
Davis, Edward Hughesdon (1920 - 1981)


16 December 1920
Hendon, England
26 February 1981
Pennant Hills, New South Wales, Australia
Civil engineer and Geotechnical Engineer


Ted Davis was Challis Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney 1968-1981. He used theoretical methods to analyse geotechnical problems, particularly in the following areas: road pavement behaviour and design; application of plasticity theory to soil and rock stability problems; application of elasticity theory to soil and rock problems; and theory of consolidation of clay soils.

He helped to establish Sydney Soil Mechanics Group and the Australian Geomechanics Society, and was Australian vice-president, International Society of Soil Mechanics 1969-73.

The Australian Geomechanics Society commemorates his work by awarding the E H Davis Memorial Lecture to a person who has made a distinguished recent advancement to geomechanics knowledge in Australia.


His major publications include:
* 1952 Soil mechanics for road engineers. London HMSO. [Book chapters on 'Pavement design' and 'Measurement of soil strength'.]
* 1968 Soil Mechanics - selected topics. London, Butterworth. [Book chapter on 'Theories of plasticity and the failure of soil masses']
* 1974 (with H. G. Poulos) Elastic solutions for soil and rock mechanics. New York. J. Wiley
* 1977 (with J. R Booker) Numerical methods in geotechnical engineering. New York, McGraw-Hill. [Book chapter on 'Stability analysis by plasticity theory'.]
* 1979 (Editor with D. Campbell-Allen) The profession of a civil engineer. Sydney. Sydney University Press.
* 1980 (with H. G. Poulos) Pile foundation analysis and design. New York, J. Wiley.


Education - Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE Hons), University of London
1940 - 1942
Career position - Design and supervising engineer, Sir Alexander Gibb and Partners
Career position - Design and supervising enginee, with Dr Oscar Faber
1942 - 1946
Military service - Second World War. Lieutenant and later Captain and Major, Royal Engineers [Serving in UK and Italy]
1947 - 1950
Career position - Senior scientific officer, Road Research Laboratory, England
1950 - 1952
Career position - Lecturer, University of London
Life event - Migrated to Sydney, Australia
1952 - 1963
Career position - Senior lecturer, University of Sydney [focussed on soil mechanics]
1963 - 1968
Career position - Associate Professor of Soil Mechanics, University of Sydney
1968 - 1979
Career position - Professor of Civil Engineering (Soil Mechanics), University of Sydney
1969 - 1973
Career position - Australian vice-president, International Society of Soil Mechanics
1970 -
Career position - Helped establish Australian Geomechanics Society
Award - Warren Memorial Prize 1972, Institution of Engineers Australia (with H G Poulos)
Career event - Book published (with H G Poulos) Elastic solutions for soil and rock mechanics.
1979 - 1981
Career position - Challis Professor and Head, School of Engineering, University of Sydney
Career event - Book published (with H G Poulos) Pile foundation analysis and design.
Award - Inaugural John Jaeger Memorial Medal, Australian Geomechanics Society
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)


  • Poulos, Harry George (1940 - )

    Ted Davis and Harry Poulos collaborated on the publication of two major geomechanical engineering books published in 1974 and 1980

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources


  • Poulos, H. G, and Davis, E. H., Pile foundation analysis and design (New York: Wiley, 1980), 397 pp. Details
  • Poulos, H. G. and Davis, E. H., Elastic solutions for soil and rock mechanics (New York: Wiley, 1974), 411 pp. Details

Journal Articles


Resource Sections

See also

  • 'The Australian Geomechanics Society', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 42 (1-2) (1970), N8-N10. Details

Rosanne Walker; Ken McInnes

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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