
W. H. Warren Medal (1926 - )

Institution of Engineers, Australia

7 Jul 1926
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Alternative Names
  • W. H. Warren Award (Also known as, 1976 - )
  • Warren Memorial Prize (Former name, 1929 - 1975)


The W. H. Warren Medal was established, as the Warren Memorial Prize, in 1926 by the Institution of Engineers, Australia to perpetuate the memory of the first President of the Institution, the late Professor William Henry Warren, Professor of Engineering at the University of Sydney from 1884 to 1925.

It is usually awarded annually for the best paper presented to the Institution on a civil engineering subject. The award was first presented in 1932.


Originally this award was proposed to be in the form of a "premium" for the best paper presented in each year on some civil engineering subject, by a member of the Institution, published by the Institution in its Transactions/Journals.
* From 1929 to 1975, the "Warren Memorial Prize" was awarded by the Institution in the form of a book, with a bookplate. The bookplate incorporated a view of the Northbridge (Sydney) Suspension Bridge, a bridge designed by the late Professor.
* From 1975 the renamed "W. H. Warren Award" was awarded by the Civil Engineering College, in the form of a certificate and an engraved bronze "W. H. Warren Medal" 'for achievement in Civil Engineering'.
* From 1996, the scope was extended to include non-refereed reviewed papers, such as papers presented at conferences, and technical meetings, and the like.

See more information about the history of this award, see the Journal article by Michael R. Gourlay, 1998, detailed below.

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Related People

  • Antill, James Macquarie (Jim) (1912 - 1994)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1951, with co-author Rea, R.L. for the paper "Experiences in Rock Drilling with Tungsten Carbide Tipped Bits", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.23, 1951, pp.97-111.

  • Burn, Alan (1889 - 1959)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1939, for the paper "The Effect of Deflection of the Supporting Beams on the Bending Moments in a Uniformly Loaded Slab", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.13, 1941, pp.131-137.

  • Corlette, James Montagu Christian (1880 - 1969)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1945, for the paper "Water Supply for Newcastle, N.S.W., from the Tomago Sand beds", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.16, 1944, pp.137-147, 161-171.

  • Davis, Edward Hughesdon (1920 - 1981)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1972, with co-author Poulos, H.G. for the paper "The analysis of Pile Raft Systems", Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol.G2, 1972, pp.21-27.

  • Dumas, Russell John (1887 - 1975)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1942, with co-author Robert Alexander Macbeth, for the paper "Design of Samson Brook and Stirling Dams, Western Australia", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Vol.13, 1941, pp.231-239. Presented before the Perth Division on 28 July 1941.

  • Endersbee, Lance Aubrey (1925 - 2009)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1963, with co-author E O Hofto, BE AMIEAust, for their paper "Civil Engineering Design and Studies in Rock Mechanics for Poatina Underground Power Station Tasmania", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, v.35, September 1963, pp.187-209.

  • Heitlinger, Max (1899 - 1992)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1965, with co-authors T.S. Moffat, BEE, AMIEAust., and D. J. Little, BCE, MIEAust, for the paper entitled "Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.37, 1965, pp.325-

  • Holt, James Arthur (1899 - 1982)

    Awarded the Medal 1940, for the paper "Story Bridge, Brisbane", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.11, 1939, p.1-. Discussion pp.53-, 97-, 380-.

  • Horsfall, Robert Allan (1909 - 1974)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1950, for the paper "Planning Irrigation Projects", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.22, 1950, pp.129-139.

  • Hughes, Harold (1899 - 1983)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1932, for the paper "Spencer Street Bridge, II - Concrete Work", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.1, 1929, pp.221-, Discussion p.439. [1932 Award shared with H. E. Bright, for the paper, "The De-watering of a Damsite in a River Bed Confined Between the Precipitous Cliffs of a Narrow Gorge", Vol.1, 1929, p.171-.]

  • Isaacs, David Victor (1904 - 1991)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1937, for the paper "The Distribution of Stresses in Fillet Welds", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.8, 1936, pp.286-.

  • Knight, Allan Walton (1910 - 1998)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1934, for the paper "Design and construction of composite slab and girder bridges", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.6, 1934, pp.10-22.

  • Lay, Maxwell Gordon (1936 - )

    Awarded W. H. Warren Medal 1980, for the paper "Elastic Buckling and Structural Reality." Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Australia. Vol.CE22, 1980, pp.186-192.

  • Leech, Thomas David James (1902 - 1973)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1935 and 1969.
    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1935, for the paper "Technical Investigations by Means of Models - with Special Reference to Fluid Mechanics' Problems", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.7, 1935, pp.265-281.
    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1969, for the paper "Diffusion Blasting and its Potential for the Development of Australia's Inland Surface Water Resources", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.41, 1969, pp.165-173.

  • Little, Donald James (1926 - )

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1965, with co-authors M. Heitlinger, AMIEAust. and T.S. Moffat, BEE, AMIEAust., for the paper entitled "Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.37, 1965, pp.325-

  • Macbeth, Robert Alexander

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1942, with co-author Russell John Dumas, for the paper "Design of Samson Brook and Stirling Dams, Western Australia", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Vol.13, 1941, pp.231-239. Presented before the Perth Division on 28 July 1941.

  • McMahon, Thomas Aquinas (1937 - )

    Awarded W. H. Warren Medal 1978, for the paper "Australia's Surface Water Resources: Potential Development based on Hydrologic Factors", Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Australia. Vol.CE20, 1978, pp.155-164.

  • Moon, Allan Ramsay (1898 - 1951)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1930, for the paper "Control of Quality in Electrically Welded Steel Structures" Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Selected Papers, Vol.2, 1930, pp.173-182..

  • Nicol, Thomas Bruce (1896 - 1987)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1964, for the paper "Warragamba Dam", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.36, 1964, pp.239-262. [Discussion. Vol.37, 1965, p.71, Vol.38, 1966, p.49]

  • Poulos, Harry George (1940 - )

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1972 and W H Warren Medal 1985.
    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1972, with co-author Davis, E.H.. for the paper "The analysis of Pile Raft Systems", Australian Geomechanics Journal, Vol.G2, 1972, pp.21-27.
    Awarded W H Warren Medal 1985, with co-author Swane, I.C., for the paper "Shakedown Analysis of a Laterally Loaded Pile Tested in Stiff Clay", Civil Engineering Transactions, Institution of Engineers, Australia. Vol.CE27, 1985, pp.275-280.

  • Roberts, James Waller (1871 - 1948)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1932, for the paper "The Clarence River Bridge Part I - Design; Part II - Construction", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.4, 1932, pp.369-381,405-414.

  • Speedie, Milton George (1908 - 2002)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1949 for the paper "Investigation and Designs for Eildon Dam Enlargement Project, Victoria", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.20, 1948, pp.81-91.

  • Trollope, David Hugh (Hugh) (1925 - 2011)

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1966, with co-authors Freeman, McD., and Peck, G.M. for the paper "Tasman Bridge Foundations", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.38, 1966, pp.117-130.

  • Warren, William Henry (1852 - 1926)

    W. H. Warren Memorial Medal is named in his honour.

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • 'Award of Prizes [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal 1933; Warren Memorial Prize -second; Edward Noyes Prize 1931]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 5 (1933), 430. The Second Award of the Warren Memorial Prize to Mr Allan Ramsay Moon, Associate Member, of Melbourne Division, for his paper -'Control of Quality in Electric Welding'. Details
  • 'Prizes of the Institution [Peter Nicol Russell Memorial Medal; Warren Memorial Medal; Edward Noyes Prize; Electrical Association Premium; Institution of Engineers Prize]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1935), 29. Warren Memorial Prize. [1931] Awarded to Mr L R H Irvine, AMIEAust, Sydney Division, for his paper 'Road Making by Heat Treatment of Soils'. Details
  • 'Prizes of the Institution [Warren Memorial Prize 1935; Institution of Engineers Prize 1937]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 9 (1937), 339. 1935 Prize awarded to Mr T D J Leech, BSc BE AMIEAust, for his paper entitled 'Technical Investigations by Means of Models, with Special Reference to Fluid Mechanics Problems'. Details
  • 'Prizes of the Institution [Warren Memorial Prize 1937, Edward Noyes Prize 1934]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 10 (1938), 424-425. Warren Memorial Prize, 1937, for papers presented during 1936, to Mr D V Isaacs, MCE AMIEAust, for his paper 'The Distribution of Stresses in Fillet Welds', presented at a General Meeting of the Melbourne Division in September, 1936. Details
  • 'Prizes of the Institution [Warren Memorial Prize 1938; Electrical Association Prize 1935; Edward Noyes Prize 1937; Institution of Engineers Prize 1941]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 13 (1941), 263-264. 1938 Award to Mr. C. G. F. Johnson, A.M.I.E.Aust., and Mr. A. H. Campbell, A.M.I.E.Aust., of Adelaide Division, for their joint paper 'Concrete Control as used at the Mount Bold Dam, South Australia'. In the adjudication of this award; Mr. S. C. Robertson, B.Sc., M.E., A.M.I.E.Aust., of Sydney Division, was highly commended for his paper 'The Design of Aircraft Wings'. Details
  • 'Prizes of the Institution [R. W. Chapman Medal 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943 awards; Warren Memorial Medal 1941 award; Electrical Association Premium 1940 award]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 16 (1944), 253. 1941 award to Mr. J. P. McMahon Associate Member, for his paper 'The construction of the Birkenhead Bridge'. Details
  • 'Warren Memorial Prize: 1949 Award [M. G. Speedie MCE MIEAust]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 23 (1951), 61. 1949 award to Mr. M. G. Speedie MCE MIEAust for his paper 'Investigation and Designs for Eildon Dam Enlargement Project, Victoria'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1963: Warren Memorial Prize; R. W. Chapman Medal; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; Chemical Engineering Prize; The Institution Awards]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 36 (1964), N82-N83. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1963) - to Mr L A Endersbee, BCE AMIEAust, and Mr E O Hofto, BE AMIEAust, for their paper "Civil Engineering Design and Studies in Rock Mechanics for Poatina Underground Power Station Tasmania", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Sep 1963'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1964: Warren Memorial Prize; R. W. Chapman Medal; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize. 1965: Edward Noyes Prize]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 37 (1965), N101-102. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1964) - to Mr T B Nicol, CBE BE MIEAust, for paper "Warragamba Dam", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Oct-Nov 1964'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1965: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; The Institution Awards. 1966: Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize; R. J. N. Franki Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 39 (1-2) (1967), N20-N21. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1965) - to Mr M Heitlinger, AMIEAust, Mr T S Moffatt, BEE AMIEAust, and Mr D J Little, BCE MIEAust, for paper "Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Oct-Nov 1965'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1966: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; Chemical Engineering Prize]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 39 (10-11) (1967), N116-117. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1966) - to Professor D H Trollope, MSc PhD MIEAust, Mr McD Freeman, MBE MIEAust, and Mr G M Peck, BE MEng AMIEAust, for paper "Tasman Bridge Foundations", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Jun 1966'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1967: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; Chemical Engineering Prize; The Institution Award. 1968: Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize; R. J. N. Franki Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 41 (1-2) (1969), N11-N13. 'Warren Memorial Medal (1967) - Mr J A O'Shea, BE MIEAust, for paper "Replenishment of Underground Water Supplies - Burdekin Delta, Queensland", Civil Engineering Transactions, Apr 1967'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1968: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; Chemical Engineering Prize; The Institution Award. 1969: Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize; R. J. N. Franki Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 42 (1-2) (1970), N17-N19. 'Warren Memorial Medal (1968) - Mr J K Wilkins, BSc FIEAust, for paper "Decked Rockfill Dams, Civil Engineering Transactions, Apr 1968'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1969: Warren Memorial Prize; R. W. Chapman Medal; Chemical Engineering Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; The Institution Award. 1970: Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize; R. J N. Franki Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 43 (1-2) (1971), 31. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1969) - To Professor T D J Leech, FIEAust, Sydney Division, for paper "Diffusion Blasting and its Potential for the Development of Australia's Inland Surface Water Resources", published in the October-November 1969, issue of The Journal'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1972: Warren Memorial Prize; R. W. Chapman Medal; Chemical Engineering Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Management Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; Industrial Engineeering Prize. 1973: Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize; R. J. N. Franki Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 46 (1-2) (1974), 22. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1972) - To Professor E H Davis, FIEAust and Dr H G Poulos, MIEAust of Sydney Division for their paper "The Analysis of Pile Raft Systems" published in the 1972 issue of The Australian Geomechanics Journal'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1973: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechnical Engineering Prize; Management Prize; Industrial Engineering Prize; Chemical Engineering Prize. 1974: R. J. N Franki Medal; Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 47 (1-2) (1975), 27. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1973) - Not awarded'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1974: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Chemical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; Management Engineering Prize; Industrial Engineering Prize; Institution Award. 1975: Edward Noyes Prize; R. J. N. Franki Medal; J. R. Bainton Prize]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 48 (1-2) (1976), 9. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1974) - Dr B C Burman, MIEAust (Sydney Division), "Development of a Numerical Model for Discontinua", Aust. Geo-mechanics Jour., Vol.G4, No.1, 1974, pp.13-22'. Details
  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1975: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Chemical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; Management Engineering Prize; Industrial Engineering Prize; Institution Award. 1976: Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize; R. J. N. Franki Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 48 (3-4) (1976), 11. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1975) - Mr B R Mutton, StudIEAust (Sydney Division) and Associate Professor N S Trahair, MIEAust (Sydney Division), "Design Requirements for Column Braces", Civil Engg. Trans. IEAust, Vol.CE 17, No.1, 1975, pp.30-36'. Details
  • 'Awards [W. H. Warren Medal; R. W.Chapman Medal; John Madsen Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 50 (8) (1978), 14. 'W. H. Warren Medal 1977 presented to Dr P F Walsh, Division of building research, CSIRO, for paper "Deflection of Reinforced concrete"'. Details
  • 'Civil college celebrates individual achievement [Sir John Holland Civil Engineer of the Year 2009 and Warren Medal 2009]', Engineers Australia: Civil Edition, 81 (11) (2009), 12, 14, Details
  • Gourlay, Michael R., 'Warren Memorial Prize and W.H. Warren Award', Australian Civil Engineering Transactions, 40 (1998), 29-42, Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Seventh Annual General Meeting [March 1927] and Seventh Annual Report [1926]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1927), xvi-xli, 'Warren Memorial Fund - To perpetuate the memory of the first President of the Institution, the late Professor W H Warren, and as a recognition of his services to the profession, and particularly to the Institution, Council has decided to establish a Memorial in the form of a fund to provide a premium for the best paper presented in each year on some civil engineering subject. All members have been invited to contribute, the objective being a capital fund of not less than £275. A quota based on numerical strength, has been allotted to each Division', p.xxxvii. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eighth Annual Report [1927]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 8 (1928), xx-xxxiii. 'Prizes - From the contributions made by members of the Institution a further Prize is now about to be established in memory of the late Professor W. H. Warren. This Prize will be awarded for the best paper in each year on some civil engineering subject', pp.xxxi-xxxii. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eleventh Annual Report [1930]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 3 (1931), 136-141. 'Prizes - The Warren Memorial Prize - Following the decision that proportion of the funds subscribed by members to establish a memorial to the late Professor W. H. Warren, First President of the Institution, be devoted to the design and reproduction of a bookplate for insertion in books to be awarded under the rules relating to this prize, Mr R E Curtis was commissioned to design a bookplate incorporating a view of the Northbridge (Sydney) Suspension Bridge, a bridge designed by the late Professor. The completed bookplate has been approved as being eminently suitable for its particular purpose, and the adjudicators are now giving consideration to the first award of the prize', p.138. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, '51st Council Meeting [25th July 1932, Sydney]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 4 (1932), 323. 'First award of the Prize be made jointly to Mr H Hughes, Associate Member, Melbourne Division, for his paper "Spencer Street Bridge-Concrete Work", and to Mr H E Bright, Associate Member, Sydney Division, for his paper, "The De-Watering of a Damsite in a River Bed Confined Between the Precipitous Cliffs of a Narrow Gorge". Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Thirteenth Annual Report [1932]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 5 (1933), 168-172. 'Prizes awarded during the session: Warren Memorial Prize [1932], jointly to H Hughes, Associate Member, Melbourne Division and H E Bright, Associate Member, Sydney Division', p.169. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fourteenth Annual Report [1933]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 6 (1934), 121-126. 'Prizes awarded during the 1933-34 session: Warren Memorial Prize [1933] to Mr A R Moon, Associate Member, Melbourne Division', p.122. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fifteenth Annual Report [1934]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1935), 133-138. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize [1934] to Mr L R H Irvine, AMIEAust, Sydney Division', p.134. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Sixteenth Annual Report [1935]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 8 (1936), 145-149. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1932 papers) - to Mr J W Roberts, BE AMIEAust, Sydney Division; (1933 papers) - Posthumous award to Mr E T M Garlick, MIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.146. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Eighteenth Annual Report [1937]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 10 (1938), 182-. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1934 award), to Mr A W Knight, BSc ME AMIEAust, Tasmania Division; (1935 award), to Mr T D J Leech, BSc BE AMIEAust, Sydney Division', p.184. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, '19th Annual General Meeting - Minutes [Melbourne, 21st March 1939]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 11 (1939), 146-147. Warren Memorial Prize, 1937, presented to Mr D V Isaacs, MCE AMIEAust, at the AGM, March 1939. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Nineteenth Annual Report [1938]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 11 (1939), 67-86. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1937 award for papers presented during 1936), to Mr D V Isaacs, MCE AMIEAust, Melbourne Division', p.74. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-second Annual Report [1941]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 14 (1942), 35-41. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1938 award), to Mr C G F Johnson, AMIEAust, and Mr A H Campbell, AMIEAust, Adelaide Division, for their joint paper "Concrete Control as used at the Mount Bold Dam, South Australia". Mr S C Robertson, BSc ME AMIEAust, Sydney Division, was highly commended for his paper "The Design of Aircraft Wings"', p.38. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-third Annual Report [1942]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 15 (1943), 35-51. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize: (1939 Award) to Professor Alan Burn, MSc BE AMIEAust, Tasmania Division, for his paper "The Effect of Deflection of the Supporting Beams on the Bending Moments in a Uniformly Loaded Slab"; (1940 Award) to Mr J A Holt, BE MIEAust, Brisbane Division, for his paper "Story Bridge, Brisbane"', p.37. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-fifth Annual Report [1944]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 17 (1945), 10-28. 'Prizes - W. H. Warren Medal (1941 Award) to John Patrick McMahon AMIEAust, Adelaide Division, for his paper "The Construction of the Birkenhead Bridge"', p.13. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-sixth Annual Report [1945]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 18 (1946), 2-16. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize: (1942 Award) to Messrs R J Dumas, ME MIEAust, and R A Macbeth, AMIEAust, Perth Division, for their paper "Design of Samson Brook and Stirling Dams, Western Australia"; (1943 Award) to Mr G O Boulton, ME MIEAust, Brisbane Division, for his paper "The Use of Air-locks"; (1944 Award) to Mr H J N Hodgson, MCE AMIEAust, Adelaide Division, for his paper "Sewage and Sullage Treatment at Small Army and Air Force Camps"', p.5. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-seventh Annual Report [1946]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 19 (1947), 10-23. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1945 Award), to Colonel James Montague Christian Corlette, CMG DSO VD BE MIEAust, Newcastle Division, for his paper "Water Supply for Newcastle, N.S.W., from the Tomago Sandbeds', p.12. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-eighth Annual Report [1947]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 20 (1948), 1-12. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1946 Award), to Mr John Frederick McIllwraith, BE AMIEAust, Sydney Division, for his paper "Intensity, Frequency and Distribution of Heavy Rainfall in New South Wales"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Twenty-ninth Annual Report [1948]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 21 (1949), 10-23. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1947 Award), to Professor John Hardie Lavery, ME BSc(Oxon) AMIEAust, Brisbane Division, for his paper "Continuity in Elevated Cylindrical Tank Structures"', p.12. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fifty-sixth Annual Report [1975]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 48 (3-4) (1976), 55-63. 'College of Civil Engineers - The Institution's Warren Memorial Prize for 1974 was awarded to Dr B C Burman for his paper "Development of a Numerical Model for Discontinua"', p.56. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fifty-seventh Annual Report [Annual Report 1976]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 49 (12) (1977), 25-32. 'Awards of the Institution - W.H. Warren Medal to Mr J W Morgan and Mr V R Beck for their paper "Failure of Sheet-Metal Roofing under Repeated Wind Loading" published in the preprint volume for the Annual Engineering Conference 1976', p.26. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Colleges : The Institution's Awards', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 49 (1977), 40. 'W. H. Warren Medal - Award to be presented by the College of Civil Engineers. 1976 Award to J.W. Morgan and V.R. Beck "Failure of Sheet-Metal Roofing under repeated Wind Loading". Highly commended: L Gomes and B J Vickery. "On Thunderstorm Wind Gusts in Australia"'. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Annual Report 1979 [Sixtieth Annual Report]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 52 (5) (1980), 69-79. 'Awards - R J Higgins - W.H. Warren Medal 1979', p.48. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Annual Report of the Colleges 1984', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 57 (1984), 44-49. 'College of Civil Engineers: The W.H. Warren Award went to P Laut, M P Austin, N J Goodspeed, D N Body, and D P Faith for their paper "Hydrologic classification of sub-basins in the Macleay Valley, New South Wales", in CE26, n3, Aug1984', p.45. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, '1988 Civil Engineering prizewinners" [W H Warren Medal, R W Chapman Medal, John Jaeger Memorial Medal, G N Alexander Medal, C H Munro Oration, D H Trollope Medal, and Land Use Transport Communications Interaction Prizes]', Civil College Technical Report (1989), 6. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Fine achievements recognised [IEAust Colleges]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 62 (24) (1990), 33-34. 'Civil College - The W H Warren Medal, was won by Dr J D Holmes for his paper on "Wind loading of multispan buildings", published in Australian Civil Engineering Transactions Vol CE32, No 2, 1990", p.33. Details


  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirtieth Annual Report [1949] (1949), 16 pp. 'Prizes - W. H. Warren Memorial Prize (1948 Award), to Mr John Dunbeth Lang, BCE AMIEAust, Melbourne Division, for his paper "The Determination of Storage Reservoir Capacity," and to Mr Albert Francis Ronalds, MCE AMIEAust, Melbourne Division, for his paper "Regulation of River Flow"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-first Annual Report [1950] (1951), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1949 Award), to Mr M G Speedie, MCE MIEAust, Melbourne Division, for his paper "Investigations and Design for Eildon Dam Enlargement"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-second Annual Report [1951] (1952), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1950 Award), to Mr R A Horsfall, MBE MCE BMechE AMIEAust, Melbourne Division, for his paper "Planning Irrigation Projects"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-third Annual Report [1952] (1953), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1951 Award), to Messrs J M Antill, BE MIEAust, and J L Rea, BE AMIEAust, Sydney Division, for their paper "Experiences in Rock Drilling with Tungsten Carbide Tipped Bits"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-fourth Annual Report [1953] (1954), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1952 Award), to Mr R H A Cochrane, BCE MIEAust, Melbourne Division, for his paper "Design of Aerodrome Pavements"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-fifth Annual Report [1954] (1955), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1953 Award), to Mr R G Knight, MC MCE MIEAust, Melbourne Division, for his paper "Dams and Reservoirs - Some Aspects of Investigation and Design"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-sixth Annual Report [1955] (Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1956), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1954 Award), to Mr L N Jamieson, MCE AMIEAust, Sydney Division, for his paper "Hydrologic Studies for Adaminaby Dam"', p2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-seventh Annual Report [1956] (1957), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1955 Award), to Mr S M Munday, BSc BE MIEAust, for his paper entitled "Burrinjuck Dam - Strengthening and Enlargement"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-eighth Annual Report [1957] (1958), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1956 Award), to Messrs E B Pender, BA ME AMIEAust, D T Walsh BE AMIEAust, and D Anderson BA BAI AMIEAust, for their paper entitled "Hydrology in the Snowy Mountains Area"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Thirty-ninth Annual Report [1958] (1959), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1957 Award), to Messrs J E Kindler, ME MIEAust, and W Hansen BE BSc MS(Colorado) AMIEAust, for their paper entitled "High Strength Bolt Field Connections at Burdekin Bridge"', p2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Fortieth Annual Report [1959] (1960), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1958 Award), to J E Kindler, ME MIEAust, for his paper entitled "Burdekin Bridge Superstructure"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-first Annual Report [1960] (1961), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1959 Award), to Mr A W Bond, MCE BEE MIEAust, for his paper entitled "The Behaviour of Suspensions"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-second Annual Report [1961] (1962), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1960 Award), to Dr G R McKay, BE PhD MIEAust, Mr E C Fison, BE MIEAust, and Mr C R Tranberg, ME MIEAust, for their paper entitled "Mourilyan Harbour Development"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-fourth Annual Report [1963] (1964), 15 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1962 Award), to Mr J R Hunter, BE AMIEAust, and Mr W P Hartwig, DiplIng(Hanover) AMIEAust, for their paper entitled "The Design and Construction of the Tooma-Tumut Project of the Snowy Mountains Scheme"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-fifth Annual Report [1964] (1965), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1963 Award), to Mr L A Endersbee, BCE AMIEAust, and Mr E O Hofto, BE AMIEAust, for their paper entitled "Civil Engineering Design and Studies in Rock Mechanics for Poatina Underground Power Station Tasmania"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-sixth Annual Report [1965] (1966), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1964 Award), to Mr T B Nicol, CBE BE MIEAust, for his paper entitled "Warragamba Dam"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-seventh Annual Report [1966] (1967), 18 pp. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1965 Award) to Mr M Heitlinger, AMIEAust, Mr T S Moffat, BEE AMIEAust, and Mr D J Little BCE MIEAust, for their paper entitled "Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria"', p.2. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-eighth Annual Report [1967] (1968), 16 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1966 Award) to Professor D H Trollope, MSc PhD MIEAust, Mr McD Freeman, MBE MIEAust, and Mr G M Peck, BE MEng AMIEAust, for their paper entitled "Tasman Bridge Foundations"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-ninth Annual Report [1968] (1969), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1967 Award), to Mr J A O'Shea, BE MIEAust, for his paper entitled "Replenishment of Underground Water Supplies"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Fiftieth Annual Report [1969] (1970), 14 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1968 Award), to Mr J K Wilkins, BSc FIEAust, for his paper entitled "Decked Rockfill Dams"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Fifty-first Annual Report [1970] (1971), 7 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1969 Award), to Professor T D J Leech, FIEAust, for his paper entitled "Diffusion Blasting and its Potential for the Development of Australia's Inland Surface Water Resources"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Fifty-second Annual Report [1971] (1972), 7 pp. 'Prizes - Warren Memorial Prize (1970 Award), and R. W. Chapman Medal (1970 Award), to Mr F J Carter, MIEAust, for his paper entitled "The Strengthening of Avon Dam"', p.3. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1980 [Sixty-first Annual Report] (1981), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - W.H. Warren Medal 1980 awarded to Dr M G Lay, FIEAust', p.10. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1981 [Sixty-second Annual Report] (1982), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - W.H. Warren Medal 1981 awarded to Mr J D F Snelling, FIEAust', p.11. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1982 [Sixty-third Annual Report] (1983), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - W.H. Warren Medal 1982: awarded to Associate Professor D H Pilgrim, FIEAust', p.11. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1983 [Sixty-fourth Annual Report] (1984), 16 pp. 'Institution Awards - W. H. Warren Medal 1983: Mr K A Bond, FIEAust, Mr R Hough MIEAust', p.12. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1985 [Sixty-sixth Annual Report] (1986), 24 pp. 'Awards and Honours - W H Warren Medal [1985] to Dr I C Swane, MIEAust, and Prof H G Poulos, FIEAust, for their paper, "A Shakedown Analysis of a Laterally Loaded Pile Tested in Stiff Clay", published in the Civil Engineering Transactions, August 1985', p.11. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1986 [Sixty-seventh Annual Report] (1987), 24 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Assoc Prof D H Pilgrim was awarded the W H Warren Medal [1986] for his paper on "Estimation of Large and Extreme Design Floods"', p.15. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1987 [Sixty-eighth Annual Report] (1988), 28 pp. 'Awards and Honours - Mr Colyn Jones and Mr Ray Wedgwood were awarded the W H Warren Medal [1987] for their paper on "The F4 Viaduct Kit - Granville and Parramatta NSW"', p.19. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1988 (1989), 32 pp. 'Awards and Honours - The W H Warren Medal [1988] and the R W Chapman Medal [1988] were both awarded to K W Wong, Dr M F Yeo and Professor R F Warner for their paper "Non-linear behaviour of re-inforced concrete frames"', p.27. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1989 [Seventieth Annual Report] (1990), 36 pp. 'Awards - The W. H. Warren Medal and the R. W. Chapman Medal were both presented to Professor R F Warner, Mr K W Wong and Dr M F Yeo for their paper "Non-linear behaviour of reinforced concrete frames" (published in Civil Engineering Transactions, July 1988)', p.27. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1989 [Seventieth Annual Report] (1990), 36 pp. 'Civil College - The W. H. Warren (Civil Engineering) and the R.W. Chapman (Structural) Medals for the same paper were made to Dr D S Brooks and Dr A W Page for their paper "Design of Masonry Walls for Vertical Loading - A Review of the Provisions"', p.24. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Annual Report 1992 [Seventy-third Annual Report] (1993), 40 pp. 'Awards and Honours - W. H. Warren Medal: Dr Roderic Nathan, Peter Weinmann', p.11. Details

See also

  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Ninth Annual General Meeting [March 1929] and Ninth Annual Report [1928]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 1 (1929), 197-201. 'Warren Memorial Fund - The conditions governing the award of a Prize for the best paper on some civil engineering subject presented during the year have been adopted by Council. An investment of £100 of the fund subscribed has been made in Commonwealth Government Inscribed Stock, and early action will be taken to secure a suitable design for a book-plate for presentation with the Prize', p.199. Details

Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260