Chapman, Robert William (1866 - 1942)
- Born
- 27 December 1866
Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire, England - Died
- 27 February 1942
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia - Occupation
- Engineer and Mathematician
Sir Robert Chapman was the first Professor of Engineering at the University of Adelaide from 1907. He was then Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics 1910-1919, and in 1920 returned to the chair of engineering, a position he held until his retirement in 1937.
He published two major textbooks: "The Elements of Astronomy for Surveyors" (London, 1919) and "Reinforced Concrete" (Adelaide, 1924) and many other scientific and technical papers. He is commemorated by the Institution of Engineers Australia R.W. Chapman medal and by a prize awarded by the University of Adelaide.
His distinguished contribution to engineering, surveying and education was recognised when he was appointed a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in 1927; was awarded the Kernot Memorial Medal in 1927 and the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal in 1928; was appointed a Knight Bachelor in 1937; and was awarded Honorary Member of the Institution of Engineers Australia (HonMIEAust) in 1942.
- 1876
- Life event - Moved to Melbourne
- 1886
- Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA), University of Melbourne
- 1888 -
- Career event - Original [founding] member, Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
- 1888
- Education - Master of Arts (MA), University of Melbourne
- 1888
- Education - Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE), University of Melbourne
- 1888 - 1889
- Career position - Contractor, railway construction work
- 1889 - 1900
- Career position - Assistant lecturer in mathematics and physics, University of Adelaide
- c. 1900 -
- Career position - Teacher in mathematics, South Australian School of Mines and Industries
- 1901
- Career event - Member (MAusIME), Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers
- 1901 - 1907
- Career position - Lecturer in engineering, University of Adelaide
- 1902 -
- Award - Fellow, Royal Astronomical Society, London (FRAS)
- 1902
- Career position - President, Section A (Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics), Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
- 1907 - 1910
- Career position - Professor of Engineering, University of Adelaide
- 1907 - 1942
- Career event - Fellow, Royal Society of South Australia
- 1909
- Career position - President, Section H (Engineering and Architecture), Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
- 1910 - 1919
- Career position - Professor of Mathematics and Mechanics, University of Adelaide
- 1913 - 1919
- Career event - Foundation Member, South Australian Institute of Engineers
- 1914 - 1922
- Career position - Member of Council, Royal Society of South Australia
- 1917 - 1929
- Career position - President, South Australian Institute of Surveyors
- 1918 - 1919
- Career position - President, South Australian Institute of Engineers
- 1919
- Career event - Foundation Associate Member (AMIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
- 1919
- Career event - Published book: "The Elements of Astronomy for Surveyors" [republished and revised in more than 8 edition]
- 1920
- Career position - Chairman, Adelaide Division, Institution of Engineers, Australia
- 1920
- Career event - Member (MIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
- 1920 - 1921
- Career position - President, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
- 1920 - 1937
- Career position - Professor of Engineering, University of Adelaide
- 1920 - 1937
- Career position - Professor of Engineering, University of Adelaide
- 1921 -
- Career position - Foundation Councillor (Engineering), Australian National Research Council
- 1921 - 1922
- Career position - President, Institution of Engineers, Australia
- 1924
- Career event - Published book: "Reinforced Concrete"
- 1927
- Award - Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) - President - SA Astronomical Society
- 1927
- Award - Kernot Memorial Medal, for distinguished engineering achievement in Australia. Faculty of Engineering, University of Melbourne
- 1928
- Career position - President, Section H (Engineering and Architecture), Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
- 1928
- Award - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - Career Achievement Award in Engineering, Institution of Engineers Australia
- 1937 -
- Career position - Emeritus Professor, University of Adelaide
- 1937
- Career event - Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS)
- 1937
- Life event - Retired
- 1937
- Award - Knight Bachelor (Kt) - Professor of Engineering at Adelaide University
- 1939 - 1942
- Career position - President of Council, South Australian School of Mines and Industries
- 1942
- Award - Honorary Member (HonMIEAust), Institution of Engineers, Australia - For Engineering education, development of engineering school of University of Adelaide, Councillor (1920-1927) and President (1922)
Related entries
Archival resources
Astronomical Society of South Australia
- Robert William Chapman - Records, 1907 - 1940; Astronomical Society of South Australia. Details
Barr Smith Library, Special Collections, The University of Adelaide
- Robert William Chapman - Records, 1907 - 1942; Barr Smith Library, Special Collections, The University of Adelaide. Details
Institute of Surveyors, Australia - South Australian Division
- Robert William Chapman - Records, 1907 - 1940; Institute of Surveyors, Australia - South Australian Division. Details
Published resources
- Chapman, R. W., The elements of astronomy for surveyors (London: Charles Griffin & Company, 1919), x, 251 pp. Details
- Chapman, R. W., Reinforced concrete (Adelaide: The Builder Publishing Co, 1924), 71 pp. Details
- Cumming, D. A.; Moxham, G. C., They built South Australia : engineers, technicians, manufacturers, contractors and their work (Adelaide: D.A. Cumming and G.C Moxham, 1986), 241 pp. pp.38-40. Details
Book Sections
- Bridgland, R. J., 'Chapman, Sir Robert William (1866-1942), engineer' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 7: 1891 - 1939 A-Ch, Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle, eds (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1979), pp. 613-615. Details
- Chapman, R. W., ed., 'South Australian Institute of Engineers: Biennial proceedings 1916 - 1917', 1917, 195 pp, Editor. Details
Journal Articles
- 'Abstracts of proceedings of Divisions, 1920.', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1 (1920), 151-161, '"Tides and Tidal Energy," an address by Professor R.W. Chapman, M.A., B.C.E.', p.151. Details
- 'The Late Sir Robert Chapman, Kt.Bach.', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 14 (1942), 101-3. Details
- 'First members of institution [Diamond Jubilee feature article]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 51 (20) (1979), 69. 'Registered member number 10'. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'Tables for the setting-out of transition curves of all lengths', South Australian Institute of Engineers: Biennial proceedings 1916 - 1917 (1917), 151-166, Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'The lightest beams of Australian hardwoods to carry various loads', Commonwealth Engineer, 5 (9) (1918), 260. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'The hardening of steel by overstrain', Commonwealth Engineer, 9 (3) (1921), 74. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'New machine for experiments in torsion', Quarterly Bulletin, Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2 (5) (1925), 21-23. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'New form of extensometer', Quarterly Bulletin, Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2 (8) (1925), 23-26. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'Eccentric footings of columns', Quarterly Bulletin, Institution of Engineers, Australia, 4 (1927), 50-. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'The effect of moisture on concrete', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1931), 40-. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'Principle of least work', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 5 (1933), 237-. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'Maxwell's reciprocal theorem', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1935), 33-. Details
- Chapman, R. W., 'The growth of the use of the scientific method in structural design', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 10 (1938), 165-. Details
- Chapman, R. W.; Cockburn, R. F., 'The shrinkage of mortars made from Australian Portland Cement', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 6 (1934), 37-. Details
- Chapman, R. W.; Olsen, P. E., 'The effect of the addition of finely ground inert material to concrete', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 11 (1939), 263-. Details
- Chapman, R.W., 'The past work of the Royal Society outside the domain of Natural Science.', Transactions and proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia, 60 (1936), xxv-xxx, Details
- Chapman, Robert William, 'Concrete footings for columns', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia, 2 (1921), 147-153, Details
- Chapman, Robert William, 'Presidential address', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia, 3 (1922), lxiii-lxxix, Details
- Chapman, Robert William, 'The strength of rectangular concrete slabs', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia, 8 (1927), 255-282, Details
- Chapman, Robert William; Gibb, Claude Dixon, 'The stresses in the floors of elevated cylindrical tanks', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia, 4 (1923), 33-54, Details
- Grant, Kerr and Gartrell, H. W., 'Obituary: Robert William Chapman, 1866-1942', Australian Journal of Science, 5 (1) (1942), 35-36. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Ninth Annual General Meeting [March 1929] and Ninth Annual Report [1928]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1 (1929), 197-201. 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - The 1928 award of the Medal was made to Professor R W Chapman, CMG, Member, Adelaide', p.199. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-second Annual Report [1941]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 14 (1942), 35-41. 'Honorary Membership of the Institution, awarded to Sir Robert William Chapman, KtBach, CMG MA BCE, Emeritus Professor of Engineering, University of Adelaide', p.39. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-third Annual Report [1942]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 15 (1943), 35-51. 'Honorary Membership - Sir Robert William Chapman, KtBach CMG MA BCE, Emeritus Professor of Engineering of the University of Adelaide. Died 27th February 1942', p.37-38. Details
Newspaper Articles
- 'Honours List [Coronation Awards - South Australia]', Sydney Morning Herald (1937), 12, Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- 'Chapman, R W (1866-1942)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Resource Sections
- 'Chapman, Robert William', in Physics in Australia to 1945, R.W. Home, with the assistance of Paula J. Needham, Australian Science Archives Project, June 1995, Details
- 'Engineering Heritage : Biographies', in Engineering Heritage Australia : wiki website, Engineering Heritage Australia, 2024,,_Robert. Biography: Sir Robert Chapman. Details
See also
- Dew, John M., Mining people - a century : Highlights of the first hundred years of the AusIMM 1893-1993 (Parkville, Victoria: Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1993), 550 pp. pp.33, 74, 378, 460. Details
Gavan McCarthy; Ken McInnes
Created: 20 October 1993, Last modified: 19 September 2024
- Foundation Supporter - Committee to Review Australian Studies in Tertiary Education