
Bowie, John Hamilton (1938 - )


16 July 1938
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


John Bowie was appointed Professor of organic chemistry at the University of Adelaide in 1983. His research focused on mass spectrometry as it applied to the chemistry of negative ions in the gas phase and the structure-activity relationships of bio-active peptides in the skin glands of anurans. He has published over 500 scientific papers. The Bowie Medal has been awarded every second year since 2009 by the Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry to recognise excellence in research in any area of mass spectrometry by a young Australian or New Zealand researcher.


Born Melbourne, 16 July 1938. Educated Universities of Melbourne (MSc) and Nottingham (PhD 1964). DSc, University of Adelaide 1969. ICI Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Cambridge 1964-66; lecturer in organic chemistry, University of Adelaide 1966-69, senior lecturer 1970-71, reader 1972-82, professor 1983- , Dean, Faculty of Science 1981-82, Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1989-92; head, Department of Chemistry. Rennie Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute 1967, H.G. Smith Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute 1974.


Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
1964 - 1969
Career position - ICI Post Doctoral Fellow, University of Cambridge
1966 - 1969
Career position - Lecturer, Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Adelaide
Award - Rennie Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Education - Doctor of Science (DSc), University of Adelaide
1970 - 1971
Career position - Senior Lecturer in organic chemistry, University of Adelaide
1972 - 1982
Career position - Reader in organic chemistry, University of Adelaide
Award - H. G. Smith Memorial Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
1980 - 2006
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Mass spectrometry reviews
1981 - 1982
Career position - Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Adelaide
1983 - 2008
Career position - Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Adelaide
1984 - 1990
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Australian journal of chemistry
1987 - 1988
Career position - Chair, Executive Committee, University of Adelaide
1989 - 1992
Career position - Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Adelaide
1990 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Rapid communications in mass spectrometry
1990 - 1998
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, International journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes
1990 - 2002
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Spectroscopy: an international journal
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, European journal of mass spectrometry
Award - Morrison Medal, Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry
2000 - 2012
Career position - Angas Chair of Chemistry, University of Adelaide
Award - A. J. Birch Medal, Organic Chemistry Division, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Award - Sir Joseph Verco Medal, Royal Society of South Australia
2005 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, Current analytical chemistry
2006 -
Career position - Member, Editorial Board, The open analytical chemistry journal
Award - Thomson Gold Medal, International Mass Spectrometry Council
Award - ANZSMS Medal, Australian and New Zealand Society for Mass Spectrometry
2012 -
Career position - Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Adelaide
Award - Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service on the field of mass spectrometry, and to education as an academic, researcher and author

Related Corporate Bodies

  • The University of Adelaide (1874 - )

    Professor of Organic Chemistry 1983 - 2012; Angas Chair of Chemistry 2008 - 2012; Dean, Faculty of Science 1981 - 1982; Pro-Vice-Chancellor 1989 - 1992

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Bowie, J. H., 'Twenty-five years of negative-ion studies at Adelaide', Organic Mass Spectrometry, 28121407-1 (1993). Details



  • Radford, Joan, The Chemistry Department of the University of Melbourne: its contribution to Australian Science, 1854-1959, Hawthorn Press, Melbourne, 1978.
    Bowie, John H., Historical Records of Australian Science, 5 (2), (1981), 126-127. Details

See also

  • Downard, K. M.; and De Laeter, J. R., 'A History of Mass Spectrometry in Australia', Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 40 (9) (2005), 1123-1139. Details
  • Robson, Alexandra K.; Production Manager and Editor eds, Who's who in Australia 2019 (Southbank, Vic.: AAP Directories, 2018), 1788 pp. Details

Gavan McCarthy [P004098] and Helen Cohn

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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