Warham, John
- Born
- Yorkshire, England
- Occupation
- Natural history photographer and Ornithologist
John Warham undertook ornithological research in England, various parts of Australia and New Zealand. He had a particular interest in seabirds.
Born Yorkshire. Arrived Australia 1953. Wrote about and photographed the birds of south-western Australia, then the Kimberley; warden (with his wife Pat), Cat Island gannetry, Bass Strait; studies of sea-birds and bower birds in north Queensland; more island work; doctorate, University of Durham; University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, retiring in 1987 as Reader in Zoology. Led several university expeditions to New Zealand's sub-Antarctic islands. Wrote The Handbook of Australian Seabirds (1971, with Dom and Vincent Serventy, q.q.v.), with most of the photography by him, and The Petrels - their Ecology and Breeding Systems (1990). D.L. Serventy Medal, RAOU 1992.
Related entries
Published resources
- Serventy, D. L., Serventy, Vincent and Warham, John, The handbook of Australian sea-birds (Sydney: Reed, 1971), 254 pp. Details
- Warham, John, The technique of photographing birds (London: Focal Press, 1956), 199 pp. Details
- Warham, John, The petrels : their ecology and breeding systems (London: Academic Press, 1990), 440 pp. Details
Journal Articles
- Warham, John, 'Obituary: Dr D. L. "Dom""Serventy', Corella, 13 (1) (1989), 31-2. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- 'Warham, John', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
See also
- Robin, Libby, The Flight of the Emu: a Hundred Years of Australian Ornithology 1901-2001 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2001), 492 pp. Details
Rosanne Walker
Created: 20 April 2001, Last modified: 4 July 2012
- Foundation Supporter - Birds Australia