Corporate Body

Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria (1878 - 1926)

16 August 1878
Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Association and Society or Membership Organisation
Alternative Names
  • Institute of Victorian Municipal Engineers (1912 - c. 1914)
  • Municipal Engineers' Association of Victoria (1880 - c. 1895)
  • Shire Engineers' Association of Victoria (1878 - 1880)


The Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria, appears to have been initially established in 1878 as the "Shire Engineers' Association of Victoria", renamed the "Municipal Engineers' Association of Victoria" in 29 December 1880.

It was formed not long after the Shires Statute and Boroughs Statute of Victoria 1869, came into force, requiring that engineers employed by the shires or municipalities in Victoria obtain a 'Certificate of Competency' from the Board of Examiners under the Act. It continued after the Local Government Act 1890 came into force, but by the mid-1890s it appears to have either folded or gone into recess.

On 28 May 1912, the "Institution of Victorian Municipal Engineers" was founded, and later renamed the "Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria" when it was incorporated. Membership was restricted to engineers qualified under the provisions of the Local Government Act of Victoria, and it started with 103 enrolled members.

A separate "Institute of Local Government Engineers of Australasia - Victorian section" was formed in Melbourne by that Sydney based Institute in 1912, but in 1914 it merged with the Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria.

In 1918, this Institution was invited to join with other organisations to form what became the "Institution of Engineers, Australia", but as a Victorian incorporated body, it argued for a federation of societies, and found that there were legal issues becoming part of a body that was to be incorporated in New South Wales.

However, in 1925, the Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria agreed to amalgamate with the "Institution of Engineers, Australia" as one of the Institution's eleven 'Foundation Societies', and its members transferred to the Institution as Associate Members in 1926. Provisions for amalgamating included that a 'Municipal Engineering Branch' of the IEAust - Melbourne Division be established, that its nine 'Life members' became Life AMIEAust members, and that its three Honorary Life Members became HonMIEAust members of the Melbourne Division.


 1878 - 1926 Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria
       1919 - Institution of Engineers, Australia

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Sixth Annual General Meeting [February 1926] and Sixth Annual Report [1925]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 6 (1926), xv-xxxv, 'The Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria - The attention of Council has been drawn to the following resolution of the Annual Meeting of the Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria, held on 22nd September, 1925:- "That this Meeting adopts the recommendation of the Council that this Institution should join the Institution of Engineers, Australia, and become the Municipal Engineers' Branch of the Melbourne Division, conditionally that satisfactory arrangements can be made with that Institution as to terms of entry." The Suggested "Terms of Entry" referred to have since been received and have been forwarded to the Melbourne Division with a report thereon by the Revision of Constitution and By-laws Committee, for discussion in conference with representatives of the Municipal Engineers. The report of this conference stated that the amended "Terms of Entry" were acceptable to the Municipal Engineers, with the exception of two points in reference to the transfer of assets, which required further consideration. It was unanimously decided that Council generally approved the absorption of the Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria, and the matters mentioned above were referred to the Solicitor of the Institution for adjustment', p.xxxi. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Seventh Annual General Meeting [March 1927] and Seventh Annual Report [1926]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1927), xvi-xli, 'Branches of Divisions - A Municipal Engineering Branch of the Melbourne Division was formed on 5th November, 1926, in accordance with the Terms of Entry of the members of the Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria, to membership of the Institution. The assets of that Institution on transfer to the Institution, will be held in trust by the Branch for the development and promotion of its activities', p.xxxvi. Details
  • Institution of Engineers Australia, 'Seventh Annual General Meeting [March 1927] and Seventh Annual Report [1926]', Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 7 (1927), xvi-xli, 'Qualifications for Membership - Admission of members under the approved Terms of Entry', pp.xxi-xxii; 'The Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria', provides full details of the admission arangements for the transfer of members and assets', pp.xxxiii-xxxiv. Details

See also

Ken McInnes

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