
Hopper, Stephen Donald (1951 - )


18 June 1951
Ballina, New South Wales, Australia
Botanic gardens director and Botanist


Stephen Hopper is a Western Australian botanist, specialising in plant conservation biology. He is best known for pioneering research leading to positive conservation outcomes in south-west Australia - one of the few temperate-zone global biodiversity hotspots - and for the collaborative description of 300 new plant taxa (eucalypts, orchids, and the kangaroo paw family Haemodoraceae). He is author and co-author of over 250 scientific publications, and 14 books and monographs. For 12 years he was in charge of Kings Park and Botanic Garden (later Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority) before becoming Chief Executive Officer of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.



Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc(Hons)), University of Western Australia
1977 - 1988
Career position - Australia's first Flora Conservation Research Officer, Western Australia
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Western Australia
1988 - 1992
Career position - Senior Principal Research Scientist, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Western Australia
Career event - Fulbright Senior Scholar, University of Georgia and Miller Visiting Research Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Taxonomy event - Eucalyptus praetermissa Brooker & Hopper
1992 - 1999
Career position - Director, Kings Park and Botanic Gardens
1995 - 1996
Career position - President, Royal Society of Western Australia
1999 - 2004
Career position - Chief Executive Officer of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Western Australia
Award - Centenary Medal - for service to the community
2002 - 2005
Career position - President, Australian Systematic Botany Society
Award - Serventy Memorial Lecturer, Western Australian Naturalists Club
2004 - 2006
Career position - Foundation Professor of Plant Conservation Biology, University of Western Australia
2006 - 2012
Career position - Chief Executive Officer, Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew, London
Award - Nancy T. Burbidge Medal, Australian Systematic Botany Society
Award - DSc (honoris causa), University of Western Australia
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (FTSE)
2012 -
Career position - Winthrop Professor of Biodiversity, University of Western Australia.
Award - Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) - for eminent service to as a global science leader in the field of plant conservation biology, particularly in the delivery or world class research programs contributing to the conservation of endangered species and ecosystems
Award - Serventy Memorial Lecturer, Western Australian Naturalists Club
2014 - 2016
Award - ARC Discovery Outstanding Researcher
Award - Honorary Bragg Member, Royal Institution of Australia

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions

Journal Articles

  • Brooker, M.I.H.; and Hopper, S.D., 'A taxonomic revision of Eucalyptus wandoo, E. redunca and allied species (Eucalyptus series Levispermae Maiden-Myrtaceae) in Western Australia.', Nuytsia, 8 (1) (1991), 1-189. Details
  • Brooker, M.I.H.; and Hopper, S.D., 'New series, subseries, species and subspecies of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from Western Australia and from South Australia.', Nuytsia, 9 (1) (1993), 1-68. Details
  • Byrne, M and Hopper, SD, 'Granite outcrops as ancient islands in old landscapes: evidence from the phylogeography and population genetics of Eucalyptus caesia (Myrtaceae) in Western Australia.', Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 93 (2008), 177-188. Details
  • Clarkson, John, 'Nancy Burbidge Medal [for 2008, awarded to Stephen Hopper]', Australian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter, 136 (2008), 13-5. Details
  • Hopper, Stephen, 'Dr M. I. H. (Ian) Brooker AM 2nd June 1934 - 25th June 2016', Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter, 168/9 (2016), 54-62. Details
  • Saffer, V. M. [and others], 'Pollination and revegetation in the south west of Western Australia', Western Australian naturalist, 22 (4) (2000), 221-79. Details



  • Cunningham, Sophie; and Wilmoth, Peter, Wonder: 175 years of Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (2021)
    Hopper, Stephen, Australasian Systematic Botany Society newsletter, 190, (2022), 21-2. Details

See also

  • 'List of eucalypts published under this authority using abbreviation search 'Hopper' and family 'Myrtaceae'', Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), Australian National Botanic Gardens, 2012, Details

Christine Moje

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260