Browse Entries - S
- S. Haunstrup and Co Pty Ltd (1926? - 1972)
- S. W. Carey Medal (1992 - ), Geological Society of Australia
- S. W. Hart and Co Ltd (c. 1901 - c. 1987)
- S.C.I. Steel Ltd (1990 - )
- SA Health
- see South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing (2018 - ), State of South Australia - SA Water
- see South Australian Water Corporation (1995 - ), State of South Australia - Sabire, L.
- see Sebire, L. - Sachse, Arthur Otto (1860 - 1920), Engineer
- Sackett, Penny D. (1956 - ), Astronomer, Chief Scientist and Physicist
- Sage, Annie Moriah (1895 - 1969), Nurse
- Sahajwalla, Veena, materials scientist
- Sai, Jennifer, Electrical engineer
- Sainsbury, Keith, Ecologist and Marine scientist
- Saint John, P.R.H.
- see St John, Percival Reginald Harry (1872 - 1944), Botanical collector and Botanist - Saint, Eric Galton (1918 - 1989), Medical educator
- Salamonsen, Lois A., Reproductive biologist
- Salier, Cecil W.
- Salisbury, Ralph (1938 - 2017), Veterinary scientist
- Salivin, Irene (1926 - ), Analytical chemist
- Salter, J. P., Electrical engineer
- Salter, Keith Eric Wellesley (1908 - 1969), Entomologist
- Salvage Board
- see Commonwealth Marine Salvage Board (1942 - 1946), Commonwealth of Australia - Sambridge, Malcolm Scott, Geophysicist and University Administrator
- Sambrook, Joseph Frank (1939 - 2019), Molecular biologist
- Sammarco, Paul William (1948 - ), Marine scientist
- Sammit, R., Electrical engineer
- Samuel, Andrew Emery (1934 - 2007), Educator and Engineer
- Samuel, Geoffrey, Soil scientist
- Samuels, Leonard Ernest (1922 - 2009), Metallurgist
- Sandel, Bill (1917 - ), Radio engineer
- Sandeman, Ronald John, Physicist
- Sanders, Harold William (1893 - 1983), Mathematician
- Sanders, John Veysey (1924 - 1987), Physicist and Crystallographer
- Sanderson, J. G., Computer scientist
- Sandes, Francis Percival (1876 - 1945), Surgeon
- Sandford, William (1841 - 1932), Ironmaster
- Sandland, Ronald Lindsay, Science administrator and Statistician
- Sando, Maurice James Wilson (1930 - 1984), Anaesthetist
- Sands, Donald Peter Andrew, Entomologist
- Sanforizing Services of Australia
- Sanger, Ruth Ann (1918 - 2001), Haematologist
- Sanson, Gordon Drummon
- Santos Limited (1954 - )
- Santos Museum of Economic Botany
- see Museum of Economic Botany (1881 - ), Adelaide Botanic Gardens - Sara, Vicki Rubian, Endocrinologist and University Chancellor
- Sare, Ian Richard (1949 - ), Engineer, Metallurgical Engineer and Science administrator
- Sargeant, Valeska Marie (1902 - ), Nurse
- Sargent, Michael Anthony (1943 - 2022), Electrical engineer
- Sargeson, Alan McLeod (1930 - 2008), Inorganic chemist
- Sarich Technologies Trust ( - 1988)
- Sarich, Ralph Tony (1938 - ), Engineer
- Sasse, Wolfgang Hermann Fritz (1928 - ), Chemist
- Sault, Thomas Henry (Tom) (1922 - 2008), Cabinet maker and Naturalist
- Saunders, Denis Allan (1947 - ), Animal ecologist and Ornithologist
- Saunders, Edward Walter (Pete) (1923 - 2005), Business executive and Engineer
- Saunders, Graham William (1933 - 1988), Conservationist and Entomologist
- Saunders, Pete
- see Saunders, Edward Walter (Pete) (1923 - 2005), Business executive and Engineer - Saunders, Rod
- Savage River Mines (1965 - 1996)
- Savage, Gregory Paul (Paul) (c. 1965 - ), Chemist
- Savage, Joan Katherine (1913 - ), Dental scientist
- Savage, Robert (1818 - 1888), Agricultural writer and Inventor
- Saville-Kent, William (1845 - 1908), Naturalist and Entomologist
- Sawkins, Evan (1910 - ), Engineer
- Sawyer, Arthur John, Meteorologist
- Saxby, Colin Ambrose (1909 - 1990), Electrical engineer
- Sayce, Edna Dorothy (1895 - 1983), Physicist and Teacher
- Sayce, Eric Loxton (1899 - 1984), Physicist
- Sayce, Octavius Albert (1862 - 1911), Bacteriologist, Carcinologist and Naturalist
- Sayer, George E. J., Engineer
- Scalzo, Joseph, Engineer
- Scammell, Luther Robert (1858 - 1940), Pharmacist
- Scarr, Josephine (maiden name)
- see Flood, Josephine Mary (1936 - ), Archaeologist - Scarth-Johnson, Vera (1912 - 1999), Botanical collector and Botanical artist
- Schaefer, Gustav Griffin (1913 - 2004), Physicist
- Schaetzel, Stanley Stephen (1924 - 2015), Aeronautical engineer
- Schaffer, Philip ( - 1828?), Vigneron
- Schafroth, M.R., Physicist
- Schauer, Johann Conrad (1813 - 1848), Botanist
- Schauer, Johann Konrad
- see Schauer, Johann Conrad (1813 - 1848), Botanist - Schayer, Entomologist
- Scheffer, Ingrid Eileen (1958 - ), Neurologist
- Schlapp, Herman Henry (1854 - 1938), Metallurgist
- Schleiger, Noel (1926 - 2013), Geologist and Naturalist
- Schleinitz, Georg Gustav Freiherr Von (1834 - 1910), Hydrographer and Governor
- Schlink, Herbert Henry (1883 - 1962), Gynaecologist
- Schlink, Margaret (1916 - 2001?), Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Schmidt, Brian (1967 - ), Astrophysicist, Educator and Vice-Chancellor
- Schodde, Richard (1936 - ), Ornithologist
- Scholes, W. Arthur, Antarctic researcher
- Schomburgk, Moritz Richard (1811 - 1891), Botanic gardens director and Botanist
- Schomburgk, Richard Moritz
- see Schomburgk, Moritz Richard (1811 - 1891), Botanic gardens director and Botanist - School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (2001 - ), RMIT University
- School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (AMME), The University of Sydney
- School of Agriculture (1967 - 1998), La Trobe University
- School of Applied Science, RMIT
- see Department of Food Science (1994 - ?), RMIT University - School of Applied Sciences (1990 - 2002), Monash University
- School of Applied Sciences and Engineering (2003 - ), Monash University
- School of Aquatic Science and Natural Resource Management, Deakin University
- School of Architecture and Building (1977 - ), Deakin University
- School of Architecture and Design, RMIT University
- School of Art History, Cinema, Classics and Archaeology (c. 2003 - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Arts and Media, La Trobe University
- School of Audiology
- see Audiology (1973 - ), Department of Otolaryngology - School of Behavioural Science, The University of Melbourne
- School of Biochemistry and Genetics (1972 - 1990s), La Trobe University
- School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Deakin University
- School of Biological Sciences, University of Tasmania
- School of Biophysical Sciences and Electrical Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Botany, La Trobe University
- School of Botany (1880s - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Business, La Trobe University
- School of Business, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Business, The University of Ballarat
- School of Business (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Business Systems, Monash University
- School of Chemical Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Chemistry (1880s - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Chemistry (1967 - ), La Trobe University
- School of Chemistry (c. 2001 - ), Monash University
- School of Communications and Informatics (c. 1997 - ), Victoria University
- School of Computer Science and Engineering ( - 1999), La Trobe University
- School of Computer Science and Information Technology, RMIT
- see Department of Computer Science (1980 - ), RMIT University - School of Computer Science and Software Engineering (Caulfield) (1998 - ), Monash University
- School of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University
- School of Dairy Technology (1939 - c. 1967), The University of Melbourne
- School of Dental Science, The University of Melbourne
- School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University
- School of Economics, La Trobe University
- School of Education (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering (2000 - ), RMIT University
- School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (1990s - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Electronic Engineering (? - 1999), La Trobe University
- School of Engineering, La Trobe University
- School of Engineering, The University of Ballarat
- School of Engineering, The University of Queensland
- School of Engineering (1890s - ), The University of Adelaide
- School of Engineering (c. 1887 - 1967), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
- School of Engineering and Science, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Engineering and Technology, Deakin University
- School of Environment Management and Ecology, La Trobe University
- School of Environmental and Resource Science (1998? - ), La Trobe University
- School of Fine Arts, Classics and Archaeology (1998 - c. 2003), The University of Melbourne
- School of Forestry, Creswick
- see Victorian School of Forestry (1910 - 1973) - School of Geography and Environmental Science, Monash University
- School of Geography and Environmental Studies (c. 1975 - ), The University of Tasmania
- School of Health and Human Services (Bendigo) (1990s - ), La Trobe University
- School of Health Sciences ( - 2004), Deakin University
- School of Historical and Philosophical Studies, The University of Melbourne
- School of Historical Studies, Monash University
- School of Human Biosciences, La Trobe University
- School of Human Communication Sciences, La Trobe University
- School of Human Movement and Sport Sciences, The University of Ballarat
- School of Human Movement, Recreation and Performance (1972 - ), Victoria University
- School of Information Management and Systems, Monash University
- School of Information technology, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Information technology and Mathematical Sciences, The University of Ballarat
- School of Life Sciences (1998? - ), La Trobe University
- School of Life Sciences and Technology (c. 1997 - ?), Victoria University
- School of Management, Technology and Environment (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (1997 - ), La Trobe University
- School of Mathematical Sciences, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (? - 1997), Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Medicine (1862 - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Metallurgy, The University of Newcastle
- School of Metallurgy, The University of Wollongong
- School of Microbiology (1975 - 1998?), La Trobe University
- School of Mining and Metallurgy, The University of New South Wales
- School of Mining and Metallurgy, The University of Queensland
- School of Mining Engineering (c. 1949 - ), The University of New South Wales
- School of Nutrition and Public Health (? - 1998), Deakin University
- School of Philosophy, La Trobe University
- School of Physics (? - c. 1999), La Trobe University
- School of Physics (1945 - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Physics and Materials Engineering (c. 2001 - ), Monash University
- School of Physiotherapy (1991 - ), The University of Melbourne
- School of Property, Construction and Project Management
- see Department of Building and Construction Economics, RMIT University - School of Psychological Sciences (1972 - ), La Trobe University
- School of Public Health, La Trobe University
- School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine (1930 - 1980), The University of Sydney
- School of Science and Engineering, The University of Ballarat
- School of Science and Engineering (Bendigo), La Trobe University
- School of Social Science and Planning, RMIT University
- School of Social Sciences and Arts TAFE Division, Swinburne University of Technology
- School of Textile Technology (1955 - ?), The University of New South Wales
- School of the Built Environment, Victoria University
- School of Zoology ( - 1998?), La Trobe University
- Schroder, Kate, Medical scientist
- Schultz, Donald Herbart (1911 - 1987), Inventor and Optical physicist
- Schulze, Carl Oscar (Oscar) (1848 - 1919), Engineer
- Schwarzschild, Luise Anna
- see Hercus, Luise Anna (1926 - 2018), Ethnologist and Linguist - Schwerdtfeger, Peter (1935 - 2013), Meteorologist and University Administrator
- Science and Industry Endowment Fund - CSIR/O (1926 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Science and Technology Australia
- see Federation of Australian Scientific and Technological Societies (FASTS) (1985 - ) - Science and Technology Awareness Program (1989 - c. 2000), Department of Industry, Science and Resources
- The Science Foundation for Physics, The University of Sydney
- Science Minister's Prize for Life Scientist of the Year
- see Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year (2000 - ), Commonwealth of Australia - Science Museum of Victoria (1971 - 1983)
- Scientific and General (1965 - c. 1970)
- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) 5th Symposium on Antarctic Biology (1988)
- Scientific Instruments and Optical Panel
- see Optical Munitions Panel (1940 - 1945) - Scientific Liaison Bureau (1942 - 1945), Commonwealth of Australia
- Scott Clow and Prebble (1856 - ?)
- Scott Paper Company (1879 - 1995)
- Scott, Alexander Walker (1800 - 1883), Entomologist and Entrepreneur
- Scott, Alfred Eric (1906 - 1989), Chemist and Scientific editor
- Scott, F., Engineer
- Scott, Gabriele
- see Neuhäuser, Gabriele (1911 - ), Zoological collector and Zoologist - Scott, George Anderson Macdonald (1933 - 1998), Botanist and Bryologist
- Scott, Harriet (1830 - 1907), Natural history artist and Naturalist
- Scott, Helena (1832 - 1910), Natural history artist and Naturalist
- Scott, Herbert Hedley (1866 - 1938), Museum curator and Naturalist
- Scott, James (1810 - 1884), Politician and Surveyor
- Scott, James (1815 - 1884), Marine engineer and Shipbuilder
- Scott, James Reid (1839 - 1877), Explorer and Politician
- Scott, Kaye
- see Scott, Rutherford Kaye (Kaye) (1904? - 1991), Radiologist - Scott, Robert Falcon, Antarctic explorer
- Scott, Robert Steel, Industrial chemist
- Scott, Rutherford Kaye (Kaye) (1904? - 1991), Radiologist
- Scott, Susan, Astrophysicist and Theoretical physicist
- Scott, Thomas (1800 - 1855), Surveyor
- Scott, Thomas Alison (1777? - 1881), Sugar pioneer
- Scott, Trevor William (1936 - 2022), Scientist
- Scott, William (1825 - 1917), Astronomer and Minister of religion
- Scott, William Henry (1881 - 1960), Civil engineer and Soldier
- Scott, William James (1912 - 1993), Microbiologist
- Scovill Australia Pty Ltd
- Scrivener, Charles Robert (1855 - 1923), Surveyor
- Scroggie, James Gilbert (Jim) (1932 - ), Forensic scientist and Organic chemist
- Scrope, George Julius Poulett, Geologist
- Sear, Herbert Roy (1886 - 1962), Radiologist
- Seaton, Stuart Luman (1906 - 2006), Geophysicist
- Seberry, Jennifer Roma (1944 - ), Computer scientist and Educator
- Sebire, L.
- Seddon, George (1927 - 2007)
- Seddon, Herbert Robert (1887 - 1964), Veterinary scientist
- Sedgwick, Eric Harry (1909 - ), Naturalist and Ornithologist
- Seears Bros
- Sefton, Ann Elizabeth (1936 - ), Physiologist and Educator
- Seidel, G. E., Geologist
- Seidler, Harry (1923 - 2006), Architect
- Selby, George William (1858 - 1950), Electrical engineer and Accountant
- Selby, James, Physician
- Seldon, Henry Lee
- Selfe, Norman (1839 - 1911), Consulting engineer, Engineer and Educator
- Seligman, Peter M.
- Selinger, Benjamin Klaas (1939 - ), Chemist
- Selwyn Medal (1996 - ), Geological Society of Australia - Victorian Division
- Selwyn, Alfred Richard Cecil (1824 - 1902), Geologist
- Semmens, Edwin James (1886 - 1980), Forester and Teacher
- Senate Select Committee on Water Pollution (1968 - 1969)
- Seneta, Eugene (1941 - ), Statistician
- Senior, A.H.N.
- Seppelt, Rodney (Rod), Botanical artist and Bryologist
- Serjeantson, Susan Wyber (1946 - ), Geneticist and University Administrator
- Serpell, Geoffrey Richard Trembath (1923 - 2014), Ophthalmologist
- Serventy Medal
- see D. L. Serventy Medal (1991 - ), BirdLife Australia - Serventy, Carol
- Serventy, Dominic Louis (1904 - 1988), Ornithologist
- Serventy, Vincent Noel (1916 - 2007), Naturalist, Author and Ornithologist
- Setright, Henry Roy (? - 1942), Engineer and Inventor
- Setzler, Frank Maryl, Archaeologist
- Sevimli, Oya, Electrical engineer and Wireless expert
- Sewards, Gordon James (1946 - 2000), Chemical engineer, Water supply expert and Environmental engineer
- Sewell, A. P., Engineer
- Sewell, Geraldine Allen (1861 - 1900), Botanical collector
- Sewell, Julia (c. 1847 - 1914), Botanical collector
- Sewell, Sidney Valentine (1880 - 1949), Physician
- Sexton, Hannah Mary Helen (1862 - 1950), Surgeon and Gynaecologist
- Sexton, Richard Ernest (1861 - 1930), Civil engineer and Railway engineer
- Seyler, Albert Jakob (1913 - 1977), Telecommunications and Wireless expert
- SGAP Qld Inc
- see Society for Growing Australian Plants, Queensland (1957 - ) - Shain, Charles Alexander (Alex) (1922 - 1960), Radio astronomer
- Shakespear, Robert Henry (1837 - 1888), Civil engineer and Surveyor
- Shanks, George Dennis (Dennis) (1954 - ), Medical historian and Medical scientist
- Shannon, James Stanley (Jim) (1926 - 2015), Chemist
- Shannon, William Montgomery (1868 - 1933), Civil engineer and Mechanical engineer
- Sharfstein, Lottie, Physician
- Sharkey, J. E., Food technologist
- Sharland, Michael (1899 - 1987), Naturalist, Journalist and Ornithologist
- Sharman, Geoffrey Bruce (1925 - 2015), Zoologist
- Sharp, George, Ornithologist and Prospector
- Sharpe, Alan (1919 - ), Mechanical engineer
- Sharpe, Richard Bowdler (1847 - 1909), Ornithologist
- Sharpe, Ronald, Civil engineer
- Shaw, Alfred Eland (1861 - 1931), Physician and Entomologist
- Shaw, Archibald John (1872 - 1916), Minister of religion and Radio pioneer
- Shaw, Ebenezer (1865 - 1943), Engineer
- Shaw, Edna Mary Anna Jane (1891 - 1974), Matron
- Shaw, Frank Herbert (1910 - 1971), Chemist and Pharmacologist
- Shaw, Frederick Stanley (1911 - 1982), aeronautical engineer and Civil engineer
- Shaw, George (1751 - 1813), Naturalist
- Shaw, Peter, Meteorologist
- Shaw, Sydney Herbert (1903 - ), Geophysicist
- Shaw, Thomas (1800? - 1860s), Wool expert
- Shaw, W. Hudson, Aviation historian
- Shea, Frederick James (1891 - 1970), Public servant and Railway engineer
- Shean, Ruth (1953 - ), Health administrator and University Administrator
- Sheard, Keith (1903 - 1965), Marine scientist
- Shearer, David (1850 - 1936), Inventor and Agricultural machinery maker
- Shearer, John (1897 - ), Physicist
- Shearman, Rodney Phillip, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Sheep CRC
- see CRC for Australian Sheep Industry (2001 - 2007) - Sheil, Margaret Mary (1961 - ), Chemist and University Administrator
- Sheilds, Francis Webb (1820 - 1906), Engineer
- Sheldon Drug Company Pty Ltd (1904 - )
- Shell Company of Australia Limited (1901 - )
- Shellam, Geoffrey Randolph (1943 - 2015), Immunologist and Microbiologist
- Shellshear, Walter (1856 - 1939), Civil engineer
- Shenton, George (1811 - 1867), Chemist
- Shephard, John (1852 - 1940), Engineer
- Shepherd, Else Egede (1944 - 2023), Company director and Electrical engineer
- Shepherd, George Frederick (1886 - 1971), Benefactor, Engineer and Inventor
- Shepherd, Robert Keith
- Shepherd, T., Sheepbreeder
- Shergold, Una, Physician
- Sherrard, Kathleen Margaret Maria (1898 - 1975), Palaeontologist and Geologist
- Sherratt, Timothy Paul (1962 - ), Science historian and Science archivist
- Shew, D. I., Microbiologist
- Shields, Archibald John (1914 - 1995), Meteorologist and Teacher
- Shields, James Michael (Jim) (1952 - 2019), forest ecologist and Wildlife manager
- Shiels, Marjorie (1895 - 1970), Ecologist
- Shiers, Walter Henry (1889 - 1968), Aircraft engineer
- Shimadzu Research Medal
- see Research Medal (1976 - ), Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Shine, John (1946 - ), Biochemist and Molecular biologist
- Shine, Richard (Rick) (1950 - ), Ecologist, Evolutionary biologist and Herpetologist
- Shipton, Eva Adeline (1900 - 1984), Pathologist
- Shipton, Warren Arthur (1940 - ), Botanist
- Shire Engineers' Association of Victoria
- see Institution of Municipal Engineers of Victoria (1878 - 1926) - Shirley, John Francis (1849 - 1922), Educator and Naturalist
- Shmith, Harry Woolf, Industrial chemist
- Shoobridge, Louis Manton (1851 - 1939), Agriculturalist and Naturalist
- Shoobridge, Robert Wilkins Giblin (1847 - 1936), Agriculturalist and Innovator
- Shoobridge, William Ebenezer (1846 - 1940), Agriculturalist and Industrial innovator
- Shoppee, Charles William (1904 - 1994)
- Short, James (1865 - 1943), Astronomer
- Short, Lawrence Neville (1921 - ), Chemist and Educator
- Short, Roger Valentine (1930 - 2021), Reproductive biologist and University Administrator
- Shortland, John (1769 - 1810), Naval officer
- Shortman, Kenneth Douglas (Ken) (1937 - ), Biochemist
- Shortridge, Guy Chester, Natural history collector
- Shukla, Dharma Deo (1942 - ), Agricultural scientist
- Siding Spring Observatory
- see Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories (c. 1967 - ), Australian National University - Siedlecky, Stefania Winifred (1921 - ), Physician, Gynaecologist and Epidemiologist
- Siemens (Australia) Ltd (1872 - )
- Silagy, Christopher Allen (Chris) (1960 - 2001), Physician and Medical educator
- Silberberg, Montefiore David (Bill) (1882 - 1959), Cardiologist
- Silberstein, Josef Philipp Otto (1920 - 2016), Aeronautical scientist and Mathematician
- Silver Dirac Medal for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics
- see Dirac Medal for the Advancement of Theoretical Physics (1979 - ), Australian Institute of Physics and University of New South Wales - Silver Jubilee Award (1988 - ), Australian Marine Sciences Association
- Simmonds, John Howard (1862 - 1955), Naturalist and Stonemason
- Simmonds, John Howard (1901 - 1992), Entomologist and Plant pathologist
- Simmonds, Joseph Henry (1845 - 1936), Botanical collector and Minister of religion
- Simmonds, Wilfred John (1918 - 1990), Physiologist and Pathologist
- Simmons, Lewis Michael, Physicist
- Simmons, Michelle Yvonne (1967 - ), Quantum physicist
- Simmons, Roy Thomas (1906 - 1975), Biochemist
- Simon, Bryan Kenneth (1943 - 2015), Botanist
- Simon, Leon Melvyn (1945 - ), Mathematician
- Simon, Phillip, Astronomer
- Simpkinson de Wesselow, Francis Guillemard (1819 - 1906), Artist and Naval Officer
- Simpson Holdings Limited (1853 - 1986)
- Simpson, Alfred (1805 - 1891), Manufacturer
- Simpson, Edward Sydney (1875 - 1939), Mineralogist and Chemist
- Simpson, George (1899 - 1960), Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
- Simpson, Ken (1938 - 2014), Ornithologist and Teacher
- Simpson, Marie
- see Brown, Marie (1883 - 1949), Physician - Simpson, Matthew J., Applied mathematician
- Simpson, Stephen James (1957 - ), Entomologist and Nutrition scientist
- Simpson, Stuart, Analytical chemist and Water supply expert
- Simson, Augustus (1836 - 1918), Entomologist and Naturalist
- Sinclair, Eric (1860 - 1925), Psychiatrist
- Sinclair, James (1809 - 1881), Landscape gardener
- Sinclair, John, Inventor
- Sinclair, Malcolm W., Engineer and Radio astronomer
- Singleton, John (1808 - 1891), Physician and Philanthropist
- Sinha, Hari Narayan (1929 - 2023), Metallurgical Engineer
- Sinkora, Doris Martha (1927 - 2017), Phycologist
- Sir George Julius Medal (1976 - ), Institution of Engineers Australia
- Sir Ian McLennan Achievement for Industry Award
- see Sir Ian McLennan Impact from Science and Engineering Award (1985 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Sir Ian McLennan Impact from Science and Engineering Award (1985 - ), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Sir Joseph Verco Medal (1928 - ), Royal Society of South Australia
- Sir Lawrence Wackett Centre for Aerospace Design Technology (1991 - ), RMIT University
- Sir Roy Grounds and Associates (1968? - 1983?)
- Sirotech
- see Sirotech Limited - CSIRO (1984 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation - Sirotech Limited - CSIRO (1984 - 1993), Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
- Sisely, Lorna Verdun (1916 - 2004), Surgeon
- Sissons, Alfred Thomas Stanley (1888 - 1975), Chemist
- Sister Ignatius of Jesus
- see Abbott, Gertrude (1846 - 1934), Medical administrator and Nun - Siva, S. P., Electronic engineer
- Skeats, Ernest Willington (1875 - 1953), Geologist and University Administrator
- Skene, J.K.M. (Ken) (1907 - 1981), Chemist
- Skertchly, Josiah
- see Skertchly, Sydney Barber Josiah (1850 - 1926), Botanist, Optometrist and Geologist - Skertchly, Sydney Barber Josiah (1850 - 1926), Botanist, Optometrist and Geologist
- Skirving, Robert Scot (1859 - 1956), Medical scientist and Surgeon
- Sklovsky, Grigorij Abramovitch (1915 - 1995), Chemist and Antarctic explorer
- Sklovsky, Grisha
- see Sklovsky, Grigorij Abramovitch (1915 - 1995), Chemist and Antarctic explorer - Skottowe, Thomas, Natural history collector
- Skuse, Frederick Arthur Askew (c. 1866 - 1896), Entomologist and Zoologist
- Skyllas-Kazakos, Maria (1951 - ), Chemical engineer
- Skyring, Graham, Biochemist and Microbiologist
- Slab and Plate Division (1985 - ?), BHP Steel International
- Slater, Edward Charles (1917 - ), Biochemist
- Slater, Patricia Violet (Pat) (1918 - 1990), Nurse and Nurse educator
- Slater, Peter, Ornithological artist and Ornithologist
- Slattery, Joseph Patrick (1866 - 1931), Minister of religion, Physicist and Teacher
- Slatyer, Ralph Owen (1929 - 2012), Biologist and Chief Scientist
- Slee, Owen Bruce (Bruce) (1924 - 2016), Radio astronomer and Science historian
- Sleigh, Merilyn Joy (1948 - ), Scientist
- Sloan, Ian Hugh (1938 - ), Mathematician
- Sloan, Judith (1954 - ), Company director
- Sloan, Scott William (1954 - 2019), Geotechnical Engineer
- Sloane, Thomas Gibson (1858 - 1932), Entomologist and Pastoralist
- Smairl, Lilian, Nurse
- Small Arms Factory (1912 - 1989), Commonwealth of Australia
- Smalley, George Robarts (1822 - 1870), Astronomer
- Smart Internet Technology CRC
- see CRC for Smart Internet Technology (2001 - 2007) - Smart Services Cooperative Research Centre
- see Smart Services CRC (2007 - c. 2014) - Smart Services CRC (2007 - c. 2014)
- Smart, Darryn, Engineer
- Smart, K.J., Computer scientist
- Smart, R., Computer scientist
- Smart, Thomas Christie (1816 - 1896), Surgeon and Politician
- Smeal, Glenny (1890 - 1974), Mathematician
- Smeaton, Stirling (1860 - 1909), Civil engineer and Naturalist
- SMEC Foundation (2001 - )
- SMEC Holdings Limited (1993 - )
- Smerd, Stefan Friedrich (1916 - 1978), Physicist
- Smith Medal
- see H. G. Smith Memorial Medal (1929 - ), Royal Australian Chemical Institute - Smith Reichhold Colours Pty Ltd
- Smith, A., Botanist
- Smith, A. E., Engineer
- Smith, Alexander (1812 - 1872), Antarctic explorer, Astronomer and Naval officer
- Smith, Alexander Kennedy (1824 - 1881), Engineer and Politician
- Smith, Alfred Mica (Micaiah) (1844 - 1926), Chemist and Teacher
- Smith, Andrew
- see Smith, Frank Andrew (Andrew) (1940 - ), Plant scientist and University Administrator - Smith, Arthur Bowes
- see Smyth, Arthur Bowes (1750 - c. 1790), Surgeon - Smith, Bill
- see Smith, W. T. P. (1920 - ), Technical officer and Forecaster - Smith, D. M., Agricultural scientist
- Smith, Edgar Albert
- Smith, Ernest James (1877 - 1972), Naturalist and Plumber
- Smith, Frank Andrew (Andrew) (1940 - ), Plant scientist and University Administrator
- Smith, Graeme Talbot (1938 - 1999), Arachnologist and Zoologist
- Smith, Grafton Elliot (1871 - 1937), Anatomist and Anthropologist
- Smith, Harold Whitmore (1886 - 1933), Electrical engineer and Mechanical engineer
- Smith, Henry George (1852 - 1924), Chemist and Mineralogist
- Smith, Ian William (1954 - ), Forest pathologist
- Smith, Ivy Blanche Irene (1884 - 1975), Teacher and Community worker
- Smith, James Alexander (1862 - 1940), Engineer
- Smith, James Edward (1759 - 1828), Botanist
- Smith, John, Surgeon
- Smith, John (1821 - 1885), Chemist and University Administrator
- Smith, John McGarvie (1844 - 1918), Bacteriologist and Metallurgist
- Smith, Julian Augustus Romaine (1873 - 1947), Surgeon, Photographer and Inventor
- Smith, Keith Macpherson (1890 - 1955), Aviator
- Smith, Laurence Alec (1944 - ), Ornithologist
- Smith, Len (1920 - ), Forecaster and Meteorological observer
- Smith, Leslie Walter (1928 - 2018), Environmentalist and Organic chemist
- Smith, Lindsay S., Botanist and Ecologist
- Smith, Louis Lawrence (1830 - 1910), Museum curator, Physician and Politician
- Smith, Meredith Joan (1943 - 1998), Mammalogist and Zoologist
- Smith, N. M. H., Electrical engineer
- Smith, Peter Warnock (1924 - 2017), Inorganic chemist
- Smith, Raymond Ernest (Ray), Geochemist and Geologist
- Smith, Richard (Dick) (1928 - 2015), Biochemist
- Smith, Richard Bowyer (1837 - 1919), Agricultural machinery maker
- Smith, Ross Macpherson (1892 - 1922), Aviator
- Smith, Sally
- see Smith, Sarah Elizabeth (Sally) (1941 - 2019), Botanist, Mycologist and Soil scientist - Smith, Sandra Lynette (1946 - 2019), Entomologist, Scientific illustrator and Zoological artist
- Smith, Sarah Elizabeth (Sally) (1941 - 2019), Botanist, Mycologist and Soil scientist
- Smith, Stewart Arthur (1880 - 1961), Anthropologist and Physician
- Smith, Thomas Frederick (Fred) (1939 - 2014), Physicist and Research administrator
- Smith, W. T. P. (1920 - ), Technical officer and Forecaster
- Smith, William, Engineer
- Smith, William Beattie (1854 - 1921), Psychiatrist
- Smith, William J.P. (? - 1961), Chemist
- Smith, William Ramsay (1859 - 1937), Naturalist, Physician and Anthropologist
- Smith, Winifred Iris Evelyn
- see Mackenzie, Winifred Iris Evelyn (1900 - 1972), Physician - Smithers, Courtenay Neville (1925 - 2011), Entomologist and Museum curator
- Smithers, Geoffrey Welsford (Geoff), Dairy expert and Food scientist
- Smithies, Frederick (1885 - 1979), Conservationist and Photographer
- Smith-White, Spencer (1909 - 1998), Biologist
- Smith-White, William Broderick (1909 - 1986), Mathematician
- Smorgon Consolidated Industries (SCI) (1970s - 1990s)
- Smrz, Pavel Karel (1937 - 2014), Mathematician, Physicist and University Administrator
- Smyth, Arthur Bowes (1750 - c. 1790), Surgeon
- Smyth, James Desmond (1917 - 1999), Zoologist
- Smyth, Lloyd Earle (1922 - 2018), Analytical chemist
- Smyth, Mark John (1963 - ), Immunologist
- Smyth, Robert Brough (1830 - 1889), Mining engineer and Meteorologist
- Smythe, Arthur Bowes
- see Smyth, Arthur Bowes (1750 - c. 1790), Surgeon - Snape, Brian, Chemist and Ornithologist
- Snell, Edward (1820 - 1880), Artist, Civil engineer, Diarist, Mechanical engineer and Surveyor
- Snodgrass, Rosemary (1943 - ), Nurse administrator
- Snowball, William (1854 - 1902), Physician
- Snowy Mountains Council (1959 - )
- Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation (SMEC) (1970 - 1989)
- Snowy Mountains Engineering Corporation Limited (SMEC) (1989 - 1993)
- Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority (1949 - )
- Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Scheme (1949 - )
- Snyder, Allan Whitenack (1940 - )
- Society for Experimental Biology of New South Wales (1939 - c. 1968)
- Society for Growing Australian Plants (SGAP) (1957 - 1962)
- Society for Growing Australian Plants, Canberra Region Inc. (1962 - 1999)
- Society for Growing Australian Plants, Queensland (1957 - )
- Society for Growing Australian Plants, Tasmania (1971 - 1999)
- Society for Reproductive Biology
- see Australian Society for Reproductive Biology (1969 - ) - Society for Social Responsibility in Science (1970 - 1980s)
- Society for the Study of Field Investigation and Research
- see McCoy Society for Research and Investigation (1935 - 1999?) - Society of Chemical Industry of Victoria (SCIV) (1900 - )
- Society of Crystallographers in Australia (1976 - 2000)
- Society of Crystallographers in Australia and New Zealand (2000 - )
- Society of Diecasting Engineers of Australia (SDCEA) (1965 - 1982)
- Softwood Holdings Limited (1952 - 1988)
- Soil Conservation Authority (1950 - 1987), State of Victoria
- Soil Conservation Board (1940 - 1949), State of Victoria
- Soil Science Australia
- see Australian Society of Soil Science Incorporated (1955 - ) - Solahart Industries Pty Ltd (1994 - )
- Solander, Daniel (1733 - 1782), Explorer, Zoologist and Naturalist
- Solar Energy Research Institute of Western Australia
- Solarex Australia Pty Ltd (1973 - 1999)
- Solomon, David Henry (1929 - ), Chemist and Science administrator
- Solomon, Robert John, Geographer
- Somerset, Henry Beaufort (1906 - 1995), Industrial chemist, University Chancellor and Company director
- Somerset, Henry St. John (1875 - 1952), Metallurgist
- Somerville, George, Colonial travellor
- Somerville, Jack Murielle (1912 - 1964), Physicist
- Somerville, Janet (1887 - 1969), Plant collector, Science historian and Teacher
- Somerville, John Laird (1899 - 1986), Chemist
- Somerville, William, Chemist
- Sorrell, Tania Christine (1947 - ), Pathologist
- Soul, Caleb (1817 - 1894), Pharmacist
- Souster, J. Eustace Sirrett
- Souter, Charles Henry (1864 - 1944), Physician
- South Australian Branch, British Medical Association
- see British Medical Association, South Australian Branch (1879 - 1962) - South Australian Branch, Royal Geographical Society of Australasia
- see Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch (1885 - ) - South Australian Central Board of Health (1873 - 1951), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Central Bureau of Agriculture (1888 - 1902), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Colonial Engineering and Architecture Departments (1841 - 1867), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Colonial Surgeons Office (1836 - 1914), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Department for Environment and Heritage (2000 - 2010), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department for Environment and Water (2018 - ), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs (1998 - 2000), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department for Primary Industries (1992 - 1997), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department For the Environment (1976 - 1981), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department for Water (2010 - 2012), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Agriculture [I] (1883 - 1888), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Agriculture [II] (1902 - 1906), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Agriculture [III] (1908 - 1975), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Agriculture [IV] (1979 - 1992), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (1975 - 1979), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Agriculture and Intelligence (1906 - 1908), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (1972 - 1975), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Environment and Land Management (1992 - 1993), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources [I] (1993 - 1997), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources [II] (2010 - 2012), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Environment and Planning (1981 - 1992), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2012 - 2018), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Fisheries [I] (1912 - 1919), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Fisheries [II] (1979 - 1992), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Fisheries and Fauna Conservation (1965 - 1972), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (2002 - 2014), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Health (2004 - 2012)
- South Australian Department of Health and Ageing (2012 - 2018), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing (2018 - ), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Lands (1930 - 1992), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Marine and Harbors (1967 - 1995), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Mines (1894 - 1977), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Mines and Energy (1977 - 1997), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Public Health (1951 - 1978), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of The Harbour Master (1838 - 1843), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Water Resources (2000 - 2002), State of South Australia
- South Australian Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (2002 - 2010), State of South Australia
- South Australian Engineer in Chief's and Engineering Departments (1867 - 1929), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Engineering and Water Supply Department, State of South Australia
- South Australian Environmental Protection Authority (2002 - ), State of South Australia
- South Australian Fisheries and Game Department (1919 - 1964), State of South Australia
- South Australian Forest Board (1875 - 1882), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Great Northern Exploring Expedition (1861 - 1863), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Harbor Department (1843 - 1860), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Harbors Board (1913 - 1966), State of South Australia
- South Australian Health Commission (1978 - 2008), State of South Australia
- South Australian Herbarium
- see State Herbarium of South Australia (1954 - ) - South Australian Hospitals Department (1940 - 1978), State of South Australia
- South Australian Inspector General of Hospitals Office (1914 - 1940), State of South Australia
- South Australian Institute (1856 - 1940)
- South Australian Institute of Engineers (1913 - 1919)
- South Australian Institute of Engineers: Biennial proceedings (1913 - 1918)
- South Australian Irrigation and Drainage Commission (1923 - 1930), State of South Australia
- South Australian Irrigation and Drainage Department (1930), State of South Australia
- South Australian Irrigation and Reclamation Works Department (1910 - 1923), State of South Australia
- South Australian Lands and Survey Department (1917 - 1930), State of South Australia
- South Australian Marine Board (1860 - 1925), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Museum (1940 - )
- South Australian Museum, Waterhouse Natural Science Art Prize (2002 - )
- South Australian Observatory and Telegraph Department (1856 - 1869), Colony of South Australia
- South Australian Office of Planning and Urban Development (1992 - 1993), State of South Australia
- South Australian Ornithological Association (1899 - )
- South Australian ornithologist (1914 - )
- South Australian Ports Corporation (Ports Corp) (1995 - 2001), State of South Australia
- South Australian Post and Telegraph Department (1870 - 1975), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Railways (1856 - 1974), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Rubber Mills Pty Ltd (1939 - ?)
- South Australian School of Mines and Industries (1889 - ?)
- South Australian State Transport Authority Board (1974 - 1994), State of South Australia
- South Australian Surveyor General's Office and the Survey and Crown Lands Department (1836 - 1917), Colony and State of South Australia
- South Australian Timber Corporation ( - c. 1993)
- South Australian Water Corporation (1995 - ), State of South Australia
- South Australian Woods and Forests Department (1883 - 1992), Colony and State of South Australia
- South East Queensland Electricity Board
- Southcott, Ronald Vernon (1918 - 1998), Arachnologist, Naturalist and Physician
- South-Eastern Purification Plant (SEPP) (1975 - )
- Southern Cross Corporation Ltd
- Southern Cross University (1994 - )
- Southern Cross Antarctic Expedition
- see British Antarctic Expedition [II] (1898 - 1900) - Southern Health
- see Monash Health (1995 - ) - Southern Health Care Network
- see Monash Health (1995 - ) - Southern Hemisphere Analysis Centre (1964 - ?)
- Southern Hydro
- Southern science record and magazine of natural history (1881 - 1886)
- Sowerby, Brian David (1943 - ), Mineralogist and Nuclear physicist
- Spaldeschi, Marie
- see Bentivoglio, Marie (1898 - 1998), Crystallographer and Geographer - Spalding, Edward, Entomologist and Taxidermist
- Sparrow, Lindsay Gale, Chemist and Medical chemist
- Spawn, A. F., Food technologist
- Specht, Alison, Botanist
- Specht, Raymond Louis (1924 - 2021), Botanist, Conservationist and Ecologist
- Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) (1980 - )
- Special Duties Performance Flight (1941 - 1947), Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF)
- Special Research Centre for Advanced Mineral and Materials Processing (SRCAMMP) (1991 - c. 1999), The University of Western Australia
- Speedie, Milton George (1908 - 2002), Civil engineer
- Speedy, Sandra (1946 - ), Psychologist
- Spence, Kenneth Kinross (1895 - ), Entomologist and Physician
- Spence, Susan Hilary (1953 - ), Educator
- Spencer, Baldwin
- see Spencer, Walter Baldwin (1860 - 1929), Biologist, Anthropologist and Art patron - Spencer, Jessie (1859 - 1936), Botanical collector
- Spencer, Walter Baldwin (1860 - 1929), Biologist, Anthropologist and Art patron
- Sperry Rand Australia Limited (? - 1975)
- Spicer, Brian Milton (1928 - 2004), Physicist and University Administrator
- Spies, Brian Roy (1949 - 2020), Geophysicist and Science administrator
- Spigl, Hyman Solomon (1911 - 1962), Astronomer and Surveyor
- Spillane, Kevin Thomas (1929? - ), Meteorologist
- Splatt, Beryl Audrey Pickering, Biochemist
- Spooner, Edgar Clynton Ross (1908 - 1976), Educator, Metallurgist and Chemical engineer
- Spöring, Herman Diedrich (c. 1733 - 1771), Explorer, Natural history artist and Naturalist
- Sport and Exercise Psychology Unit, Victoria University of Technology
- Spradbrow, Peter Bryan (1934 - 2017), Virologist
- Spratt, David Michael (1942 - ), Ecologist and Parasitologist
- Spratt, Peter Elliott, Civil engineer
- Sprent, John Frederick Adrian (1915 - 2010), Veterinary scientist
- Sprigg, Reginald Claude (1919 - 1994), Geologist
- Springthorpe, John William (1855 - 1933), Physician
- Spry, Frank Palmer (1858 - 1922), Entomologist and Stonemason
- Spurling, Milton (Spike) (1925 - 2005), Horticulturist and Science administrator
- Spurling, Thomas Harley (Tom) (1940 - ), Physical chemist, Science historian and University Administrator
- Squire, James (1755? - 1822), Brewer and Farmer
- Squire, Ross Ormond (1942 - ), Forest scientist
- Squires, Patrick (1914 - 1990), Meteorologist and Physicist
- Srinivasan, Mandyam Veerambudi (1948 - ), Electrical engineer and Neurobiologist
- St John, Percival Reginald Harry (1872 - 1944), Botanical collector and Botanist
- St Vincent's Health Australia
- St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne (1893 - )
- St Vincent's Hospital Sydney (1857 - )
- St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne, Advisory Council of St Vincent's School of Medical Research (1952 - 1957)
- St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research (1958 - )
- St Vincent's School of Medical Research
- see St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research (1958 - ) - St. Regis/ACI (c. 1961 - c. 1999)
- Stabler, W., Brewer
- Stacey, Frank Donald (1929 - ), Geophysicist
- Stack, Ellen Mary (Ella), Pastoralist and Physician
- Stack, Judith Olga (Judi) (1952 - ), Company director
- Stacy, John Bernard (1903 - ), Radio engineer
- Stacy, John Edward (1799 - 1881), Surgeon and Botanist
- Staiger, Karl Theodor (1833 - 1888), Chemical analyst and Museum curator
- Stainton, Mary Colleen (1938 - ), Nurse educator
- Stalker, Raymond John (1930 - 2014), Aeronautical engineer
- Stamm, Walter John (1926 - 2018), Engineer
- Stanco (Australia) Pty Ltd
- Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd (1937 - 1970s)
- Standards Association of Australia (1929 - 1988)
- Standards Association of Australia, Timber Sectional Committee (1930 - ?)
- Standards Australia (1988 - )
- Stang, Eleanor Margrethe (1894 - 1978), Physician
- Stang, Rita
- see Stang, Eleanor Margrethe (1894 - 1978), Physician - Stanisic, John Hooper, Malacologist and Museum curator
- Stanley, Evan Richard (1885 - 1924), Geologist
- Stanley, Fiona Juliet (1946 - ), Paediatrician and Epidemiologist
- Stanley, George Arthur Vickers (1904 - 1965), Geographer, Geologist and Petrologist
- Stanley, Gordon James (1921 - 2001), Engineer and Radio astronomer
- Stanley, Neville Fenton (1918 - 1984), Microbiologist and University Administrator
- Stanley, Owen (1811 - 1850), Marine surveyor and Naval officer
- Stanner, William Edward Hanley (Bill) (1905 - 1981), Anthropologist
- Stanton, Byron Lionel (1891 - 1963), Physician and Pharmacist
- Stanton, R. B. (Robin Barrington?), Computer scientist
- Stanton, Richard Limon (1926 - 2020), Geologist
- Stanton, Rosemary Alison (1944 - ), Nutritionist and Dietician
- Stapylton, Granville William Chetwynd (1800 - 1840)
- Starkey, William, Manufacturer
- Starr, Sir Kenneth William (1908 - 1976), Surgeon
- State Committee New South Wales (1916 - 1920), Advisory Council of Science and Industry
- State Committee Queensland (1916 - 1920), Advisory Council of Science and Industry
- State Committee South Australia (1916 - 1920), Advisory Council of Science and Industry
- State Committee Tasmania (1916 - 1920), Advisory Council of Science and Industry
- State Committee Victoria (1916 - 1920), Advisory Council of Science and Industry
- State Committee Western Australia (1916 - 1920), Advisory Council of Science and Industry
- State Electricity Commission of Victoria (1921 - c. 1993), State of Victoria
- State Electricity Commission of Western Australia (1945 - 1975), State of Western Australia
- State Energy Authority of South Australia, State of South Australia
- State Energy Commission of Western Australia (1975 - 1995), State of Western Australia
- State Government of Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries (2013 - )
- State Herbage Plant Liaison Committees
- State Herbarium of South Australia (1954 - )
- State of New South Wales (1901 - )
- State of New South Wales, Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan (1984 - )
- State of New South Wales, Biological and Chemical Research Institute (1970 - 1992)
- State of New South Wales, Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mount Tomah (2011 - )
- State of New South Wales, Bureau of Microbiology (1908 - 1913)
- State of New South Wales, Commissioner for Water Conservation and Irrigation (1913 - 1916)
- State of New South Wales, Dairy Research Centre (? - 1970s)
- State of New South Wales, Energy Authority of New South Wales (1976 - 1987)
- State of New South Wales, Forestry Commission (of New South Wales) (1916 - 1993)
- State of New South Wales, Hunter District Water Supply and Sewerage Board (1892 - 1938)
- State of New South Wales, Metropolitan Water, Sewerage and Drainage Board (MWS&DB) (1924 - 1987)
- State of New South Wales, Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences (1950 - )
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Agriculture (1908 - 2004)
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Agriculture (1974 - 1975)
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales Department of Railways (1932 - ?)
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales Government Tramways
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales Mines Department (1908 - 1978)
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales Public Works Department (1941 - 1980s)
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales State Dockyard
- State of New South Wales, New South Wales State Rail Authority (1980 - 2003)
- State of New South Wales, Powerhouse Museum (1988 - )
- State of New South Wales, Sydney County Council (1935 - 1991)
- State of New South Wales, Sydney Harbour Trust Commissioners (1901 - 1936)
- State of New South Wales, Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission [I] (1916 - 1949)
- State of New South Wales, Water Conservation and Irrigation Commission [II] (1949 - 1976)
- State of Queensland (1901 - )
- State of Queensland, Horticulture Branch, Plant Industry Division, Primary Industries Department (1963 - )
- State of Queensland, Main Roads Board (1920 - 1925)
- State of Queensland, Main Roads Commission (1925 - 1951)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Agricultural Chemistry Branch, Land Management Division, Primary Industries Department (1963 - 1996)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Bureau of Industry (I) (1933 - 1947)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (2015 - )
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Stock (1904 - 1963)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (2012 - 2015)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (2009 - 2012)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Energy and Water Supply (2012 - 2017)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection (2012 - 2017)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (2009 - 2012)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Environment and Science (2017 - )
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Forestry (1957 - 1989)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Harbours and Marine (1929 - 1989)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Health (1963 - 2012)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Minerals and Energy (1992 - 1996)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Mines and Energy (I) (1996 - 2001)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Mines and Energy (II) (2006 - 2009)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of National Parks, Recreation, Sport and Racing (2012 - 2015)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing (2015 - 2017)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources (1998 - 2001)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (I) (2001 - 2004)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (II) (2004 - 2006)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines (III) (2012 - 2017)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water (2006 - 2009)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (I) (2004)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (II) (2017 - )
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Water (2006)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Primary Industries (I) (1963 - 1996)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Primary Industries (II) (1998 - 2004)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries (2004 - 2009)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries and Forestry (1996 - 1998)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Resource Industries (1989 - 1992)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, and Innovation (2015 - 2017)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts (2012 - 2015)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Energy Department (2004 - 2006)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Environment and Heritage Department (I) (1989 - 1996)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Environment and Heritage Department (II) (1998)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Environment Department (1996 - 1998)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Environment, Conservation and Tourism Department (1987 - 1989)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Environmental Protection Agency (1998 - 2009)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Forest Service (1989 - )
- State of Queensland, Queensland Geographic Information Department (1988 - 1989)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Grain Research Foundation (1977 - 2007)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Health (2012 - )
- State of Queensland, Queensland Health and Home Affairs Department (1935 - 1963)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Horticulture Branch (1945 - )
- State of Queensland, Queensland Institute of Medical Research (1947 - )
- State of Queensland, Queensland Irrigation and Water Supply Sub-Department (1932 - 1947)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Mapping and Surveying Department (1975 - 1988)
- State of Queensland, Queensland Natural Resource Sciences Chemistry Centre (1995 - )
- State of South Australia (1901 - )
- State of South Australia, Department for Primary Industries and Resources South Australia (1997 - 2011)
- State of South Australia, Department of Primary Industries and Regions SA (2011 - )
- State of South Australia, Electricity Trust of South Australia (1946 - 1995)
- State of South Australia, ETSA Corporation (1995 - 2000)
- State of South Australia, Mount Lofty Botanic Garden (1977 - )
- State of South Australia, Municipal Tramways Trust (1907 - 1975)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department for Environment and Heritage (2000 - 2010)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department for Environment and Water (2018 - )
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs (1998 - 2000)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department for Primary Industries (1992 - 1997)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department For the Environment (1976 - 1981)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department for Water (2010 - 2012)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Agriculture [II] (1902 - 1906)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Agriculture [III] (1908 - 1975)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Agriculture [IV] (1979 - 1992)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (1975 - 1979)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Agriculture and Intelligence (1906 - 1908)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (1972 - 1975)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Environment and Land Management (1992 - 1993)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources [I] (1993 - 1997)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources [II] (2010 - 2012)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Environment and Planning (1981 - 1992)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources (2012 - 2018)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Fisheries [I] (1912 - 1919)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Fisheries [II] (1979 - 1992)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Fisheries and Fauna Conservation (1965 - 1972)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Further Education, Employment, Science and Technology (2002 - 2014)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Health and Ageing (2012 - 2018)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing (2018 - )
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Lands (1930 - 1992)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Marine and Harbors (1967 - 1995)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Mines and Energy (1977 - 1997)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Public Health (1951 - 1978)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Water Resources (2000 - 2002)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation (2002 - 2010)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Engineering and Water Supply Department
- State of South Australia, South Australian Environmental Protection Authority (2002 - )
- State of South Australia, South Australian Fisheries and Game Department (1919 - 1964)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Harbors Board (1913 - 1966)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Health Commission (1978 - 2008)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Hospitals Department (1940 - 1978)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Inspector General of Hospitals Office (1914 - 1940)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Irrigation and Drainage Commission (1923 - 1930)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Irrigation and Drainage Department (1930)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Irrigation and Reclamation Works Department (1910 - 1923)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Lands and Survey Department (1917 - 1930)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Office of Planning and Urban Development (1992 - 1993)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Ports Corporation (Ports Corp) (1995 - 2001)
- State of South Australia, South Australian State Transport Authority Board (1974 - 1994)
- State of South Australia, South Australian Water Corporation (1995 - )
- State of South Australia, State Energy Authority of South Australia
- State of South Australia, Wittunga Botanic Garden (1975 - )
- State of Tasmania (1901 - )
- State of Tasmania, Forestry Commission (of Tasmania) (1947 - 1994)
- State of Tasmania, Hydro Electric Department (1914 - 1930)
- State of Tasmania, Hydro-Electric Commission of Tasmania (1930 - 1996)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Agriculture [II] (1911 - 1989)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Agriculture and Stock (1903 - 1909)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Community and Health Services (1993 - 1998)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Environment and Land Management (1993 - 1998)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Environment and Planning (1989 - 1993)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (2008 - 2009)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Health [I] (1989 - 1993)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Health [II] (2018 - )
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Health and Human Services (1998 - 2018)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Health Services (1956 - 1989)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources (1998 - 2014)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Lands, Parks and Wildlife (1987 - 1989)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Mines (1992 - 1993)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Parks, Wildlife and Heritage (1989 - 1993)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries and Water (2006 - 2009)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (2009 - )
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (1998 - 2006)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry (1989 - 1992)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (1993 - 1998)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Primary Industry, Fisheries and Energy (1992 - 1993)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Public Health (1904 - 1956)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Resources and Energy (1989 - 1992)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Sea Fisheries (1985 - 1989)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of State Development (1998 - 2002)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of State Development and Resources (1993 - 1994)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of State Growth (2014 - )
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of the Environment (1972 - 1989)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Tourism, Arts and the Environment (2006 - 2008)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts (2002 - 2006)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Development and Resources (1994 - 1998)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Fisheries Development Authority (1977 - 1985)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Hospital for the Insane Department (1907 - 1915)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Mental Diseases Hospital Department (1915 - 1920)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Mental Health Services Commission (1968 - 1993)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian National Parks and Wildlife Service (1971 - 1987)
- State of Tasmania, Tasmanian Public Works Department (1835 - 1977)
- State of Victoria (1901 - )
- State of Victoria, Country Roads Board (1913 - 1983)
- State of Victoria, Department of Natural Resources and Environment (1996 - 2002)
- State of Victoria, Department of Primary Industries (2003 - 2013)
- State of Victoria, Department of Sustainability and Environment (2003 - 2013)
- State of Victoria, Environment Conservation Council (of Victoria) (1997 - 2001)
- State of Victoria, Forest Research and Development Branch (1983? - 1998)
- State of Victoria, Forests Commission Victoria (1918 - 1983)
- State of Victoria, Gas and Fuel Corporation of Victoria (1951 - 1995)
- State of Victoria, Housing Commission of Victoria (1938 - 1984)
- State of Victoria, Institute of Horticultural Development (1993 - )
- State of Victoria, Land Conservation Council of Victoria (1971 - 1997)
- State of Victoria, Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works (1891 - 1990s)
- State of Victoria, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (1918 - 1983)
- State of Victoria, Museum of Applied Science (1945 - 1971)
- State of Victoria, Proprietary Medicines Advisory Committee (1953 - 1991)
- State of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Board (1992 - )
- State of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne (1958 - )
- State of Victoria, Rural Water Commission (1984 - 1992)
- State of Victoria, Soil Conservation Authority (1950 - 1987)
- State of Victoria, Soil Conservation Board (1940 - 1949)
- State of Victoria, State Electricity Commission of Victoria (1921 - c. 1993)
- State of Victoria, State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (SRWSC) (1905 - 1984)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Agriculture [II] (1991 - 1995)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (1985 - 1991)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Agriculture, Energy and Minerals (1995 - 1996)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Conservation and Environment (1990 - 1992)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (1992 - 1996)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands (1983 - 1990)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Infrastructure (1996 - )
- State of Victoria, Victorian Department of Water Supply (c. 1940 - 1975)
- State of Victoria, Victorian Health Promotion Foundation
- State of Victoria, Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (1985 - )
- State of Victoria, Victorian Pipelines Commission (1967 - 1971)
- State of Victoria, Women's and Children's Health (1995 - 2005)
- State of Western Australia (1901 - )
- State of Western Australia, Fisheries Western Australia (1997 - 2001)
- State of Western Australia, Health Department of Western Australia (1984 - )
- State of Western Australia, Public Health Department of Western Australia (1911 - 1984)
- State of Western Australia, State Electricity Commission of Western Australia (1945 - 1975)
- State of Western Australia, State Energy Commission of Western Australia (1975 - 1995)
- State of Western Australia, Water Authority of Western Australia (1985 - 1996)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australia Forests Department (1919 - 1985)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Agricultural Protection Board (1951 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Aborigines and Fisheries (1909 - 1920)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Agriculture and Food (2006 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (2017 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Commerce (2009 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Conservation and Environment (1975 - 1987)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land Management (1985 - 2006)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Environment (2004 - 2006)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Environment and Conservation (2006 - 2013)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Environment Regulation (2013 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Environmental Protection [1] (1971 - 1975)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Environmental Protection [2] (1994 - 2004)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Fisheries (2001 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Fisheries and Fauna (1964 - 1974)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Fisheries and Wildlife (1974 - 1985)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Hospital and Allied Services (1981 - 1984)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Industry and Resources (2003 - 2009)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Industry and Technology (2001 - 2003)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation (2017 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Marine and Harbours (1982 - 1993)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Minerals and Energy (1992 - 2001)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Minerals and Petroleum Resources (2001 - 2003)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Mines and Petroleum (2009 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (2017 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Parks and Wildlife (2013 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (2017 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Water (2005 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (2017 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority [1] (1971 - 1987)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority [2] (1987 - 1994)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority [3] (1994 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Fisheries Department [2] (1920 - 1964)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Fisheries Department [3] (1986 - 1997)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Government Chemical Laboratories, Department of Mines (1922 - 1988)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Government Railways [2] (1949 - 2000)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Government Railways and Tramways (1914 - 1922)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, and Ferries (1946 - 1949)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Government Railways, Tramways, Ferries and Electricity Supply (1930 - 1946)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Government Tramways and Ferries (1949 - 1958)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Medical Department [2] (1956 - 1979)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Mental Health Services (1954 - 1984)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Mental Hospitals Department (1950 - 1954)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Metropolitan Water Authority (1982 - 1985)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Metropolitan Water Supply Sewerage and Drainage Board (1964 - 1982)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department (1910 - 1964)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Office of the Environmental Protection Authority (2009 - 2017)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Public Works Department (1901 - 1985)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Technology and Industry Development Authority (1987 - 1990)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Water and Rivers Commission (1996 - 2008)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Water Corporation (1996 - )
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage Department (1912 - 1921)
- State of Western Australia, Western Australian Waterways Commission (1976 - 1995)
- State Rivers and Water Supply Commission (SRWSC) (1905 - 1984), State of Victoria
- Statistical Society of Australia (1962 - )
- Statistical Society of Australia, Pitman Medal (1978 - )
- Statistical Society of New South Wales ( - 1962)
- Stauber, Jennifer (Jenny), Ecotoxicologist, Environmental scientist and Toxicologist
- Staunton, Patricia Jane (1946 - ), Lawyer and Nurse
- Stawell, Richard Rawdon (1864 - 1935), Physician
- Stawell, William Foster (1815 - 1889), Science patron, Member of Parliament and Judge
- Stead, David George (1877 - 1957), Naturalist
- Stead, Thistle Yolette
- see Harris, Thistle Yolette (1902 - 1990), Author, Botanist and Conservationist - Steane, Dorothy A., Eucalypt geneticist and Plant evolutionary biologist
- Steel, Beattie
- see Steel, William Howard (Beattie) (1920 - 2004), Physicist - Steel, James Davidson, Veterinary scientist
- Steel, Thomas (1858 - 1925), Chemist and Naturalist
- Steel, Thomas Heron (1912 - 2000), Physician
- Steel, William Heron (1830 - 1889), Engineer
- Steel, William Howard (Beattie) (1920 - 2004), Physicist
- Steele, Bertram Dillon (1870 - 1931), Chemist and Pharmacist
- Steele, William Huey (1867 - 1950), Electrical engineer
- Steinbauer, Martin, Entomologist
- Stenzel, Martina, Polymer chemist
- Stephen, George Milner (1812 - 1894), Geologist and Faith-healer
- Stephens, Edward William
- Stephens, Henry Douglas (1877 - 1952), Paediatrician
- Stephens, John Gower (1898 - ), Radiotherapist
- Stephens, Thomas (1830 - 1913), Geologist and Educator
- Stephens, William John (1829 - 1890), Naturalist and Geologist
- Stephenson and Turner ( - 1995)
- Stephenson, Dimitrie George (1945 - ), Physiologist
- Stephenson, Neville George (1916 - 1994), Biologist and University Administrator
- Stephenson, Phillip Jon (Jon) (1930 - 2011), Antarctic explorer and Geologist
- Sternhell, Sever (1930 - 2022), Organic chemist
- Stevens, Leonard Kelman (Len) (1925 - 2018), Civil engineer and University Administrator
- Stewart, Alexander Anderson (1874 - 1956), Engineer and Company director
- Stewart, George Alan (Alan) (1922 - ), Agricultural scientist
- Stewart, H.T.L.
- see Stewart, Hugh Thomas Lindsay (1951 - ), Conservation or Environment, Forest scientist and Forestry consultant - Stewart, Hugh Thomas Lindsay (1951 - ), Conservation or Environment, Forest scientist and Forestry consultant
- Stewart, Ian McColl (1912 - 1994), Chemical engineer and Engineering historian
- Stewart, James Douglas (1869 - 1955), Veterinary scientist
- Stewart, John (1810 - 1896), Veterinary surgeon and Politician
- Stewart, John (1832 - 1904), Veterinary surgeon
- Stewarts and Lloyds (Aust) Pty Ltd (1920s - 1970s)
- Stewart-Wade, Sally (1969 - ), Plant pathologist
- Stibbs, Douglas Walter Noble (Walter) (1919 - 2010), Astronomer and Astrophysicist
- Stibbs, Keith, Technical officer
- Sticht, Robert Carl (1856 - 1922), Metallurgist and Mining engineer
- Sticht, Robert Carl (Jnr) (1895? - 1958), Chemical engineer
- Still, Harry Andrew (1897 - 1966), Assayer
- Still, Jack Leslie (1911 - 2001), Biochemist
- Stillwell, Frank Leslie (1888 - 1963), Geologist and Antarctic explorer
- Stirling Henry Limited (1920s - 1970s)
- Stirling, Edward Charles (Ted) (1848 - 1919), Anthropologist, University Administrator and Physiologist
- Stirling, James (1852 - 1909), Geologist and Botanist
- Stoate, Theodore Norman (1895 - 1979), Forester
- Stobie, James Cyril (1895 - 1953), Engineer and Inventor
- Stock, Alexander (1912 - 1975), Zoologist
- Stockdill, Donald Alexander (1923 - 1980), Civil engineer
- Stocker, John Wilcox (1945 - ), Chief Scientist, Immunologist and Medical scientist
- Stocklmayer, Sue, Science administrator
- Stodart, Eleanor, Science writer
- Stoeckel, Andrew, Economist
- Stokes, John Lort (1812 - 1885), Explorer and Hydrographer
- Stokes, Robert Harold (1918 - 2016), Chemist
- Stokes, Robin
- see Stokes, Robert Harold (1918 - 2016), Chemist - Stoller, Alan (1911 - 2007), Psychiatrist
- Stone, Bruce Arthur (1928 - 2008), Biochemist and University Administrator
- Stone, Constance
- see Stone, Emma Constance (Constance) (1856 - 1902), Physician - Stone, Edward Giles (1874 - 1947), Civil engineer
- Stone, Emma Constance (Constance) (1856 - 1902), Physician
- Stone, Francis Ernest Albert (1868 - 1956), Analytical chemist
- Stone, Ilma Grace (1913 - 2001), Bryologist and Botanist
- Stone, Jonathan (1942 - ), Anatomist
- Stone, William (1858 - 1949), Electrical engineer
- Stoneman, Effie
- see Stoneman, Ethel Turner (1890 - 1973), Psychologist - Stoneman, Ethel Turner (1890 - 1973), Psychologist
- Stones, Elsie Margaret (Margaret) (1920 - 2018), Botanical artist
- Stones, Margaret
- see Stones, Elsie Margaret (Margaret) (1920 - 2018), Botanical artist - Storer, Harold Reginald (Harry) (1907 - 1985), Meteorological observer and Forecaster
- Storey, John Stanley (1896 - 1955), Industrialist
- Storr, Glen Milton (1921 - 1990), Herpetologist and Ornithologist
- Story, David (1940 - ), Pharmacologist
- Story, George Fordyce (1800 - 1885), Naturalist and Physician
- Stout, Reginald William (Reg) (1921 - 2001), Technical officer
- Strange, Frederick (1816? - 1854), Natural history collector
- Stranks, Donald Richard (1929 - 1986), Chemist and Vice-Chancellor
- Strath, John Alexander Wiseman (1916 - 2009), Physicist
- Strauss, Werner (1930 - 1978), Chemical engineer
- Street, Anne Penfold (1932 - 2016), Mathematician and Educator
- Street, Annette Fay (1948 - ), Nurse educator
- Street, Robert (1920 - 2013), Physicist
- Street, Ross Howard (1945 - ), Mathematician
- Strehlow, Carl Friedrich Theodor (1871 - 1922), Ethnologist, Linguist, Minister of religion and Missionary
- Strehlow, Theodor George Henry (1908 - 1978), Linguist and Ethnologist
- Streich, Victor Franz Paul (? - 1905), Geologist and Mineralogist
- Streimann, Heinar (1938 - 2001), Bryologist
- Streten, Neil Anthony (1933 - ), Meteorologist
- Strickland, Shirley
- see de la Hunty, Shirley Barbara (1925 - 2004), Conservationist and Educator - Strickland, Tom Percival (1875 - 1955), Electrical engineer and Engineer
- Strom, Alan Gordon (1924 - 2000), Water supply expert and Environmental engineer
- Strom, Harold Greve (1894 - 1971), Civil engineer
- Strong, Hugo
- Strong, Jennifer (1959 - ), Occupational therapist and Educator
- Structural Biology Division (2002 - ), The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
- Strutt, William (1825 - 1915), Artist
- Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de (1797 - 1873), Explorer and Mineralogist
- Stuart, Akroyd
- see Stuart, Herbert Akroyd (1864 - 1927), Mechanical engineer - Stuart, Charles (1802 - 1877), Botanist and Natural history collector
- Stuart, Charles Henry (1874 - 1940), Mechanical engineer
- Stuart, Herbert Akroyd (1864 - 1927), Mechanical engineer
- Stuart, John McDouall (1815 - 1866), Explorer and Surveyor
- Stuart, Thomas Peter Anderson (1856 - 1920), Physiologist and University Administrator
- Stubbs, Lionel Leslie (1916 - 2003), Plant pathologist, University Administrator and Virologist
- Stuckey, Joan, Inventor
- Studdert, Virginia Perryman, Veterinarian and Educator
- Stuhlmiller, Cynthia (1956 - ), Nurse educator
- Stump, Claude Witherington (1891 - 1971), Medical scientist
- Sturt, Charles (1795 - 1869), Explorer
- Stutchbury, Samuel (1798 - 1859), Geologist and Biologist
- Styles, James (1841 - 1913), Civil engineer
- Suaning, Gregg (1963 - ), Medical engineer and neuroscientist
- Sugar Research Institute (1949 - )
- Sullivan, Arthur, Explorer
- Sullivan, Colin Edward (1945 - ), Medical educator
- Sullivan, John Vincent (Jack) (1924 - 2013), Physicist
- Sullivan, Patrick Joseph (1938 - ), Meteorologist
- Sullivan, Sharon Mary (1944 - ), Archaeologist
- Sulphates Chemical Company Pty. Limited
- see Filtration and Water Softening Pty Ltd (1928 - ?) - Sulphide Corporation Pty Ltd (1897 - 1990s)
- Sumeghy, Jozsef Bela (Joe) (1922 - ), Horticulturist and Agronomist
- Summers, Herbert St John (1876 - 1963), Geologist
- Summerville, William Allan Thompson (1904 - 1980), Entomologist and Agricultural scientist
- Summons, Roger Everett (1946 - ), Geochemist
- Summons, Walter Ernest Isaac (1881 - 1970), Physician
- Sunderland, Sydney (1910 - 1993), Anatomist, University Administrator and Neurologist
- Sunderland, W. T., Engineer
- Sunshine Harvester Works (1900s - 1980s)
- SunWater (c. 1920 - )
- Surveillance Research Laboratory (1987 - 1994), Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO)
- The Surveying & Spatial Sciences Institute (SSSI) (2009 - )
- Sussmilch, Adolph Carl von de Heyde
- see Süssmilch, Adolph Carl von de Heyde (1875 - 1946), Geologist and Educator - Süssmilch, Adolph Carl von de Heyde (1875 - 1946), Geologist and Educator
- Sustainability Victoria
- see Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria (2000 - 2005) - Sustainable Energy Authority Victoria (2000 - 2005)
- Sustainable Tourism CRC
- see CRC for Sustainable Tourism (1997 - 2010) - Sutherland, Alexander (1852 - 1902), Headmaster, Historian and Journalist
- Sutherland, Douglas Macnicol (1911 - 2010), Physicist and Radio engineer
- Sutherland, George (1855 - 1905), Inventor and Journalist
- Sutherland, Grant Robert (1945 - ), Cytogeneticist
- Sutherland, K. N., Mechanical engineer
- Sutherland, Keith Leonard (1916 - 1980), Malacologist and Physical chemist
- Sutherland, Robert Lyndsay (Rob) (1947 - 2012), Medical researcher
- Sutherland, Struan Keith (1936 - 2002), Pharmacologist
- Sutherland, Sulina Murray MacDonald (1839 - 1909), Nurse and Child welfare worker
- Sutherland, William (1859 - 1911), Physicist and Physical chemist
- Sutherst, Robert Wilfred (Bob) (1943 - 2013), Ecologist and Entomologist
- Sutton, Fay (1926 - 2000), Conservationist
- Sutton, George Lowe (1872 - 1964), Agricultural scientist, Public servant and Science administrator
- Sutton, Harvey Vincent (1882 - 1963), Medical scientist
- Sutton, Henry (1856 - 1912), Inventor
- Sutton, J.W. (1840 - 1913), Engineer
- Sutton, John, Mechanical engineer
- Sutton, John (1866 - 1938), Bank Manager and Ornithologist
- Sutton, Theodore Carlton, Physicist
- Suttor, George (1774 - 1859), Botanical collector and Horticulturist
- see St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research (1958 - ) - Swain, Edward Harold Fulcher (1883 - 1970), Botanical collector and Forester
- Swain, Herbert John (1882 - 1959), Engineer and Educator
- Swain, W.D.P., Surgeon
- Swainson, William (1789 - 1855), Zoologist and Botanist
- Swallow and Ariell Pty Ltd (1854? - 1965)
- Swallow, Thomas (1827 - 1890), Manufacturer
- Swan River Colony
- see Colony of Western Australia (1829 - 1901) - Swan, Ailsa Macvey (1922 - 1998), Chemist and Conservationist
- Swan, Henry Brisbane (1858 - 1926), Merchant
- Swan, John Melvin (1924 - 2015), Chemist and University Administrator
- Swan, Keith (1916 - 1996), Educator and Forecaster
- Swan, Ralph Alexander (1936 - 2016), Veterinary scientist
- Swan, Robert Arthur, Writer
- Swann, Peter (1945 - 2021), Optometrist
- Swanson, Brett Anthony
- Swanson, Thomas Baikie (1910 - 1995), Chemist
- Swanton, James
- Sweatman, John (1825 - ?), Artist and Surveyor
- Sweet, George (1844 - 1920), Geologist
- Sweet, Georgina (1875 - 1946), Zoologist
- Swift, Brian Herbert (1893 - 1969), Gynaecologist and Obstetrician
- Swinbank, William Christopher (1913 - 1973), Meteorologist and Physicist
- Swinbourne, Robert Frederick George (1936 - 2015), Horticultural botanist
- Swinburne Institute of Technology
- see Swinburne Technical College (1908 - 1992) - Swinburne Technical College (1908 - 1992)
- Swinburne University of Technology (1992 - )
- Swinburne University of Technology, Brain Sciences Institute (BSI) (1994 - )
- Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Applied Colloid and Biocolloid Science (1986 - 2006)
- Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Applied Colloid Science (1980 - )
- Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing (1998 - )
- Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Biomedical Instrumentation
- Swinburne University of Technology, Centre for Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM Centre)
- Swinburne University of Technology, Division of Science, Engineering and Design
- Swinburne University of Technology, Environment and Biotechnology Centre (2002 - )
- Swinburne University of Technology, Graduate School of Integrative Medicine ( - c. 2009)
- Swinburne University of Technology, Industrial Research Institute Swinburne (IRIS)
- Swinburne University of Technology, Industrial Sciences Department
- Swinburne University of Technology, Materials Technology Group
- Swinburne University of Technology, National School of Design
- Swinburne University of Technology, National Scientific Instrumentation Training Centre ( - c. 2000)
- Swinburne University of Technology, Office of Special Projects
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Biophysical Sciences and Electrical Engineering
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Business
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Chemical Sciences
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Design
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Engineering and Science
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Information technology
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Mathematical Sciences
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (? - 1997)
- Swinburne University of Technology, School of Social Sciences and Arts TAFE Division
- Swinburne University of Technology, Telematics Research and Application Collaboratory Research Team
- Swinburne, George (1861 - 1928), Business executive, Engineer, Politician and Philanthropist
- Swire, Brian Ernest (1918 - 1964), Engineer
- Switkowski, Zygmunt Edward (Ziggy) (1948 - ), Business executive, Nuclear physicist and University Chancellor
- Sydney County Council (1935 - 1991), State of New South Wales
- Sydney Flour Company
- Sydney Foundry and Engineering Works (c. 1842 - c. 1855)
- Sydney Harbour Trust
- see Sydney Harbour Trust Commissioners (1901 - 1936), State of New South Wales - Sydney Harbour Trust Commissioners (1901 - 1936), State of New South Wales
- Sydney Ice Company (1860 - 1862)
- Sydney Jam Company
- Sydney Meat Preserving Company (1869 - 1930s)
- Sydney Mechanics Institute (1843 - 1878)
- Sydney Morning Herald (c. 1831 - )
- Sydney Observatory, Colony and State of New South Wales
- Sydney Paper Mills (1905 - 1920)
- Sydney Salting Company (1843 - ?)
- Sydney Technical College (1878 - 1949)
- Sydney Technological Museum
- see Technological Museum (1890 - 1950), Colony and State of New South Wales - Sydney University Engineering Society (1895 - 1919)
- Syer, Thomas D.
- Sykes, Stephen Myles (1918 - 1969), Food scientist
- Syme, Geoffrey, Educator, Psychologist and Water supply expert
- Syme, George Adlington (1859 - 1929), Surgeon
- Syme, James Robert (1928 - 2004), Radiologist
- Symington, David John (1935 - 2021), Science educator and Teacher
- Symon, David Eric (1920 - 2011), Botanist
- Symonds, Richard Gilbert (1810 - 1896), Surveyor
- Symons, Robert Henry (1934 - 2006), Biochemist
- Synthetic Coal Oil Products (c. 1926 - )
- Szekeres, George (1911 - 2005), Mathematician