
Jamieson, James (1840 - 1916)

5 June 1840
Beith, Ayrshire, Scotland
1 August 1916


James Jamieson was President of the Royal Society of Victoria in 1901. In 1868 Jamieson moved to Australia and set up a practice in Warrnambool, Victoria. He was also health officer to the municipality and honorary medical officer at the hospital. Jamieson promoted germ theory, better hygiene, the use of disinfectants, and isolation of the inflicted to battle infectious disease. In 1877 Jamieson moved to Melbourne. He was honorary physician in the outpatient department of the Melbourne Hospital in 1879-1884, then joined the senior staff at the Alfred Hospital, retiring in 1908. In 1885 he succeeded T. M. Girdlestone as health officer of the City of Melbourne. Jamieson also lectured at the University of Melbourne (MD ad eundem gradum, 1878) in obstetrics and diseases of women and children in 1879-1887, and in the theory and practice of medicine in 1887-1908.



Education - Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Glasgow
Education - Master of Surgery (ChM), University of Glasgow
Life event - Migrated to Australia (Warrnambool, Victoria)
1868 - 1877
Career position - Health Officer, private practice and Honorary Medical Officer at the Warrnambool Hospital
1879 - 1884
Career position - Honorary Physician in the outpatient department of the Melbourne Hospital
1879 - 1887
Career position - Lecturer in obstetrics and diseases of women and children, University of Melbourne
c. 1884 - 1908
Career position - Senior Physician at the Alfred Hospital
1885 - 1912
Career position - City Health Officer in Melbourne
1887 - 1908
Career position - Lecturer in theory and practice of medicine, University of Melbourne
Career position - President, Section I (Sanitary Science and Hygiene), Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
Career position - President, Royal Society of Victoria

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Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions

  • Collins, David, Chemistry in 19th Australia - Select Bibliography, An exhibition of the Encyclopedia circa 2005 with assistance from Ailie Smith and Gavan McCarthy., eScholarship Research Centre (original publisher), Melbourne, 2009, Details

Book Sections

  • Dunstan, David, 'Jamieson, James (1840-1916), Medical Practitioner, University Teacher and Health Officer' in Australian dictionary of biography: supplement 1580 - 1980, with a name index to the Australian dictionary of biography to 1980, Christopher Cunneen, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2005), pp. 199-200. Details

Conference Papers

  • Dyason, Diana J., 'James Jamieson and the Ladies', in Patients, Practitioners and Techniques: Second National Conference on Medicine and Health in Australia, Melbourne, 1984 edited by Harold Attwood and R. W. Home (Melbourne: Medical History Unit and Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Melbourne, a, 1984).. Details

Journal Articles

  • Jamieson, James, 'On the value of the guaiacum test for blood.', The Australian Medical Journal, 14 (1869), 295-300. Details
  • Jamieson, James, 'On the guaiacum test for blood', The Australian Medical Journal, 14 (1869), 381-382. Details


Digital resources

Jamieson, James Portrait


Joanne Evans

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260