
Jennings, Joseph Newell (Joe) (1916 - 1984)

29 June 1916
Leeds, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
24 August 1984
Eucumbene, New South Wales, Australia


Joe Jennings was regarded as a world authority on karst geomorphology. An early interest in glacial geomorphology expanded on coming to Australia into periglacial studies, coastal geomorphology and the geomorphology of deserts. Jennings's interest in caving as a recreational activity became a preoccupation with the science of caves and karst. He was particularly influential in Australian cave science and exploration, notably in relation to the Eastern Highlands, the Nullarbor and the Kimberley region, and the sandstone karsts of northern Australia. Jennings edited the 7-volume An introduction to systematic geomorphology: his own contribution Karst (1971) is regarded as a standard authority. He published widely in the fields of zoology, climatology, and European exploration and land use in Australia.



Education - Bachelor of Arts (BA), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
1941 - 1945
Military service - Served with Royal Artillery
Education - Master of Arts (MA), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
1946 - 1952
Career position - Lecturer in physical geography, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
1953 - 1966
Career position - Reader in Geomorphology, Department of Geography, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University
1958 - 1960
Career position - President, Australian Speleological Association
Life event - Naturalised as an Australian citizen
1966 - 1977
Career position - Professorial Fellow in Geomorphology, Australian National University
Award - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Cambridge
Award - W. B. Clarke Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales
Career position - President, Institute of Australian Geographers
Award - Victoria Medal, Royal Geographical Society, United Kingdom
Life event - Retired
1977 - 1984
Career position - Honorary Visiting Fellow, Department of Biogeography and Geomorphology, Australian National University
1978 - 1984
Award - Honorary Life Member, Institute of Australian Geographers
Award - Honorary Life Member, National Speleological Society, U.S.A.

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Book Sections

  • Jennings, J. N., 'Landform, rock and soil' in The Heritage of Australia : the illustrated register of the National Estate (South Melbourne: Macmillan of Australia, 1981), pp. 17-34. Details
  • Jennings, J.. N., 'Thirty years of geomorpholgy downunder' in Aspects of Australian sandstone landscapes, Young, R. W. and Nanson, G.C., eds (Wollongong: Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group, 1983), pp. 1-13. Details
  • Spate, Andy, 'Jennings, Joseph Newell (1916-1984), Geomorphologist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 17: 1981 - 1990 A-K, Diane Langmore, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2007), pp. 588-589. Details

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Joseph Newell Jennings, MA, PhD, 1916 - 1984', Geographical Journal, 151 (1) (1985), 151-2. Details
  • Bowler, J., 'Joseph Newell Jennings', Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband, 55 (1985), v-ix. Details
  • Spate, A.; and Gillieson, D., 'Joe Jennings', Helictite, 22 (1984), 35-42. Details
  • Spate, O. H. K.; and Spate, A. P., 'Obituary: Joseph Newell Jennings 1916-1984', Australian Geographical Studies, 23 (2) (1985), 325. Details


Helen Cohn

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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260