
Hall, Robert (1867 - 1949)


19 October 1867
Lal Lal, Victoria, Australia
19 September 1949
New Norfolk, Tasmania, Australia
Museum curator, Naturalist and Ornithologist


Robert Hall was curator of the Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens 1908-1912, then an orchardist in various places in Tasmania. He was a keen collector and ornithologist. Parts of his private bird and egg collections are held at the Tasmanian Museum and the National Museum, Melbourne. His Siberian collection is held at Tring, England.


Born Lal Lal, near Ballarat, Victoria, 19 October 1867. Died New Norfolk, Tasmania, 19 September 1949. Educated Scotch College, Melbourne. Tea merchant and cartage contractor, Melbourne, 1890s; accompanied Norwegian expedition to Kerguelen Island in the Antarctic as naturalist 1897; bird-collecting trip to Houtman Abrolhos 1899; Queensland Museum 1901; expedition to Siberia, via Japan and Korea, with R.E. Trebilcock 1903; evening lectures to metropolitan teachers, Melbourne; curator, Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens 1908-12; orchardist Bellerive, Cygnet and Sandy Bay; promoted various short-lived, eccentric schemes, including the production of fish meal and possum-farming for fur. Foundation member, (Royal) Australasian Ornithologists' Union 1901 and president 1912-13; corresponding member, Zoological Society of London 1903; corresponding member, American Ornithologists' Union; fellow, Linnean Society 1903; British Empire member, British Ornithologists' Union 1908. Wrote a number of books, including A Key to the Birds of Australia and Tasmania (1899), Some Useful Birds of Southern Australia (1907) and Australian Bird Maps (1922).

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Published resources


  • Hall, Robert, A key to the birds of Australia and Tasmania with their geographical distribution in Australia (Melbourne: London: Melville, Mullen and Slade: Dulau and Co., 1899), 116 pp. Details
  • Hall, Robert, The useful birds of southern Australia: with notes on other birds (Melbourne: T. C. Lothian, 1907), 302 pp. Details

Book Sections


See also

  • Robin, Libby, The Flight of the Emu: a Hundred Years of Australian Ornithology 1901-2001 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2001), 492 pp. Details

Rosanne Walker

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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