
Herman, Hyman (1875 - 1962)

16 August 1875
Bendigo, Victoria, Australia
7 June 1962
Victoria, Australia
Geologist, Mining engineer and Engineer


Hyman Herman joined the Geological Survey of Victoria in 1895 and in 1900 was made Acting Director. He moved to Tasmania in 1904 to work at Mt. Bischoff Mine, then returned to Melbourne in 1907 where he started his own practice. In 1912 Herman returned to the Geological Survey of Victoria as Director, followed by 20 years as Engineer-in-charge Briquetting and Research, Victorian State Electricity Commission. He was a leading adviser to business and government on exploration and mining. He retired in 1940 but continued on as a Consulting Engineer.

Herman was educated at the University of Melbourne (DSc, MME, BCE) and Chairman of the State Advisory Committee on Brown Coal (Victoria 1917), on whose report the State Electricity Commission of Victoria was established; and of the Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy.



1895 - 1904
Career position - Surveyor on the Geological Survey of Victoria
Education - Bachelor of Civil Engineering (BCE), University of Melbourne
Career event - Member (MAusIMM), Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy
1904 - 1907
Career position - Assistant General Manager of Mt. Bischoff Mine in Tasmania
1907 - c. 1912
Career position - Private consulting practise in Melbourne
1912 - 1920
Career position - Director of the Geological Survey of Victoria
Education - Master of Mining Engineering (MME), University of Melbourne
Career position - Chairman, Victorian State Advisory Committee on Brown Coal
1920 - 1940
Career position - Engineer-in-charge of Briquetting and Research at the Victorian State Electricity Commission
Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Melbourne
Career position - Official representative at the Commonwealth Government International Chemical Engineering Conference in London
Career position - Official representative at the 3rd World Power conference and Congress of International Commission on Large Dams in Washington, USA
Award - Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Medal, awarded for outstanding service
1940 -
Career position - Consulting Engineer to State Electricity Commission of Victoria
Life event - Retired
Award - Honorary Life Member (HonMAusIMM), Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

Related Awards

  • The Institute Medal, Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (1935 - )

    Awarded the Medal 1938. "In recognition of his services to the Commonwealth and the States of Victoria and Western Australia in the development of their mineral resources; for his achievements in connection with the brown coal deposits of Yallourn, Victoria, and generally for long and valuable services to the mining industry and to this Institute."

Related People

  • Connolly, Willis Henry (1901 - 1981)

    Willis Connolly was seconded to work with Hyman Herman, Briquetting and Research branch, State Electricity Commission of Victoria, 1927 - 1929.

Archival resources

State Electricity Commission of Victoria Archives

  • Hyman Herman - Records, 1907 - 1940; State Electricity Commission of Victoria Archives. Details

Published resources


  • Herman, H., Brown coal, with special reference to the State of Victoria, Commonwealth of Australia (Melbourne: State Electricity Commission of Victoria, 1952), 612 pp. Details

Book Sections

  • Spaull, Andrew, 'Herman, Hyman (1875-1962), geologist and engineer' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 9: 1891 - 1939 Gil-Las, Bede Nairn and Geoffrey Serle, eds (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1983), pp. 270-272. Details

Journal Articles

  • East, L. R. (editor), 'One hundred years of engineering in Victoria.', Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, 6 (10) (1934), 353-420. 'Mining Engineering in Victoria' pp.413-420. Details


McCarthy, G.J.

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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