Hills, Edwin Sherbon (1906 - 1986)
Hills, Edwin Sherbon Portrait
- Born
- 31 August 1906
Carlton, Victoria, Australia - Died
- 2 May 1986
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Occupation
- Geologist and University Administrator
Edwin Hills was Lecturer in Geology 1932-1944, Professor of Geology and Mineralogy 1944-1962, Research Professor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor 1962-1971, at the University of Melbourne. His interests were wide ranging and included fossil fishes, physiography, mineralogy and petrology, structure, tectonics and morphotectonics, and economic geology.
- 1928
- Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Melbourne
- 1929
- Education - Master of Science (MSc), University of Melbourne
- 1929
- Career position - Demonstrator in Geology, University of Melbourne
- 1929
- Award - 1851 Exhibition Overseas Scholarship
- 1931
- Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London
- 1932 - 1938
- Career position - Lecturer in Geology, University of Melbourne
- 1938
- Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Melbourne
- 1938 - 1942
- Career position - Acting Senior Lecturer (to 1940) then Senior Lecturer in Geology, University of Melbourne
- 1940
- Award - David Syme Research Prize (jointly), University of Melbourne
- 1942
- Award - Wollaston Fund Award, Geological Society of London
- 1942 - 1943
- Career position - Associate Professor of Geology, University of Melbourne
- 1943 - 1944
- Military service - Second World War. Geologist at the North Australia Observer Unit, Directorate of Army Research
- 1944 - 1971
- Career position - Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Melbourne
- 1947
- Career position - President of Section P (Geography), Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
- 1947 - 1948
- Career position - Dean of Science, University of Melbourne
- 1947 - 1956
- Career position - Chairman, Editorial Committee, Royal Society of Victoria
- 1951
- Award - Bigsby Medal, Geological Society of London
- 1952 - 1955
- Career position - Chairman, Interim Council and then Foundation President of the Geological Society of Australia
- 1953 - 1986
- Award - Petitioner for the Academy, Founding Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
- 1954 - 1986
- Award - Fellow, The Royal Society, London (FRS)
- 1955 - 1956
- Career position - President, Royal Society of Victoria
- 1959 - 1962
- Career position - Chairman, Professorial Board and Pro-Vice-Chancellor
- 1959 - 1968
- Career position - Chairman, National Committee on Hydrology, Australian Academy of Science
- 1960 - 1986
- Award - Honorary Life Member, Institute of Australian Geographers
- 1962 - 1968
- Career position - Chairman, Board of Trustees of the National Museum of Victoria
- 1962 - 1971
- Career position - Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Univerity of Melbourne
- 1964 - 1971
- Career position - Research Professor of Geology
- 1967
- Award - Honorary Fellow, Geological Society of London
- 1968
- Award - Lomonosov Medal, University of Moscow
- 1970 - 1978
- Career position - Chairman, National Committee for Quaternary Research, Australian Academy of Science
- 1971
- Award - Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) - For service to geology
- 1972 -
- Career position - Emeritus Professor, University of Melbourne
- 1977 - 1978
- Career position - Chairman, Commission on the Teaching of Geology, International Union of Geological Sciences
- 1979
- Award - W.R. Browne Award, Geological Society of Australia
- 1985
- Career position - Member, Royal Society of Sciences of Uppsala
Related entries
Archival resources
Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science
- Edwin Sherbon Hills - Records, 1950 - 1987, MS 092; Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science. Details
- Geological Society of Australia - Records, 1952 - 2000, MS 085; Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science. Details
National Library of Australia Manuscript Collection
- Edwin Sherbon Hills - Records, 1844 - 1988, MS 8564; National Library of Australia Manuscript Collection. Details
National Library of Australia Oral History Collection
Published resources
Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions
- Australasian Science, A Bright Sparcs Exhibition, Australian Science Archives Project, 1997, Details
- Smith, Ailie, Adolph Basser Library Manuscript Collection, eScholarship Research Centre, Melbourne, 2012, Details
- Sherratt, Tim, 'A Model Scientist? Edwin Hills', Australasian Science, Autumn (1993), Details
- Sherratt, Tim; McCarthy, Gavan, A Guide to the Records of Edwin Sherbon Hills (Melbourne: Australian Science Archives Project, 1992), 150 pp. Details
Book Sections
- Archbold, N.W., 'Hills, Edwin Sherborn (1906-1986), Geologist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 17: 1981 - 1990 A-K, Diane Langmore, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2007), pp. 533-534. Details
- Turner, S.; and Long, J.A, 'Professor Edwin Sherbon Hills: His Palaeontological Works' in A Small Collection of Informal Essays Prepared by Friends and Colleagues and Intended for Presentation to Prof. E.S. Hills on What Would have been his Eightieth Anniversary of his Birthday 31 August, 1986, Twidale, R., ed. (1986), pp. 1-14. Details
- Turner, S.; and Long, J.A, 'Professor Edwin Sherbon Hills: His Palaeontological Works' in Pathways in Geology : Essays in Honour of Edwin Sherbon Hill, Le Maitre, R.W., ed. (Melbourne: Memorial Volume Committee/Blackwoods, 1989), pp. 41-51. Details
Journal Articles
- Hill, Dorothy, 'Edwin Sherbon Hills, 1906-1986', Historical Records of Australian Science, 7 (1) (1987), 79-95. Details
- Hills, E. S., 'The geology of bridge foundations, reservoirs and dam sites', Commonwealth Engineer, 21 (7) (1934), 195-197. Details
- Hills, E. S., 'Ernest Willington Skeats', Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 66 (1-2) (1955), 164-65. Details
- Hills, E. S., 'Royal Society of Victoria - Approaching Centenary', Australian Journal of Science, 19 (4) (1957), 144-145. Details
- Hills, E. S., 'William Noel Benson', Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4 (1958), 27-33, Details
- Hills, E. S., 'Frank Leslie Stillwell', Records of the Australian Academy of Science, 1 (1) (1966), 58-66. Details
- Hills, E. S., 'David Evan Thomas (1902-1978)', Historical Records of Australian Science, 5 (2) (1981), 90-96. Details
- Joyce, E. B., 'Professor E. S. Hills' Great Relief Model of Australia', Newsletter (Earth Sciences History Group), 36 (2006), 23-25. Details
Newspaper Articles
- Higgins, H.; and Hewertson, W., 'William Edwin Hills, Wood Scientist, 9-2-1921 - 3-2-2008', The Age (2008). Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- Wikidata, Details
- Guide to the Records of Edwin Sherbon Hills, Australian Science Archives Project, 1993, Details
- CA 2002, 2 Echelon, Army Headquarters; CA 46, Department of Defence [III], Central Office, 'NAA: B884, V504048', B884 Citizen Military Forces Personnel Dossiers, 1939-1947, National Archives of Australia, RecordSearch, Details
- 'Hills, E Sherbon (1906-1986)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
- Sherratt, Tim; McCarthy, Gavan, Edwin Sherbon Hills Guide to Records, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Melbourne, 2004, Details
Resource Sections
- 'Hills, Edwin Sherbon - Ms 92', in Listing of Adolph Basser Library holdings, Australian Academy of Science, 1994, Details
- 'Primary description of person CP 175; Edwin Sherbon Hills', in RecordSearch, National Archives of Australia, 2000, Details
- Hills, E. S., 'Royal Society of Victoria - Approaching Centenary', in Science and the making of Victoria, 2001, Details
- Hills, E. S., 'Frank Leslie Stillwell 1888-1963', in Australian Academy of Science Biographical Memoirs, Australian Academy of Science, 2006, Details
- Sherratt, Tim; et al, 'Career Outline', in Guide to the Records of Edwin Sherbon Hills, Australian Science Archives Project, Melbourne, 1993, Details
- Vallance, T. G.: with contributions by E. S. Hills, 'William Rowan Browne 1884-1975', in Australian Academy of Science Biographical Memoirs, Australian Academy of Science, 2006, Details
See also
- Science and the making of Victoria, with Royal Society of Victoria, 2001, Details
- Bowler, Jim, 'Unlikely encounters: Geology and archaeology' in Dhoombak goobgoowana: a history of Indigenous Australia and the University of Melbourne - Volume 1: The Truth, Ross L. Jones, James Waghorne and Marcia Langton, eds (Carlton, Vic.: Melbourne University Press, 2024), pp. 107-124, Details
- Hyde, B. G.; and Day, P, 'John Stuart Anderson', Historical Records of Australian Science, 9 (2) (1992), 127-49. Details
Digital resources
Gavan McCarthy; Ken McInnes
Created: 20 October 1993, Last modified: 4 March 2025
- Foundation Supporter - Royal Society of Victoria