Macfarlane, Walter Victor (1913 - 1982)
Walter Victor Macfarlane
- Born
- 27 September 1913
Christchurch, New Zealand - Died
- 26 February 1982
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia - Occupation
- Physiologist
Victor Macfarlane was Professor of Animal Physiology, University of Adelaide 1964-1978. Earlier he was Professorial Fellow in Physiology at the Australian National University, Canberra 1958-1964 and Professor of Physiology, University of Queensland 1949-1958. He had wide ranging scientific interests, but worked particularly on physiological mechanisms of adaptation to different environments, especially heat.
- 1936 -
- Education - Masters of Arts Zoology (MA Zoology), University of Canterbury, New Zealand
- 1937 - 1938
- Career position - Parasitologist, Wallaceville Animal Research Station, New Zealand Department of Agriculture
- 1945 -
- Education - MB ChB, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
- 1946 - 1947
- Career position - Assistant in Neurosurgery, Dunedin Hospital, New Zealand
- 1948 - 1949
- Career position - Senior Lecturer in Physiology, University of Otago, New Zealand
- 1949 - 1958
- Career position - Professor of Physiology, University of Queensland
- 1950 -
- Education - MD, University of Otago, New Zealand
- 1951
- Career position - Visiting Professor, Downstate University of the New York Medical Centre
- 1956 - 1959
- Career position - Member of Council, Queensland Institute of Medical Research
- 1959 - 1964
- Career position - Professorial Fellow in Physiology, John Curtin School of Medical Research
- 1960 -
- Career position - Visiting Professor, Downstate University of the New York Medical Centre
- 1960 -
- Career position - Founding Member, Australian Physiological and Pharmacological Society
- 1964 - 1978
- Career position - Foundation Professor of Animal Physiology, Waite Agricultural Research Institute
- 1968
- Award - Decennial Medal, The Negv Institute for Arid Zone Research, Israel
- 1972 - 1982
- Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
- 1975
- Career position - Exchange Professor, University of Reading, United Kingdom
- 1979 -
- Award - Emeritus Professor, University of Adelaide
- 1979
- Life event - Retired
- 1979
- Award - Mueller Medal. Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS)
- 1981
- Award - Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS)
Related entries
Archival resources
Barr Smith Library, Special Collections, The University of Adelaide
Published resources
Book Sections
- Curtis, D. R., 'Macfarlane, Walter Victor (1913-1982), physiologist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 18: 1981 - 1990 L-Z, Melanie Nolan, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2012), pp. 73-4. Details
Journal Articles
- McIntyre, A. K., 'Walter Victor Macfarlane 1913-82', Historical Records of Australian Science, 6 (2) (1985), 247-265. Details
- Tromp, S. W., 'In memoriam Professor W. Victor Macfarlane 27 September 1913 - 26 February 1982', International Journal of Biometeorology, 26 (4) (1982), 261. Details
- Wikidata, Details
- VIAF - Virtual International Authority File, OCLC, Details
- 'Macfarlane, Walter Victor (19130927-19820226)', Trove, National Library of Australia, 2009, Details
Resource Sections
- McIntyre, A. K., 'Walter Victor Macfarlane 1913-1982', in Australian Academy of Science Biographical Memoirs, Australian Academy of Science, 2006, Details
See also
- Glover, W. E., 'Robert Ford Whelan 1922-1984', Historical Records of Australian Science, 6 (3) (1986), 409-421. Details
Digital resources
Rosanne Walker
Created: 20 October 1993, Last modified: 11 December 2018
- Foundation Supporter - Committee to Review Australian Studies in Tertiary Education