
McComb, Arthur James (1936 - 2017)


9 December 1936
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
8 October 2017
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Botanist, University Administrator and Environmental scientist


Arthur McComb was appointed Professor of Environmental Science at Murdoch University in 1989. Before that he had been with the Department of Botany at the University of Western Australia since 1963. He is interested in the control of plant growth in aquatic systems.


"Arthur McComb's work centres upon the control of plant growth by the environment. Beginning as a plant physiologist with interests in gibberellins, he now studies the detailed functioning of aquatic systems using field, laboratory and modelling techniques to examine the inter-relationships of benthic, epiphytic and planktonic plant components under conditions of increasing eutrophication. Much of the work concerns solving applied problems for government agencies, including the demise of seagrass meadows and algal nuisances in marine embayments or estuaries. As well as an extensive range of research papers and chapters for books, McComb has edited/co-authored major treatises on seagrass biology and Australian wetlands." [from 6/6/2022]


Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Melbourne
Education - Master of Science (MSc), University of Melbourne
Award - 1851 Exhibition Overseas Scholarship
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Cambridge
1963 - 1967
Career position - Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Western Australia
1968 - 1976
Career position - Senior Lecturer, Department of Botany, University of Western Australia
Career position - Visiting Fellow, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
1971 - 1976
Career position - Editor, Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia
1977 - 1978
Career position - President, Royal Society of Western Australia
1977 - 1989
Career position - Associate Professor, Department of Botany, University of Western Australia
1981 - 1986
Career position - Associate Professor, Department of Botany, University of Western Australia
1982 - 1997
Career position - Joint Director of the Centre for Water Research, University of Western Australia
Career position - Research Fellow, Botany Department, University of Melbourne
1984 - 1986
Career position - Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, World Wildlife Fund Australia
1985 - 1987
Career position - Deputy Chair, Western Australian National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority
1986 - 1988
Career position - President, Ecological Society of Australia
1986 - 1991
Career position - Chairman, Herdsman Lake Management Advisory Committee
1988 - 1989
Career position - Chair, Western Australian Lands and Forests Commission
1989 - 1994
Career position - Director, Institute for Environmental Science, Murdoch University
1989 - 1996
Career position - Professor of Environmental Science, Murdoch University
1989 - 2017
Award - Fellow, Institute of Biology
Award - Hilary Jolly Medal, Australian Society for Limnology
1991 - 1992
Career position - Member, Life Sciences Panel, Cooperative Research Centres Committee
1991 - 1995
Career position - Chair, Western Australian National Parks and Nature Conservation Authority
Career position - Member, Technical Advisory Group on the generation of algal blooms in the Murray/Darling basin
1995 - 2017
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
Award - Medal of the Royal Society of Western Australia
1997 - 2010
Career position - Senior Scholar in Residence, Murdoch University
Award - Centenary Medal - for service to Australian society in environmental science
Award - Silver Jubilee Award, Australian Marine Sciences Association
Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), Murdoch University
2011 - 2017
Career position - Emeritus Professor, Murdoch University

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'AMSA Silver Jubilee Award: Professor Arthur McComb', Australian marine science bulletin, 159 (2002), 12-3. Details
  • Anon, 'Obituary: Professor Arthur McComb BSc (Melb.), MSc (Melb.), PhD (Cambridge), F.Inst. Biol., FAA', Australian Marine Science Bulletin, 201 (2017), 13. Details
  • Anon, 'Professor Arthur McComb FAA FAIBiol 1936 to 2017', Australian Academy of Science newsletter, 110/112 (2017), 23. Details
  • Finlayson, C. M.; Atkins, R.; Congdon, R.; and Gordon, D. M., 'Obituary: Professor Arthur McComb', Marine and Freshwater Research, 68 (2017), i-ii. Details
  • McComb, Arthur, 'Silver Jubilee presentation: from fenlands to seagrass meadows', Australian marine science bulletin, 159 (2002), 14-7. Details
  • McComb, Jen, 'Arthur James McComb 1936 - 2017', Historical Records of Australian Science, 29 (2) (2018), 184-90. Details
  • Walker, D. I. and McComb, J. A., 'Vale Professor Arthur McComb BSc, MSc (Melb), PhD (Cantab), DSc (Murdoch), F.Inst.Biol., FAA 9th December 1936 - 8th October 2017', Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia, 100 (2) (2017), 49-50. Details
  • Walker, Diana, 'Vale Professor Arthur McComb BSc, MSc (Melb), PhD (Cantab), DSc (Murdoch), F. Inst. Biol., FAA', Pacific Conservation Biology, 23 (2017), v-vi. Details


See also

Rosanne Walker and Helen Cohn

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