Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor (1883 - 1949)
Arnold Edward Victor Richardson
- Born
- 12 September 1883
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia - Died
- 5 December 1949
East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Occupation
- Agricultural scientist
Arnold Richardson was Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CSIR 1938-1946, then Chief Executive Officer from 1946 to 1949. Earlier he was Professor of Agriculture at Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide 1924-1938; acting Director of Agriculture in South Australia and Superintendent of Agriculture in Victoria. Richardson was also Foundation President of the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science 1935-1936, and first president of its South Australian branch.
The south wing of the Waite Institute was named the A.E.V. Richardson Laboratory in his honour and his portrait is on display at the CSIRO building in East Melbourne.
- 1902
- Education - Diploma, Roseworthy Agricultural College
- 1907
- Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA), University of Adelaide
- 1908
- Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Adelaide
- 1908 - 1910
- Career position - Assistant Director of Agriculture, South Australia
- 1910
- Education - Master of Arts (MA), University of Adelaide
- 1911
- Career position - Acting Director of Agriculture, South Australia
- 1911 - 1924
- Career position - Superintendent of Agriculture, Victoria
- 1917 -
- Career position - Member of the committee to inquire into the teaching of agriculture
- 1917 - 1919
- Career position - Lecturer in Agriculture (part-time lecturer), University of Melbourne
- 1919 -
- Career position - Foundation Councillor (Agriculture), Australian National Research Council
- 1919 - 1924
- Career position - Inaugural Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Melbourne
- 1923
- Career position - President, Section K (Agriculture and Forestry), Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
- 1924
- Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Melbourne
- 1924 - 1937
- Career position - Waite Professor of Agriculture and Director of Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide
- 1927
- Career position - Commonwealth delegate at the First Imperial Agricultural Research Conference, London
- 1927 - 1949
- Career position - Member of the Executive Committee of CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research)
- 1932
- Career position - Official Adviser to the Australian Delegation at the Imperial Economic Conference, Ottawa
- 1935 - 1936
- Career position - Foundation President, Australian Institute of Agricultural Science
- 1937
- Career event - Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS)
- 1938
- Award - Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG)
- 1938 - 1946
- Career position - Deputy Chief Executive Officer of CSIR
- 1946 - 1949
- Career position - Chief Executive Officer of CSIR
- 1947 - 1949
- Career position - President, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
Related entries
Archival resources
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Corporate Records and Archives Strategies
- Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson - Records, 1938 - 1949; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Corporate Records and Archives Strategies. Details
Private hands (Best, R.J.)
- Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson - Records, 1883 - 1949; Private hands (Best, R.J.). Details
Waite Agricultural Research Institute
- Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson - Records, 1934 - 1940; Waite Agricultural Research Institute. Details
Published resources
- Currie, George; Graham, John, The Origins of CSIRO: Science and the Commonwealth Government, 1901-1926 (Melbourne: CSIRO, 1966), 203 pp, pages 59, 68 (photograph), 90, 100, 101, 104, 108, 134, 142, 148. Details
Book Sections
- Best, R. J., 'Richardson, Arnold Edwin Victor (1883-1949), Agricultural Scientist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 11: 1891 - 1939 Nes-Smi, Geoffrey Serle, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1988), pp. 377-379. Details
Journal Articles
- Best, Rupert J., 'Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson C.M.G., D.Sc. (Melb.), M.A. (Adel.), B.Sc. (Agric.) (Adel.), R.D.A., P.A.I.A.S., foundation Director of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, first Waite Professor of Agriculture: an appraisal', Biennial Report of the Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 1980-81 (1981), 4-25. Details
- Prescott, J. A., 'Obituary: A. E. V. Richardson', Australian Journal of Science, 13 (4) (1951), 102-103. Details
- Richardson, A. E. V., 'Science in Relation to Australia's Development. Presidential Address', Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science, 26 (1947), 41-63. Details
- Schedvin, C. B., 'Environment, Economy and Australian Biology 1890-1939', Historical Studies, 21 (1984), 11-28. Details
- Upstill, Garrett; Spurling, Thomas H.; and Healy, Terence J., 'CSIR and Australian industry, 1926-49', Historical Records of Australian Science, 32 (1) (2021), 52-66. Details
- Advisory Council of Science and Industry, Report of the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth Advisory Council of Science and Industry: for the year ended 30th June 1918 (Melbourne: Government of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1918), 64 pp. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- Langham, Terry, Waite Arboretum fact sheet: Prof. A. E. V. Richardson 1883 - 1949, Friends of Waite Arboretum, 2016. Details
- 'Richardson, A E V (1883-1949)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Resource Sections
- Ward, C., 'Arnold Edwin Victor Richardson', in CSIROpedia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), 2011, Details
See also
- Beale, Bob, Engineering a Legacy: Memories of the journey of CSIRO Chemical Engineering (Clayton, Victoria: CSIRO Minerals, 2005), 124 pp. pages 6. Details
- McCann, D. A.; and Batterham, P., 'Australian Genetics: a Brief History', Genetica, 90 (2-3) (1993), 81-114. Details
- Sherratt, Tim, 'CSIRO' in Oxford Companion to Australian History, Graeme Davison; John Hirst; Stuart Macintyre, ed. (Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1998), pp. 164-165. Details
- Stephens, C.G.; and Quirk, J.P., 'James Arthur Prescott 1890-1987', Historical Records of Australian Science, 7 (3) (1988), 299-313. Details
Digital resources
Gavan McCarthy; Ken McInnes
Created: 20 October 1993, Last modified: 5 September 2024
- Foundation Supporter - Committee to Review Australian Studies in Tertiary Education