
Stone, William (1858 - 1949)

12 May 1858
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
25 January 1949
Kew, Victoria, Australia
Electrical engineer


William Stone was an electrical engineer who, having joined the Victorian Railways in 1883, oversaw the electrification of Melbourne's suburban rail network. After a report commissioned by the Victorian Government recommended such electrification, Stone undertook a study tour of Europe, Britain and the United States. On his return to Melbourne, he embarked on the project in 1913: it was completed in 1919. In 1893 and 1917 Stone was involved in inquiries into the use of coal in the generation of electricity. The recommendations of the latter inquiry included the establishment of the State Electricity Commission and government generation and distribution of electricity for industrial development. Stone retired from the Victorian Railways in 1920 and pursued his other interests. These included assisting his friends H. G. Grayson in making ruling engines for microscope test plates and diffraction grating; and A. G. M. Michell with his crankless engine. Stone maintained his connection with the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Melbourne until 1937.



1883 - 1905
Career position - Electrical Foreman, Victorian Railways
Career position - President, Victorian Institute of Engineers
1903 - 1937
Career position - Member, Faculty of Engineering, University of Melbourne
1905 - 1912
Career position - Electrical and lighting engineer, Telegraph Branch, Victorian Railways
1913 - 1920
Career position - Chief Electrical Engineer, Electrical Engineering Branch, Victorian Railways
1917 - 1920
Career position - Member, Advisory Committee on the utilization of brown coal, Victorian Railways
Life event - Retired from Victorian Railways

Related Corporate Bodies

Related People

Archival resources

The University of Melbourne Archives

  • William Stone - Records, 1893 - 1939; The University of Melbourne Archives. Details

Published resources

Book Sections

Journal Articles

  • Bolton, H. C., 'The Development of Ruling Engines in Melbourne, 1890-1940: a Link between Amateur and Professional Science', Historical Records of Australian Science, 6 (4) (1987), 493-505. Details
  • Russell, K. F., 'William Stone (1858 - 1949): a pioneer in Australian radiology', Australasian radiology, 19 (3) (1975), 216-22. Details
  • Stone, W., 'Grayson's micro rulings', Journal of scientific instruments, 11 (1) (1934), 1-6. Details
  • Stone, William, 'Presidential address 1901 (vol. III)', Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers vol. III (1903), 1-20. Details
  • Stone, William, 'Notes on a test of Parson's Steam Turbines, at Spencer Street Railway Station (Paper & Discussion)', Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers vol. III (1903), 65-69. Details
  • Stone, William, 'A few notes on the air pump (Paper & Discussion)', Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers vol. III (1903), 1-36. Details
  • Stone, William, 'Notes on and exhibit of a transmission dynamometer (Paper & Discussion)', Proceedings of the Victorian Institute of Engineers vol. IV (1905), 67-76. Details
  • Stone, William, 'Condenser tube corrosion and erosion (Illustrated)', Commonwealth Engineer, 7 (6) (1920), 171-172. Details
  • Stone, William, 'A proposed method for solving some problems in lubrication - II (Illustrated)', Commonwealth Engineer, 9 (5) (1921), 139-148. Details
  • Stone, William, 'A proposed method for solving some problems in lubrication - I (Illustrated)', Commonwealth Engineer, 9 (4) (1921), 115-122. Details


Resource Sections

McCarthy, G.J. and Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260