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Lowe, Ronald Francis Hinde (1913 - 1998)

14 November 1913
Melbourne?, Victoria, Australia
26 March 1998


Ronald Lowe worked at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital for nearly twenty years from 1955. He held many positions there including Dean of the Clinical School from 1962-1968. Lowe published widely in the field of ophthalmology but with particular emphasis on glaucoma. In 1982 thte Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital's Medical Library was named the Ronald Lowe Library in his honour.



Education - Educated at Melbourne College of Pharmacy (PhC)
Education - Bachelor of Medicine (MB) and Bachelor of Surgery (BS), University of Melbourne
1941 - 1946
Career position - Military service with the Australian Army Medical Corps
Education - Doctor of Ophthalmology (DO), University of Melbourne
1955 -
Career position - Member of the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital Management Board
1955 - 1973
Career position - Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
1962 - 1970
Career position - Dean of the Clinical School at the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital
1963 -
Career position - Officer in Charge of the Glaucoma Unit
Education - Doctor of Medicine (MD), University of Melbourne
1968 - 1972
Career position - President, Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology
1972 - 1973
Career position - President, Australian College of Ophthalmologists
1980 - 1986
Career position - Chairman, Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia
Award - Royal Australian College of Ophthalmologists' medal

Archival resources

Private hands (Lowe, R.F.)

  • Ronald Francis Hinde Lowe - Records, 1913 - 1987; Private hands (Lowe, R.F.). Details

Published resources

Conference Papers

  • Lowe, R.F., 'Founders of Ophthalmology in Victoria, Australia: A.S. Gray, J.T. Rudall and T.A. Bowen', in History, Heritage and Health: Proceedings of the Fourth Biennial Conference of the Australian Society of the History of Medicine, Norfolk Island, 2-9 July, 1995 edited by Covacevich, Jeanette, Pearn, John, Case, Donna, Chapple, Ian and Phillips, Gael (Brisbane: Society of the History of Medicine, 1996), pp. 373-374.. Details

Journal Articles

  • Lowe, R. F., 'John Wilkins, surgeon, 1826 - 1905: experiences in Williamstown (Melbourne) and New Zealand', Australian and New Zealand journal of surgery, 66 (12) (1996), 832-7. Details
  • Lowe, Ronald F., 'John Box (1863-1934) and William Box (1905-1982)', Australian Journal of Ophthalmology, 11 (February) (1983), 51-53. Details
  • Lowe, Ronald F., 'A Tribute: Kenneth George Howsam', Australian Journal of Ophthalmology, 12 (2) (1984), 101-104. Details
  • Lowe, Ronald F., 'An Outline History of Ophthalmology in Australia', Australian Journal of Ophthalmology, 12 (1) (1984), 5-14. Details


McCarthy, G.J.

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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