Corporate Body

Advisory Council of St Vincent's School of Medical Research (1952 - 1957)

St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne

27 November 1952
Fiztroy, Victoria, Australia
22 March 1957
Medical Research


On 27 November 1952, under the heading of the "John Holt Fund for Research" at a meeting convened by the Mother Rectress of St Vincent's Hopsital Melbourne, the decision was taken to establish the "St Vincent's School of Medical Research". It was also decided that the name of the governing body would be the "Advisory Council of St Vincent's School of Medical Research". The next meeting of the Advisory Council was on 4 February 1954 but it then met more regulary as it searched for a director. With the impending arrival of Pehr Edman as the inugural director, the Advisory Council met on 22 March 1957 to establish a new governing body that would comprise a Council and Executive that would be responsible for the St Vincent's School of Medical Research which started operations in 1958.


From the Minutes of the 1952 meeting:

"Mother Rectress to be the head of the Governing Body, which should consist of not more than six members, to be appointed annually;- The following names were suggested for the nucleus -

Sir Hugh Devine
Dr. J. G. Hayden
Dr. A. Brenan
Mr. M. Chamberlin
Mr. Eugene Gorman, Q.C.
One Vacancy. (Invitations to fill this for say six or twelve months could be extended by the Governini Body to some
important person.)

Mr E.W. R. Grace, Secretary."


5 February 1957
Operational event - Confirmation of the appointment of Dr Pehr Edman as the John Holt Director of Biochemical Research at the St Vincent's School of Medical Research

Related People

Archival resources

St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne, Archives and Heritage Centre

Published resources


  • Egan, Bryan, Ways of a Hospital: St Vincent's Melbourne 1890s-1990s (St Leonards: Allen & Unwin, 1993). Details

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Published by Swinburne University of Technology.
This Edition: 2025 February (Kooyang - Gariwerd calendar - late summer - season of eels)
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