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Journal Article

Institution of Engineers Australia
Fine achievements recognised [IEAust Colleges]
Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia
vol. 62, no. 24, Dec 7, 1990, pp. 33-34


  • A. G. M. Michell Medal, College of Mechanical Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1978 - )

    'Mechanical College - Dr J R Blair has been chosen by the Board of the College of Mechanical Engineers to be the recipient of the A G M Michell Award for 1990', p.33

  • John A Brodie Medal, Institution of Engineers Australia (1976 - )

    'Chemical College - The John Brodie Medal was won by Dr Clive Davies and William Evason of DSIR Industrial Processing Division, Palmerston, NZ', p.34

  • M. A. Sargent Medal, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1989 - )

    'Electrical College - Stuart Gerald Lister, assistant general manager generation of the Queensland Electricity Commission (QEC), was the winner of the inaugural M A Sargent Medal [1989] for the most outstanding electrical engineer. Graham Goodwin, professor of electrical engineering at Newcastle University, was recently named the winner of the 1990 M A Sargent Medal', p.33

  • R. W. Chapman Medal, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1935 - )

    'Civil College - The R W Chapman Medal 1989 winner was the paper titled "Full-scale testing of a 30m span Strarch industrial building", authored by P Key, senior research engineer, Strarch International Ltd; and Melbourne University staff members D S Mansell, reader in civil engineering; P R Morgan, senior lecturer in civil engineering; and L K Stevens professor of civil engineering', p.33

  • Sir George Julius Medal, Institution of Engineers Australia (1976 - )

    'Mechanical College - The George Julius Medal 1989 winners were Dr J F Williams of the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Melbourne University, and Dr R Jones and N Goldsmith, both from the Aeronautical Research Laboratory of the Defence Science & Technology Organisation in Melbourne, for their paper titled "An introduction to fracture mechanics, theory and case studies", which was published as a special issue of the Mechanical Engineering Transactions in 1989', p.33-34

  • W. H. Warren Medal, Institution of Engineers, Australia (1926 - )

    'Civil College - The W H Warren Medal, was won by Dr J D Holmes for his paper on "Wind loading of multispan buildings", published in Australian Civil Engineering Transactions Vol CE32, No 2, 1990", p.33


  • Goodwin, Graham Clifford (1945 - )

    'Electrical College - Graham Goodwin, professor of electrical engineering at Newcastle University, was recently named the winner of the 1990 M A Sargent Medal', p.33

  • Stevens, Leonard Kelman (Len) (1925 - 2018)

    'Civil College - The R W Chapman Medal 1989 winner was the paper titled "Full-scale testing of a 30m span Strarch industrial building", authored by P Key, senior research engineer, Strarch International Ltd; and Melbourne University staff members D S Mansell, reader in civil engineering; P R Morgan, senior lecturer in civil engineering; and L K Stevens professor of civil engineering', p.33

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