Scott, George Anderson Macdonald (1933 - 1998)
- Born
- 10 March 1933
Glasgow, Scotland - Died
- 23 March 1998
New Zealand - Occupation
- Botanist and Bryologist
George Anderson M. Scott was the foremost authority on temperate Australian mosses and liverworts. He was Reader in Botany at Monash University and a master of Queen's College at the University of Melbourne. His main area of expertise was the plant group known as Bryophytes, which includes mosses and liverworts. Scott donated his highly prized specimen collections to the National Herbarium in Melbourne. He also made major contributions to the general field of botany and was a member of the Linnean Society. In 1996 Scott deposited his collection of over 4,500 specimens of Australian bryophytes in the Herbarium of the Department of Botany at the University of Melbourne.
- 1959
- Education - Graduated with a gold medal in Botany, University of Glasgow, Scotland
- 1961
- Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University College of North Wales
- 1961 - 1962
- Career position - Assistant Lecturer in Botany, University of Otago, New Zealand
- 1962 - 1969
- Career position - Lecturer then Senior Lecturer (1969) in Botany, University of Otago
- 1970 - 1973
- Career position - Senior Research Fellow, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
- 1973 - 1983
- Career position - Senior Lecturer in Botany, Monash University
- 1976
- Career position - Moses of Southern Australia (co-authored with I. Stone) published
- 1976
- Career position - Research Fellow of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, UK
- 1978
- Career position - Member of the Bryophyte Committee of the International Association for Plant Taxonomy
- 1978 - 1981
- Career position - President, Ecological Society of Australia
- 1983
- Career position - Research Fellow of Corpus Christi, Cambridge
- 1984 - 1986
- Career position - Reader in Botany, Monash University
- 1985
- Career position - The South Australian Liverworts published
- 1986 - 1992
- Career position - Master of Queen's College, University of Melbourne
- 1990
- Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Melbourne
Related entries
Published resources
- Cropper, S. C., Tonkinson, D. A. & Scott, G. A. M., A census of Victorian bryophytes (Melbourne: Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment, 1991), 56 pp. Details
- Scott, George A. M.; and Stone, Ilma G.: illustrations by Rosser, Celia, The Mosses of Southern Australia (London: New York: Academic Press, 1976), 495 pp. Details
Journal Articles
- Brown, Gillian, 'Mosses, liverworts and hornworts: significant bryophyte collections at the University of Melbourne Herbarium', University of Melbourne Collections, 8 (2011), -7. Details
- Dalton, P. J. (editor), ' A special issue in honour of Ilma Grace Stone to commemorate the occasion of her 80th birthday', Australasian bryological newsletter 29:1-8, 29, 1-8. Details
- Dalton, Paddy, 'A tribute - George Anderson Macdonald Scott 10 March 1933 - 23 March 1998', Australasian bryological newsletter, 38 (1998), 1-6. Details
- Scott, G. A. M. [and others], 'A special issue in honour of Ilma Grace Stone to commemorate the occasion of her 80th birthday', Australasian bryological newsletter, 29 (1993), 1-8. Details
- Stone, Ilma G.; Bell, Graham; and Scott, George A. M., 'Recollections and a tribute to Professor David Guthrie Catcheside, 31 May 1907 - 1 June 1994', Australasian bryological newsletter, 31 (1994), 7-11. Details
- Watson, E. V., 'George Anderson Macdonald Scott B.Sc., Ph.D., B.A., D.Sc., F.L.S. (1933-1998)', Journal of Bryology, 21 (2) (1999), 165-6. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- 'Scott, George Anderson Macdonald (1933-1998)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Helen Cohn
Created: 13 September 2006, Last modified: 12 December 2022