Hunt, Henry Ambrose (1866 - 1946)
Henry Ambrose Hunt, courtesy of Bureau of Meteorology.
- Born
- 7 February 1866
London, Middlesex, England - Died
- 7 February 1946
Elwood, Victoria, Australia - Occupation
- Meteorologist and Science administrator
Henry Hunt was the first Meteorologist and first head of the Commonwealth Meteorological Bureau, from 1906 to 1931. Hunt invented a new form of pressure anemometer in 1908, for measuring wind strength. He co-authored, along with E.T. Quayle and T. Griffith Taylor, the first text-book on Australian meteorology, Climate and weather of Australia (Sydney, 1913).
Hunt began his meteorological career as an assistant to H. C. Russell in Sydney. He had already won an international prize for his work on the Southerly Buster when appointed as Australia's first Commonwealth Meteorologist in 1906. He was immediately despatched on a world trip to assess the latest developments in meteorology. Although he provided outstanding scientific leadership to the early Bureau, he fought a long and difficult battle through the period of the First World War and the Great Depression to obtain the resources needed to build the networks and scientific basis for Australia's meteorological services. A Hundred Years of Science and Service, Bureau of Meteorology, 2001.
- 1884
- Life event - Emigrated to Sydney, Austalia
- 1884 - 1886
- Career position - Clerk, Sydney Observatory
- 1886 - 1903
- Career position - Meteorological assistant, Sydney Observatory
- 1894
- Award - Ralph Abercromby prize for An Essay on Southerly Bursters (Sydney, 1894)
- 1904 - 1906
- Career position - Acting meteorologist, Sydney Observatory
- 1906 - 1931
- Career position - First appointed Meteorologist, Commonwealth Meteorological Bureau, in Melbourne
- 1908
- Career event - Invented a new form of pressure anemometer
- 1913
- Career event - Book published Climate and Weather of Australia co-authored with T.G. Taylor and E.T. Quayle
- 1919
- Career position - Foundation Councillor (Meteorology), Australian National Research Council
Related entries
Published resources
- Hunt, H. A., Taylor, Griffith and Quayle, E. T., Climate and weather of Australia (Melbourne: Government Printer, 1913), 93 pp. Details
Book Sections
- Walsh, G. P., 'Hunt, Henry Ambrose (1866-1946), meteorologist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 9: 1891 - 1939 Gil-Las, Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle, eds (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1983), p. 405. Details
Journal Articles
- Hunt, Henry Ambrose, 'Wind Data Recorder (Exhibit)', Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers vol. X (1910), 149-153. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- 'Hunt, Henry Ambrose (1866-1946)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Resource Sections
- 'Hunt, Henry Ambrose', in Physics in Australia to 1945, R.W. Home, with the assistance of Paula J. Needham, Australian Science Archives Project, June 1995, Details
See also
- Federation and Meteorology, 2001, Details
Digital resources
Rosanne Walker; Ken McInnes
Created: 29 June 1995, Last modified: 4 March 2025
- Foundation Supporter - National Council for the Centenary of Federation