Corporate Body

CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography (1956 - 1981)

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Cronulla, New South Wales, Australia
Fisheries Research or Regulation, Marine Science and Industrial or scientific research
Reference No
CA 7837
Legal Status
Agency of the Commonwealth of Australia
Cronulla, New South Wales


The Division of Fisheries and Oceanography was formed in 1956, after the Division of Fisheries changed its name in order to incorporate Oceanography. In 1981 it was decided to separate the Fisheries and Oceanography components of the Division, each becoming a separate Division.


From "CSIRO research for Australia" (1962) pdf pages 16-17:
In the mid-1950s " A number of small research vessels became available and work on the open sea fisheries was resumed. The scope of the Division's research widened to include some oceanographical topics, and when Dr. G. F. Humphrey succeeded Dr. Thompson in 1956 the Division was renamed "Fisheries and Oceanography".

Oceanographical research received a tremendous fillip in 1959 when the Royal Australian Navy decided to allow
two of its frigates to participate in oceanographical research. These two ships, H.M.A.S. "Diamentina" and H.M.A.S. "Gascoyne", have been fitted with laboratories, and their cruises of 40,000 miles per annum are planned with the object of gaining new scientific information in the fields of fisheries, navigation and meteorology.

The results of fisheries and oceanograpbical research are generally unspectacular, but the gradual accumulation
of knowledge of the habits and movements of whales, open sea fish, coastal fish, fresh water fish, shell fish and crustaceans has provided a basis for planning the rational utilization of living aquatic resources. Similarly, studies of the temperature, the salinity, the currents and the plankton population of the oceans are building up a clearer picture of the seas from which the fish are harvested."

Chronology events from "CSIRO at sea" (1988) pages 213-215


January 1956
Event - George Frederick Humphrey appointed Chief; Division renamed "Division of Fisheries and Oceanography"
September 1956
Event - Derwent Hunter recommissioned for oceanographic research
Event - Hamon salinometer invented
Event - Division hosts Conference on the Oceanography of the Coral and Tasman Seas
Event - RAN frigate HMAS Diamantina (based in Fremantle for Indian Ocean work) loaned to CSIRO
Event - Derwent Hunter returns to fisheries research
Event - Division participates in International Indian Ocean Expedition (until 1965)
Event - Geoffrey L. Kesteven appointed Assistant Chief
Event - RAN frigate HMAS Gascoyne (based in Sydney for Tasman Sea Surveys) loaned to CSIRO
Event - George Humphrey, Head of Australian Delegation to Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (for 12 years)
July 1961
Event - Humphrey elected President of Special (Later Scientific) Committee on Oceanic Research
October 1961
Event - First Fisheries Field Officers' School held at Cronulla
November 1961
Event - First Western Fisheries Research Committee meeting
February 1962
Event - Camberwell Laboratory (Melbourne) established
March 1981
Event - Division of Fisheries and Oceanography split into two separate divisions


 1937 - 1940 CSIR Fisheries Investigations Section
       1939 - 1956 CSIR/O Division of Fisheries
             1956 - 1981 CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography
                   1981 - 1988 CSIRO Division of Fisheries Research
                   1981 - 1997 CSIRO Division of Oceanography
                         1988 - 1997 CSIRO Division of Fisheries
                         1997 - 2005 CSIRO Marine Research
                               1997 - 2005 CSIRO Marine Research
                               2005 - 2014 CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research

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Related People

Published resources


Edited Books

  • Mawson, Vivienne, Tranter, David J.; and Pearce, Alan F. eds, CSIRO at Sea: 50 Years of Marine Science (Hobart: CSIRO Marine Laboratories, 1988), 216 pp. Details

Journal Articles

  • Austin, R. H., 'History of CSIRO Division of Fisheries and Oceanography', Australian and Marine Science Bulletin, 74 (1981), 8-10. Details


Resource Sections

Ailie Smith

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260