Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1922 - )
Institution of Engineers, Australia
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- 1922
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The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal is the highest career achievement award conferred on an engineer by the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Inaugurated in 1922 (and first presented in 1923), it is awarded annually 'for a notable contribution to the Science and/or Practice of Engineering in the Commonwealth of Australia, representing the life work of an Engineer'. Initially Members of the Institution over 45 years of age were eligible, more recently eligibility was confined to Honorary Fellows.
The Medal was established in accordance with conditions imposed by the Engineering Association of New South Wales, a Foundation Society, that in transferring its funds to the Institution, an amount be set aside to establish a fund for the award. Peter Nicol Russell was a founding member of Engineering Association of New South Wales, and a generous benefactor, making a substantial donation for the establishment of a school of engineering at the University of Sydney.
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Published resources
Journal Articles
- 'P. N. Russell Memorial Medal [List of recipients 1923 - 1931]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1931), 445. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1932 award to Dr. J. J. C. Bradfield]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 4 (1932), 429. 'Council unanimously decided that the 1932 award of the above medal be made to Dr J J C Bradfield, Member, Sydney Division.'. Details
- 'Award of Prizes [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal 1933; Warren Memorial Prize -second; Edward Noyes Prize 1931]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 5 (1933), 430. Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal, 1933 Award, to Mr. Maurice Edwin Kernot, M.I.E.Aust. Details
- 'Prizes of the Institution [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal; Warren Memorial Medal; Edward Noyes Prize; Electrical Association Premium; Institution of Engineers Prize]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1935), 29. Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal. [1934] Awarded to Mr F W Clements, MIEAust, Chairman, State Electricity Commission of Victoria. Details
- 'P.N.R. Memorial Medal - 1941 Award [R. J. Boyd, M.E., M.I.E.Aust.]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 13 (1941), 295. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1942 Award to Mr. J. R. Kemp', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 15 (1943), 20. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1944 Award [John Madsen DSc]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 16 (1944), 255. Details
- 'The 105th Meeting of the Council. Held at Melbourne, November, 1945', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 17 (Oct-Dec) (1945), 231. 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal 1945' Award to William Goodman. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1946 Award [Walter Harold Myers, BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 18 (1946), 267. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1947 Award [Colonel James Motagu Christian Corlette]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 19 (1947), 205. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1948 Award [Robert Lawson, OBE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 20 (1948), 194. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1949 Award [Dr. T. H. Upton, OBE MSc DEng MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 21 (1949), 183. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1950 Award [W. H. R. Nimmo, MCE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 23 (1951), 61. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1951 Award [J. G. Burnell, MC BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 24 (1952), 32. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1952 Award [R. J. Dumas, CMG ME MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 24 (1952), 234. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1953 Award [Eng Rear-Admiral A. B. Doyle, CBE BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 25 (1953), 253. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1954 Award [Dr L. F. Loder, CBE MCE DEng MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 26 (1954), 318. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1955 Award [Prof. A. Burn, LLD MSc BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 27 (1955), 321. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1956 Award [Sir John Tivey, BA BSc BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 28 (1956), 315. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1957 Award [L. R. East, CBE MCE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 29 (1957), 344. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1958 Award [W. E. Bassett, MC MMechE BEE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 31 (1959), N5. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1959 Award [W. R. Hebblewhite, OBE BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 32 (January-February 1960) (1960), N5. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1960 Award [Sir Albert Axon, KBE ME MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 33 (1961), N3. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1961 Award [Sir James Holt, BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 34 (1962), N4. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1962 Award [Captain G. I. D. Hutcheson CBE BE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 34 (1962), N83. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1963 Award [A. W. Knight, CMG BSc ME Bcomm MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 35 (1963), N94. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1964 Award [Sir Robert Rutherford Blackwood, MCE BEE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 36 (1964), N95. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1965 Award [Thomas Bruce Nicol]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 37 (1965), N127. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1967 Award [Sir Ian McLennan, KBE BEE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 39 (12) (1967), N121. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1966 Award [D. V. Darwin, ISO MM MCE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 39 (1-2) (1967), N12. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1968 Award [Dr W H Connolly, CBE BEE DEng BCom FIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 41 (1-2) (1969), N1. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1969 Award [Mr J R Dridan, CMG BE FIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 42 (1-2) (1970), N11. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1970 Award to Prof. W N Christiansen', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 43 (1-2) (1971), 30-31. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1971 Award [posthumously to the late Mr R A Priddle]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 43 (12) (1971), 15. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1972 Award [Bernard James Callinan]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 44 (October-November) (1972), 19. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1973 Award [Ian Langlands]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 45 (October-November) (1973), 23. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1974 Award [Sir John Holland BCE FIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 47 (1-2) (1975), 27. Details
- 'Roderick awarded P.N.R. Memorial Medal [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1975 to Professor J W Roderick, MA(Cantab) MSc PhD HonDEng FIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 48 (1-2) (1976), 9. Details
- 'Annual Conference : Institution's highest award to Sir Louis Matheson [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal : 1976 Award]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 49 (11) (1977), 28. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1977 Award] to Dr David Myers', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 49 (25) (1977), 7. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1977 Award] to Dr David Myers', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 50 (8) (1978), 14. Details
- 'Queensland engineer wins Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1978 Award to Sir Charles Barton]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 50 (23) (1978), 5. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1979 Award to Dr Don Woods]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 51 (22) (1979), 8. Details
- 'The IEAust's top award, the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal, has gone this year to a leading Melbourne engineer, W. P. Brown [1981 Award]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 53 (22) (1981), 33. Details
- 'Ken Hunt wins PNR Memorial Medal [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: Award 1983]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 55 (21) (1983), 6. Details
- 'Electrical engineer wins PNR Medal [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1985 Award to Sir William Tyree]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 57 (21) (1985), 10. Details
- 'Sir William Tyree honoured [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1985 Award to Sir William Tyree]', Perspecs: Newsletter of The Institution of Engineers, Australia (1986), 2. Details
- 'IEAust news : Crisp wins P.N.R. Memorial Medal [1987 Award to Prof John Crisp]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 59 (1987), 40. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Medal [1993 Award to William Harold Clough]', Engineers Australia, 65 (14) (1993), 23. Details
- 'PNR Memorial Medal [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1994 Award to Dr Robert Culver]', Engineers Australia, 66 (1994), 50. Details
- '1997 Peter Nicol Russell Medal awarded to Dr Peter Miller', Engineers Australia, 69 (12) (1997), 23. Details
- 'Top IEAust medal awarded to shipbuilder [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1999 Award to Don Fry]', Engineers Australia, 72 (1) (2000), 18. Details
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Award [2008 Award to Martin Thomas]', Engineers Australia, 80 (12) (2008), 12. Details
- 'Highest honour awarded [2009 Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal presented to Professor Mike Dureau]', Engineers Australia: Civil Edition, 81 (12) (2009), 16, Details
- 'Engineers Australia's highest honour [Peter Russell Memorial Medal: 2010 Award to Emeritus Professor Alan Roberts]', Engineers Australia, 82 (12) (2010), 14. Details
- 'Highest award for biomedical champion [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 2011 Award to Professor Andrew Downing]', Engineers Australia, 83 (12) (2011), 15. Details
- 'Electrical engineers win top honours [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal 2013 Award to Barry Grear; John Monash Medal 2013 Award to Owen Peake]', Engineers Australia, 85 (12) (2013), 16. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Prizes', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1 (1921), 48-49, 'Prizes - Engineering Association of New South Wales (Foundation Society)', brief information about the transfer of property and funds and proposed annual award, p.49. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Second Annual General Meeting [February 1922] and Second Annual Report [1921]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2 (1923), xiii-xxxv, 'Half the funds donated by the Engineering Association of New South Wales to be set aside to provide a medal known as "The P. N. Russell Memorial Medal," to be awarded annually in recognition of a notable contribution to the Science of Engineering in the Commonwealth of Australia, representing the life work of an engineer', p.xxxii. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fourth Annual General Meeting [April 1924] and Fourth Annual Report [1923]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 4 (1924), xiv-xxxvii, 'The P. N. Russell Memorial Medal - The approved Rules have since been published in Vol.1, No.1, of the Quarterly Bulletin', p.xx. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Third Annual General Meeting [March 1923] and Third Annual Report [1922]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1924), xiv-xxxix, 'Prizes - In accordance with the conditions imposed by the Engineering Association of New South Wales (Foundation Society) in transferring its funds to the Institution, an amount has been set aside to establish a fund for the award of the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal. This medal will be awarded annually to a member who, having attained the age of 45 years, has made a notable contribution to the science and/or practice of engineering in the Commonwealth of Australia', p.xxviii. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fifth Annual General Meeting [March 1925] and Fifth Annual Report [1924]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 5 (1924), xiv-xliii, 'Prizes - The first award (1923) of the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal, "for a notable contribution to the Science and/or Practice of Engineering in the Commonwealth of Australia, representing the life work of an Engineer" was made to Professor W H Warren, First President of the Institution. Council has unanimously agreed that the second award (for 1924) shall be made to Mr James Fraser, CMG, Chief Commissioner, N.S.W. Government Railways and Tramways, Sydney', Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fifth Annual General Meeting [March 1925] and Fifth Annual Report [1924]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 5 (1924), xiv-xliii, 'The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - Mr G Rayner Hoff, one of Australia's leading sculptors, has been commissioned to design the Medal and supervise the preparation of the dies', p.xix. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Sixth Annual General Meeting [February 1926] and Sixth Annual Report [1925]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 6 (1926), xv-xxxv, 'The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - The third award of the medal was made to Mr R E Sexton, Member, Brisbane Division - Chief Engineer for Railways, Queensland' p.xxix. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Seventh Annual General Meeting [March 1927] and Seventh Annual Report [1926]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1927), xvi-xli, 'Prizes - The fourth award of the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal was made by Council to Mr O W Brain, Member, Assistant Railway Commissioner, N.S.W. Govt. Railways, Sydney', p.xxxv. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eighth Annual General Meeting [February 1928]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 8 (1928), xiv-xv, 'P. N. Russell Memorial Medal - The President announced that the 1927 award of the Medal had been made to Mr G A Julius (Member), Sydney, a Past President of the Institution', p.xiv. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eighth Annual Report [1927]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 8 (1928), xx-xxxiii. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal, 1927, to Mr G A Julius, Member', p.xxxi. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Ninth Annual General Meeting [March 1929] and Ninth Annual Report [1928]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1 (1929), 197-201. 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - The 1928 award of the Medal was made to Professor R W Chapman, CMG, Member, Adelaide', p.199. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Tenth Annual Report [1929]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 2 (1930), 123-127. 'Prizes - The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1929 was awarded by Council to Sir John Monash, Member, Melbourne Division', p.124. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, '48th Council Meeting [23rd November 1931, Sydney]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1931), 434. '1931 award of the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal be made to Professor R W H Hawken, Member, Brisbane Division.'. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eleventh Annual Report [1930]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1931), 136-141. 'Prizes - The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1930 award) to Mr Henry Harvey Dare, Member, Sydney Division. Mr. Dare is Commissioner of Water Conservation and Irrigation, N.S.W.', p.138. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twelfth Annual Report [1931]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 4 (1932), 178-179. 'Prizes awarded during the session: The P. N. Russell Memorial Medal, to Professor R W H Hawken', p.179. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Thirteenth Annual Report [1932]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 5 (1933), 168-172. 'Prizes awarded during the session: The P. N. Russell Memorial Medal [1932], to Dr J J C Bradfield, Sydney Division', p.169. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fourteenth Annual Report [1933]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 6 (1934), 121-126. 'Prizes awarded during the 1933-34 session: Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1933] to the late Mr M E Kernot, Melbourne Division', p.122. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fifteenth Annual Report [1934]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1935), 133-138. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1934] to Mr F W Clements, MIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.134. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Sixteenth Annual Report [1935]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 8 (1936), 145-149. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal [1935] to Mr J H O Eaton, ISO MIEAust, Adelaide Division', p.146. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Seventeenth Annual Report [1936]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 9 (1937), 145-154. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1936 award) to Mr H R Forbes Mackay, MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.146. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eighteenth Annual Report [1937]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 10 (1938), 182-. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1937 award), to Mr D F J Harricks, MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.184. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Council Meeting 13th December 1937 [72nd meetng of Council]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 10 (1938), 15-18. '1937 award … be made to Mr D F J Harricks, MIEAust, Engineer-in-Chief, Colonial Sugar Refining Co. Ltd., Sydney'. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, '19th Annual General Meeting - Minutes [Melbourne, 21st March 1939]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 11 (1939), 146-147. 1938 Peter Nicol Russell award, to be made to Mr H R Harper, MIEAust, Melbourne Division. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twentieth Annual Report [1939]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 12 (1940), 47-64. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1938 award), to Mr H R Harper, MIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.53. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, '85th Council Meeting [18th November 1940, Melbourne]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 12 (1940), 321. 1940 Award of the Medal be made to Mr. A. J. Gibson, M.E., M.I.E.Aust., Sydney. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-first Annual Report [1940]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 13 (1941), 33-51. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1939 award), to Sir Henry Barraclough, KBE VD ME ME(Cornell) MIEAust, Sydney Division; Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1940 award), to Mr A J Gibson, ME MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.37. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-second Annual Report [1941]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 14 (1942), 35-41. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1941 award), to Mr R J Boyd, ME MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.38. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, '93rd Council Meeting [30th November 1942, Sydney]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 15 (1943), 17-18. 1942 Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal, to be made to Mr J R Kemp, MIEAust, Brisbane Division. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, '97th Council Meeting [ 22nd November 1943, Melbourne]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 15 (1943), 238. 1943 award to be made to Mr. E. G. Ritchie, who was Engineer of Water Supply, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-third Annual Report [1942]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 15 (1943), 35-51. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1942) Award, to Mr J R Kemp, MIEAust, Brisbane Division', p.37. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-fourth Annual Report [1943]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 15 (1944), 1-23. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1943 Award), to Mr E G Ritchie, MIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-fifth Annual Report [1944]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 17 (1945), 10-28. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1944 Award) to Prof Sir John Madsen DSc BE MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.13. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-sixth Annual Report [1945]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 18 (1946), 2-16. 'Prizes - The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1945 Award), to Sir William Goodman, MIEAust, Adelaide Division', p.5. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-seventh Annual Report [1946]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 19 (1947), 10-23. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1946 Award), to Mr Walter Harold Myers, BE MIEAust, Sydney Division' p.12. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-eighth Annual Report [1947]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 20 (1948), 1-12. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1947 Award), to Colonel J M C Corlette, CMG DSO VD BE MIEAust, Newcastle Division', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-ninth Annual Report [1948]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 21 (1949), 10-23. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1948 Award), to Mr Robert Lawson, OBE MIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.12. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fifty-seventh Annual Report [Annual Report 1976]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 49 (12) (1977), 25-32. 'Awards of the Institution - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal. The Council awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1976 to Sir Louis Matheson', p.26. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Colleges : The Institution's Awards', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 49 (1977), 40. 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - Award to be continued to be presented by Council'. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Annual Report 1977 [Fifty-eighth Annual Report]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 50 (5) (1978), 43-52. 'Russell Medal - The Council awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1977 to Dr D M Myers', p.45. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Annual Report 1978 [Fifty-ninth Annual Report]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 51 (5) (1979), 69-79. 'Russell Medal - 1978 Medal awarded to Sir Charles Barton, OBE ED BE FIEAust', p.71. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Annual Report 1979 [Sixtieth Annual Report]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 52 (5) (1980), 69-79. 'Awards - The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1979 has been awarded to Dr Don Woods who was President of the lnstitution in 1972', p.48 [Includes brief biography of Dr Don Woods]. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Great Public Works career [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 62 (24) (1990), 34. Donald James Little, a former IEAust president (1983), won this year's Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal. [includes biography]. Details
Newspaper Articles
- 'Coveted medal awarded to Tasmanian - Conference presentation', Canberra Times (1964), 16, Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirtieth Annual Report [1949] (1949), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1949 Award), to Dr Thomas Haynes Upton, OBE MSc MCE DEng MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-first Annual Report [1950] (1951), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1950 Award), to Mr William Hogarth Robertson Nimmo, MCE MIEAust, Brisbane Division', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-second Annual Report [1951] (1952), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1951 Award), to Mr John Gurner Burnell, MC BE MIEAust, Melboune Division', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-third Annual Report [1952] (1953), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1952 Award), to Mr R J Dumas, CMG ME MIEAust, Perth Division', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-fourth Annual Report [1953] (1954), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1953 Award), to Engineer Rear-Admiral A B Doyle, CBE BE MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-fifth Annual Report [1954] (1955), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1954 Award), to Dr L F Loder, CBE MCE DEng MIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-sixth Annual Report [1955] (Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1956), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1955 Award), to Professor A Burn, LLD MSc BE MIEAust, Tasmania Division', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-seventh Annual Report [1956] (1957), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1956 Award), to Sir John Tivey, BA BSc BE MIEAust, Sydney Division', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-eighth Annual Report [1957] (1958), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1957 Award), to Mr L R East, CBE MCE MIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-ninth Annual Report [1958] (1959), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1958 Award), to Mr W E Bassett, MC MMechE BEE MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Fortieth Annual Report [1959] (1960), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1959 Award), to Mr W R Hebblewhite, OBE BE MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-first Annual Report [1960] (1961), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1960 Award), to Sir Albert Axon, KBE ME MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-second Annual Report [1961] (1962), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1960 Award), to Sir John Holt, BE MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-third Annual Report [1962] (1963), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1962 Award), to Captain G I D Hutcheson, CBE BE MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-fourth Annual Report [1963] (1964), 15 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1963 Award), to Mr A W Knight, CMG BSc ME BComm MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-fifth Annual Report [1964] (1965), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1964 Award), to Sir Robert Rutherford Blackwood, MCE BEE MIEAust', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-sixth Annual Report [1965] (1966), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1965 Award), to Mr T B Nicol, CBE BE MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-seventh Annual Report [1966] (1967), 18 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1966 Award) to Mr D V Darwin, ISO MM MCE MIEAust', p.2. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-eighth Annual Report [1967] (1968), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1967 Award) to Sir Ian McLennan, KBE BEE MIEAust', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-ninth Annual Report [1968] (1969), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1968 Award), to Dr W H Connolly, CBE BEE BCom DEng FIEAust', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Fiftieth Annual Report [1969] (1970), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1969 Award), to Mr J R Dridan, CMG BE DipMechE FSASM FIEAust', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Fifty-first Annual Report [1970] (1971), 7 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1970 Award), to Professor W N Christiansen, DSc FIEAust', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Fifty-second Annual Report [1971] (1972), 7 pp. 'Prizes - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1971 Award), to the late Mr R A Priddle, FIEAust (posthumously)', p.3. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1980 [Sixty-first Annual Report] (1981), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - Council awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1980 to Mr R N Morse, AO FIEAust', p.10. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1981 [Sixty-second Annual Report] (1982), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - Council awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1981 to Mr W P Brown, FIEAust', p.11. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1982 [Sixty-third Annual Report] (1983), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - Council awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1982 to Mr D H Aitken, ISO FIEAust', p.11. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1983 [Sixty-fourth Annual Report] (1984), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal. The Council awarded the Medal for 1983 to Professor K H Hunt, FIEAust', p.12. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1985 [Sixty-sixth Annual Report] (1986), 24 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Council awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1985 to Sir William Tyree, OBE FIEAust', p.11. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1986 [Sixty-seventh Annual Report] (1987), 24 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Council awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1986 to Prof L A Endersbee, AO FIEAust', p.15. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1987 [Sixty-eighth Annual Report] (1988), 28 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1987 was awarded to Professor John Douglas Crisp', p.19. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1988 (1989), 32 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1988 was awarded to Emeritus Professor Peter Thomas Fink,AO', p.26. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1989 [Seventieth Annual Report] (1990), 36 pp. 'Awards - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1989 awarded to Mr Charles Harold Warman', p.26-27. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1992 [Seventy-third Annual Report] (1993), 40 pp. 'Awards and Honours - The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal for 1992 was awarded to Dr Michael Anthony Sargent', p.11. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1999 [Eightieth Annual Report] (2000), 16 pp. 'Awards - the 1999 Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal is awarded to Mr Donald George Fry, AO FIEAust CPEng, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to engineering and to the Australian community', p.11. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 2001 (Barton, ACT: 2001), 20 pp. '2000 Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal awarded to Dr Tom Connor AO FIEAust. 2001 Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal awarded to Wallace King AM Hon FIEAust CPEng', p.16. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 2002 (2003), 20 pp. 'The 2002 Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal was awarded to Dr Kenneth Michael, AM CitWA Hon FIEAust CPEng', p.15. Details
- Institution of Engineers Australia, Engineers Australia Annual Report 2003-4 (2004), 77 pp. 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal 2004, awarded to John Buxton Laurie', Part 2, pp.67-68. Details
See also
- 'Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal awarded to Mr L. R. East', Aqua: Official Journal of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria, 9 (3) (1957), 68. Details
Ken McInnes
Created: 6 January 2022, Last modified: 8 March 2023