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Birch, Arthur John (1915 - 1995)


3 August 1915
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
8 December 1995
Organic chemist


Arthur Birch was Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Australian National University (ANU) from 1967. Prior to working at ANU Birch was at Oxford (1938-1948), Cambridge (1948-1952), the University of Sydney (1952-1955), and Manchester University (1955-1967). He received many honours including the H.G. Smith Medal, A.E. Leighton Memorial Award and Honorary Fellowship from the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, the ANZAAS Medal and was appointed a Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) and a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG). His outstanding research contributions include the his studies of synthetic applications of diene iron tricarbonyl complexes, the Birch reduction of aromatic compounds by sodium and ethanol in liquid ammonia, his polyketide theory of the biosynthesis of natural products.

The A. J. Birch Medal has been awarded by the Organic Chemistry Division of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute since 1992. The main building of the Research School of Chemistry at ANU was named the Birch Building in his honour in1995.



Education - Bachelor of Science (BSc), University of Sydney
Education - Master of Science (MSc), University of Sydney
1938 - 1948
Award - 1851 Exhibition Overseas Scholarship and ICI Fellow, studied at University of Oxford, UK
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil), University of Oxford
1948 - 1952
Career position - Smithson Fellow, The Royal Society, University of Cambridge, UK
1952 - 1955
Career position - Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Sydney
Award - H. G. Smith Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
1954 - 1995
Award - Foundation Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
1955 - 1967
Career position - Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Manchester, UK
1958 - 1995
Award - Fellow, The Royal Society, London (FRS)
Award - Fritsche (Gunther) Award for Terpene Chemistry, American Chemical Society
1960 - 1995
Award - Fellow, Royal Institute of Chemistry (Chartered Chemist)
1967 - 1970
Career position - Dean of the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
1967 - 1980
Career position - Foundation Professor of Organic Chemistry, Australian National University
1968 - 1995
Award - Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI)
Award - Davy Medal, The Royal Society, London
Award - Flintoff Medal, Chemical Society, United Kingdom
Award - Matthew Flinders Medal and Lecture, Australian Academy of Science
Award - Purkyne Award for Contributions to Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Medical Society
1973 - 1976
Career position - Dean of the Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University
Award - Archibald Liversidge Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales
Award - Doctor of Science (DSc), honoris causa, University of Sydney
Career position - Chair of the Independent Inquiry into CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation)
1977 - 1978
Career position - President, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Award - Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) in recognition of service to science
Career position - Founding Chair of the Australian Marine Sciences and Technologies Advisory Committee
Award - Leighton Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
1980 - 1995
Award - Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom
Award - DSc honoris causa, University of Manchester
Award - DSc honoris causa, Monash University
Award - Natural Products Award, Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom
1982 - 1986
Career position - President, Australian Academy of Science
1986 - 1995
Award - Honorary Fellow, Royal Society of New South Wales
Award - Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) in recognition of service to science, particularly in the field of organic chemistry
1989 - 1995
Award - Foreign Fellow, Indian National Academy of Science
Award - ANZAAS Medal, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science
1994 - 1995
Award - Honorary Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Award - Naming of the main building of the Research School of Chemistry as Birch Building

Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science

  • Arthur John Birch - Records, 1961 - 1996, MS 121; Adolph Basser Library, Australian Academy of Science. Details

Published resources

Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation Exhibitions


  • Birch, Arthur, To See the Obvious (Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1995), 297 pp. Details

Book Sections

Edited Books

  • Birch, A. J.; and Kaye, M. J. eds, Australia 75: the other arts: science, invention, technology (Canberra: Australia '75 Science Committee, 1975), 59 pp. Details

Journal Articles

  • Birch, A. J., 'Sir Robert Robinson: a Contemporary historical assessment and a personal memoir', Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, 109 (3/4) (1976), 151-160. Details
  • Birch, Arthur J., 'Investigating a Scientific Legend: the Tropinone Synthesis of Sir Robert Robinson, FRS', Notes and Records of the Royal Society of London, 47 (1993), 277-296. Details
  • Rae, Ian D., 'Appointing a Professor: Reflections on Filling the Chair of Organic Chemistry at the University of Sydney in 1948', Historical Records of Australian Science, 18 (1) (2007), 19-42, Details
  • Rae, Ian D., 'The Roche Research Institute of Marine Pharmacology, 1974-1981: Searching for Drug Leads', Historical Records of Australian Science, 20 (2) (2009), 209-231 , Details
  • Rickards, Rodney W.; and Cornforth, John, Sir, 'Arthur John Birch 1915-1995', Historical Records of Australian Science, 18 (2) (2007), 243-280, Details
  • Walker, Rosanne, 'Arthur Birch: the Grandfather of the Contraceptive Pill', Australasian Science, 20 (6) (1999), 46. Details


Resource Sections

See also

Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Helen Cohn

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260