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Goldie, Andrew (1840 - 1891)

24 May 1840
Kelburne, Ayrshire, Scotland
20 November 1891
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Naturalist and Merchant


Born Kelburne, Ayrshire, Scotland, 24 May 1840. Died Port Moresby, 20 November 1891. Apprenticed as a gardener, migrated to Auckland 1862, nurseryman ca 1863-73, Britain 1874, Melbourne 1875, exploration in New Guinea 1876, exploration and collecting, New Guinea 1877, where he discovered and named the Goldie River and discovered traces of gold, explored south coast of New Guinea early 1878, named Blunden River, Milport Harbour, Glasgow Harbour, Sydney 1878 to have gold samples assayed, named the Redlick group of islands and discovered Teste Island in Freshwater Bay 1879, bought land near Hanubada, New Guinea and set up a trading store 1878, compensated by the government in 1886 when they decided to remove European settlement from the Hanubada area, by being given £400, 50 suburban acres and three town allotments on which he built Port Moresby's first store in January 1897.


Life event - Arrived in New Zealand
1863 - 1873
Career position - Nurseryman in New Zealand
Career position - Nurseryman in England
Career position - Nurseryman in Melbourne
1876 - 1878
Career position - Exploration in New Guinea
Career position - Storekeeper in New Guinea
Career position - Named the Redlick group of islands and discovered Teste Island in Freshwater Bay
January 1887
Built Port Moresby's first store

Archival resources

Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales

  • Ferdinand Jakob Heinrich von Mueller - Records, 1862 - 1873, ML MSS 562; Mitchell and Dixson Libraries Manuscripts Collection, State Library of New South Wales. Details

Published resources

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • Davies, Susan M., 'Catalogue of Papuan Artefacts Associated with Andrew Goldie in the Queensland Museum and the Museum of the Cumbraes, Millport, Scotland', Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Culture, 6 (2012), 163-208. Details
  • Davies, Susan M., 'Andrew Goldie: His Ethnological Collecting and Collections', Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Culture, 6 (2012), 129-61. Details
  • Goldie, Andrew, 'A journey in the interior of New Guinea from Port Moresby', Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, 22 (3) (1878), 219-23. Details
  • Moore, Clive and Mullins, Steve eds, 'Andrew Goldie's' Memoir: 1875-1879', Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Culture, 6 (2012), 39-127. Details
  • Mullins, Steve, Bellamy, Martin and Moore, Clive eds, 'Andrew Goldie in New Guinea 1875 - 1879: Memoir of a Natural History Collector', Memoirs of the Queensland Museum: Culture, 6 (2012), 1-216. Details



  • Mullins, Steve, Bellamy, Martin and Moore, Clive eds, eds., Andrew Goldie in New Guinea 1875 - 1879: memoir of a natural history collector (2012)
    Gillespie, Kirsty, Queensland Review, 21 (1), (2014), 114-5. Details
  • Mullins, Steve, Bellamy, Martin and Moore, Clive eds, eds., Andrew Goldie in New Guinea 1875 - 1879: Memoir of a Natural History Collector (2012)
    Philip, Jude, Journal of Pacific History, 48, (2013), 347-8. Details

See also

  • Ballard, Chris, 'Explorers & Co. in interior New Guinea, 1872 - 1928' in Brokers and boundaries: colonial exploration in Indigenous territory, Shellam, Tiffany; Nugent, Maria; Konishi, Shino; and Cadzow, Allison, eds (Canberra: ANU Press, 2016), pp. 185-2112. Details
  • Van Steenis-Kruseman, M. J., Malaysian plant collectors and collections: being a cyclopaedia of botanical exploration in Malaysia and a guide to the concerned literature up to the year 1950 (Djakarta: Noordhoff-Kolff NV, 1950), clii, 639 pp. Details

McCarthy, G.J.

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260