
Heitlinger, Max (1899 - 1992)

28 May 1899
Mahrisch-Ostrau, Czechoslovakia
22 January 1992
Victoria, Australia
Civil engineer


Max Heitlinger BCE MIEAust, civil engineer, specialised in dam design with the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria between 1943 and 1964, retiring as Second-in-Charge of the Dam Design Section. He was associated with the design of almost all the large dam structures in Victoria in that period. Max was educated and worked as a civil engineer in Vienna, and fortunately was able to escape the Holocaust to Australia in 1939. He represented Australia at the meeting of the International Commission on large dams in Moscow in 1962, and was awarded the Warren memorial prize in 1965.



Education - Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE), Vienna University, Austria
c. 1924 - c. 1938
Career position - Building Surveyor, Engineering Branch of the Vienna City Council, Austria
c. 1936 - c. 1939
Career position - Organising Secretary, Air Raids Precautions Commission, Austrian Government.
Life event - Emigrated to Victoria, Australia [as a Stateless refugee]
1939 - 1943
Career event - Engineer, Scott & Furphy, consulting engineers
1943 - 1964
Career position - Engineer, State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria
Life event - Granted Certificate of Naturalization, as an Australian Citizen
Career event - Associate Member (AMIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia
Life event - Retired
1964 - c. 1970
Career position - Engineer, Scott & Furphy, consulting engineers
Award - Warren Memorial Prize, Institution of Engineers Australia
Career event - Member (MIEAust), Institution of Engineers Australia [Former Associate Members were designated Members on this date.]
Life event - Published his autobiography "In the nick of time"


  • East, Lewis Ronald (1899 - 1994)

    Max Heitlinger worked under Sir Ronald East, State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, 1943-1964. Sir Ronald East launched Max's autobiography in 1985.

Related Awards

  • W. H. Warren Medal, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1926 - )

    Awarded Warren Memorial Prize 1965, with co-authors T.S. Moffat, BEE, AMIEAust., and D. J. Little, BCE, MIEAust, for the paper entitled "Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria", Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Vol.37, 1965, pp.325-

Published resources


  • Heitlinger, Max, In the nick of time : escape from wars, sickness, boredom : an autobiography (Hawthorn, Victoria: Rainbow Books, 1985), 128 pp. Details

Journal Articles

  • 'Institution News and Notes - Prizes [1965: R. W. Chapman Medal; Warren Memorial Prize; Electrical Engineering Prize; Mechanical Engineering Prize; The Institution Awards. 1966: Edward Noyes Prize; J. R. Bainton Prize; R. J. N. Franki Medal]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 39 (1-2) (1967), N20-N21. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1965) - to Mr M Heitlinger, AMIEAust, Mr T S Moffatt, BEE AMIEAust, and Mr D J Little, BCE MIEAust, for paper "Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria", Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia, Oct-Nov 1965'. Details
  • Heitlinger, M.; Moffat, T. S.; Little, D. J., 'Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria [and Discussion]', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 37 (1965), 325-. Details


  • Institution of Engineers Australia, Forty-seventh Annual Report [1966] (1967), 18 pp. 'Warren Memorial Prize (1965 Award) to Mr M Heitlinger, AMIEAust, Mr T S Moffat, BEE AMIEAust, and Mr D J Little BCE MIEAust, for their paper entitled "Design and Construction of Eppalock Earth and Rockfill Dam, and Turbine-Pumping Station, on the Campaspe River, Victoria"', p.2. Details


Ken McInnes

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