- Allen-Williams, David John Francis (1918 - 2004)
Professor and Founding Chair, Mechanical Engineering Department 1958 - 1984, Emeritus Professor 1984 - 2004.
- Andrews, Cecil Rollo Payton (1870 - 1951)
Pro-Chancellor 1912 - 1929
- Baddeley, Adrian John (1955 - )
Professor of Statistics 1994 - 2010; Head, Department of Mathematics and Statistics 1998 - 2000; Member of Academic Council 1995 - 1998
- Balme, Basil Eric (1923 - 2023)
Associate Professor, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences 1968 - 1988; Dean, Faculty of Science 1979 - 19891; Honorary Senior Research Fellow, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences 1988 - ; Member of the Senate 1975 - 1978
- Barber, Michael Newton (1947 - )
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) 1994 - 2002
- Bayliss, Noel Stanley (1906 - 1996)
Professor of Chemistry 1938 - 1971
- Beazley, Lynda Dent (Lyn) (1944 - )
Professor of Zoology 1994 - 2014
- Berndt, Ronald Murray (1916 - 1990)
Inaugural Professor of Anthropology 1963 - 1981
- Blackwell, Jenefer
Director, Genetics and Health Laboratory 2007 -
- Blair, David Gerald (1946 - )
Winthrop Professor of Physics 1998 -
- Blakey, Othman Frank (Frank) (1897 - 1952)
Professor of Civil Engineering 1947 - 1952; Associate professor c1936 - 1947; Lecturer 1927 - c1936.
- Bottomley, Gerald Andrew (Gerry) (1924 - 2018)
Head, Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry 1979 - 1982
- Bowden, Andrew Thomson (1900 - 1968)
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering 1938 - c1939; Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering 1937 - 1944; Lecturer in charge, Mechanical Engineering 1926 - 1937.
- Bowdler, Sandra (1946 - )
Professor of Archaeology 1983 - 2007
- Broeze, Franklin Jan Aart (Frank) (1945 - 2001)
Lecturer (later Professor) in history1970 - 2001
- Brown, Robert Hallowes (1930 - )
Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Head of the Department 1975 - 1980
- Brown, Timothy Carlisle (Tim) (1953 - )
Professor of Mathematics (Probability and Statistics), 1987 - 1992
- Cannon, Jack Richard (1927 - 2014)
Associate Professor, School of Chemistry 1973 - 1992
- Chappill, Jennifer Anne (Jenny) (1959 - 2006)
Lecturer in botany 1991 - 2006; over 6,000 of Chappill's specimens are in the University's Herbarium
- Cole, Andrew Reginald Howard (Andy) (1924 - 2024)
Dean, Faculty of Science 1975 - 1977; Chairman, School of Chemistry 1978 - 1981; Head of Department of Physical and Organic Chemistry 1971 - 1973 and 1987 - 1989
- Currie, George Alexander (1896 - 1984)
Hackett Professor of Agriculture 1939 - 1946, Vice Chancellor 1940 - 1952
- Dakin, William John (John) (1883 - 1950)
Inaugural Professor of Biology 1913 - 1920
- Dortch, Charlie E. ( - 2014)
Associate Professor 2011 - 2013
- Figgis, Brian Norman (1930 - )
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry 1969 - 2001
- Gale, Gwendoline Fay (Fay) (1932 - 2008)
Vice-Chancellor 1990 - 1997
- Gardner, Charles Austin (1896 - 1970)
Lectured in Botany 1924 - 1962
- Gentilli, Joseph Hefetz (1912 - 2002)
Founded Department of Geography; retired 1977
- Glover, Joseph John Edmund (John) (1924 - 2020)
Head, Department of Geology 1985 - 1988
- Grieve, Brian John (1907 - 1997)
Head, Department of Botany 1947 - 1957; Professor of Botany 1957 - 1972; Dean, Faculty of Science 1954 - 1955
- Hallam, Sylvia Joy (1927 - 2019)
Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology 1984 - 1989
- Hancock, William John (1864 - 1931)
Member of the Senate 1915 - 1927
- Hilton, Roger Norman (1927 - 2012)
Lecturer (later Senior Lecturer), Department of Botany 1964 - 1987
- Hopper, Stephen Donald (1951 - )
Foundation Professor of Plant Conservation Biology 2004 - 2006; foundation Winthrop Professor of Biodiversity 2012 -
- Hyde, Bruce Godfrey (1925 - 2014)
Professor of Chemistry 1977 - 1978
- Johnstone, Brian Manning (1924 - 2019)
Retired as Professor in Physiology 1992
- Main, Albert Russell (Bert) (1919 - 2009)
Professor of Zoology 1967 - 1984
- Marshall, Barry James (1951 - )
Clinical Professor of Microbiology 1999 - 2003
- McComb, Arthur James (1936 - 2017)
Associate Professor, Department of Botany 1977 - 1989; Head of Department 1981 - 1986
- Moir, Reginald John (1918 - 2004)
Professor of Agriculture 1967 - ?1983
- Nicholls, George Edward (1878 - 1953)
Professor of Biology 1921 - 1947
- O'Brien, Brian John (1934 - 2020)
Adjunct Professor of Physics 2009 -
- Oliver, Ivan Thomas (1929 - )
Professor of Biochemistry 1967 - 1986
- Parker, Alan James (Jim) (1933 - 1982)
Senior Lecturer (later Reader) in Organic Chemistry 1962 - 1969
- Paterson, John Waugh (1869 - 1958)
Foundation Hackett Professor of Agriculture 1913 - 1934; Vice-Chancellor 1918 - 1921
- Praeger, Cheryl Elisabeth (1948 - )
Professor of Mathematics 1983 - 2009, Winthrop Professor of Mathematics 2009 - 2017; Head of the Department of Mathematics 1992 - 1994; Director, Centre for Mathematics of Symmetry and Computation 2009 - ; Member of Senate 1997 - 2005
- Quirk, James Patrick (1924 - 2022)
Foundation Professor of Soil Science and Head, Department of Soil Science and Nutrition (1963-1974); Emeritus Professor in 1975.
- Raston, Colin Llewellyn
Professor of Chemistry 2003 - 2005
- Robson, Alan David (1945 - )
Professor of Agriculture (Soil Science) 1984 - 2001; Dean, Faculty of Agriculture 1991 - 1992; Hackett Professor of Agriculture 2001 - 2012; Vice Chancellor 2002 - 2012
- Ronalds, Beverley Frances (1958 - )
Woodside Chair in Oil and Gas Engineering 1995 -
- Ross, Alexander David (1883 - 1966)
Professor of Physics and Mathematics 1913 - 1952
- Saint, Eric Galton (1918 - 1989)
Foundation Professor of Medicine 1956 - 1968
- Shellam, Geoffrey Randolph (1943 - 2015)
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology 1985 - 2015; Co-Director, The Marshall Centre for Infectious Diseases Research and Training 2007 - 2015
- Silberstein, Josef Philipp Otto (1920 - 2016)
Professor of Pure Mathematics 1966 - 1985
- Simpson, Edward Sydney (1875 - 1939)
Member of the Senate 1921 - 1926
- Stanley, Neville Fenton (1918 - 1984)
Professor of Microbiology 1956 - 1983; Dean, Faculty of Science 1961 - 1983
- Stokes, Robert Harold (1918 - 2016)
Reader in Chemistry 1950 - 1955
- Street, Robert (1920 - 2013)
Vice Chancellor, 1978-1986
- Thompson, Roland Dale (1895 - 1950)
Lecturer in Mathematics and Physics 1920 - 1929
- Underwood, Eric John (1905 - 1980)
Hackett Professor of Agriculture and Director, Institute of Agriculture 1946 - 1970
- Waring, Horace (Harry) (1910 - 1980)
Professor of Zoology 1948 - 1975
- Watts, Donald Walter (1934 - 2023)
Professor in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry (Personal Chair) 1977 - 1979
- Weatherburn, Charles Ernest (1884 - 1974)
Foundation Professor of Mathematics 1929 - 1950
- White, Allan Henry (1938 - 2016)
Professor of Chemistry and Crystallography 1999 - 2007; awarded the Chancellor's Medal 2009
- Whitfeld, Hubert Edwin (1875 - 1939)
Professor of Mining and Engineering 1913 - 1926; Vice-Chancellor 1925 - 1939
- Wilsmore, Norman Thomas Mortimer (1868 - 1940)
Foundation Professor of Chemistry 1913 - 1937; Vice-Chancellor 1924 - 1925
- Woolnough, Walter George (1876 - 1958)
Professor of Geology 1913 - 1919