
Johnstone, Ronald Eric (1949 - )


Museum curator and Ornithologist


Ronald Johnstone is an ornithologist and herpetologist who joined the Western Australian Museum as a Technical Assistant in 1973. In 2001 he became Curator of Ornithology. As Curator he has significantly increased the size of the collection, encouraged the involvement of volunteers, and initiated research projects on endangered Western Australian cockatoos. Johnstone's research interests lie in the distribution, status, ecology and taxonomy of Western Australian birds, including those of Australia's island territories in the eastern Indian Ocean. For the Museum he has published, with colleagues, books and papers on the avian fauna and reptiles of Western Australia. Johnstone is an active member in several scientific organisations, including the Australian Bird Banding Association, the Australian Society of Herpetologists and the Western Australian Naturalists Club.



1970 -
Career position - Member, Birdlife Australia
1970 -
Career position - Member, Western Australian Naturalists Club
1970 - 1973
Career position - Technical Assistant, Department of Ornithology and Herpetology, Western Australian Museum
1972 -
Career position - Member, Australian Bird Banding Association
1973 - 1985
Career position - Technical Officer, Department of Ornithology and Herpetology, Western Australian Museum
1983 -
Career position - Member, Australian Society of Herpetologists
1985 - 1996
Career position - Senior Technical Officer, Department of Ornithology and Herpetology, Western Australian Museum
1996 - 2001
Career position - Assistant Curator, Department of Ornithology and Herpetology, Western Australian Museum
2001 - 2014?
Career position - Curator of Ornithology, Western Australian Museum
Award - Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to the museums and galleries sector, and to ornithology


Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

Western Australian Museum

  • Ronald E. Johnstone - Records; Western Australian Museum. Details

Published resources


  • Johnstone, R. E. and Storr, G. M., Handbook of Western Australian birds, 2 vols (Perth: Western Australian Museum, 1998-2004). Details
  • Storr, G. M. and Johnstone, R. E., Lizards of Western Australia, II: dragons and monitors (Perth: Western Australian Museum, 1983), 113 pp. Details
  • Storr, G. M. and Johnstone, R. E., Lizards of Western Australia, III: geckos and pygopods (Perth: Western Australian Museum, 1990), 141 pp. Details
  • Storr, G. M. and Johnstone, R. E., Lizards of Western Australia, I: skinks (Perth: Western Australian Museum, 1991), 291 pp. Details
  • Tyler, M. J., Smith, L. A. and Johnstone, R. E., Frogs of Western Australia (Perth: Western Australian Museum, 2000), 195 pp. Details

Book Sections

  • Johnstone, R. E., 'A history of ornithology at the Western Australian Museum' in Contributions to the History of Australasian Ornithology, Davis, William E.; Recher, Harry E.; Boles, Walter E.; and Jackson, Jerome A., eds (Cambridge, Mass.: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 2008), pp. 165-98. Details

Edited Books

  • Davis, William E.; Recher, Harry E.; Boles, Walter E.; and Jackson, Jerome A. eds, Contributions to the History of Australasian Ornithology (Cambridge (Mass.) : Nuttall Ornithological Club, 2008), 481 pp. Details

Journal Articles

  • Burbidge, Allan H., Johnstone, R. E. and Pearson, David, 'Birds in a vast arid upland: biogeographical patterns in the Pilbara region of Western Australia', Records of the Western Australian Museum, supplement, 78 (1) (2011), 247-70. Details
  • Chapman, A., Dell, J., Johnstone, R. E. and Storr, G. M., 'A vertebrate survey of Cockleshell Bay Reserve, Western Australia', Records of the Western Australian Museum, supplement, 4 (1977), 1-87. Details
  • Johnstone, R. E., 'Mangroves and mangrove birds of Western Australia', Records of the Western Australian Museum, supplement, 32 (1990), 1-120. Details
  • Johnstone, R. E., 'Obituary: Dr Glen Milton Storr', Corella, 15 (1) (1991), 32. Details
  • Johnstone, R. E., Burbidge, Allan H., and Darnell, J. C., 'Birds of the Pilbara region and offshore islands, Western Australia: distribution, status and historical changes', Records of the Western Australian Museum, supplement, 78 (2) (2013), 343-441. Details
  • Smith, L. A., Johnstone, R. E. and Dell, John, 'Vertebrate fauna of the Eastern Group, Archipelago of the Recherche, Western Australia', Western Australian naturalist, 24 (4) (2005), 232-46. Details


McCarthy, G.J. and Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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