
Chadwick, Clarence Earl (Clarry) (1909 - 2004)

May 1909
New South Wales, Australia
18 November 2004
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia


Clarry Chadwick was an entomologist who after 12 years teaching in a number of New South Wales schools was appointed Systematic Entomologist for the New South Wales Department of Agriculture in 1947. Over the next 27 years . he built the Department's collection from a few hundred specimens suitable only for the scrap heap to a reference collection of 186,000 specimens. In retirement he was honorary Research Associate at the Australian Museum where he researched cycad-insect relationships. Chadwick played leading roles in the several (and rival) entomological societies in New South Wales for over 40 years from the 1950s. In 1999 he donated his collection and associated note books to the Australian National Insect Collection. His published output included over 100 papers and the book Entomology of New South Wales 1770 - 1990 (1995). The wasp genus Chadwickia was named in his honour.



Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Sydney
1933 - 1946
Career position - Teacher in New South Wales schools
1941 - 1944
Career position - Lecturer in Botany and Entomology, Broken Hill Technical School
1942 - 1944
Career position - President, Barrier Field Naturalists' Club, Broken Hill
1947 - 1974
Career position - Systematic Entomologist, New South Wales Department of Agriculture
1953 - 1978
Career position - President, Entomological Society of New South Wales
1954 - ?
Career position - Member, Australian Branch, Amateur Entomological Society
1959 - 2004
Career position - Honorary Life Member, Illawarra Natural History Society
1964 - 1968
Career position - Editor, General and Applied Entomology
Life event - Retired
1974 - 1988
Career position - Research Associate, Australian Museum
1975 - 2004
Award - Life Member, Entomological Society of New South Wales
1979 - 1989
Career position - Chairman, Entomological Section, Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales
1989 - 2000
Career position - Chairman, Society for Insect Studies
2001 - 2002
Award - Life Member, Society for Insect Studies

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Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Obituary: Clarence Earl Chadwick, BSc (Syd) May 1909 - 18 November 2004', General and Applied Entomology, 34 (2005), 1-6. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'The entomology and entomologists of Mount Koscuisko', Circular of the Society of Entomologists, Sydney, 62 (1958), 4-15. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'Australian Natural History Medallion award to E. H. Zeck', The Victorian naturalist, 80 (1963), 128-30. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'A tribute to E. H. Zeck', Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia (N.S.W.), 1 (1964), 37-43. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'Short History of the Entomological Society of Australia (NSW)', Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia (New South Wales Branch), 2 (1965), 50-51. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'Obituary: A.W.S. May', Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia (New South Wales Branch), 4 (1968), 41-42. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'Obituary: Charles Ronald Wallace (1909-1971) [includes list of publications]', Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia (New South Wales Branch), 8 (1974), 43-46. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'Obituary: Keith Eric Wellesley Salter (1908-1969) [includes list of publications]', Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia (New South Wales Branch), 8 (1974), 41-42. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'Some aspects of the Entomological Society of Australia (N.S.W.)', Circular of the Entomological Society of Australia (N.S.W.), 283 (1978), 36-8. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'The effects of World War II on entomology in New South Wales in the forties', Circular of the Society for Insect Studies, 16 (1991), 18-22. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E., 'History of the Society', Circular of the Society for Insect Studies, 76 (1999), 6-17. Details
  • Chadwick, C. E.; Mackerras, I. M., 'Tribute to G. H. Hardy. 1. His Career and Publications. 2. Review of the Scientific Work of G. H. Hardy', Journal of the Entomological Society of Australia (New South Wales Branch), 3 (1966), 48-57. Details


See also

  • Marks, E. N.; and Mackerras, I. M., 'Evolution of a National Entomological Society in Australia', Journal of the Australian Entomological Society, 11 (2) (1972), 81-90. Details
  • Westcott, Alan E.; and Spooner-Hart, Robert N., '50th anniversary of the Entomological Society of New South Wales Inc.', General and Applied Entomology, 32 (2003), 1-3. Details

Helen Cohn

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