Published Resources Details

Journal Article

Institution of Engineers Australia
Seventh Annual General Meeting [March 1927] and Seventh Annual Report [1926]
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia
vol. 7, 1926, pp. xvi-xli

For the Year ending 1926


  • Electrical Association Premium, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1919 - 1975)

    'Prizes - Electrical Association Premium - At the establishment of the Institution in 1919, certain funds transferred from the Electrical Association of Australia (Foundation Society), were invested and arrangements made for the proceeds therefrom to be made available for the award of an annual Premium for the best paper presented on some electrical or allied subject. In noting that to date no award of this Premium had been made, Council has urged Division Committees to give consideration to the submission of papers for adjudication during the 1926 session. Further, it has been agreed that the Premium shall be increased to £10 for the 1927 Session', p.xxxvi

  • Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1922 - )

    'Prizes - The fourth award of the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal was made by Council to Mr O W Brain, Member, Assistant Railway Commissioner, N.S.W. Govt. Railways, Sydney', p.xxxv

  • W. H. Warren Medal, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1926 - )

    'Warren Memorial Fund - To perpetuate the memory of the first President of the Institution, the late Professor W H Warren, and as a recognition of his services to the profession, and particularly to the Institution, Council has decided to establish a Memorial in the form of a fund to provide a premium for the best paper presented in each year on some civil engineering subject. All members have been invited to contribute, the objective being a capital fund of not less than £275. A quota based on numerical strength, has been allotted to each Division', p.xxxvii

Corporate Bodies

  • Commonwealth Engineering Standards Association (1922 - 1929)

    'Australian Commonwealth Engineering Standards Association', p.xxxviii

  • Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria (1878 - 1926)

    'Qualifications for Membership - Admission of members under the approved Terms of Entry', pp.xxi-xxii; 'The Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria', provides full details of the admission arangements for the transfer of members and assets', pp.xxxiii-xxxiv

  • Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria (1878 - 1926)

    'Branches of Divisions - A Municipal Engineering Branch of the Melbourne Division was formed on 5th November, 1926, in accordance with the Terms of Entry of the members of the Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria, to membership of the Institution. The assets of that Institution on transfer to the Institution, will be held in trust by the Branch for the development and promotion of its activities', p.xxxvi


  • Brain, Orlando William Cornelius (1866 - 1936)

    'Prizes - The fourth award of the Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal was made by Council to Mr O W Brain, Member, Assistant Railway Commissioner, N.S.W. Govt. Railways, Sydney', p.xxxv

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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