
Murray, Stuart (1837 - 1919)

9 October 1837
Dundee, Forfarshire, Scotland
12 April 1919
Kyneton, Victoria, Australia
Civil engineer, Public servant and Administrator


Stuart Murray was engineer-in-chief, Water Supply Department, Victoria 1886-1906. He was responsible for a number of major water conservance works, his greatest being the Goulburn Weir, of which he was co-designer, with the Waranga storage and its channels (Stuart Murray Canal).


Educated St Andrews (land and mining surveyor, architect and civil engineer). Arrived Victoria 1855; practised his professions at Kyneton; government mining surveyor, Daylesford for six years; engineer, United Echuca and Waranga Waterworks Trust 1882-84; secretary, royal commission on water supply 1884-86; engineer-in-chief, Water Supply Department 1886-1906; chairman, State Rivers and Water Supply Commission 1906-08.


1849 - 1852
Education - Madras College, St.Andrews, Scotland
1853 - 1854
Career position - Working in a foundry, chiefly learning mechanical work and pattern making
Life event - Arrived Melbourne, Victoria
Education - Diploma as Surveyor, Melbourne
Career event - Granted Certificate of competency as a Mining Surveyor
Career event - Granted Certificate of Competency as Engineer and Surveyor (CE), (2nd Class Cert B2), Shires Statute and Boroughs Statute 1869 VIC
1883 - 1884
Career position - Engineer, Echuca and Waranga United Waterworks Trust
1883 - 1886
Career position - Engineer, Kyneton Shire Waterworks Trust
1884 - 1886
Career position - Secretary, Royal Commission on Water Supply
1886 - 1906
Career position - Engineer-in-chief, Victorian Water Supply Department
Career position - Commissioner of the "Interstate Royal Commission on the River Murray"
6 Dec 1904
Career event - Member (MInstCE), Institution of Civil Engineers, London
1906 - 1908
Career position - Chairman, State Rivers and Water Supply Commission

Related Corporate Bodies

Related People

Published resources


  • Cumming, D. A., Some Public Works Engineers in Victoria in the Nineteenth Century (Melbourne: University of Melbourne, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 1985), 59 pp. pp.23-24. Details

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • Churchyard, J. N., 'Pioneers of Irrigation in Australia, Number 3. Stuart Murray. Engineer and Administrator', Aqua: Official Journal of the State Rivers and Water Supply Commission, Victoria (1956), 68-70. Details
  • Murray, S., 'The ranging of straight lines in forest country', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 1 (1874-1880), 68-71. Details
  • Murray, S., 'Adjustment of the vertical limb of the theodolite', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 1 (1874-1880), 9-11. Details
  • Murray, S., 'Reduction of errors by repetition of observations', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 1 (1874-1880), 101-106. Details
  • Murray, S., 'Astronomical checks on bearings', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 1 (1874-1880), 12-25. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'The Coliban system of works of Water Supply and the Upper Coliban Reservoir', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 6 (1910-1919), 9-20. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'The limit of practical error in levelling', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 3 (1885-1891), 183-185. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'Adjustment and use of the Level, and limits of practical error in levelling', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 2 (1880-1884), 61-65. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'Some remarks on the Surveyor's Star Catalogue', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 2 (1880-1884), 23-25. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'Supplementary notes to a paper on Laplace's theory of the Cosmogony', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 6 (1910-1919), 95-100. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'Amsler's electrically recording current meter', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 5 (1900-1909), 113-120. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'Laplace's theory of the Cosmogony', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 6 (1910-1919), 65-94. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'River gauging', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 4 (1891-1899), 21-28. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'The surface of Mean Sea as datum for levels', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 6 (1910-1919), 45-64. Details
  • Murray, Stuart, 'The sewerage of Geelong', Transactions and Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Surveyors, 6 (1910-1919), 31-44. Details

Parliamentary papers


See also

  • Directory for cities, towns, boroughs, shires and districts in the colony of Victoria for 1875 (Melbourne: Evans Brothers, 1875), 184 pp, Granted Certicate of Competency as Engineer and Surveyor under the Shires and Boroughs Statutes: p.v. Details
  • Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Technology in Australia 1788-1988, Online edn, Australian Science and Technology Heritage Centre, Melbourne, 3 May 2000, Details

Rosanne Walker

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