Serventy, Dominic Louis (1904 - 1988)
- Born
- 28 March 1904
Brown Hill, Western Australia, Australia - Died
- 8 August 1988
Perth, Western Australia, Australia - Occupation
- Ornithologist
Dominic Serventy was internationally recognised for his expertise in Australian ornithology. Between 1937 and 1951 he worked for the Fisheries Division of CSIR/O and for the Wildlife Survey Section of CSIRO in Perth from 1951. He was taught to preserve bird skins by Otto Lipfert, the taxidermist of the Western Australian Museum. His research interests covered all aspects of ornithology from biogeography and speciation to breeding seasons and general biology, was a major contributor to scientific journals and had a long-term influence on conservation, Government policies and the cause of natural history generally. Serventy helped his brother Vincent (q.v.) and sister Lucy to revive the Western Australian Naturalists' Club after World War II. He produced an extensive sets of bird distribution maps and wrote A handbook of birds of Western Australia (1948, 5th edition 1976) with H.M. Whittell and The Handbook of Australian Seabirds (1971) with Vincent Serventy and John Warham (qq.v.). Serventy was a Corresponding Member of a number of international ornithological societies. An island off the Western Australian coast has been named Serventy Island in his honour. The D. L. Serventy Medal has been awarded since 1991 by the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (and its successors) to a member who has made outstanding contributions to publication in the science of ornithology in the Australasian region.
- 1924
- Career position - Foundation Member, Western Australian Naturalists' Club
- 1931
- Award - 1851 Exhibition Overseas Scholarship
- 1931
- Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc(Hons)), University of Western Australia
- 1933
- Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Cambridge
- 1934 - 1937
- Career position - Assistant lecturer in zoology, University of Western Australia
- 1937 - 1951
- Career position - Research Officer, Marine Biological Laboratory, Fisheries Division, CSIR/O, Cronulla, New South Wales
- 1943 - 1947
- Career position - Member, Western Australian Wild Life Authority
- 1946 - 1966
- Career position - Australian representative, Standing Committee on Pacific Conservation, Pacific Science Association
- 1947 - 1949
- Career position - President, Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union
- 1947 - 1980
- Career position - Editor, Western Australian Naturalist
- 1951 - 1969
- Career position - Officer-in-charge, Wildlife Survey Section, CSIRO, Perth
- 1952 - 1988
- Award - Fellow, Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union
- 1953 - 1957
- Career position - Chairman, Standing Committee on Pacific Conservation, Pacific Science Association
- 1956
- Award - Australian Natural History Medallion, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
- 1961 - 1966
- Career position - Principal Research Officer, Wildlife Survey Section, CSIRO, Perth
- 1962 - 1964
- Career position - President, Western Australian Naturalists' Club
- 1966 - 1969
- Career position - Senior Principal Research Officer, Wildlife Survey Section, CSIRO, Perth
- 1966 - 1978
- Career position - Member, Permanent Executive Committee, International Ornithological Congress
- 1966 - 1988
- Career position - Permanent Member, Executive Council, International Ornithological Council
- 1968 - 1969
- Career position - Vice-President, Royal Society of Western Australia
- 1970
- Award - Royal Society of Tasmania Medal
- 1973 - 1988
- Award - Honorary Member, Royal Society of Western Australia
- 1974 - 1988
- Award - Fellow, Western Australian Museum
- 1978
- Career position - Vice-President, International Congress, International Ornithological Council
- 1979
- Award - Medal of the Royal Society of Western Australia
- 1991
- Award - D. L. Serventy Medal inaugurated by the Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union
Related entries
Published resources
- Serventy, D. L. and Whittell, H. M., A handbook of the birds of Western Australia (with the exception of the Kimberley Division) (Perth: Patersons Press, 1948), 365 pp. Details
- Serventy, D. L., Serventy, Vincent and Warham, John, The handbook of Australian sea-birds (Sydney: Reed, 1971), 254 pp. Details
Book Sections
- Erickson, Rica, 'Serventy, Dominic Louis (1904-1988), ornithologist and conservationist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 18: 1981 - 1990 L-Z, Melanie Nolan, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2012), pp. 406-7. Details
Journal Articles
- Anon, 'Royal Society Medallists, 1979', Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 63 (1) (1980), 29-31. Details
- Chisholm, A. H.; and Serventy, D. L., 'Tom Iredale', Emu, 73 (2) (1973), 74-8. Details
- D. L. S. [ie Serventy, D. L.], 'W. B. Alexander: Obituary', Western Australian Naturalist, 10 (6) (1967), 139-148. Details
- Keast, A., 'Obituary: Dr Dominic Louis Serventy', Emu, 89 (3) (1989), 183-4. Details
- Serventy, D., 'Taxonomic trends in Australian ornithology - with special reference to the work of Gregory Mathews', Emu, 49 (4) (1950), 257-67. Details
- Serventy, D. L., 'The late Major H. M. Whittell. OBE', Emu, 53 (1954), 61-67. Details
- Serventy, D. L., 'Ludwig Glauert - Museum Director and Naturalist', Western Australian Naturalist, 5 (1957), 148-165. Details
- Serventy, D. L., 'Historical Background of Ornithology with Special Reference to Australia', Emu, 72 (2) (1972), 41-50. Details
- Serventy, D. L.; and Smith, G. G., ''Miss North's Tree,' Warren National Park', Western Australian Naturalist, 13 (2/3) (1975), 29-31. Details
- Serventy, D.L., 'The menace of acclimatisation', Emu, 36 (1) (1937), 189-97. Details
- Storr, G. M., 'Obituary: Dr D. L. Serventy (1904 - 1988)', Western Australian Naturalist, 17 (8) (1989), 202-8. Details
- Warham, John, 'Obituary: Dr D. L. "Dom""Serventy', Corella, 13 (1) (1989), 31-2. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- 'Serventy, D L (19040328-19880808)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
See also
- Erickson, R., 'History of the Western Australian Naturalists' Club', Western Australian Naturalist, 9 (6) (1964), 122-145. Details
- McGregor, Russell, Idling in green places: a life of Alec Chisholm (North Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing, 2019), 285 pp. Details
- Robin, Libby, The Flight of the Emu: a Hundred Years of Australian Ornithology 1901-2001 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2001), 492 pp. Details
Rosanne Walker and Helen Cohn
Created: 19 April 2001, Last modified: 11 February 2025
- Foundation Supporter - Birds Australia