Dawson, William Siegfried (1891 - 1975)
- Born
- 27 April 1891
Skipton, Yorkshire, England - Died
- 13 March 1975
Oxford, England - Occupation
- Psychiatrist
William Dawson was Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Sydney 1927-1951 and was honorary consultant physician in the Department of Psychiatry at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney. He played a central role in the professional organisation of psychiatrists in Australia, serving as the inaugural President of the Australasian Association of Psychiatrists in 1946 and being made an honorary Fellow by the Association's successor, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, in 1965. His textbook Aids to psychiatry (1924) ran to eight editions.
- 1914
- Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA), University of Oxford
- 1916
- Education - MB BCh, University of Oxford
- 1916 - 1919
- Career position - Served with the Royal Army Medical C
- 1918
- Education - Master of Arts (MA), University of Oxford
- 1919
- Education - Licentiate, Royal College of Physicians, London
- 1920
- Education - Member, Royal College of Physicians, London
- 1920 - 1923
- Career position - Resident House Physician, St Thomas’s Hospital, London
- 1921
- Education - Diploma in Psychological Medicine (DPM)
- 1923
- Education - DM, University of Oxford
- 1923 - 1927
- Career position - Senior Resident, Maudsley Hospital, London
- 1925
- Award - Rockefeller Medical Fellowship for study in U.S.
- 1926
- Award - Gaskell Gold Medal, Royal Medico-Psychological Association
- 1927 - 1951
- Career position - Professor of Psychiatry, University of Sydney
- 1933
- Career position - Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, London
- 1938 - 1975
- Career position - Foundation Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians
- 1941 - 1942
- Career position - Served with Australian Imperial Forces
- 1946
- Career position - Inaugural President, Australasian Association of Psychiatrists
- 1951
- Life event - Retired
- 1964
- Life event - Returned to live in the United Kingdom
- 1965 - 1975
- Award - Honorary Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
Related entries
Archival resources
Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales
- William Siegfried Dawson - Records, 1850 - 1900, ML MSS 1418; Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales. Details
Published resources
- McDonald, G. L., Roll of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (Sydney: Royal Australasian College of Physicians, 1988), 332 pp, Details
Book Sections
- Garton, Stephen, 'Dawson, William Siegfried (1891-1975), psychiatrist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 13: 1940 - 1980 A-De, John Ritchie, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1993), p. 596. Details
Journal Articles
- Roxanas, Milton, 'William Siegfried Dawson: a Pioneering Australasian Psychiatrist', Australasian Psychiatry, 21 (1) (2013), 8-12. Details
- Russell, J. D.; and Arnott, D. W H., 'William Siegfried Dawson', Medical Journal of Australia, 1976 (1) (1976), 98. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- 'Dawson, William Siegfried (1891-1975)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Helen Cohn
Created: 20 October 1993, Last modified: 6 October 2023
- Foundation Supporter - Committee to Review Australian Studies in Tertiary Education