
Culver, Robert (Bob) (1926 - 2009)


2 October 1926
Brighton, South Australia, Australia
14 December 2009
Stirling, South Australia, Australia
Academic, Civil engineer and Hydraulic engineer


Bob Culver, AM BSc BE FTSE HonFIEAust DUniv, civil and hydraulic engineer, was Senior Lecturer, Reader and Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Adelaide from 1949 until 1991. From 1951 he was responsible for all hydraulic and coastal engineering teaching and all research activities of the Robin Hydraulic Laboratory. His pioneering work in understanding the dynamics of the coastal zone, lead to the 1970 report he prepared for the South Australian government, known as "the Culver report". This report was instrumental in the introduction of South Australia's Coast Protection Act, No.49 of 1972, recognised internationally as a model of coastal zone management legislation, and from 1972 to 1989 he was a member of the board administering the Act. He was an adviser to federal and state governments, designed the first super-critical urban drainage scheme, the "Typhoon" irrigation spray head, and assisted the Victorian Arts Complex in the design of its water decorations.

His distinguished career and engineering achievements were acknowledged when he was made a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering in 1987; appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 1991; awarded an Honorary Doctor of the University by the University of Adelaide in 1992; and awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal in 1994.



Career event - Student Member (StudIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
Education - Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSc(Eng)), University of Adelaide
Education - Bachelor of Engineering (BE), University of Adelaide
1949 - 1953
Career position - Lecturer, Civil engineering, University of Adelaide
Career event - Associate Member (AMIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
1954 - 1965
Career position - Senior Lecturer, Civil engineering, University of Adelaide
1956 - 1957
Award - Carnegie Travelling Scholarship [Visiting areas of specialist hydraulic interest in the US and Europe]
1966 - 1989
Career position - Reader, Civil engineering, University of Adelaide
Career event - Member (MIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia [Former Associate Members were designated Members on this date.]
1969 -
Career position - Committee member, South Australian Division, Institution of Engineers Australia
Career event - Fellow (FIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
Career event - Published the 'Culver report': "Final summary report on beach erosion studies ..."
1972 - 1989
Career position - Member, Coast Protection Board, South Australia
1973 - 1985
Career position - Member of Council, Institution of Engineers Australia
1976 -
Career position - Founding chairman, Civil College Board, Institution of Engineers Australia
1977 - 1989
Career position - Member of Council (elected by Academic staff), University of Adelaide
Award - Long Service Medallion, University of Adelaide
1987 - 2009
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE)
1990 - 1991
Career position - Associate Professor / Reader, Civil engineering, University of Adelaide
1991 -
Career position - Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, University of Adelaide
Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM) - in recognition of service to engineering, particularly in the fields of hydraulics and coastal engineering
Life event - Retired
Award - Honorary Doctor of the University (DUniv), University of Adelaide
Award - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - Career Achievement Award in Engineering. Institution of Engineers Australia
Award - Honorary Fellow (HonFIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
Award - Centenary Medal - for service to Australian society in civil and maritime engineering

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources


  • Culver, R., Final summary report on beach erosion studies. A report commissioned by the Seaside Councils Committee and State Government of South Australia (Adelaide: University of Adelaide, Department of Civil Engineering, 1970). Details

Conference Papers

Journal Articles

  • 'PNR Memorial Medal [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal: 1994 Award to Dr Robert Culver]', Engineers Australia, 66 (1994), 50. Details
  • Culver, R., 'Some measurement processes in beach erosion studies', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 37 (1965), 201. Details

Newspaper Articles

  • Culver, Robin; Moxham, Kenneth; Stacy, Bill, 'Robust champion of engineering [Obituary: Robert Culver (1926 - 2009)]', Adelaide Advertiser, 84. Details


  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 2001 (Barton, ACT: 2001), 20 pp. 'Awarded Honorary Fellow, 2000', p.16. Details

Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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