
Cade, John Frederick Joseph (1912 - 1980)


18 January 1912
Murtoa, Victoria, Australia
16 November 1980
Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia
Alternative Names
  • Cade, Jack


Jack Cade was Dean of the University of Melbourne's clinical school and was appointed professorial associate of the University in 1975. He is recognized as revolutionizing the treatment of manic depression (bipolar disorder) by introducing the use of lithium. He was aided in this research by Shirley Andrews. After graduating with a medical degree from the University of Melbourne, Cade worked first at St Vincent's Hospital and then at The Royal Children's Hospital. In 1936 he joined the Mont Park (Bundoora Repatriation) Mental Hospital which is where he made his lithium discovery. In 1952 Cade was appointed Medical Superintendent at the Royal Park Mental Hospital and Lecturer in mental diseases at the University of Melbourne. In 1963 he became a Foundation Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (FRANZCP) and was later elected a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He has received many other honours throughout his career including the establishment of the John Cade Award offered by Victorian branch of the RANZCP.



1934 - 1938
Education - Bachelor of Medicine (MB) and Bachelor of Surgery (BS), University of Melbourne
Career position - Resident Medical Officer at St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne
Career position - Resident Medical Officer at the Royal Children's Hospital in Parkville, Victoria
1936 - 1950
Career position - Officer at the Victorian Mental Hygiene Department / Medical Officer at Mont Park Mental Hospital
1940 - 1945
Career position - Major in the 2/9 the Field Ambulance of the Australian Imperial Forces
c. 1942 - c. 1945
Life event - Prisoner of War in Changi Prison, Singapore
Career position - Lithium salts in the treatment of psychotic excitement published in Medical Journal of Australia
1950 - 1952
Career position - Psychiatry Superintendent of the (Mont Park) Bundoora Repatriation Mental Hospital
1952 -
Career position - Lecturer in mental diseases, University of Melbourne
1952 - 1977
Career position - Medical Superintendent at the Royal Park Mental Hospital
c. 1954
Education - Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Melbourne?
1963 -
Award - Foundation Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (FRANZCP)
1963 - 1977
Career position - Chairman, Victorian Branch, Australian and New Zealand College of Psyschiatrists
1969 - 1970
Career position - President, Australian and New Zealand College of Psyschiatrists
1970 -
Award - Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
1970 - 1980
Career position - Member, Medical Board of Victoria
Award - Kittay Scientific Foundation Award (co-recipient), U.S.A.
Award - Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for distinguished service of a high degree in the field of medicine
1977 - 1980
Career position - President, Victorian Branch, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psyschiatrists
1977 - 1980
Career position - Fellow, Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psyschiatrists
Award - John Cade (Memorial) Lecture established by the University of Melbourne
Career position - John Cade Award established by the RANZCP, Victorian branch
Award - John Cade Memorial Prize established by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Melbourne

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources


  • Cade, J. F. J., Mending the mind: a short history of twentieth century psychiatry (South Melbourne: Sun Books, 1979), 108 pp. Details
  • Johnson, F. Neil, The history of lithium therapy (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1984), 215 pp. Details
  • More, Greg de and Westmore, Ann, Finding sanity: John Cade, lithium and the taming of bipolar disorder (Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 2016), 324 pp. Details
  • Murray, James, Lifework: Heroes of Australian Health (Edgecliff, NSW: Focus Publishing for [Medical Benefits Fund of Australia Ltd], 1997), 160 pp. Details

Book Sections

  • Cade, J. F. J., 'The story of lithium' in Discoveries in biological psychaitry, Ayd, F. J.; and Blackwell, B., eds (Philadelphia, PA: J. B. Lippincott, 1970), pp. 218-29. Details
  • Cade, J. F. J., 'Lithium - past, present and future' in Lithium in madical practice: proceedings of the first British Lithium Congress, University of Lancaster, England, 15-19 July 1977, Johnson, F. N.; and Johnson, S., eds (Lancaster, Mass.: MTP Press, 1978), pp. 5-16. Details
  • Ironside, Wallace, 'Cade, John Frederick Joseph (1912-1989), medical scientist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 13: 1940 - 1980 A-De, John Ritchie, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1993), pp. 330-331. Details
  • Johnson, J. N.; and Cade, J. F. J., 'The historical background to lithium research and therapy' in Lithium research and therapy, Johnson, F. N, ed. (London: Academic Press, 1975), pp. 9-22. Details
  • Westmore, Ann, 'John Cade' in Dictionary of medical biography, vol. 2, C-G, Bynum, William F.; and Bynum, Helen, eds (Westport, CT; London: Greenwood, 2007), pp. 290-1. Details

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Obituary: John Frederick Joseph Cade', Medical Journal of Australia, 1981 (1) (1981), 489. Details
  • Burrows, Graham D.; and Tiller, John W., 'Cade's observation of the antimanic effect of lithium and early Australian research', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 33 (supp. 1) (1999), S27-S31. Details
  • Cade, J. F. J., 'Lithium salts in the treatment of psychotic excitement', Medical journal of Australia (1949), 349-52. Details
  • Cade, J. F. J., 'Research in psychiatry: Beattie Smith Lecture I(-II)', Medical journal of Australia (1951), 213-9, 245-51. Details
  • Cade, J. F. J., 'Clive Farran-Ridge, a man who missed fame by a whisker: a biographic annotation', Medical Journal of Australia (1973), 1057-60. Details
  • Cade, Jack F., 'John Frederick Joseph Cade family memories on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his discovery of the use of lithium in mania', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 33 (5) (1999), 615-8. Details
  • Chiu, E.; and Hegarty, R. M., 'John Cade: the man', Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry, 33 (1999), S24-S36. Details
  • Ellard, J.; McConaghy, N.; Peterson, B.; Cawte, J.; and Grounds, D., 'Tributes to John Cade at the 50th anniversary dinner, Sydney, December 1999', Australasian psychiatry, 8 (2) (2000), 177-81. Details
  • Johnson, F. N., 'John F. J. Cade, 1912 - 1980: a reminiscence', Pharmacopsychiatria, 14 (1981), 148-9. Details
  • May, Cassie, 'Lithium and lost souls: the role of Bundoora Homestead as a repatriation mental hospital 1920 - 1993', Provenance: the journal of Public Record Office Victoria, 14 (2015), 30-9. Details
  • Mitchell, Philip B., 'On the 50th anniversary of John Cade's discovery of the anti-manic effect of lithium', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 33 (5) (1999), 623-8. Details
  • Mitchell, Philip B.; and Hadzi-Pavlovic, Dusan, 'John Cade and the discovery of lithium treatment for manic depressive illness', Medical Journal of Australia, 171 (5) (1999), 262-4. Details
  • Westmore, Ann and Moore, Greg de, 'The 'Mad Major' and his Idiosyncratic War: Linking Military Medicine and Lithium Therapy for Mania', Health and History, 15 (12) (2013), 11-37. Details


See also

  • Gregory, Ann T., 'Jewels in the crown: the Medical journal of Australia's 10 most cited articles', Medical journal of Australia, 181 (1) (2004), 9-12. Details

Annette Alafaci

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