
Barber, Horace Newton (1914 - 1971)


26 May 1914
Warburton, Cheshire, England
16 April 1971
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Horace Barber was Professor of Botany, University of New South Wales from 1964 and Head of the School of Biological Sciences from 1966. Earlier he was Professor of Botany, University of Tasmania 1947-1963 and a lecturer at the University of Sydney 1946-1947. His research interests were in cytology and genetics. He made especially important contributions to the studies of plant cytogenetics and extended the knowledge of chromosome behaviour. Whilst in Tasmania he had a keen interest in eucalypts and was the first to investigate the species which was subsequently named in his honour: E. barberi L. Johnson & D. Blaxell (1972)


Born Warburton, Cheshire, 26 May 1914. Died Sydney, 16 April 1971. Educated Cambridge (BA 1936; MA 1944; ScD 1963) and London University (PhD 1942). Research Cytologist, John Innes Horticultural Institute, London 1936-40, Scientific Officer, Telecommunications Research Establishment, Ministry of Aircraft Production 1941-45, Flight Lieutenant RAFVR (Hon) with service in Mediterranean and Southeast Asia Commands 1943-45, Lecturer in Botany, University of Sydney 1946-47, Professor of Botany, University of Tasmania 1947-63, Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Tasmania 1951-53, Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, California Institute of Technology 1953-54, Foundation Professor of Botany, University of New South Wales, 1964-71 and Head of the School of Biological Sciences 1966-71. Chairman, Professorial Board, University of Tasmania 1956-59, Royal Society Visiting Professor, University of Ibadan, Nigeria 1967. Fellow, Australian Academy of Science 1958, Fellow, Royal Society 1963.


Education - Bachelor of Arts in Botany (BA), University of Cambridge, UK
1936 - 1940
Career position - Research Cytologist, John Innes Horticultural Institute, London
1941 - 1945
Career position - Scientific Officer, Telecommunications Research Establishment of the Ministry of Aircraft Production in England
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), London University
1943 - 1945
Career position - Flight Lieutenant RAFVR (Hon)
Education - Master of Arts (MA), Cambridge University
1946 - 1947
Career position - Lecturer in Botany, University of Sydney
1947 - 1963
Career position - Professor of Botany, University of Tasmania
1951 - 1953
Career position - Dean of the Faculty of Science, University of Tasmania
1953 - 1954
Career position - Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, California Institute of Technology
1956 - 1959
Career position - Chairman, Professorial Board of the University of Tasmania
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
Award - Fellow, The Royal Society, London (FRS)
Education - Doctor of Science (ScD), University of Cambridge
1964 - 1971
Career position - Foundation Professor of Botany, University of New South Wales
Career position - Royal Society Visiting Professor, University of Ibadan in Nigeria
Taxonomy event - Honoured with Eucalyptus barberi L.Johnson & D.Blaxell

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Archival resources

Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales

  • Horace Newton Barber - Records, 1926 - 1974, ML MSS 3907; Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales. Details

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions

Book Sections

Journal Articles


See also

  • Hall, Norman, Botanists of the Eucalypts: short biographies of people who have named eucalypts, whose names have been given to species or who have collected type material (Melbourne: CSIRO, 1978), 101 pp. Details

Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Walker, R.H.

EOAS ID: biogs/P000038b.htm

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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