
Garnet, John Roslyn (Ros) (1906 - 1998)


Narracan, Victoria, Australia
Biochemist, Conservationist and Naturalist


Ros Garnet was a chemist who, after working for the Commonwealth Health Department Laboratory at Port Pirie (South Australia) from 1928 to1930, joined the Commonwealth Serum Laboratories in Melbourne, retiring in 1971. He was best known for his commitment to the conservation movement and his public advocacy for national parks. As Secretary of the Standing Committee on National Parks and National Monuments of the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria he played a leading role in drafting what became the Victorian National Parks Act of 1946. Garnet was heavily involved in the establishment of the Victorian National Parks Association, serving as founding Secretary from 1952 to 1973 and on Council for 30 years. He was a member of the Committee of Management of the Wyperfeld National Park for 20 years, his interest in native flora leading him to publish Vegetation of Wyperfeld National Park (north-west Victoria) (1965). Other books included Wildflowers of south-eastern Australia (1974) and The wildflowers of Wilsons Promontory (1971).



1928 - 1930
Career position - Chemist, Commonwealth Department of Health, Port Pirie, South Australia
1930 - 1971
Career position - Chemist, Commonwealth Serum Laboratories
1946 - 1952
Career position - Secretary, Standing Committee on National Parks and National Monuments, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
1946 - 1969
Career position - Member of Council, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
1948 - 1949
Career position - President, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
1952 - 1973
Career position - Secretary, Victorian National Parks Association
1952 - 1982
Career position - Foundation Member of Council, Victorian National Parks Association
1956 - 1975
Career position - Member, Committee of Management, Wyperfeld National Park
1957 - 1959
Career position - President, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria
Award - Australian Natural History Medallion
Life event - Retired
Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM) - In recognition of service to conservation

Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria

  • John Roslyn (Ros) Garnet - Records, 1900 - 1980, JRG 1-42; Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria. Details

Private hands (Garnet, J.R.)

  • John Roslyn (Ros) Garnet - Records, 1930 - 1990; Private hands (Garnet, J.R.). Details

Published resources


Journal Articles

  • 'Biographical Notes - New Honorary Life Members VNPA: Ros Garnet', Newsletter, Victorian National Parks Association (1973), 6-7, Details
  • Garnet, J. G.; and Burns, A. N., 'George Lyell, 1866-1951', The Victorian naturalist, 68 (1951), 53-4. Details
  • Garnet, J. R., 'A Tribute to Crosbie Morrison', The Victorian naturalist, 75 (1958), 21-24. Details
  • Garnet, J. Ros, 'The Australian Natural History Medallion: a survey of the first decade', The Victorian naturalist, 67 (9) (1950), 93-100. Details
  • Garnet, J. Ros, 'National Parks and the FNCV', The Victorian naturalist, 97 (3) (1980), 13-=134. Details
  • Thomson, Kelvin, 'The Ros Garnet I knew', Park watch (2002), 14, Details


Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Helen Cohn

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260