Corporate Body

Soil Conservation Board (1940 - 1949)

State of Victoria

24 December 1940
Victoria, Australia
31 December 1949
Victoria, Australia
Advisory or Regulatory Body, Conservation or Environment and Earth Sciences
Reference No
VA 1056
Legal Status
Public Record Office Victoria, Registered Agency


The Soil Conservation Board was constituted following the passing of the Soil Conservation Act 1940 (No.4786). The Board consisted of seven members, a full-time Chairman, and six part time members, appointed for two year terms by the Governor in Council. Five members to be professional officers of the Departments of Agriculture, Crown Lands and Surveys, Water Supply, State Forests, and Mines and one member appointed to represent pastoral interests.

The general purposes of the Board under section 8 of the Act were:
(a) the prevention and mitigation of soil erosion;
(b) the promotion of soil conservation;
(c) the utilization of lands in such a manner as will tend towards the attainment of these objectives.

Its functions under the Act included surveys, investigations, experiments, demonstrations, publication of results, regarding soil erosion, soil conservation and soil reclamation. It also had a co-ordinating role over policies and activities of Government departments and authorities regarding the alienation, occupation and utilization of Crown Lands.

It had seven Regional Advisory Committees, known as the Upper Goulburn, Lower Goulburn, Hume Catchment, Glenelg, Pyrenees, East Wimmera, and Mallee Soil Conservation Regions.

During 1949, the Soil Conservation and Land Utilization Act 1949 (No. 5411) was passed. This Act amended the Land Utilization Act 1947 (No. 5226), and the two Acts together formed the Soil Conservation and Land Utilization Acts. This legislation provided for the replacement of the Soil Conservation Board by the Soil Conservation Authority.


 1940 - 1949 Soil Conservation Board
       1950 - 1987 Soil Conservation Authority

Related People

Published resources

Parliamentary papers

Resource Sections

  • 'VA 1056 Soil Conservation Authority (previously known as Soil Conservation Board 1940-1947; Land Conservation Authority 1947-1950) 1940-1987', in Public Record Office Victoria online catalogue, Public Record Office Victoria, 2002, Details

Ken McInnes

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"... the rengitj, as a visible mark or imprint on the land, is characterised as a place of origin, the repository of all names, as well as a kind of mapped visual expression of the connection between people and places which is to be carried out in the temporal sequence of the journey." Fanca Tamisari (1998) 'Body, Vision and Movement: In the footprints of the ancestors'. Oceania 68(4) p260