
Stenzel, Martina


Polymer chemist


Martina Stenzel is a world-leading researcher in polymer chemistry who has invented and developed chemical techniques for the synthesis of new and complex polymer architectures and nanomaterials. She works particularly on biomaterials possessing therapeutic abilities, and has developed innovative and smart drug-delivery materials, particularly against cancer. In 2012 she became Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of New South Wales.


"Martina Stenzel is a world-leading researcher in polymer chemistry and its applications. She has invented and developed chemical techniques for the synthesis of new and complex polymer architectures and nanomaterials. Stenzel's research features both the fundamental chemistry and the applications of these new materials. With an emphasis on biomaterials possessing therapeutic abilities, Stenzel has demonstrated the efficacies of her innovative and smart drug-delivery materials, particularly against cancer." [from 21/12/2021]


Education - Masters degree in chemistry, University of Bayreuth
Education - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Institute of Applied Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Stuttgart, Germany
1999 - 2002
Career position - Postdoctoral Fellow, UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science and Technology, University of New South Wales
2002 - 2012
Career position - Lecturer in Chemical Engineering, Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD), University of New South Wales
2008 -
Career position - Editor, Australian journal of chemistry
Award - David Sangster Polymer Science and Technology Achievement Award, Polymer Division, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Award - Engineering Excellence Award for research, University of New South Wales
2009 - 2012
Award - ARC Future Fellowship
Award - Le Fevre Memorial Prize, Australian Academy of Science
2012 -
Career position - Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of New South Wales
Award - Polymer Division citation award, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
2013 -
Career position - Co-Director, Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design (CAMD), New South Wales
Award - Award for Excellence in Engineering and Information and Communications Technologies, New South Wales Science and Engineering Awards
Award - H.G. Smith Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
2017 - 2022
Career position - Scientia Professor, University of New South Wales
Award - Centenary Fellow, Royal Australian Chemical Institute
Award - Fellow, Australian Academy of Science (FAA)
Award - Archibald Liversidge Medal, Royal Society of New South Wales

Related Awards

Related Corporate Bodies

Published resources

Journal Articles

  • Anon, 'Liversidge Medal awarded to polymer chemist [Martina Stenzel]', Chemistry in Australia, 2019 (Nov/December) (2019), 27. Details


See also

  • '2017 RACI national award winners', Chemistry in Australia, 2018 (March) (2018), 30-5. Details

Helen Cohn

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This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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