
Campbell, Thomas Draper (1893 - 1967)

24 March 1893
Millicent, South Australia, Australia
8 December 1967
Tusmore, South Australia, Australia
Dentist and Anthropologist


Thomas Campbell was Dental Superintendent, Adelaide Hospital and Honorary Curator in Anthropology, South Australian Museum. He lectured in dentistry 1925-1948, was Director of Dental Studies 1949-1953 and foundation professor 1954-1958 at the University of Adelaide. Campbell's doctoral research, published as Dentition and palate of the Australian Aborigines (1925), noted the difference between Aboriginal and European dentition and set new standards for dental anthropology. His interest in anthropology led to his participation in two expeditions into remote South Australia in the 1920s and to him playing a central role in the establishment by the University of Adelaide of the Board of Anthropological Research. For the Board Campbell led and participated in over 15 expeditions. He was Chairman of the Board at the time of his death. In 1951 he led a team of scientists to Yuendumu, north-west of Alice Springs, and directed several ethnographic films about the crafts and skills of the Yuendumu people between 1951 and 1961. His classification of stone tools became the typology used in Australia.



Education - Qualified at the Dental Board of South Australia
Career position - Honorary Lieutenant, Australian Army Medical Corps Reserve (Dental)
Education - Graduated from the Elder Conservatorium of Music, Adelaide
Education - Bachelor of Dental Science (BDSc), University of Adelaide
1921 - 1926
Career position - House Surgeon, Dental Department, Adelaide Hospital
1922 - 1967
Award - Fellow, Royal Society of South Australia
Education - Doctor of Dental Science (DDSc), University of Adelaide
1924 - 1940
Career position - Honorary Curator of Anthropology, South Australian Institute
1925 - 1938
Career position - Lecturer in Dentistry, University of Adelaide
1926 - ?
Career position - Dental Superintendent, Adelaide Hospital
Career position - Foundation Member, Anthropological Society of South Australia
Career position - Foundation Board Member, Board of Anthropological Research
Career event - Elected Associate Member (Anthropology), Australian National Research Council
1928 - 1929
Career position - President, Anthropological Society of South Australia
1928 - 1935
Career position - Member of Council, Royal Society of South Australia
Career event - Elected Member (Anthropology), Australian National Research Council
1932 - 1934
Career position - Vice-President, Royal Society of South Australia
1933 - 1940
Career position - Foundation Member of the Board, South Australian Institute
1934 - 1935
Career position - President, Royal Society of South Australia
Career event - Fellow, Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS)
1938 - 1958
Career position - Dean, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Adelaide
Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Adelaide
1940 - 1967
Career position - Member of the Board, South Australian Museum
Career position - President, Anthropological Society of South Australia
1948 - 1967
Career position - Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, England
1949 - 1953
Career position - Director of Dental Studies, University of Adelaide
1950 - 1967
Career position - Fellow, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
1952 - 1967
Career position - Member, Odontology Section, Royal Society of Medicine, United Kingdom
1954 - 1958
Career position - Foundation Professor of Dentistry, University of Adelaide
1964 - 1967
Career position - Foundation Member, Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies
1966 - 1967
Award - Fellow, Australian College of Dental Surgeons
Career position - Chairman, Board of Anthropological Research

Related Corporate Bodies

Archival resources

Barr Smith Library, Special Collections, The University of Adelaide

  • Thomas Draper Campbell - Records, 1925 - 1934, 301.2994/C19; Barr Smith Library, Special Collections, The University of Adelaide. Details

South Australian Museum Archives

  • Thomas Draper Campbell - Records, 1926 - 1965, AA52; South Australian Museum Archives. Details

Published resources

Book Sections

  • Brown, Tasman; Rogers, Ruth, 'Campbell, Thomas Draper (1893-1967), professor of dentistry and anthropologist' in Australian dictionary of biography, volume 13: 1940 - 1980 A-De, John Ritchie, ed. (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1993), pp. 361-362. Details

Journal Articles

  • 'Obituary: Thomas Draper Campbell [with selected bibliography]', Records of the South Australian Museum, 15 (4) (1968), 647-670. Details
  • Edwards, Robert, 'Obituary: Thomas Draper Campbell (1894-1967)', Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 92 (1968), 125, Details



  • Campbell, Thomas Draper, 'Dentition and palate of the Australian Aboriginal from observations on the skull : a study in physical anthropology and dental pathology', DDSc thesis, University of Adelaide, 1923, 294 pp, Details

See also

  • Jones, P. G., 'South Australian anthropological history: the Board for Anthropological Research and its early expeditions', Records of the South Australian Museum, 20 (1987), 71-92. Details
  • Spriggs, Matthew, 'Everything you've been told about the history of Australian archaeology is wrong', Bulletin of the history of archaeology, 30 (1:3) (2020), 1-16. Details

Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Helen Cohn

EOAS ID: biogs/P002177b.htm

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260