, John (1801 - 1839)
- Batterham, Robin John (1941 - )
- Baudin, Nicolas Thomas (1754 - 1803)
- Bauer, Ferdinand Lukas (1760 - 1826)
- Baxter, John Philip (1905 - 1989)
- Baxter, Rodney James (1940 - )
- Bayliss, Charles (1850 - 1897)
- Bayly, Michael James (1970 - )
- Beaurepaire, Francis Joseph Edmund (Frank) (1891 - 1956)
- Beccari, Odoardo (1843 - 1920)
- Becker, Johannes Heinrich (1898 - 1961)
- Becker, Ludwig (1808 - 1861)
- Beckler, Hermann (1828 - 1914)
- Beckwith, Athelstan Laurence Johnson (1930 - 2010)
- Beechey, Frederick William (1796 - 1856)
- Behr, Hermann Hans (1818 - 1904)
- Behrend, Felix Adalbert (1911 - 1962)
- Belcher, Charles Frederic (1876 - 1970)
- Bell, Arthur Frank (1899 - 1958)
- Bell, Diane (1943 - )
- Bell, Jane (1873 - 1959)
- Bell, Raoul Sunday (1882 - 1966)
- Bellingshausen, Faddei Faddeevich (Fabian) (1778 - 1852)
- Bennett, Agnes Elizabeth Lloyd (1872 - 1960)
- Bennett, George (1804 - 1893)
- Bennett, Isobel Ida Toon (1909 - 2008)
- Bennett, John Makepeace (1921 - 2010)
- Benson, John Ernest (1911 - )
- Benson, William Noel (1885 - 1957)
- Bentham, George (1800 - 1884)
- Bernacchi, Louis Charles (1876 - 1942)
- Berndt, Ronald Murray (1916 - 1990)
- Berry, Richard James Arthur (1867 - 1962)
- Best, Charles Herbert (1899 - 1978)
- Betche, Ernst (1851 - 1913)
- Bevan, Theodore Francis (1860 - 1907)
- Beveridge, Ian W. (1948 - )
- Beveridge, Peter (1829 - 1885)
- Bicheno, James Ebenezer (1785 - 1851)
- Bidwill, John Carne (1815 - 1853)
- Bilek, Marcela (1968 - )
- Billard, Lynne (1943 - )
- Birch, Arthur John (1915 - 1995)
- Birch, Louis Charles (Charles) (1918 - 2009)
- Biscoe, John (1794 - 1843)
- Bishop, Arthur Ernest (1917 - 2006)
- Black, Alexander (1827 - 1897)
- Black, John McConnell (1855 - 1951)
- Black, John McConnell (1855 - 1951)
- Black, Robert Hughes (1917 - 1988)
- Blackall, William Edward (1876 - 1941)
- Blackburn, Charles Bickerton (1874 - 1972)
- Blackburn, Elizabeth (1948 - )
- Blackburn, James (1803 - 1854)
- Blackburn, Thomas (1844 - 1912)
- Blackwood, Robert Rutherford (1906 - 1982)
- Blainey, Geoffrey Norman (1930 - )
- Blair, David (1949 - )
- Blake, Stanley Thatcher (1911 - 1973)
- Blakely, William Faris (1875 - 1941)
- Bland, William (1789 - 1868)
- Blandowski, Johann Wilhelm Theodor Ludwig von (William) (1822 - 1878)
- Blatt, John Markus (1921 - 1990)
- Blaxland, Gregory (1778 - 1853)
- Bleasdale, John Ignatius (1822 - 1884)
- Bliss, Charles Kasiel (1897 - 1985)
- Boas, Walter Moritz (1904 - 1982)
- Boden, Alexander (1913 - 1993)
- Boelke, Grace Fairley (1870 - 1948)
- Bogle, Gilbert Stanley (1924 - 1963)
- Bok, Bart Jan (1906 - 1983)
- Boland, Douglas John (1947 - 2001)
- Bolliger, Adolph (1897 - 1962)
- Bolton, John Gatenby (1922 - 1993)
- Bond, Alan Maxwell (1946 - )
- Bonney, Charles (1813 - 1897)
- Bonwick, James (1817 - 1906)
- Bonython, Charles Warren (1916 - 2012)
- Booker, John Robert (1942 - 1998)
- Boomsma, Clifford David (1915 - 2004)
- Booth, Mary (1869 - 1956)
- Borchgrevink, Carsten Egeberg (1864 - 1934)
- Born, Max (1882 - 1970)
- Borthwick, Thomas (1860 - 1924)
- Bosisto, Joseph (1824 - 1898)
- Bostock, John (1892 - 1987)
- Bosworth, Richard Charles Leslie (1907 - 1964)
- Both, Edward Thomas (1908 - 1987)
- Bougainville, Hyacinthe de (1781 - 1846)
- Bougainville, Louis Antoine (1729 - 1811)
- Bowden, Frank Philip (1903 - 1968)
- Bowen, Edward George (1911 - 1991)
- Boyd, William Alexander Jenyns (1842 - 1928)
- Boys, Charles Vernon (1855 - 1944)
- Brabham, John Arthur (1926 - )
- Bradfield, John Job Crew (1867 - 1943)
- Bradley, Joan Burton (1916 - 1982)
- Bradshaw, Joseph (Joe) (1854 - 1916)
- Brady, Edwin James (1869 - 1952)
- Brady, Joseph (1828 - 1908)
- Bragg, William Henry (1862 - 1942)
- Bragg, William Lawrence (1890 - 1971)
- Brass, Leonard J. (1900 - 1971)
- Bray, Igor
- Bray, Robert John (1929 - )
- Brazier, John William (1842 - 1930)
- Breinl, Anton (1880 - 1944)
- Brennan, Louis (1852 - 1932)
- Brent, Richard Peirce (1946 - )
- Brierly, Oswald Walters (1817 - 1894)
- Briggs, Barbara Gillian (1934 - )
- Briggs, Edward Alfred (1890 - 1969)
- Brisbane, Thomas Makdougall (1773 - 1860)
- Brittlebank, Charles Clifton (1862 - 1945)
- Broinowski, Gracius Joseph (1837 - 1913)
- Brooker, Murray Ian Hill (Ian) (1934 - 2016)
- Brooks, Joseph (1847 - 1918)
- Brooks, Sarah Theresa (1850 - 1928)
- Brose, Henry Herman Leopold Adolph (1890 - 1965)
- Brown, Elizabeth (1956 - 2013)
- Brown, Gavin (1942 - 2010)
- Brown, George (1835 - 1917)
- Brown, Henry Yorke Lyell (1844 - 1928)
- Brown, James Boyer (1919 - 2009)
- Brown, John Ednie (1848 - 1899)
- Brown, Robert (1773 - 1858)
- Brown, Robert Hanbury (1916 - 2002)
- Browne, William Rowan (1884 - 1975)
- Browning, Thomas Oakley (1920 - 1998)
- Bruce, Alexander (1827 - 1903)
- Bruce, Michael Ian (1938 - )
- Bruce, Niel L.
- Bruck, Ludwig
- Brünnich, Johannes Christian (1861 - 1933)
- Bruny d'Entrecasteaux, Joseph-Antoine Raymond (1739 - 1793)
- Bryce, Lucy Meredith (1897 - 1968)
- Buchanan, Gwynneth Vaughan (1886 - 1945)
- Buchdahl, Hans Adolph (1919 - 2010)
- Bullen, Keith Edward (1906 - 1976)
- Bullwinkel, Vivian (1915 - 2000)
- Bunce, Daniel (1813 - 1872)
- Burbidge, Nancy Tyson (1912 - 1977)
- Burchill, Dora Elizabeth (Elizabeth) (1904 - 2003)
- Burhop, Eric Henry Stoneley (1911 - 1980)
- Burke, Robert O'Hara (1821 - 1861)
- Burkitt, Arthur Neville St George Handcock (1891 - 1959)
- Burnet, Frank Macfarlane (1899 - 1985)
- Burnett, James Charles (1815 - 1854)
- Burnstock, Geoffrey (1929 - 2020)
- Burrell, Henry James (1873 - 1945)
- Burston, Samuel Roy (Ginger) (1888 - 1960)
- Busby, James (1801 - 1871)
- Butler, Arthur Graham (1872 - 1949)
- Butler, Cecil Arthur (1902 - 1980)
- Butler, Stuart Thomas (1926 - 1982)
- Butters, John Henry (1885 - 1969)
- Byrne, Maria
- Cade, John Frederick Joseph (1912 - 1980)
- Cadell, Francis (1822 - 1879)
- Cahn, Audrey Josephine (1905 - 2008)
- Caire, Nicholas John (1837 - 1918)
- Cairns, Hugh William Bell (1896 - 1952)
- Calaby, John Henry (1922 - 1998)
- Calder, William (1860 - 1928)
- Caley, George (1770 - 1829)
- Callister, Cyril Percy (1893 - 1949)
- Cambage, Richard Hind (1859 - 1928)
- Cameron, Samuel Sherwen (1866 - 1933)
- Campbell, Alfred Walter (Snowy) (1868 - 1937)
- Campbell, Archibald George (1880 - 1954)
- Campbell, Archibald James (1853 - 1929)
- Campbell, John Fauna (1853 - 1938)
- Campbell, Kate Isabel (1899 - 1986)
- Campbell, Walter Scott (1844 - 1935)
- Candolle, Augustus Pyramus de (1778 - 1841)
- Cannon, Lester Robert Glen (1940 - )
- Capell, Arthur (1902 - 1986)
- Carey, Henry Charles (1793 - 1879)
- Carey, Samuel Warren (Warren) (1911 - 2002)
- Carne, Joseph Edmund (1855 - 1922)
- Carne, Walter Mervyn (1885 - 1952)
- Carnegie, David Wynford (1871 - 1900)
- Carr, Denis John (1915 - 2008)
- Carr, Stella Grace Maisie (Maisie) (1912 - 1988)
- Carron, William (1821 - 1876)
- Carslaw, Horatio Scott (1870 - 1954)
- Carter, Herbert James (1858 - 1940)
- Carter, Robert Merlin (Bob) (1942 - 2016)
- Carter, Thomas (1863 - 1931)
- Caruso, Frank (1968 - )
- Carver, John Henry (1926 - 2004)
- Casey, Cornelius Gavin (1810 - 1896)
- Casey, Dermot Armstrong (1897 - 1977)
- Casey, James Joseph (1831 - 1913)
- Casey, Richard Gavin Gardiner (1890 - 1976)
- Castelnau, Francis de la Porte (1810 - 1880)
- Catani, Carlo Giorgio Domenico Enrico (1852 - 1918)
- Catcheside, David Guthrie (1907 - 1994)
- Caughley, Graeme James (1937 - 1994)
- Cavanilles, Antonio Jose (1745 - 1804)
- Cayley, Neville Henry Pennington (1853 - 1903)
- Cayley, Neville William (1886 - 1950)
- Cazneaux, Harold Pierce (1878 - 1953)
- Chadwick, Clarence Earl (Clarry) (1909 - 2004)
- Chaffer, Norman (1899 - 1992)
- Chaffey, George (1848 - 1932)
- Chambers, Thomas Carrick (1930 - )
- Chandler, Leslie Gordon (1888 - 1980)
- Chang, Victor Peter (1936 - 1991)
- Chapman, Frederick (1864 - 1943)
- Chapman, Robert William (1866 - 1942)
- Chapple, Phoebe (1879 - 1967)
- Charsley, Fanny Anne (1828 - 1915)
- Cheel, Edwin (1872 - 1951)
- Cherry, Thomas (1861 - 1945)
- Cherry, Thomas Macfarland (1898 - 1966)
- Cherry-Garrard, Apsley G.B. (1886 - 1959)
- Chewings, Charles (1859 - 1937)
- Chidley, William James (1860? - 1916)
- Childe, Vere Gordon (1892 - 1957)
- Chippendale, George McCartney (1921 - 2010)
- Chisholm, Alexander Hugh (Alec) (1890 - 1977)
- Christiansen, Wilbur Norman (Chris) (1913 - 2007)
- Christidis, Leslie (Les) (1959 - )
- Chubb, Ian (1943 - )
- Cilento, Lady Phyllis Dorothy (1894 - 1987)
- Cilento, Raphael West (1893 - 1985)
- Clapp, Harold Winthrop (1875 - 1952)
- Clark, Donald (1864 - 1932)
- Clark, Ellen (1915 - 1988)
- Clark, Gordon Colvin Lindesay (Lindesay) (1896 - 1986)
- Clark, Graeme Milbourne (1935 - )
- Clark, Hubert Lyman (1870 - 1947)
- Clark, John (1885 - 1956)
- Clarke, Andrew (1824 - 1902)
- Clarke, William Branwhite (1798 - 1878)
- Clarke, William John (1831 - 1897)
- Clarkson, William (1859 - 1934)
- Cleland, John Burton (1878 - 1971)
- Clemens, Mary Strong (1873 - 1968)
- Clifford, Harold Trevor (Trevor) (1927 - 2019)
- Cloez, Francois Stanislas (1817 - 1883)
- Clunies Ross, William Ian (1899 - 1959)
- Clyne, Densey (1926 - )
- Coates, Albert Ernest (1895 - 1977)
- Coates, John (1844 - 1914)
- Cobb, Nathan Augustus (1859 - 1932)
- Cobbett, William (1763 - 1835)
- Cobley, John
- Cockayne, David John Hugh (1942 - 2010)
- Cockle, James (1819 - 1895)
- Coghlan, Timothy Augustine (1855 - 1926)
- Colenso, William (1811 - 1899)
- Collie, Alexander (1793 - 1835)
- Common, Ian Francis Bell (1917 - 2006)
- Condon, Herbert Thomas (1912 - 1978)
- Conyers, Evelyn Augusta (1870 - 1944)
- Coode, John (1816 - 1892)
- Cook, Cecil Evelyn Aufrere (Mick) (1897 - 1985)
- Cook, James (1728 - 1779)
- Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt (1825 - 1914)
- Cooke, William Ernest (1863 - 1947)
- Cookson, Isabel Clifton (1893 - 1973)
- Coombes, Lawrence Percival (1899 - 1988)
- Cooper, Lilian Violet (1861 - 1947)
- Cooper, Roy Percy (1907 - 1976)
- Cooper, William Thomas (1934 - 2015)
- Corbould, William Thomas Henry (1866 - 1949)
- Cornforth, John Warcup (1917 - 2013)
- Cornforth, Rita (1915 - 2012)
- Cornish, Edmund Alfred (Alf) (1909 - 1973)
- Cory, Suzanne (1942 - )
- Costa, Marcello (1940 - 2024)
- Costermans, Leon Francis (1933 - )
- Cotter, Thomas Young (1805 - 1882)
- Cotton, John (1802 - 1849)
- Counsel, Edward Albert (1849 - 1939)
- Courtice, Frederick Colin (Colin) (1911 - 1992)
- Covacevich, Jeanette Adelaide (1945 - 2015)
- Covington, Syms (1813 - 1861)
- Cowan, Henry Jacob (Jack) (1919 - 2007)
- Cowley, John Maxwell (1923 - 2004)
- Cowlishaw, Leslie (1877 - 1943)
- Cox, James Charles (1834 - 1912)
- Cox, William (1764 - 1837)
- Craig, Clifford (1896 - 1986)
- Craig, David Parker (1919 - 2015)
- Craven, Lyndley Alan (Lyn) (1945 - 2014)
- Crawford, John Grenfell (1910 - 1984)
- Crean, Simon (1949 - )
- Crespin, Irene (1896 - 1980)
- Cressie, Noel (1950 - )
- Cribb, Joan Winnifred (1930 - )
- Crommelin, Minard Fannie (1881 - 1972)
- Crowther, Edward Lodewyk (1843 - 1931)
- Crowther, William Edward Lodewyk H. (1887 - 1981)
- Crowther, William Lodewyk (1817 - 1885)
- Crozier, Francis Rawdon Moira (1796 - c. 1848)
- Crozier, Rossiter Henry (1943 - 2009)
- Cuming, James (1) (1861 - 1920)
- Cummins, John Edward (Jack) (1902 - 1989)
- Cumpston, John Howard Lidgett (1880 - 1954)
- Cunningham, Allan (1791 - 1839)
- Cunningham, Kenneth Stewart (1890 - 1976)
- Cunningham, Peter Miller (1789 - 1864)
- Cunningham, Richard (1793 - 1835)
- Curr, Edward Micklethwaite (1820 - 1889)
- Currie, George Alexander (1896 - 1984)
- Currie, John Lang (1818 - 1898)
- Curtis, David Roderick (1927 - 2017)
- Curtis, Winifred (1905 - 2005)
- Dadswell, Herbert Eric (1903 - 1964)
- Daintree, Richard (1832 - 1878)
- Dakin, William John (John) (1883 - 1950)
- D'Albertis, Luigi Maria (1841 - 1901)
- Dale, Henry Hallett (1875 - 1968)
- Dalitz, Richard Henry (1925 - 2006)
- Dalrymple, Alexander (1737 - 1808)
- Daly, Anne (1860 - 1924)
- Dampier, William (1651 - 1715)
- Dana, James Dwight (1813 - 1895)
- Dance, Ian Gordon (1940 - )
- Daneš, Jirí Václav (1880 - 1928)
- Dangar, Henry (1796 - 1861)
- Dannevig, Harald Kristian (1871 - 1914)
- Danysz, Jean (1860 - 1928)
- Darwin, Charles Robert (1809 - 1882)
- David, Tannatt William Edgeworth (1858 - 1934)
- Davidson, Daniel Sutherland (1900 - 1952)
- Davidson, James (1885 - 1945)
- Davies, Harold Whitridge (1894 - 1946)
- Davies, Paul Charles William (1946 - )
- Davies, Valerie Ethel (1920 - 2012)
- Davis, John King (1884 - 1967)
- Davy, Edward (1806 - 1885)
- Dawbarn, Mary Campbell (1902 - 1982)
- Dawes, William (1762 - 1836)
- Dawson, William Siegfried (1891 - 1975)
- Dax, Eric Cunningham (1908 - 2008)
- Day, Maxwell Frank Cooper (1915 - 2017)
- Day, Ross Henry (1927 - 2018)
- Day, Theodore Ernest (1866 - 1943)
- de Burgh, Ernest Macartney (1863 - 1929)
- De Garis, Hugo
- De Garis, Mary Clementina (1881 - 1963)
- de Kretser, David Morritz (1939 - )
- de la Hunty, Shirley Barbara (1925 - 2004)
- De Vis, Charles Walter (1829 - 1915)
- Deane, Henry (1847 - 1924)
- Decaisne, Joseph (1807 - 1882)
- Delbourgo, Robert (1940 - )
- Dell, Edgar (1901 - 2008)
- Dendy, Arthur (1865 - 1925)
- Denison, William Thomas (1804 - 1871)
- Denmead, Alan Knox (1902 - 1994)
- Denton, Derek Ashworth (1924 - 2022)
- Desfontaines, Rene Louiche (1752 - 1833)
- Dickson, Bertram Thomas (1886 - 1982)
- Diels, Friedrich Ludwig Emil (1874 - 1945)
- Dietrich, Koncordie Amalie (1821 - 1891)
- Diggles, Silvester (1817 - 1880)
- Dillon, Peter (1788 - 1847)
- Dintenfass, Leopold (1921 - 1990)
- Dixon, William Adam (1841 - 1917)
- Dodd, Alan Parkhurst (1896 - 1981)
- Dodd, Frederick Parkhurst (1861 - 1937)
- Doddrell, David Michael (1944 - )
- Dods, Lorimer Fenton (1900 - 1981)
- Dodwell, George Frederick (1879 - 1963)
- Doherty, Muriel Knox (1896 - 1988)
- Doherty, Peter Charles (1940 - )
- Domin, Karel (1882 - 1953)
- Donald, Colin Malcolm (1910 - 1985)
- Doorly, James Gerald Stokely (Gerald) (1880 - 1956)
- Dortch, Charlie E. ( - 2014)
- Douglas, John Gordon (1929 - 2007)
- Douglass, Henry Grattan (1790 - 1865)
- Downes, Ronald Geoffrey (1916 - 1985)
- Dracoulis, George Dennis (1944 - 2014)
- Drake-Brockman, Frederick Slade (1857 - 1917)
- Drummond, James (c. 1786 - 1863)
- Ducker, Sophie Charlotte (1909 - 2004)
- Duffield, Walter Geoffrey (1879 - 1929)
- Duguid, Charles
- Duhig, James Vincent Joseph (1889 - 1963)
- Duigan, John Robertson (1882 - 1951)
- Dumas, Russell John (1887 - 1975)
- Dun, William Sutherland (1868 - 1934)
- Duncan, George Smith (1852 - 1930)
- Duncan, James Francis (1921 - 2001)
- Dunhill, Thomas Peel (1876 - 1957)
- Dunlop, Clyde Robert (1946 - )
- Dunlop, Eliza Hamilton (1796 - 1880)
- Dunlop, Ernest Edward (1907 - 1993)
- Dunlop, James (1793 - 1848)
- Dunn, Edward John (1844 - 1937)
- Dunphy, Myles Joseph (1891 - 1985)
- Dunstan, Benjamin (1864 - 1933)
- Duperrey, Louis Isidore (1786 - 1865)
- Dupetit-Thouars, Abel Aubert (1758? - 1831?)
- d'Urville, Jules Dumont (1790 - 1842)
- Dutkiewicz, Ludwik (1921 - 2008)
- Dwyer, Francis Patrick John (1910 - 1962)
- Dyason, Diana Joan (1919 - 1989)
- Eccles, John Carew (1903 - 1997)
- Eddy, Cecil Ernest (1900 - 1956)
- Edgar, Grahame (1901 - 1985)
- Edman, Pehr Victor (1916 - 1977)
- Edwards, Austin Burton (1909 - 1960)
- Edwards, Robert Edmund (1926 - )
- Eggen, Olin Jeuck (1919 - 1998)
- Eichler, Hansjörg (1916 - 1992)
- Einstein, Albert (1879 - 1955)
- Elder, Thomas (1818 - 1897)
- Eliezer, Christie Jayaratnam (1918 - 2001)
- Elix, John Alan (Jack) (1941 - )
- Elkin, Adolphus Peter (1891 - 1979)
- Elkington, John Simeon Colebrook (1871 - 1955)
- Ellery, Reginald Spencer (1897 - 1955)
- Ellery, Robert Lewis John (1827 - 1908)
- Elliott, Sizar (1814 - 1901)
- Ellis, Henry Havelock (1859 - 1939)
- Emison, William Bert (1939 - 1999)
- Emmens, Clifford Walter (1913 - 1999)
- Endean, Robert (Bob) (1925 - 1997)
- Ennor, Arnold Hughes (Hugh) (1912 - 1977)
- Erickson, Frederica Lucy (Rica) (1908 - 2009)
- Etheridge, Robert (Junior) (1847 - 1920)
- Evans, George William (1780 - 1852)
- Evans, Lloyd Thomas (1927 - 2015)
- Evans, Robert (1949 - )
- Everist, Selwyn Lawrence (1913 - 1981)
- Ewart, Alfred James (1872 - 1937)
- Eylmann, Erhard (1860 - 1926)
- Eyre, Edward John (1815 - 1901)
- Fairbridge, Rhodes Whitmore (1914 - 2006)
- Fairley, Neil Hamilton (1891 - 1966)
- Falla, Robert Alexander (1901 - 1979)
- Fargher, John Adrian (1901 - 1977)
- Farr, Clinton Coleridge (1866 - 1943)
- Farrer, William James (1845 - 1906)
- Favenc, Ernest (1845 - 1908)
- Fawkner, John Pascoe (1792 - 1869)
- Felton, Alfred (1831 - 1904)
- Fenner, Charles Albert Edward (1884 - 1955)
- Fenner, Frank John (1914 - 2010)
- Ferguson, Eustace William (1884 - 1927)
- Field, Barron (1786 - 1846)
- Finsch, Otto (1839 - 1917)
- Firth, Raymond William (1901 - 2002)
- Fisher, Ronald Aylmer (1890 - 1962)
- Fisk, Ernest Thomas (1886 - 1965)
- Fison, Lorimer (1832 - 1907)
- FitzGerald, Robert David (1830 - 1892)
- Fitzpatrick, Aileen (1898 - 1974)
- Fitzroy, Robert
- Fiveash, Rosa Catherine (1854 - 1938)
- Flambaum, Victor V. (1951 - )
- Fleay, David Howells (1907 - 1993)
- Fleming, Charles Alexander (1916 - 1987)
- Fletcher, Harold Oswald (1903 - 1996)
- Fletcher, Jane Ada (Ada) (1870 - 1956)
- Fletcher, Joseph James (1850 - 1926)
- Flinders, Matthew (1774 - 1814)
- Flockton, Lilian Margaret (Margaret) (1861 - 1953)
- Florey, Howard Walter (1898 - 1968)
- Flower, William Henry
- Flynn, John (1880 - 1951)
- Flynn, Theodore Thomson (1883 - 1968)
- Foelsche, Paul Heinrich Matthis (1831 - 1914)
- Forbes, Henry Ogg (1851 - 1932)
- Ford, Edward (Ted) (1902 - 1986)
- Ford, Hugh Alastair (1946 - )
- Fornachon, John Charles Macleod (1905 - 1968)
- Forrest, Alexander (1849 - 1901)
- Forrest, John (1847 - 1918)
- Forrest, Margaret Elvire (1844 - 1929)
- Forshaw, Joseph
- Forster, Johann Georg Adam (1754 - 1794)
- Forster, Johann Reinhold (1729 - 1798)
- Fothergill, John (1712 - 1780)
- Fothergill, John (1712 - 1780)
- Fountaine, Margaret Elizabeth (1862 - 1940)
- Fox, Henry Thomas (1819 - 1891)
- Francis, George William (1800 - 1865)
- Francis, William Douglas (1889 - 1959)
- Frankel, Otto Herzberg (1900 - 1998)
- Franklin, John (1786 - 1847)
- Fraser, Keith Aird (1893 - 1952)
- Fraser, Lilian Ross (c. 1908 - 1987)
- Frazer, Charles (1788? - 1831)
- Frazer, Ian Hector (1953 - )
- Freeling, Arthur Henry (1820 - 1885)
- Freeman, Joan (1918 - 1998)
- Freeman, Kenneth Charles (1940 - )
- French, Charles (1842 - 1933)
- Freycinet, Louis Henri Desaulses de (1777 - 1840)
- Freycinet, Louis-Claude Desaulses de (1779 - 1842)
- Frith, Clifford Brodie (1949 - )
- Frith, Dawn Whyatt (1943 - )
- Frith, Harold James (1921 - 1982)
- Froggatt, Walter Wilson (1858 - 1937)
- Frome, Edward Charles (1802 - 1890)
- Fry, Bryan Grieg (1970 - )
- Fry, Henry Kenneth (1886 - 1959)
- Fuller, Claude W. (1872 - 1928)
- Fysh, Wilmot Hudson (Hudson) (1895 - 1974)
- Gabriel, Charles John (1879 - 1963)
- Galbraith, Jean (1906 - 1999)
- Galbraith, Jean (1906 - 1999)
- Gani, Joseph Mark (1924 - 2016)
- Gardner, Charles Austin (1896 - 1970)
- Garling, Frederick (1806 - 1873)
- Garson, Mary J. (1953 - )
- Gascoigne, Sidney Charles Bartholemew (1915 - 2010)
- Gatty, Harold Charles (1903 - 1957)
- Geddes, William Robert (Bill) (1916 - 1989)
- Gentilli, Joseph Hefetz (1912 - 2002)
- Gepp, Herbert William (1877 - 1954)
- Gibb, Sir Claude (1898 - 1959)
- Gilbert, John (1812 - 1845)
- Gilbert, Lionel Arthur (1924 - 2015)
- Gilbert, Robert G. (1946 - )
- Giles, William Ernest Powell (Ernest) (1835 - 1897)
- Gill, Adrian Edmund (1937 - 1986)
- Gill, Edmund Dwen (1908 - 1986)
- Gill, Walter (1851 - 1929)
- Gill, William Wyatt (1828 - 1896)
- Gillen, Francis James (1855 - 1912)
- Gilruth, John Anderson (1871 - 1937)
- Giovanelli, Ronald Gordon (1915 - 1984)
- Gipps, George (1791 - 1847)
- Girault, Alexandrè Arsène (1884 - 1941)
- Glaessner, Martin Fritz (1906 - 1989)
- Glauert, Ludwig (1879 - 1963)
- Glazebrook, Karl (1965 - )
- Gleadow, Andrew John Ward (1948 - )
- Goldie, Andrew (1840 - 1891)
- Goldsworthy, Ashley William (1935 - )
- Goninan, Alfred (1865 - 1953)
- Goodall, David William (1914 - 2018)
- Goodnow, Jacqueline Mary Jarrett (1924 - 2014)
- Goodwin, Graham Clifford (1945 - )
- Gordon, Douglas (1911 - 1993)
- Gosse, William Christie (1842 - 1881)
- Gottschalk, Alfred (1894 - 1973)
- Gould, Charles (1834 - 1893)
- Gould, Elizabeth (1804 - 1841)
- Gould, John (1804 - 1881)
- Gowlland, John Thomas Ewing (1838 - 1874)
- Goyder, George Woodroffe (1826 - 1898)
- Grant, Beryl (1921 - )
- Grant, Kerr (1878 - 1967)
- Graves, Jennifer Ann Marshall (1941 - )
- Gray, George Robert (1808 - 1872)
- Gray, John Edward (1800 - 1875)
- Grayson, Henry Joseph (1856 - 1918)
- Green, Herbert Sydney (1920 - 1999)
- Greenway, Francis (1777 - 1837)
- Gregg, Norman McAlister (1892 - 1966)
- Gregory, Augustus Charles (1819 - 1905)
- Gregory, Francis Thomas (Frank) (1821 - 1888)
- Gregory, John Walter (1864 - 1932)
- Gregson, Jesse (1837 - 1919)
- Gresswell, Dan Astley (1853 - 1904)
- Griffith, Samuel Walker (1845 - 1920)
- Grimes, Charles (1772 - 1858)
- Grimwade, Wilfrid Russell (1879 - 1955)
- Grounds, Roy (1905 - 1981)
- Groves, William Charles (1898 - 1967)
- Guerard, Johann Joseph Eugen von (1812 - 1901)
- Guilfoyle, William Robert (1840 - 1912)
- Gunn, John Alexander (1860 - 1910)
- Gunn, Ronald Campbell (1808 - 1881)
- Guthrie, Frederick Bickell (1861 - 1927)
- Haire, Norman (1892 - 1952)
- Hale, Herbert Mathew (1895 - 1963)
- Hall, Edward Swarbreck (1805 - 1881)
- Hall, Peter Gavin (1951 - 2016)
- Hall, Robert (1867 - 1949)
- Hall, Thomas Sergeant (1858 - 1915)
- Halligan, Gerald Harnett (1856 - 1942)
- Hamilton, Alexander Greenlaw (1852 - 1941)
- Hamlet, William Mogford (1850 - 1931)
- Hamlin, Elinor Catherine (1924 - 2020)
- Hamlyn-Harris, Ronald (1874 - 1953)
- Hancock, G. Allan (1875 - 1965)
- Hancock, Henry Richard (1836 - 1919)
- Hann, Frank Hugh (1846 - 1921)
- Hannaford, Peter (1939 - )
- Hannan, Edward James (1921 - 1994)
- Hardman, Edward Townley (1845 - 1887)
- Hargrave, Lawrence (1850 - 1915)
- Hargreaves, William Arthur (1866 - 1959)
- Harper, Arthur Frederick Alan (1913 - 1991)
- Harper, Charles (1842 - 1912)
- Harper, Margaret Hilda (1879 - 1964)
- Harrington, Hilary James (Larry) (1924 - 2015)
- Harris, George Prideaux Robert (1775 - 1810)
- Harris, Thistle Yolette (1902 - 1990)
- Harrison, James (1816? - 1893)
- Harrison, Launcelot (1880 - 1928)
- Hart, Alfred (1870 - 1950)
- Hartley, Thomas Gordon (Tom) (1931 - 2016)
- Hartley, William
- Hartnett, Laurence John (1898 - 1986)
- Hartung, Ernst Johannes (1893 - 1979)
- Harvey, William Henry (1811 - 1866)
- Haswell, William Aitcheson (1854 - 1925)
- Hatch, Marshall Davidson (1932 - )
- Haweis, Thomas
- Hawken, Roger William Hercules (1878 - 1947)
- Hawker, Harry George (1889 - 1921)
- Hayes, William (1913 - 1994)
- Hayter, Henry Heylyn (1821 - 1895)
- Hector, James (1834 - 1907)
- Hedley, Charles (1862 - 1926)
- Hellyer, Henry (1790 - 1832)
- Helms, Richard (1842 - 1914)
- Henderson-Sellers, Ann (1952 - )
- Henty, Edward (1810 - 1878)
- Herbert, Desmond Andrew (1898 - 1976)
- Hercus, Eric Oswald (1891 - 1962)
- Herman, Hyman (1875 - 1962)
- Herrman, Helen Edith (1947 - )
- Herz, Max Markus (1876 - 1948)
- Hetzel, Basil Stuart (1922 - 2017)
- Hewson, Helen (1938 - 2007)
- Heyde, Christopher Charles (1939 - 2008)
- Heymann, Erich (1901 - 1949)
- Heyne, Ernst Bernhard (1825 - 1881)
- Heysen, Wilhelm Ernst Hans (Hans) (1877 - 1968)
- Hicks, Cedric Stanton (1892 - 1976)
- Hides, Jack Gordon (1906 - 1938)
- Higgins, John Michael (1862 - 1937)
- Hill, Dorothy (1907 - 1997)
- Hill, Gerald Freer (1880 - 1954)
- Hill, James Peter (1873 - 1954)
- Hill, Kenneth D. (1948 - 2010)
- Hill, Robin (1941 - )
- Hills, Edwin Sherbon (1906 - 1986)
- Hindwood, Keith Alfred (1904 - 1971)
- Hinkler, Herbert John Louis (1892 - 1933)
- Hjorth, Gregory John (Greg) (1963 - 2011)
- Hoadley, Charles Archibald Brookes (1887 - 1947)
- Hobbs, Bruce Edward (1936 - )
- Hobbs, James (1792 - 1880)
- Hochstetter, Christian Gottlieb Ferdinand Ritter von (Ferdinand) (1829 - 1884)
- Hoddle, Robert (1794 - 1881)
- Hodgkinson, Clement (1818 - 1893)
- Hodgkinson, William Oswald (1835 - 1900)
- Hodgson, Christopher Pemberton (1821 - 1865)
- Hodgson, Richard (1855 - 1905)
- Hodgson, Thomas Vere (1864 - 1926)
- Hogbin, Herbert Ian Priestley (1904 - 1989)
- Hogg, Arthur Robert (1903 - 1966)
- Holdaway, Frederick George (1902 - 1965)
- Holden, Frances Gillam (1843 - 1924)
- Holland, John Clifton Vaughan (1914 - 2009)
- Hollows, Frederick Cossom (Fred) (1929 - 1993)
- Holman, Mollie Elizabeth (1930 - 2010)
- Holmes, James Macdonald (1896 - 1966)
- Holroyd, Arthur Todd (1806 - 1887)
- Holtermann, Bernhardt Otto (1838 - 1885)
- Holtze, Maurice William (1840 - 1923)
- Home, Roderick Weir (1939 - )
- Hone, Frank Sandland (1871 - 1951)
- Hooker, Joseph Dalton (1817 - 1911)
- Hooker, William Jackson (1785 - 1865)
- Hopper, Stephen Donald (1951 - )
- Horridge, George Adrian (Adrian) (1927 - 2024)
- Houdini, Harry
- Hovell, William Hilton (1786 - 1875)
- Howchin, Walter (1845 - 1937)
- Howe, John (1774 - 1852)
- Howes, G.B.
- Howitt, Alfred William (1830 - 1908)
- Hudson, William (1896 - 1978)
- Hughes, Ernest Selwyn (1860 - 1942)
- Hughes, Helen (1928 - )
- Hugo, Graeme John (1946 - 2015)
- Hull, Arthur Francis Basset (1862 - 1945)
- Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von (1769 - 1859)
- Hume, Hamilton (1797 - 1873)
- Hunt, Henry Ambrose (1866 - 1946)
- Hunt, Kenneth Henderson (1920 - 2002)
- Hunt, Ralph Alec (1891 - 1980)
- Hunter, John (1737 - 1821)
- Hunter, John George (1888 - 1964)
- Hunter, John Irvine (1898 - 1924)
- Hurley, James Francis (Frank) (1885 - 1962)
- Hush, Noel Sydney (1924 - 2019)
- Huskisson, William (1770 - 1830)
- Hutton, Frederick Wollaston (1836 - 1905)
- Huxley, Leonard George Holden (1902 - 1988)
- Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825 - 1895)
- Hyett, Jack (1915 - 2001)
- Iliffe, John (1846 - 1914)
- Inglis, William Keith (1888 - 1960)
- Iredale, Tom (1880 - 1972)
- Jack, Andrew Keith (1885 - 1966)
- Jack, Robert Logan (1845 - 1921)
- Jackson, Benjamin Daydon
- Jackson, Ernest Sandford (1860 - 1938)
- Jackson, Sidney William (1873 - 1946)
- Jackson, William Roy (1935 - 2019)
- Jacobs, Maxwell Ralph (1905 - 1979)
- Jacobs, Surrey Wilfrid Laurence (1946 - 2009)
- Jaeger, John Conrad (1907 - 1979)
- Jamieson, James (1840 - 1916)
- Jansz, Willem (? - 1628)
- Jarvis, Edmund (1869 - 1935)
- Jauncey, George Eric Macdonnell (1888 - 1947)
- Jeffrey, Agnes Betty (1908 - 2000)
- Jeffrey, Shirley Winifred (1930 - 2014)
- Jenks, E. (1861 - 1939)
- Jennings, Joseph Newell (Joe) (1916 - 1984)
- Jensen, Harald Ingemann (1879 - 1966)
- Jevons, William Stanley (1835 - 1882)
- Jewell, William Ralph (1894 - 1975)
- Johnson, Edward Angas (1873 - 1951)
- Johnson, Lawrence Alexander Sidney (Lawrie) (1925 - 1997)
- Johnson, Raynor Carey (1901 - 1987)
- Johnston, Robert Mackenzie (1843 - 1918)
- Johnston, Thomas Harvey (1881 - 1951)
- Johnstone, Ronald Eric (1949 - )
- Jolly, Norman William (1882 - 1954)
- Jones, Frederic Wood (1879 - 1954)
- Jones, Inigo Owen (1872 - 1954)
- Jones, Rhys Maengwyn (1941 - 2001)
- Jose, Arthur Wilberforce (1863 - 1956)
- Joubert, Jules François de Sales (1824 - 1907)
- Jukes, Joseph Beete (1811 - 1869)
- Julius, George Alfred (1873 - 1946)
- Jupp, David L. B. (1943 - )
- Kaberry, Phyllis (1910 - 1977)
- Kaiser, Thomas Reeve (1924 - 1998)
- Katz, Bernard (1911 - 2003)
- Kay, Brian Herbert (1944 - 2017)
- Kay, William Porden (1809 - 1870)
- Keast, James Allen (Allen) (1922 - 2009)
- Kellaway, Charles Halliley (1889 - 1952)
- Kelly, Alexander Charles (1811 - 1877)
- Kelly, Gregory Maxwell (Max) (1930 - 2007)
- Kelly, William (1823 - 1909)
- Kelso, Anne
- Kendall, Henry (1839 - 1882)
- Kennedy, Edmund Besley Court (1818 - 1848)
- Kennett, Brian Leslie Norman (1948 - )
- Kenny, Elizabeth (1880 - 1952)
- Kenyon, Alfred Stephen (1867 - 1943)
- Kernot, William Charles (1845 - 1909)
- Kerr, Frank John (1918 - 2000)
- Kessell, Stephen Lackey (1897 - 1979)
- Kesteven, Hereward Leighton (1881 - 1964)
- Key, Kenneth Hedley Lewis (1911 - 2002)
- Kidson, Edward (1882 - 1939)
- Kincaid-Smith, Priscilla Sheath (1926 - 2015)
- King, Edgar Samuel John (1900 - 1966)
- King, Haddon Forrester (1905 - 1990)
- King, James (1800 - 1857)
- King, Philip Gidley (1758 - 1808)
- King, Philip Gidley (the younger) (1817 - 1904)
- King, Phillip Parker (1791 - 1856)
- Kinghorn, James Roy (1891 - 1983)
- Kingsford-Smith, Charles Edward (1897 - 1935)
- Kitson, Albert Ernest (1868 - 1937)
- Klaphake, Wolf (1900 - 1967)
- Knibbs, George Handley (1858 - 1929)
- Knibbs, George Handley (1858 - 1929)
- Knight, Frank (1941 - )
- Knip, Pauline de Courcelles (1781 - 1851)
- Korner, Paul Ivan (1925 - 2012)
- Krausé, Ferdinand Moritz (1841 - 1918)
- Krefft, Johann Ludwig Gerard (Gerard) (1830 - 1881)
- Kruszelnicki, Karl (c. 1948 - )
- Kubary, John Stanislaw (1846 - 1896)
- Kuchel, Philip William (1946 - )
- La Billardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1755 - 1834)
- La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup (1741 - 1788)
- La Trobe, Charles Joseph (1801 - 1875)
- Labillardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1755 - 1834)
- Laby, Thomas Howell (1880 - 1946)
- Lagudah, Evans
- Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine (1744 - 1829)
- Lamb, Horace (1849 - 1934)
- Lambeck, Kurt (1941 - )
- Lancaster, Henry Oliver (1913 - 2001)
- Landsborough, William (1825 - 1886)
- Landy, John Michael (1930 - 2022)
- Lane-Poole, Charles Edward (1885 - 1970)
- Laplace
- Laseron, Charles Francis (1887 - 1959)
- Latham, John (1740 - 1837)
- Lavaud
- Laverack, Michael ( - 1993)
- Law, Phillip Garth (1912 - 2010)
- Lawrence, John
- Lawrence, Peter (1921 - 1987)
- Lawson, William (1774 - 1850)
- Le Fèvre, Raymond James Wood (1905 - 1986)
- Le Souef, Albert Alexander Cochrane (1828 - 1902)
- Le Souef, Albert Sherbourne (1877 - 1951)
- Le Souef, Ernest Albert (1869 - 1937)
- Le Souef, William Henry Dudley (1856 - 1923)
- Lea, Arthur Mills (1868 - 1932)
- Leach, John Albert (1870 - 1929)
- Leahy, Michael James (Mick) (1901 - 1979)
- Lee, Alma Theodora (1912 - 1990)
- Lee, Ida Louisa (1865 - 1943)
- Lee, John
- Lee, John Henry Alexander (1853 - 1927)
- Leeper, Geoffrey Winthrop (1903 - 1986)
- Lefroy, Henry Maxwell (1817? - 1890)
- Lefroy, John Henry (1817 - 1890)
- Legge, William Vincent (1841 - 1918)
- Lehrer, Gustav Isaac (1947 - )
- Leichhardt, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig (1813 - 1848?)
- Leighton, Arthur Edgar (1873 - 1961)
- Lemberg, Max Rudolf (Rudi) (1896 - 1975)
- Lempriere, Thomas James (1796 - 1852)
- Lesseps, Jean Baptiste Barthelemy de
- Lesueur, Charles Alexander (1778 - 1846)
- Levick, George Murray (1876 - 1956)
- Lewin, John William (1770 - 1819)
- Lewis, Arndell Neil (1897 - 1943)
- Lewis, Essington (1881 - 1961)
- L'Héritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis (1746 - 1800)
- Lhotsky, John (1795? - 1866?)
- Ligar, Charles Whybrow (1811 - 1881)
- Light, William (1786 - 1839)
- Lightfoot, Gerald (1877 - 1966)
- Lindsay, David (1856 - 1922)
- Lindt, John William (1845 - 1926)
- Linnane, Anthony William (Tony) (1930 - 2017)
- Little, Melissa Helen (1963 - )
- Littlejohns, Raymond Trewolla (1893 - 1961)
- Liversidge, Archibald (1846 - 1927)
- Lloyd-Green, Lorna (1910 - 2002)
- Loewe, Fritz Philipp (1895 - 1974)
- Loir, Adrien (1862 - 1941)
- Lomax-Smith, Jane (1950 - )
- Longman, Heber Albert (1880 - 1954)
- Lord, Clive Errol (1889 - 1933)
- Lord, Simeon (1771 - 1840)
- Love, Ernest Frederick John (1861 - 1929)
- Love, Nigel Borland (1892 - 1979)
- Lovell, Henry Tasman (1878 - 1958)
- Lovering, John Francis (1930 - 2023)
- Lowne, Benjamin Thompson
- Lozier, Bouvet de
- Lucas, Arthur Henry Shakespeare (1853 - 1936)
- Lucas, Thomas Pennington (1843 - 1917)
- Ludbrook, Nelly Hooper (1907 - 1995)
- Lukin, Gresley (1840 - 1916)
- Lumholtz, Carl Sophus (1851 - 1922)
- Lyle, Thomas Ranken (1860 - 1944)
- Lynch, Arthur Alfred (1861 - 1934)
- Macadam, John (1827 - 1865)
- Macarthur, James (1798 - 1867)
- Macarthur, John (1767 - 1834)
- Macarthur, William (1800 - 1882)
- Macbeth, Alexander Killen (1889 - 1957)
- MacCallum, Peter (1885 - 1974)
- Macdonald, Donald Alaster (1859 - 1932)
- Macdonald, James David (1908 - 2002)
- Macfarlane, Walter Victor (1913 - 1982)
- MacGillivray, John (1821 - 1867)
- MacGillivray, Paul Howard (1834 - 1895)
- MacGillivray, William David Kerr (1867 - 1933)
- Macintosh, Neil William George (Mac) (1906 - 1977)
- Mackay, Donald George (1870 - 1958)
- Mackellar, Charles Kinnaird (1844 - 1926)
- MacKenzie, William Colin (1877 - 1938)
- Mackerras, Ian Murray (1898 - 1980)
- Mackerras, Mabel Josephine (Josephine) (1896 - 1971)
- Macleay, George (1809 - 1891)
- Macleay, William John (1820 - 1891)
- Macleay, William Sharp (1792 - 1865)
- Maconochie, Alexander (1787 - 1860)
- Maconochie, John Richard (1941 - 1984)
- Maddison, David Clarkson (1927 - 1981)
- Madigan, Cecil Thomas (1889 - 1947)
- Maguire, Frederick Arthur (1888 - 1953)
- Mahler, Kurt (1903 - 1988)
- Maiden, Joseph Henry (1859 - 1925)
- Main, Albert Russell (Bert) (1919 - 2009)
- Main, Barbara York (1929 - 2019)
- Maitland, Andrew Gibb (1864 - 1951)
- Malin, David
- Malinowski, Bronislaw Kaspel (1884 - 1942)
- Mangles, James (1786 - 1867)
- Mann, Ida Caroline (1893 - 1983)
- Mann, John Frederick (1819 - 1907)
- Marchant, Neville Graeme (1939 - )
- Marchant, Stephen (1912 - 2003)
- Marks, Elizabeth Nesta (1918 - 2002)
- Marks, Geoffrey Charles (1932 - 1990)
- Marr, Charles William Clanan (1880 - 1960)
- Marsden, Samuel (1765 - 1838)
- Marshall, Alan John (Jock) (1911 - 1967)
- Marshall, Barry James (1951 - )
- Marshall, Thomas Claude (1896 - 1976)
- Marston, Hedley Ralph (1900 - 1965)
- Martin, Charles James (1866 - 1955)
- Martin, Leslie Harold (1900 - 1983)
- Martyn, David Forbes (1906 - 1970)
- Martyn, William Frederick
- Maslin, Bruce (1946 - )
- Mason, Peter (1922 - 1987)
- Massey, Harrie Stewart Wilson (1908 - 1983)
- Massola, Aldo Giuseppe (1910 - 1975)
- Masson, David Orme (1858 - 1937)
- Masson, James Irvine Orme (1887 - 1962)
- Masters, Colin Louis (1947 - )
- Masters, George (1837 - 1912)
- Mather, Keith Benson (1922 - 2003)
- Mather, Patricia (1925 - 2012)
- Matheson, James Adam Louis (Louis) (1912 - 2002)
- Mathew, John (1849 - 1929)
- Mathews, Gregory Macalister (1876 - 1949)
- Mathews, Robert Hamilton (1841 - 1918)
- Mattingley, Arthur Herbert Evelyn (1870 - 1950)
- Maury, Matthew Fontaine (1806 - 1873)
- Mawby, Maurice Alan Edgar (1904 - 1977)
- Mawson, Douglas (1882 - 1958)
- May, William Lewis (1861 - 1925)
- Mayo, Helen Mary (1878 - 1967)
- Mayo, Oliver (1942 - )
- McAlpine, Daniel (1849 - 1932)
- McArthur, Alan Grant (1923 - 1978)
- McArthur, Kathleen Rennie (1915 - 2000)
- McAulay, Alexander (1863 - 1931)
- McBryde, Isabel (1934 - )
- McCall, John (1860 - 1919)
- McCarthy, Frederick David (1905 - 1997)
- McCarthy, Ian Ellery (1930 - 2005)
- McCombie, Thomas (1819 - 1869)
- McConnel, Ursula Hope (1888 - 1957)
- McCoy, Frederick (1817 - 1899)
- McCoy, Frederick (1817 - 1899)
- McCulloch, Allan Riverstone (1885 - 1925)
- McCusker, Alison (1933 - 2015)
- McDonald, Charles George (1892 - 1970)
- McDougall, Frank Lidgett (1884 - 1958)
- McDougall, Ian (1935 - 2018)
- McDougall, Trevor John (1952 - )
- McEvey, Allan Reginald (1919 - 1996)
- McEwin, George
- McFadden, Phillip Lyle (1950 - )
- McGill, Arnold Robert (1905 - 1988)
- McGillivray, Donald John (Don) (1935 - 2012)
- McIlwraith, Thomas (1835 - 1900)
- McIlwraith, Thomas (1835 - 1900)
- McIntosh, Alan Gaius Ramsay (1942 - 2016)
- McKay, Donald (1810 - 1880)
- McKay, Hugh Victor (1865 - 1926)
- McKell, William John (1891 - 1985)
- McKeown, Keith Collingwood (1892 - 1952)
- McKern, Howard Hamlet Gordon (1917 - 2009)
- McKinlay, John (1819 - 1872)
- McLaren, Charles Inglis (1882 - 1957)
- McLaren, Samuel Bruce (1876 - 1916)
- McLean, Archibald Lang (Archie) (1885 - 1922)
- McLeay, Alexander (1767 - 1848)
- McLennan, Ethel Irene (1891 - 1983)
- McLennan, Ian Munro (1909 - 1998)
- McMillan, Angus (1810 - 1865)
- Mead, Elwood (1858 - 1936)
- Mealmaker, George (1768 - 1808)
- Medland, Lilian Marguerite (1880 - 1955)
- Meehan, James (1774 - 1826)
- Megaw, John Vincent Stanley (Vincent) (1934 - )
- Mellor, David Paver (1903 - 1980)
- Mendelsohn, Oscar Adolf (1896 - 1978)
- Menge, Johann (1788 - 1852)
- Mengersen, Kerrie (1962 - )
- Menzies, Archibald (1754 - 1842)
- Menzies, Robert Gordon (1894 - 1978)
- Meredith, Louisa Ann (1812 - 1895)
- Merrilees, Duncan
- Mertz, Xavier (1882 - 1913)
- Messel, Harry (1922 - 2015)
- Meston, Archibald (1851 - 1924)
- Meston, Archibald Lawrence (1890 - 1951)
- Metcalf, Donald (1929 - 2014)
- Meyer, Richard Ernst (1919 - 2008)
- Meyrick, Edward (1854 - 1938)
- Michaelis, Anthony R. (1916 - 2007)
- Michell, Anthony George Maldon (George) (1870 - 1959)
- Michell, John Henry (1863 - 1940)
- Mikluho-Maklai, Nicholai Nicholaievich (1846 - 1936)
- Milius, Pierre Bernard
- Miller, Edmund Morris (1881 - 1964)
- Miller, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre (1931 - )
- Milligan, Joseph (1807 - 1884)
- Millis, Nancy Fannie (1922 - 2012)
- Mills, Bernard Yarnton (1920 - 2011)
- Minchin, Richard Ernest (1831 - 1893)
- Mitchell, Stanley Robert (1881 - 1963)
- Mitchell, Thomas Livingstone (1792 - 1855)
- Mjöberg, Eric Georg (1882 - 1938)
- Moad, Graeme (1952 - )
- Molineux, Albert (1832 - 1909)
- Molloy, Georgiana (1805 - 1843)
- Monash, John (1865 - 1931)
- Moncrieff, Perrine Millais (1893 - 1979)
- Moore, Charles (1820 - 1905)
- Moore, George Fletcher (1798 - 1886)
- Moore, Thomas Bather (1850 - 1919)
- Moore, Walter John (1918 - 2001)
- Moran, Herbert Michael (1885 - 1945)
- Moran, Patrick Alfred Pierce (1917 - 1988)
- Moresby, John (1830 - 1922)
- Morey, Elwyn Aisne (1914 - 1968)
- Morgan, Frederick Grantley (1891 - 1969)
- Morgan, William (1828 - 1883)
- Morris, Albert (1886 - 1939)
- Morris, Bede (1927 - 1988)
- Morrison, Frank Richard (1895 - 1967)
- Morrison, George Ernest (1862 - 1920)
- Morrison, Philip Crosbie (1900 - 1958)
- Morrison, William (Bill) Lawrence (1928 - 2013)
- Morton, Alexander (1854 - 1907)
- Morton, William Lockhart (1820 - 1898)
- Moulds, Max (1941 - )
- Mountford, Charles Pearcy (1890 - 1976)
- Moyal, Ann Veronica (1926 - 2019)
- Moyal, Jose Enrique (1910 - 1998)
- Moyer, Andrew J. (1899 - 1959)
- Mueller, Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von (1825 - 1896)
- Mueller, Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von (1825 - 1896)
- Mulvaney, Derek John (John) (1925 - 2016)
- Munro, Crawford Hugh (1904 - 1976)
- Munro, Ian Stafford Ross (1919 - 1994)
- Murphy, Robert Kenneth (1887 - 1972)
- Murray, Jack Keith (1889 - 1979)
- Murray, Patrick Desmond Fitzgerald (1900 - 1967)
- Murray, Reginald Augustus Frederick (1846 - 1925)
- Murray, Stuart (1837 - 1919)
- Musgrave, Anthony (1895 - 1959)
- Myer, Kenneth Baillieu (1921 - 1992)
- Myer, Simcha Baevski (1878 - 1934)
- Myers, Rupert Horace (1921 - 2019)
- Namatjira, Albert (Elea) (1902 - 1959)
- Nangle, James (1868 - 1941)
- Nashar, Beryl (1923 - 2012)
- Neild, James Edward (1824 - 1906)
- Nervi, Pier Luigi
- Neumann, Bernhard Hermann (1909 - 2002)
- Neumann, Hanna (1914 - 1971)
- Neumayer, Georg Balthasar von (1826 - 1909)
- Newbery, James Cosmo (1843 - 1895)
- Newbigin, William Johnstone (1874 - 1927)
- Newland, Henry Simpson (1873 - 1969)
- Nicholas, George Richard Rich (1884 - 1960)
- Nicholls, George Edward (1878 - 1953)
- Nicholls, William Henry (1885 - 1951)
- Nicholson, Alexander John (John) (1895 - 1969)
- Nicholson, Charles (1808 - 1903)
- Nicolay, Charles Grenfell (1815 - 1897)
- Nicolle, Dean (1974 - )
- Nightingale, Florence (1820 - 1910)
- Ninnis, Belgrave Edward Sutton (1887 - 1912)
- Nordenskiold, Nils Otto Gustaf
- Norris, Kenneth Richard (Dick) (1914 - 2003)
- North, Alfred John (1855 - 1917)
- North, Marianne (1830 - 1890)
- Nossal, Gustav Joseph Victor (1931 - )
- Nyholm, Ronald Sydney (1917 - 1971)
- O'Callaghan, Michael Angelo
- O'Connell, Daniel Joseph Kelly (1896 - 1982)
- O'Connor, Charles Yelverton (1843 - 1902)
- Ogilby, James Douglas (1853 - 1925)
- Ogston, Alexander George (1911 - 1996)
- O'Kane, Mary Josephine (1954 - )
- Oldfield, Augustus Frederick (1820 - 1887)
- Oldroyd, David Roger (1936 - 2014)
- Oliphant, Marcus Laurence Elwin (1901 - 2000)
- Oliver, Walter Reginald Brook (1883 - 1957)
- Olliff, Arthur Sidney (1865 - 1895)
- Olsen, Albert Mervyn (1917 - 2008)
- Olsen, Penelope Diane (1949 - )
- Öpik, Armin Aleksander (1898 - 1983)
- O'Reilly, Suzanne Yvette (1946 - )
- Osborne, George Davenport (1899 - 1955)
- Osborne, John Walter (1828 - 1902)
- Osborne, William Alexander (1873 - 1967)
- Osburn, Lucy (1836 - 1891)
- O'Sullivan, John
- Owen, Evelyn Ernest (Evo) (1915 - 1949)
- Owen, Percy Thomas (1862 - 1927)
- Owen, Richard (1804 - 1892)
- Oxley, John Joseph William Molesworth (1784 - 1828)
- Pamplin, William
- Parbo, Arvi Hillar (1926 - 2019)
- Parker, Shane (1943 - 1992)
- Parkinson, Sydney (1745? - 1771)
- Parrott, Thomas Samuel (1842 - 1917)
- Parry, William Edward (1790 - 1855)
- Pascal, Blaise
- Pasteur, Louis (1822 - 1895)
- Paterson, John Waugh (1869 - 1958)
- Paterson, William (1755 - 1810)
- Paton, Joan (1916? - 2000)
- Paul, Charles Norman (1883 - 1959)
- Pawsey, Joseph Lade (1908 - 1962)
- Paxinos, George (1944 - )
- Payne-Scott, Ruby Violet (1912 - 1981)
- Pearcey, Trevor (1919 - 1998)
- Pedley, Leslie (Les) (1930 - 2018)
- Pell, Morris Birkbeck (1827 - 1879)
- Penfold, Arthur de Ramon (1890 - 1980)
- Penman, Frank (1905 - 1973)
- Pennant, Thomas (1726 - 1798)
- Percival, Arthur (1879 - 1964)
- Percival, Edgar Wikner (1897 - 1984)
- Perkins, Arthur James (1871 - 1944)
- Péron, François (1775 - 1810)
- Perry, Grace (1927 - 1987)
- Pescott, Edward Edgar (1872 - 1954)
- Pescott, Richard Thomas Martin (Dick) (1905 - 1986)
- Petit, Nicholas Martin
- Phan-Thien, Nhan (1952 - )
- Phelps, Kerryn (1957 - )
- Philip, John Robert (1927 - 1999)
- Pigot, Edward Francis (1858 - 1929)
- Pink, Olive Muriel (1884 - 1975)
- Pitman, Edwin James George (1897 - 1993)
- Pitman, Michael George (1933 - 2000)
- Pittman, Edward Fisher (1849 - 1932)
- Pizzey, Graham (1930 - 2001)
- Podger, Francis Denis (1933 - 1999?)
- Pollock, James Arthur (1865 - 1922)
- Pond, Susan Margaret
- Ponting, Herbert George
- Popper, Karl (1902 - 1994)
- Porteus, Stanley David (1883 - 1972)
- Possingham, Hugh Philip (1962 - )
- Potter, William Ian (Ian) (1902 - 1994)
- Potts, Renfrey Burnard (1925 - 2005)
- Preiss, Johann August Ludwig (1811 - 1883)
- Prescott, James Arthur (1890 - 1987)
- Preston, Gordon Bamford (1925 - 2015)
- Price, Archibald Grenfell (1892 - 1977)
- Priestley, Raymond Edward (1886 - 1974)
- Pring, Allan
- Prokhorov, Aleksandr Mikhailovich (1916 - 2002)
- Prokhovnik, Simon James (1920 - 1994)
- Pryor, Lindsay Dixon (1915 - 1998)
- Pugsley, Albert Tonkin (1910 - 2002)
- Purdy, John Smith (1872 - 1936)
- Quayle, Edwin Thomas (1862 - 1955)
- Quayle, Edwin Thomas (1862 - 1955)
- Quilty, Patrick (1939 - 2018)
- Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald (1881 - 1955)
- Radom, Leo (1944 - )
- Raggatt, Harold George (1900 - 1968)
- Rainbow, William Joseph (1856 - 1919)
- Ramsay, Edward Pierson (1842 - 1916)
- Randell, William Richard (1824 - 1911)
- Raper, George (1769 - 1797)
- Ratcliffe, Francis Noble (1904 - 1970)
- Rathjen, Peter (1964 - )
- Raupach, Michael (1950 - 2015)
- Rayment, Percy Tarlton (1882 - 1964)
- Read, Richard (1765? - 1829?)
- Reber, Grote (1911 - 2002)
- Reed, Joseph (1823? - 1890)
- Rees, Albert Lloyd George (1916 - 1989)
- Reeve, Edward (1822 - 1889)
- Reid, Robert Lovell (Bob) (1921 - 1996)
- Reilly, Pauline Neura (1918 - 2011)
- Rendel, James Meadows (1915 - 2001)
- Renfree, Marilyn Bernice (1947 - )
- Rennie, Edward Henry (1852 - 1927)
- Reye, Ralph Douglas Kenneth (1912 - 1977)
- Richards, Henry Caselli (1884 - 1947)
- Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor (1883 - 1949)
- Richardson, Roger Wolcott (1930 - 1993)
- Ridley, John (1806 - 1887)
- Ringwood, Alfred Edward (Ted) (1930 - 1993)
- Rivett, Albert Cherbury David (David) (1885 - 1961)
- Roberts, Frederick Hugh Sherston (1901 - 1972)
- Roberts, John Keith (1897 - 1944)
- Robertson, Edward Graeme (1903 - 1975)
- Robertson, Macpherson (1859 - 1945)
- Robertson, Rutherford Ness (1913 - 2001)
- Robertson, Thorburn Brailsford (1884 - 1930)
- Robin, Gordon de Quetteville (1921 - 2004)
- Robinson, Derek William (1935 - 2021)
- Robinson, Robert (1886 - 1975)
- Robinson, William Sydney (1876 - 1963)
- Rodway, Leonard (1853 - 1936)
- Roe, John Septimus (1797 - 1878)
- Rogers, James Stanley (1893 - 1977)
- Rogers, Lesley Joy (1943 - )
- Rogers, Richard Sanders (c. 1861 - 1942)
- Rogers, William Percy (1914 - 1997)
- Rohde, Klaus Hans Franz (1932 - 2024)
- Rolleston, Christopher (1817 - 1888)
- Romilly, Hugh Hastings (1856 - 1892)
- Room, Thomas Gerald (Gerald) (1902 - 1986)
- Rosenhain, Walter (1875 - 1934)
- Rosenthal Schneider, Ilse (1891 - 1990)
- Ross, Alexander David (1883 - 1966)
- Ross, Andrew Hendry (1829 - 1910)
- Ross, James Clark (1800 - 1862)
- Roth, Henry Ling (1855 - 1925)
- Roth, Walter Edmund (1861 - 1933)
- Roughley, Theodore Cleveland (1888 - 1961)
- Rowan, Marian Ellis (1848 - 1922)
- Rowe, Alan
- Rowley, Charles D.
- Rowley, Ian Cecil Robert (1926 - 2009)
- Rubbo, Sydney Dattilo (1911 - 1969)
- Rümker, Christian Carl Ludwig (1788 - 1862)
- Rupp, Herman Montague Rucker (1872 - 1956)
- Rusden, Henry Keylock (1826 - 1910)
- Russell, Henry Chamberlain (1836 - 1907)
- Russell, Robert (1808 - 1900)
- Rutherford, Ernest (1871 - 1937)
- Rutherford, James (1827 - 1911)
- Ryan, Charles Snodgrass (1853 - 1926)
- Rymill, John Riddoch (1905 - 1968)
- Saint, Eric Galton (1918 - 1989)
- Sanger, Ruth Ann (1918 - 2001)
- Sara, Vicki Rubian
- Sarich, Ralph Tony (1938 - )
- Saville-Kent, William (1845 - 1908)
- Scarth-Johnson, Vera (1912 - 1999)
- Schauer, Johann Conrad (1813 - 1848)
- Schleinitz, Georg Gustav Freiherr Von (1834 - 1910)
- Schlink, Herbert Henry (1883 - 1962)
- Schmidt, Brian (1967 - )
- Schodde, Richard (1936 - )
- Schomburgk, Moritz Richard (1811 - 1891)
- Scott, Alexander Walker (1800 - 1883)
- Scott, George Anderson Macdonald (1933 - 1998)
- Scott, Harriet (1830 - 1907)
- Scott, Helena (1832 - 1910)
- Scott, James (1810 - 1884)
- Scott, James Reid (1839 - 1877)
- Scott, Robert Falcon
- Scott, Thomas (1800 - 1855)
- Scott, William (1825 - 1917)
- Scrivener, Charles Robert (1855 - 1923)
- Scrope, George Julius Poulett
- Seddon, Herbert Robert (1887 - 1964)
- Seidler, Harry (1923 - 2006)
- Selfe, Norman (1839 - 1911)
- Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil (1824 - 1902)
- Seneta, Eugene (1941 - )
- Seppelt, Rodney (Rod)
- Serventy, Dominic Louis (1904 - 1988)
- Serventy, Vincent Noel (1916 - 2007)
- Setzler, Frank Maryl
- Sharland, Michael (1899 - 1987)
- Sharpe, Richard Bowdler (1847 - 1909)
- Shaw, George (1751 - 1813)
- Shea, Frederick James (1891 - 1970)
- Shiers, Walter Henry (1889 - 1968)
- Shine, John (1946 - )
- Shine, Richard (Rick) (1950 - )
- Shoppee, Charles William (1904 - 1994)
- Short, Roger Valentine (1930 - 2021)
- Shortland, John (1769 - 1810)
- Shortridge, Guy Chester
- Simmonds, Joseph Henry (1845 - 1936)
- Simon, Leon Melvyn (1945 - )
- Simpkinson de Wesselow, Francis Guillemard (1819 - 1906)
- Simpson, Edward Sydney (1875 - 1939)
- Simpson, George (1899 - 1960)
- Simpson, Ken (1938 - 2014)
- Sinclair, James (1809 - 1881)
- Singleton, John (1808 - 1891)
- Skeats, Ernest Willington (1875 - 1953)
- Skertchly, Sydney Barber Josiah (1850 - 1926)
- Skirving, Robert Scot (1859 - 1956)
- Skuse, Frederick Arthur Askew (c. 1866 - 1896)
- Slater, Edward Charles (1917 - )
- Slater, Peter
- Slatyer, Ralph Owen (1929 - 2012)
- Sloan, Judith (1954 - )
- Smith, Edgar Albert
- Smith, Grafton Elliot (1871 - 1937)
- Smith, Henry George (1852 - 1924)
- Smith, James Edward (1759 - 1828)
- Smith, John (1821 - 1885)
- Smith, Julian Augustus Romaine (1873 - 1947)
- Smith, Lindsay S.
- Smith, Louis Lawrence (1830 - 1910)
- Smith, Ross Macpherson (1892 - 1922)
- Smith, William Ramsay (1859 - 1937)
- Smithies, Frederick (1885 - 1979)
- Smith-White, Spencer (1909 - 1998)
- Smyth, Arthur Bowes (1750 - c. 1790)
- Smyth, Robert Brough (1830 - 1889)
- Solander, Daniel (1733 - 1782)
- Solomon, David Henry (1929 - )
- Souter, Charles Henry (1864 - 1944)
- Southcott, Ronald Vernon (1918 - 1998)
- Specht, Raymond Louis (1924 - 2021)
- Spence, Susan Hilary (1953 - )
- Spencer, Walter Baldwin (1860 - 1929)
- Spöring, Herman Diedrich (c. 1733 - 1771)
- Sprent, John Frederick Adrian (1915 - 2010)
- Sprigg, Reginald Claude (1919 - 1994)
- Springthorpe, John William (1855 - 1933)
- Squire, James (1755? - 1822)
- Stack, Ellen Mary (Ella)
- Stanley, Fiona Juliet (1946 - )
- Stanley, George Arthur Vickers (1904 - 1965)
- Stanley, Owen (1811 - 1850)
- Stanner, William Edward Hanley (Bill) (1905 - 1981)
- Stanton, Rosemary Alison (1944 - )
- Stawell, Richard Rawdon (1864 - 1935)
- Stawell, William Foster (1815 - 1889)
- Steel, Thomas (1858 - 1925)
- Stephen, George Milner (1812 - 1894)
- Stephens, Thomas (1830 - 1913)
- Stephens, William John (1829 - 1890)
- Sternhell, Sever (1930 - 2022)
- Stewart, James Douglas (1869 - 1955)
- Stewart, John (1810 - 1896)
- Stibbs, Douglas Walter Noble (Walter) (1919 - 2010)
- Sticht, Robert Carl (1856 - 1922)
- Stillwell, Frank Leslie (1888 - 1963)
- Stirling, Edward Charles (Ted) (1848 - 1919)
- Stokes, John Lort (1812 - 1885)
- Stokes, Robert Harold (1918 - 2016)
- Stone, Bruce Arthur (1928 - 2008)
- Stone, Emma Constance (Constance) (1856 - 1902)
- Stone, Ilma Grace (1913 - 2001)
- Storey, John Stanley (1896 - 1955)
- Storr, Glen Milton (1921 - 1990)
- Strehlow, Carl Friedrich Theodor (1871 - 1922)
- Strehlow, Theodor George Henry (1908 - 1978)
- Streimann, Heinar (1938 - 2001)
- Strutt, William (1825 - 1915)
- Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de (1797 - 1873)
- Stuart, John McDouall (1815 - 1866)
- Stuart, Thomas Peter Anderson (1856 - 1920)
- Sturt, Charles (1795 - 1869)
- Stutchbury, Samuel (1798 - 1859)
- Sutherland, Alexander (1852 - 1902)
- Sutherland, George (1855 - 1905)
- Sutherland, Keith Leonard (1916 - 1980)
- Sutherland, Struan Keith (1936 - 2002)
- Sutherland, Sulina Murray MacDonald (1839 - 1909)
- Sutherland, William (1859 - 1911)
- Sutton, George Lowe (1872 - 1964)
- Sutton, Harvey Vincent (1882 - 1963)
- Sutton, Henry (1856 - 1912)
- Suttor, George (1774 - 1859)
- Swain, Edward Harold Fulcher (1883 - 1970)
- Swainson, William (1789 - 1855)
- Sweet, Georgina (1875 - 1946)
- Swinburne, George (1861 - 1928)
- Symon, David Eric (1920 - 2011)
- Szekeres, George (1911 - 2005)
- Tabor, David (1913 - 2005)
- Tait, Thomas James (1864 - 1940)
- Tardent, Henry Alexis (1853 - 1929)
- Tasman, Abel Janszoon (1603? - 1659)
- Tate, Ralph (1840 - 1901)
- Tayler, Lloyd (1830 - 1900)
- Taylor, Frank Henry (1886 - 1945)
- Taylor, George Augustine (1872 - 1928)
- Taylor, Patrick Gordon (Gordon) (1896 - 1966)
- Taylor, Stuart Ross (Ross) (1925 - 2021)
- Taylor, Thomas Griffith (1880 - 1963)
- Tebbutt, John (1834 - 1916)
- Temminck, C.J. (1778 - 1858)
- Tenison-Woods, Julian Edmund (1832 - 1889)
- Tepper, Johann Gottlieb Otto (1841 - 1923)
- Terry, Leonard (1825 - 1884)
- Terry, Michael (1899 - 1981)
- Thang, San Hoa (1954 - )
- Thomas, Anthony William (Tony) (1949 - )
- Thomas, David Evan (1902 - 1978)
- Thomas, Faith (1933 - )
- Thomas, William (1793 - 1867)
- Thompson, Edward Henry (1851 - 1928)
- Thompson, John Ashburton (1846 - 1915)
- Thompson, John Low (1847 - 1900)
- Thompson, Joy (1923 - 2018)
- Thomson, Donald Finlay Fergusson (1901 - 1970)
- Thomson, Estelle (1894 - 1953)
- Thomson, James Park (1854 - 1941)
- Thomson, William (1819 - 1883)
- Thorne, Alan Gordon (1939 - 2012)
- Thornton, Ian Walter Boothroyd (1926 - 2002)
- Threlfall, Richard (1861 - 1932)
- Threlkeld, Lancelot Edward (1788 - 1859)
- Thwaites, William (1853 - 1907)
- Tiegs, Oscar Werner (1897 - 1956)
- Tietkens, William Henry (1844 - 1933)
- Tillyard, Robin John (1881 - 1937)
- Tindale, Norman Barnett (1900 - 1993)
- Titterton, Ernest William (1916 - 1990)
- Todd, Charles (1826 - 1910)
- Todt, Emil Hermann (c. 1810 - 1900)
- Tolmer, Alexander (1815 - 1890)
- Tonnoir, André Léon (1885 - 1940)
- Törk, Istvan Joseph (1939 - 1992)
- Torres, Luis Vaez De (? - 1607?)
- Tovey, James Richard (1873 - 1922)
- Townsend, Albert Alan (1917 - 2010)
- Townson, Robert (1762? - 1827)
- Trickett, Oliver (1847 - 1934)
- Troughton, Ellis Le Geyt (1893 - 1974)
- Trudinger, Neil Sidney (1942 - )
- Truswell, Elizabeth Marchant (1941 - )
- Tryon, Henry (1856 - 1943)
- Tully, William Alcock (1830 - 1905)
- Turnbull, Stanley Clive Perry (Clive) (1906 - 1975)
- Turner, Alfred Allatson (1826 - 1895)
- Turner, Alfred Jefferis (1861 - 1947)
- Turner, Fred (1852 - 1939)
- Turner, Helen Alma Newton (1908 - 1995)
- Turner, John Stewart (1908 - 1991)
- Tweedie, Richard Lewis (1947 - 2001)
- Twelvetrees, William Harper (1848 - 1919)
- Tyers, Charles James (1806 - 1870)
- Tyler, Michael James (1937 - 2020)
- Ulm, Charles Thomas Philippe (1898 - 1934)
- Ulrich, Georg Heinrich Friedrich (1830 - 1900)
- Unaipon, David (1872 - 1967)
- Underwood, Eric John (1905 - 1980)
- Unwin, Ernest Ewart (1881 - 1944)
- Utzon, Joern (1918 - 2008)
- Van der Poorten, Alfred Jacobus (Alf) (1942 - 2010)
- van Tets, Gerard Frederick (1929 - 1995)
- van Tets, Gerard Frederick (1929 - 1995)
- Vancouver, George (1757 - 1798)
- Veale, William Charles Douglas (1895 - 1971)
- Veevers, John James (1930 - 2018)
- Verbiest, Ferdinand
- Verco, Joseph Cooke (1851 - 1933)
- Verdon, George Frederic (1834 - 1896)
- Verreaux, Jules Pierre (1807 - 1873)
- Vickery, Joyce Winifred (1908 - 1979)
- Wackett, Lawrence James (1896 - 1982)
- Waddell, Winifred (1884 - 1972)
- Wade, Leslie Augustus Burton (1864 - 1915)
- Waite, Edgar Ravenswood (1866 - 1928)
- Waite, Peter (1834 - 1922)
- Wakefield, Norman Arthur (1918 - 1972)
- Walker, Allan Seymour (1887 - 1958)
- Walker, Brian Harrison (1940 - )
- Walkom, Arthur Bache (1889 - 1976)
- Wallace, Alfred Russell (1823 - 1913)
- Wallace, Carden Crea (1946 - )
- Wallace, Christopher Stewart (1933 - 2004)
- Wallace, R. (1853 - 1939)
- Walling, Edna Margaret (1895 - 1973)
- Walsh, Alan (1916 - 1998)
- Walsh, Neville (1956 - )
- Walsh, Neville (1956 - )
- Walsh, Robert John (1917 - 1983)
- Walter, Charles (1831? - 1907)
- Warburton, Peter Egerton (1813 - 1889)
- Ward, Leonard Keith (1879 - 1964)
- Wardell, William Wilkinson (1823 - 1899)
- Warham, John
- Waring, Horace (Harry) (1910 - 1980)
- Wark, Ian William (1899 - 1985)
- Warlow-Davies, Eric John (1910 - 1964)
- Warner, William Lloyd (1898 - 1970)
- Warren, John Robin (Robin) (1937 - 2024)
- Warren, William Henry (1852 - 1926)
- Waterhouse, Douglas Frew (1916 - 2000)
- Waterhouse, Eben Gowrie (Gowrie) (1881 - 1977)
- Waterhouse, Frederick George (1815 - 1898)
- Waterhouse, Gustavus Athol (Athol) (1877 - 1950)
- Waterhouse, John Bruce (1932 - )
- Watling, Thomas (1762 - c. 1814)
- Watson, Andrew Dougald (1885 - 1962)
- Watson, Archibald (1849 - 1940)
- Watson, Elliot Lovegood Grant (1885 - 1970)
- Watson, Irvine Armstrong (1914 - 1986)
- Watson, James Frederick William (1878 - 1945)
- Watson, Stanley Holm (1887 - 1985)
- Watson-Munro, Charles Norman (1915 - 1991)
- Watt, John Alexander (1868 - 1958)
- Watt, Robert Dickie (1881 - 1965)
- Weatherburn, Charles Ernest (1884 - 1974)
- Webb, Charles (1821 - 1898)
- Webster, Rachel (1951 - )
- Wedge, John Helder (1793 - 1872)
- Wedgwood, Camilla Hildegarde (1901 - 1955)
- Weeks, Lewis George (1893 - 1977)
- Weindorfer, Gustav (1874 - 1932)
- Welch, Edwin James
- Welch, Marcus Baldwin (1895 - 1942)
- Wellcome, Henry
- Wells, Lawrence Allen (1860 - 1938)
- Welsh, David Arthur (1865 - 1948)
- Wentrup, Curt (1942 - )
- Wentworth, William Charles (1790 - 1872)
- West, John (1856 - 1926)
- Weste, Gretna Margaret (1917 - 2006)
- Westergaard, H. M.
- Weston, Thomas Charles George (1866 - 1935)
- Westwood, John Obadiah (1805 - 1893)
- Wharton, Ronald Harry (1923 - 1983)
- Wheeler, Wilson Roy (Roy) (1905 - 1988)
- Wheelwright, Horace William Horatio (1815 - 1865)
- White, Cyril Tenison (1890 - 1950)
- White, Frederick William George (1905 - 1994)
- White, George Boyle (1802 - 1876)
- White, Henry Luke (1860 - 1927)
- White, James (1828 - 1890)
- White, John (c. 1756 - 1832)
- White, Michael James Denham (1910 - 1983)
- White, Samuel Albert (1870 - 1954)
- Whitehouse, Frederick William (1900 - 1973)
- Whitelegge, Thomas (1850 - 1927)
- Whitfeld, Hubert Edwin (1875 - 1939)
- Whitley, Gilbert Percy (1903 - 1975)
- Whitmore, Raymond Leslie (1920 - 2008)
- Whittell, Hubert Massey (1883 - 1954)
- Whitten, Wesley Kingston (1918 - 2010)
- Whitton, John (1820 - 1898)
- Wickens, Charles Henry (1872 - 1939)
- Wickham, John Clements (1798 - 1864)
- Wild, John Paul (Paul) (1923 - 2008)
- Wild, John Robert Francis (Frank) (1873 - 1939)
- Wilkins, George Hubert (1888 - 1958)
- Wilkinson, Charles Smith (1843 - 1891)
- Williams, Francis Edgar (1893 - 1943)
- Williams, George Kenneth (1896 - 1974)
- Williams, John (1896 - 1989)
- Williams, Mary Boyd Burfitt (1882 - 1956)
- Williams, Robyn (1944 - )
- Williamson, Geordie (1981 - )
- Williamson, Robert (Bob) (1938 - )
- Willis, James Hamlyn (Jim) (1910 - 1995)
- Willis, Rupert Allan (1898 - 1980)
- Wills, William John (1834 - c. 1861)
- Wilsmore, Norman Thomas Mortimer (1868 - 1940)
- Wilson, Grace Margaret (1879 - 1957)
- Wilson, James Thomas (1861 - 1945)
- Wilson, John Bracebridge (1828 - 1895)
- Wilson, Samuel (1832 - 1895)
- Wilson, William Parkinson (1826 - 1874)
- Wilton, John Raymond (1884 - 1944)
- Windeyer, Brian Wellingham (1904 - 1994)
- Windeyer, John Cadell (1875 - 1951)
- Windeyer, Richard (1806 - 1847)
- Windiitj, Tommy (1840 - 1876)
- Windsor, Harry (1914 - 1987)
- Winnecke, Charles George Alexander (1857 - 1902)
- Womersley, Herbert (1889 - 1962)
- Womersley, Hugh Bryan Spencer (Bryan) (1922 - 2011)
- Wood, Edwin Carlyle (1929 - )
- Wood, Fiona Melanie (1958 - )
- Wood, Joseph Garnett (1900 - 1959)
- Woodruff, Harold Addison (1877 - 1966)
- Woodward, Bernard Henry (1846 - 1916)
- Woodward, Henry Page (1858 - 1917)
- Woolcock, Ann Janet (1937 - 2001)
- Woollard, Herbert Henry (1889 - 1939)
- Woolley, Richard van der Riet (1906 - 1986)
- Woolls, William (1814 - 1893)
- Woolnough, Walter George (1876 - 1958)
- Woore, Thomas (1804 - 1878)
- Worgan, George Bouchier (1757 - 1838)
- Worrell, Eric Arthur Frederic (1924 - 1987)
- Worsley, Frank Arthur
- Worsnop, Thomas (1821 - 1898)
- Wragge, Clement Lindley (1852 - 1922)
- Wright, E. Jane (c. 1954 - )
- Wright, John Arthur (1841 - 1920)
- Wright, Judith (1915 - 2000)
- Wright, Roy Douglas (Pansy) (1907 - 1990)
- Wright, Sydney Edward (1914 - 1966)
- Wunderlich, Ernest Julius (1859 - 1945)
- Wunderly, Harry Wyatt (1892 - 1971)
- Wyndham, George (1801 - 1870)
- Yonge, Charles Maurice (Maurice) (1899 - 1986)
- Young, William John (1878 - 1942)
- Zeidler, David Ronald (1918 - 1998)
- Zentmyer, G. A.