
Benson, William Noel (1885 - 1957)


26 December 1885
Anerley, near London, England
20 August 1957
Dunedin, New Zealand
Geologist, University Administrator and Mineralogist


William Benson was one of the most notable geologists in Australia and New Zealand in the first half of the twentieth century. He research in New South Wales included pioneering studies on the composition and origins of the Great Serpentine Belt. In New Zealand he made detailed studies of the petrology in the South Island, and evolved new ideas on New Zealand geomorphology. He was also interested in the palaeography and structure of Pacific margin. Benson was lecturer at the University of Sydney before becoming Professor of Geology at the University of Otago in 1917, a position he held for over 30 years. He published over 100 papers and received numerous awards in recognition of his contributions to Australian and New Zealand geology. His participation in scientific societies included as President of Section C (Geology) of the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science and of the Royal Society of New Zealand.



Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Sydney
Career position - Lecturer in mineralogy and petrology, University of Adelaide
1909 - 1911
Career position - Demonstrator, Geology Department, University of Sydney
Education - BA (Research), University of Cambridge
Life event - Travellling in Europe
1914 - 1916
Award - Linnean Macleay Fellowship (Geology), for study at the University of Sydney
1915 - 1917
Career position - Lecturer, Geology Department, University of Sydney
Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Sydney
1917 - 1951
Career position - Professor of Geology, University of Otago, New Zealand
Career position - President, Section C (Geology and Mineralogy), Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science
Award - Lyell Fund, Geological Society of London
Award - Hector Medal, Royal Society of New Zealand
Award - Lyell Medal, Geological Society of London
Award - Hutton Medal, Royal Society of New Zealand
Award - Clarke Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales
1945 - 1947
Career position - President, Royal Society of New Zealand
Award - Mueller Medal, ANZAAS
Career event - Retired
1951 - 1957
Award - Honorary Member, Mineralogical Society of London
1951 - 1957
Award - Fellow, The Royal Society, London (FRS)

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Published resources

Conference Papers

  • Barkas, J. P.; Aitchison, J. C., 'The Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales: Evolution of Ideas from Benson through Vallance to the Present', in Useful and Curious Geological Enquiries Beyond the World: Pacific-Asia Historical Themes: The 19th International INHIGEO Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 4-8 July, 1994 edited by D. F. Branagan and G. H. McNally (Sydney: International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences, 1994), pp. 241-247.. Details

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Obituary [W. N. Benson]', Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 92 (1964), 97-108. Details
  • Benson, W. R., 'William Noel Benson, 1885-1957', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 84 (1959), 403-409. Details
  • Benson, William Noel, 'The geology and petrology of the Great Serpentine Belt of New South Wales, part 1', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 38 (1913), 490-517. Details
  • Benson, William Noel, 'Notes on the geology of the Cradle Mountain district, with a bibliography of the Pleistocene glaciation of Tasmania', Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 1916 (1917), 29-43. Details
  • Browne, W. R., 'Obituary: Professor W. N. Benson, FRS', Australian Journal of Science, 20 (6) (1958), 175-176. Details
  • Hills, E. S., 'William Noel Benson', Biographical memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 4 (1958), 27-33, Details
  • Mayer, Wolf, 'William Noel Benson (1885-1957): Insights into the Life and Work of an Eminent Geologist', Earth Sciences History, 32 (1) (2013), 55-85. Details
  • W. R. B. [ie William R. Browne], 'William Noel Benson, 1885 - 1957 (Memorial series, no. 16)', Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 84 (3) (1960), 403-9. Details


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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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