
Dare, Henry Harvey (1867 - 1949)

25 August 1867
Goulburn, New South Wales, Australia
20 August 1949
Roseville, New South Wales, Australia
Civil engineer


Henry Harvey Dare, ME MInstCE MIEAust, was Chief engineer, and Commissioner, of the Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, New South Wales from 1913 until he retired in 1935. During this period, under his direction, the major Burrinjuck Dam was completed together with the associated Murrumbidgee irrigation works, Wyangala Dam was constructed, and Coomealla irrigation area was established. He was also the representative of New South Wales on the River Murray Commission from 1917 to 1935, and acted as a consultant for water-storage works in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Auckland, New Zealand, and served on expert committees for works carried out by the Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board of Sydney.

Earlier, between 1899 and 1904, he was involved with the preparation of designs for many significant bridges in New South Wales, including cardioid-tracked bascule bridges, and bridges with "Dare Truss" spans - a refinement of the timber/steel "Allan Truss" of Percy Allan where the timber bottom (tension) chord was replaced by steel. In 1908-1909, Dare prepared preliminary design and estimate works for Royal Commissions on the Sydney Harbour crossing and the Sydney railway.

His distinguished contributions to engineering were recognised when he was awarded Telford premiums in 1904 and in 1922 by the Institution of Civil Engineers, London; and when he was awarded the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal in 1930.

The town 'Dareton' in the Coomealla Irrigation Area, was named in his honour in 1922.


Associated works:

1899 - 1904:
* Lift bridge over Murray River, Cobram;
* Lift bridge over Murrayt River, Koondrook;
* Bascule bridge over Murrumbidgee River, Darlington Point;
* Bascule bridge over Richmond River, Coraki;
* Bascule bridge over Clarence River, Maclean;
* Suspension bridge over Nepean River;
* Road and rail bridge over Nepean River, Camden;
* Composite truss bridge over Clarence River, Tabulam;
* Steel truss bridge over Hunter River, Luskintyre;
* Steel truss bridge over Hunter River, Singleton;
* Reinforced concrete arched bridge over Hawkesbury River, Richmond;
* 'Dare Truss' bridges: between 1905 and 1936, 40 Dare truss road bridges were built in NSW. [27 survived in service in 2004.]

1904 - 1910:
* Water supply works: Cataract Dam, Katoomba, Lithgow, Cowra, Gunnedah, Gundagai, Singleton;
* Sewerage works: Newscastle, Parramatta, Sydney Southern and Western suburbs outfall, four pumping stations Sydney, Katoomba, Lithgow;
* Irrigation and Water Conservation works: Murrumbidgee Northern Irrigation Scheme - Barren Jack Dam [Burrinjuck] Dam;,Berembed Diversion Weir, Canals, Regulators and Escapes, etc;
* Railway and Tramway works: Central Railway Station roofs etc, Manila to Barraba railway, Temora to Barellan railway, Bellevue Hill tramway, North Coast railway (3 sections).

* Wyangala Dam;
* Coomealla irrigation area.


1888 -
Career event - Original [founding] member, Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
Education - Bachelor of Engineering (BE) (First class honours and gold medal), University of Sydney
Career position - Assistant Astronomical Observer, Sydney Observatory
Career event - Student Member (StudInstCE), Institution of Civil Engineers, London [under W H Warren MInstCE]
1889 - 1899
Career position - Draughtsman and Computer, Public Works Department, New South Wales [under Percy Allan]
Career event - Member, Royal Society of New South Wales
6 Dec 1892
Career event - Associate Member (AssocMInstCE), Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Education - Master of Engineering (ME) (First class honours and gold medal), University of Sydney
Career event - Member, Sydney University Engineering Society
1899 - 1900
Career position - President, Sydney University Engineering Society
1899 - 1904
Career position - Design engineer, Roads, Bridges and Public Watering Places Branch, Public Works Department, New South Wales [Designing many large bridges]
Award - Telford Premium, Institution of Civil Engineers, London - for paper: "Recent Road Bridge Practice in New South Wales."
1904 - 1910
Career position - Engineer-in-charge, inspection of steel and iron work, for all engineering branches, Public Works Department, New South Wales
1904 - 1911
Career position - Design of irrigation and drainage work, Public Works Department, New South Wales [under J Davis, W J Hanna, L A B Wade, W Hutchinson, E M de Burgh]
1908 - 1909
Career position - Prepared preliminary design and estimates for the Sydney railway for the Royal Commission on Improvement of the City of Sydney and its Suburbs
1908 - 1909
Career position - Prepared preliminary design and estimates for railway and road tunnel schemes for the Royal Commission on Communications between Sydney and North Sydney
Award - Life Member, Sydney University Engineering Society
Career position - Engineer-in-Chief, Sewerage [Responsible for outfall sewer to Long Bay]
10 Jan 1911
Career event - Member (MInstCE), Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Career position - Chief engineer, National Work and Drainage, New South Wales
1913 - 1915
Career position - Deputy Commissioner, Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, New South Wales [deputy to L A B Wade]
1913 - 1934
Career position - Chief engineer, Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, New South Wales
1915 - 1916
Career position - Acting Commissioner, Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, New South Wales
1916 - 1934
Career position - Engineering Representative, Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission, New South Wales
1917 - 1934
Career position - Representative of New South Wales, River Murray Commission
1918 - 1919
Career position - Member of the Board of Special Experts, enquired into the extension of the Sydney water supply [recommended the construction of the Cordeaux, Avon and Nepean Dams]
Lecture - Invited lecturer, inaugural general meeting, Institution of Engineers Australia
Career event - Foundation Associate Member (AMIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
Career event - Member (MIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
1921 - 1930
Career position - Member, New South Wales Advisory Committee, Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Award - Telford Premium, Institution of Civil Engineers, London - for paper: "The Spillways of Burrinjuck Dam."
Life event - 'Dareton' the town in the Coomealla Irrigation Area, was named in his honour.
Career event - Elected Member (Engineering), Australian National Research Council
1928 - 1930
Career position - Representative of Australia, on the Council, Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Award - Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal - Career Achievement Award in Engineering. Institution of Engineers Australia
1933 - 1941
Career position - Member, NSW Advisory Committee of Council, Institution of Civil Engineers, London
Life event - Retired
Career position - Consultant engineer, Stanley River Works Board, Queensland
Career position - Consultant engineer, Sydney Water Board
1937 -
Career position - Foundation chairman, Australian National Committee on Large Dams
1937 -
Career event - Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS)

Related People

Published resources

Edited Books

Journal Articles

  • 'Obituary Notice - Henry Harvey Dare.', Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 84 (1) (1950), xxv, Details
  • 'First members of institution [Diamond Jubilee feature article]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 51 (20) (1979), 69. 'Registered member number 12'. Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The opening bridges of New South Wales', Journal and abstract of proceedings of the Sydney University Engineering Society, 1 (1896), 1-11, Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'Presidential address. Sydney University Engineering Society', Journal and abstract of proceedings of the Sydney University Engineering Society, 5 (1900), 1-8, Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'Preliminary Work on the proposed connection between Sydney and North Sydney, with some notes on long span bridges and subaqueous tunnelling', Journal and abstract of proceedings of the Sydney University Engineering Society, 14 (1909-1910), 67-111, Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The water supply of Singleton, N.S.W.', Journal and abstract of proceedings of the Sydney University Engineering Society, 15 (1910-1911), 61-74, Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The Hunter River flood of May 1913', Journal and abstract of proceedings of the Sydney University Engineering Society, 18 (1913-1914), 78-93, Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'Water conservation and irrigation, N.S.W.', Commonwealth Engineer, 2 (11) (1915), 383-. Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The River Murray Waters Scheme', Journal and abstract of proceedings of the Sydney University Engineering Society, 21 (1917-1920), 93-120, Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The River Murray Waters Scheme.', Commonwealth Engineer, 7 (6) (1920), 178-182. Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The design of spillways for large dams. [1]', Commonwealth Engineer, 9 (7) (1922), 218-222. Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The design of spillways for large dams. [2]', Commonwealth Engineer, 9 (8) (1922), 274-282. Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'Burrinjuck Dam, Murrumbidgee River', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia, 9 (1928), 1-23, Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'Notes on some failures and unforeseen factors in the design of works', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1931), 247- , Discussion p.427. Details
  • Dare, H. H., 'The River Murray Waters Scheme', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 6 (1934), 185-. Details
  • Deakin, M. A. B., 'Henry Harvey Dare and the New South Wales Cardioids', Australian Mathematical Society gazette, 22 (5) (1995), Details
  • Deakin, M. A. B.; Fraser, D. J., 'Cardioid-Tracked Bascule Bridges in NSW', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia: Multi-Disciplinary Engineering, GE18 (2) (1994-1995), 163-171. Details
  • Fraser, D. J., 'Moveable Span Bridges in New South Wales Prior to 1915', Transactions of The Institution of Engineers, Australia: Multi-Disciplinary Engineering, GE9 (2) (1985), 71-81. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eleventh Annual Report [1930]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1931), 136-141. 'Prizes - The Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal (1930 award) to Mr Henry Harvey Dare, Member, Sydney Division. Mr. Dare is Commissioner of Water Conservation and Irrigation, N.S.W.', p.138. Details
  • Warren, W. H.; Dare, H. H., 'The determination of working stresses for bridges', Journal and abstract of proceedings of the Sydney University Engineering Society, 6 (1901), 41-56, Details


See also

  • 'The Wyangala dam', Commonwealth Engineer, 20 (5) (1932), 131-135. Details
  • Butters, J. H., 'Discussions and communications: Notes on the development of the power resources of Tasmania by J. H. Butters', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers Australia, 7 (1926), 616-632, Details
  • Fraser, D.J., 'Darlington Point Bridge Reconstruction', in Fifth National Conference on Engineering Heritage 1990: Interpreting Engineering Heritage; Preprints of Papers (Perth, Western Australia: Fifth National Conference on Engineering Heritage 1990: Interpreting Engineering Heritage; Preprints of Papers, 1990), pp. 81-87.. Details

Ken McInnes

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