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Champion de Crespigny, Constantine Trent (1882 - 1952)

5 March 1882
Queenscliffe, Victoria, Australia
27 October 1952
Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Physician and University Administrator


Sir Trent Champion De Crespigny was a consulting physician in Adelaide from 1919, serving as honorary physician at the Adelaide and Adelaide Children's Hospital and as Dean and Chief Examiner in Medicine at the University of Adelaide 1929-1948.


Born Queenscliffe, Victoria, 5 March 1882. Died Adelaide, 27 October 1952. DSO 1917, knighted 1941. Educated University of Melbourne (MB 1903, BS 1904, MD 1906). Resident, Melbourne hospitals 1904-07; private practice, Glenthompson 1907-08; Medical Superintendent, Adelaide Hospital from 1909; private practice as a specialist physician 1912-15; Director, Government Bacteriological and Pathological Laboratory, Adelaide Hospital and lecturer in pathology, medical school, University of Adelaide 1912-19; war service Gallipoli, Rouen and England; private practice, Adelaide 1919-; honorary physician, Adelaide and Adelaide children's hospitals; dean and chief examiner in medicine, medical school, University of Adelaide 1929-48. Raised funds for the establishment of the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science and became the first chairman of its council on its establishment in 1937 till 1952. President, South Australian branch, British Medical Association 1925-26; one of the founders of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians and president 1942-44.


1925 - 1926
Career position - President, South Australian Branch, British Medical Association
1929 - 1948
Career position - Dean and Chief Examiner in Medicine, University of Adelaide
1938 -
Career position - Founding Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians founding Fellow, Royal Australasian College of Physicians founding Fellow
1942 - 1944
Career position - President, Royal Australasian College of Physicians

Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

State Records of South Australia

  • Constantine Trent Champion de Crespigny - Records; State Records of South Australia. Details

Published resources


Book Sections

Conference Papers

  • Nicholson, Bernard, 'Sir Constantine Trent Champion de Crespigny as Medical Administrator', in Reflections on Medical History and Health in Australia. Third National Conference on Medical History and Health in Australia edited by Harold Attwood and Geoffrey Kenny (Melbourne: University of Melbourne, Medical History Unit, 1986), pp. 229-240.. Details

Journal Articles

  • Newland, Henry, 'Obituary: Constantine Trent Chanpion de Crespigny', Medical Journal of Australia, 1853 (1) (1953), 423-5. Details


McCarthy, G.J.

EOAS ID: biogs/P000937b.htm

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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The Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation uses the Online Heritage Resource Manager (OHRM), a relational data curation and web publication system developed by the eScholarship Research Centre and its predecessors at the University of Melbourne 1999-2020. The OHRM has been maintained by Gavan McCarthy since 2020.

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